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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 203 KB, 718x1076, genioplasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12370349 No.12370349 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss anything cosmetic surgery related ITT

>> No.12370353

She looked fine before

>> No.12370359

She really didn't though. Chin was recessed as fuck, she is a million times prettier after

>> No.12371057

Count me in the "she looked fine" camp

>> No.12371060


by fine you mean you live in whoville where cindy loo who is the town slut

regardless her kids are coming out chinless

>> No.12371788

Dis bitch nose is fake af.

>> No.12371809

this is depressing...she shouldnt have done that

>> No.12372037

...why not?

>> No.12372172
File: 1.33 MB, 1188x722, stupid nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna get my nose done, hate it for as long as I can remember. Any of you have some experience/advice? Will most likely get it done in South Korea

>> No.12372888

that is a pretty stupid nose

>> No.12373189

Reminder that this isn't a discussion about if cosmetic surgery is fine or wrong, so please stop being fucking faggots.

>> No.12373200
File: 68 KB, 994x520, C8jPTc4UQAEKYM7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cool when boys become girls

>> No.12373213

what did he do?

>> No.12373286

Surgery Tier List:

God Tier:
Lateral Canthopexy
Lefort 3

Top Tier:
Face Lift
Dental Implants

High Tier:
Forehead Reduction

Mid Tier:

>> No.12373335

she went from a 6 to a 9

>> No.12373362
File: 77 KB, 1280x688, nDhG6U5ZO_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for Lefort 3 on google images

>> No.12373383
File: 158 KB, 780x306, lefortIII-and-monoblock-apview-slide3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand what i'm looking at

>> No.12373386


I'd let him suck my dick, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12373404

she looks worse after

>> No.12373437

what a qt all the way through

the best before and after cosmetic surgeries i've seen are always from south korea. check out this spooky video:


>> No.12373457

facial feminization surgery
the full list of things done are usually the nose, forehead, lips, cheek implants, jaw, and adam's apple.

>> No.12373476

i want ffs but worried about getting fucked up results
that's probably a concern for most cosmetic surgery in general though

>> No.12373767

you can always ask to see some before/after pics from the surgeon, they took me pictures when I started a acne treatment and took again after it finished, they cover your eyes with a black line so they can use the pictures to the people who want to see them, same goes to facial surgery and other stuff

>> No.12373794

Am I the only dude that thinks weakish chins on girls is pretty qt? I really liked her before.

>> No.12373810

How much would it be to make my chin a little bigger? It's not that recessed but it's enough that it bothers me.

>> No.12374071

Sliding genio is a few thousand dollars

weak chins are ugly regardless of gender

>> No.12374078

23 and balding bad. considering transplant or PUE. has anybody done it on here. please don't tell me "just shave it and work out bro", I do shave it and I do work out, I am only considering this because I feel the shaved head is aesthetically limited. Since I am thin on top and balding in the front rather than the crown, I think I would benefit greatly from the transplant.

>> No.12375222

Does a Lefort 1 surgery always move the position of the teeth?

I have a correct bite but my maxilla is recessed. Is it possible to just move the maxilla up and forwards but keep the teeth in the same place?

>> No.12375322
File: 3.37 MB, 3024x2027, 20170406_161129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do or don't do electric bogoloo

>> No.12375325


>> No.12375333
File: 815 KB, 1440x1135, Screenshot_20170406-161036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shames real

>> No.12375587


I literally don't see a difference between the pictures, what am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.12375609


Basically it's a drooping nasal tip

>> No.12375624

people always say this, but i literally would never have noticed that had you not pointed it out.

even now the difference is so minimal. seems like a waste of money to me, but if it's something that'll make you more comfortable in your own skin then go for it i guess

>> No.12375700

great, they turned a frog into a shark

>> No.12375724
File: 10 KB, 499x499, 1490236968102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get nose job
>like it but overall it's a bit too subtle for me
>want another

i guess it's better than going too far in the first place, trying to revert something usually doesn't end well

>> No.12375725

people with such receding chins always look really tense in the mouth area. she looks much better now.

>> No.12376481

i would suggest you stick with doctors experienced working with caucasian faces, aka NOT korea

>> No.12376632

john belushi?

>> No.12376719
File: 98 KB, 640x833, IMG_2508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my face weird or fucked up, if so, how could I fix it?

>> No.12376737

You're too young to get a transplant. Most surgeons won't operate on you until you're 30+ and your hair loss has stabilized. Get on fin asap since most surgeons require you to have been on it at least for a year and you will need to continue using it after the transplant.

>> No.12376760

Nothing wrong, just lose a bit of weight.

>> No.12376800

i would suck your cock dry bro

>> No.12376909


>> No.12376915

He wants your femenine penis.

>> No.12376918

because im a huge faggot

>> No.12376945

So I am gay likeable?

>> No.12376956

man theres always someone who finds you attractive regardless of what you think of yourself

just because you dont have a gorillion bitches bowing at your cock doesn't mean there isn't one or two who want to but don't act on it

>> No.12377778

/fa/'s opinion on lipo like trisha paytas'????

>> No.12378560

hopefully they didn't paid money on that

>> No.12378570

is there anything wrong with getting your eyebags snipped?

what I mean is the procedure where they actually cut a slit under the eyes and REMOVE the fatty substance that's built up.

I imagine the biggest hang up is that it's an actual surgery, but what I don't want is those injections and fake lifts that people do.

>> No.12378575

I just had a maxillofacial surgery to bring my lower jaw further forward, my jaw is wired currently and I can't speak or eat proper food which is awful. I would post pictures but I am too swollen for anybody to discern anything meaningful from them.

>> No.12378578

Post before and after when you're healed and the swelling is stopped. Interested in sering the result

>> No.12379383

She looks way better though

>> No.12379615
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1944, 20170319_192248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that even remotely keeps me going is the drive to make money and get my face fixed, I'm so angry at the world in general because both my agents are attractive and my sister has literal 9/10 model teir looks, anyway here's my deformed ass profile.

I'm thinking I need a nose job, jaw surgery, and something to fix my droopy eyes

>> No.12379619

That was fucked, I can't imagine getting something that invasive done just for cosmetic reasons

>> No.12379672

Cope level over 9000.

>> No.12379674
File: 86 KB, 639x902, IMG_2831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face is fucked up f@m.

>> No.12379675

In reality it's not that bad. Barely any down time, swelling or numbness etc.

>> No.12379688

I like how pointed your nose is tbqh.

>> No.12379716

do you think anything would happen if you went out in full techwear?

>> No.12379737


>> No.12379767

Maybe the nose will look ok once I fix my jaw

>> No.12379807
File: 89 KB, 510x639, chin123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my fucked up an weak chin? I had braces and wear a retainer now, but it's didn't help much.

>> No.12379813

Damn you're pretty fucked.

>> No.12379829
File: 91 KB, 516x602, chin456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it can look fine from the front but the profile is just a car crash. How would a chin even look on me?

>> No.12379932

You could start by changing the autistic haircut

>> No.12379937

What is there to be done to the jaw?

>> No.12379938


>> No.12379955

you just have a weak hcin, the the same thing the girl in he OP picture did. Get a sliding genioplasty

>> No.12380006

Not sure, I think it's an incorrect angle, also it's very weak and round from the front

>> No.12380179
File: 157 KB, 700x328, posture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your posture isn't helping much here either. My chin's also fucked but it looks nowhere near as ugly with good posture as it does with bad. That said I prolly need surgery for mine anyway because I have TMJD and it causes really bad headaches..

>> No.12380186

Ideally you should get jaw surgery to fix your long face syndrome. Bimax with counterclockwise rotation is the right way to go.

>> No.12380189

Both of you need surgery. A genio isn't enough.

>> No.12380203

I'm looking into it, mostly for the TMJ though. It runs in the family and my cousin is getting her jaw extended and straightened this summer. Apparently she won't be able to do anything for 6 weeks because of the pain, so if she says it's worth it I'm gonna see if I can get it too. It really fucks you up in the long run, my mother has migraines almost daily because of it.

>> No.12380218

I've been using Minoxidil for the past 2-3 months and the effect is astounding. The hair is growing back and I'm not afraid to become a slave to the company selling the spray.

>> No.12380254

You need to get on fin if you want to keep your hair and don't want it to progress further. Min doesn't stop hair loss.

>> No.12380259

It's definitely worth it if you get it done right and by a good surgeon. The pain isn't that bad (wisdow teeth extractions were worse). Do your research tho.

>> No.12380270

I think you're thinking about a different type of surgery. The one I'd be getting is orthognathic surgery, which makes your face swell up for several months and is known to have a very painful aftermath.

>> No.12380271

Yeah I know
I'm still cautious about Fin because I'm afraid of side effects.
I do some vitamin masks for hair, and the hair loss difference before/after is significant.

>> No.12380291

dude, you're fine.. dont fuck up your face

droopy eyes are hot btw.

>> No.12380325
File: 68 KB, 726x500, Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all you need to do is to be tall and skinny and go to under the knife to become a model

>> No.12380330

Lol vitamins won't do shit. Fin has no side effects most of the time.

>> No.12380335

Yeah, I understood. I have had it, so I know what I'm talking about it.

>> No.12380352

>no side effects
huh? I remember seeing A LOT of articles (probably outdated but still) saying it causes erectyle disfunction.

as for the vitamins - it's a nice addition and people who suggested taking them had had some improvements.

>> No.12380359

Oh really? I guess people just love being dramatic then. I'll start looking into it sooner then, thanks!

>> No.12380837
File: 127 KB, 800x1200, 54ab9d5879212_-_elle-kate-moss-young-v-elv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just do not see the appeal of the Hadid sisters. Sure they're pretty, and tall, and thin but how are they two of the most bankable "supermodels" alive right now?

I swear I see girls that look just like them on the street every day. Same goes for Kendall Jenner, she's incredibly plain and normal looking. Nothing compared to someone like Kate Moss who has such an iconic face

>> No.12380845

models are just there to show off clothes, most of them dont look that special because...they arent. Very tall and very thin just makes clothes look better. a supermodel is just a model who somehow got lucky, became famous and makes more money

>> No.12380868


Bella is ugly as fuck. Gigi is actually attractive almost solely due to her blonde hair, blue eyes and soft skin.

>> No.12380873
File: 827 KB, 1042x932, Screenshot at Dec 04 03-50-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, but look at this hair transplant.


>> No.12380885


>I remember seeing A LOT of articles (probably outdated but still) saying it causes erectyle disfunction.

You act as if side effects are guaranteed.

And you realize that even in any credible study who claims htese side effects, they only happen to like 5% of the population. And even then, if you're in that 5%, they're not permanent 99% of the time.

I've been taking fin for 2 years now. No side effects. I felt weird at the beginning for the first few weeks although that was either a) the nocebo effect/all in my head, or b) just my body getting used to the drug. Regardless, I stopped for a couple days whenever I felt weird (small ball ache or small pain in pectoral area) but went back on it once it went away. After that 3 week period, had no issues since.

>> No.12380909
File: 82 KB, 1024x766, The chaddening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not ugly, you're just poor

>> No.12380923

I argue about this with my sister all the time, I think bella looks like a corpse, totally unappealing.

>> No.12380940
File: 61 KB, 1095x381, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my canthal tilt

>> No.12380953

I've gotten hypertrichosis on my cheekbones, but I shave often so that's not a problem.
Maybe I should go from 5% minox to 2% minox? What do you think?
And since I feel (((vulnerable))) to side-effects, I'm still unsure about me probably being that one from 5% of people who get those.
Thanks a lot for the replies, by the way.

>> No.12380963
File: 604 KB, 1137x538, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, unfortunately I feel like I will be swollen for a very long time but me currently on the right.

>> No.12380987

lmao what the fuck, you looked fine before, now you look like a 40 year old meth user even accounting for swelling

literally aged 20 years overnight

>> No.12380994

Omg that's literally just the swelling, I don't actually know what I will look like yet

>> No.12381005

Looks good.
What did they do? Just break your mandible in half and move one bit forward and attach a plate?

>> No.12381007

Did you have a BSSO? Your jaw doesn't even look recessed from those pictures, I would've guessed just a sliding genio alone would've done the job

Was your bite correct or did you have an overbite?

>> No.12381009

wtf you were so cute before

>> No.12381034
File: 320 KB, 524x480, Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 10.44.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I had a BSSO, but it was severe enough to warrant surgery. The picture on the Left was just a pic from my side, it wasn't really very noticeable unless I spoke - and I noticed it - although nobody I spoke to claimed that they did.


This is another pic from before, it sort of looks more recessed here.

>> No.12381079

good luck with healing, anon, and i hope your results turn out well

>> No.12381086

Thank you!

>> No.12381297

fashion is in a phase now where being 'relatable' and being able to command a social media presence is just as important as having a unique or aesthetic face

>> No.12382118


>> No.12382125

Well whatever congrats to her.

>> No.12382219

god tier is rhino. I could be a slp model with just a Rhino plasty.

>> No.12382221

get it done in LA it's way better dude.

>> No.12382463

what kind of voodo is this

>> No.12382522


>> No.12382535

90% of women in the entertainment industry have had plastic surgery specifically nosejobs to look more aryan or because they didn't follow the teaching of Dr. Mike Mew

>> No.12382537

That's because nowadays all the top models had their parents buy their careers and fame for them

>> No.12382559

damn socialists

>> No.12383311

lol fucking mouthbreathers

>> No.12383579
File: 487 KB, 816x790, Screen_shot_2013-02-02_at_10.27.09_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12383622
File: 588 KB, 668x760, 1448843110277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you are looking to become really good looking, then look into these surgeries:

>Lateral Canthopexy
This will make your eyes look more tight, and if your eyes droop down or sag any. This can fix some asymmetries and make everything high and nice. Do NOT get a "Canthoplasty" it's for old people only and if I recall, usually fail after a certain amount of time. Age is NOT an issue (I asked a board certified surgeon when I was 18.)

Rhinoplasty is pretty good. But not terribly important. Get somebody who specializes in it, rather than a general plastic surgeon who performs rhinoplasty and a hundred other surgeries. Not that they can't be good. Just to be safe.

Chin surgery. Really good if you've got a weak as fuck chin, or maybe even a really protruding chin. Can make a world of difference.

>Dental Implants
Nothing will fuck your shit up faster than ugly, disgusting teeth. If your teeth are irrevocably bad, then just go ahead and get implants. Otherwise, if you want normal teeth care advice: Just see a dentist twice a year for a routine cleaning, then floss and brush regularly.

There's other shit that's very important. You can get cheek bone augmentations, lefort surgery, orbital implants, etc.

The biggest thing is to learn to not give a fuck about your flaws (mostly, it's okay if you want to change some. Just don't become obsessed), NEVER point out your flaws, etc.

Having decent hair, nice teeth, clear skin, and a decent physique without being autismo as fuck is enough. Some people are absolutely bonkers. Lookism and sluthate is a good example. Not saying many of them are wrong, just that it greatly exaggerates how much the average person cares lol.

Also, if you have shit skin, just get accutane.

>> No.12383633
File: 50 KB, 567x758, 1461688907445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Korean Plastic Surgury
>Is White

If you want an Asian nose by all means but to complete that Asian looks you'll have to do something about those emerald eyes.

>> No.12383747

this is not surgery, this is Mewing

>> No.12384134
File: 30 KB, 553x239, IMG_0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would it cost to fill up that hairline in France?

>> No.12384273

Fuck I need whatever combo of surgeries this guy had

>> No.12384951

Kate Moss was such a qt.

The Hadid sisters are ugly af, especially Bella.

>> No.12385200

That lazy eye though

>> No.12385251

lol, what a waste of money
fucking degenerate Americans

>> No.12385253

just cut it off

>> No.12385410

Nose Surgery + Braces + Tan + Grooming Hair and Eyebrows + Puberty

E-Z as P-Z

>> No.12385630


More than it's worth. Especially when filling it won't stop the rest from receding.

You end up with a weird front patch.

>> No.12385647

what did this guy have done to his teeth? mine look exactly the same as the before shots, all short and stubby. Did he get some of his gum taken off?

>> No.12385692

What did you get done, and what don't you like about it?

>> No.12385702

Nose looks fine to me. If you shave your beard along your jawline it will define it more. Your eyes don't look bad, maybe practice opening them a little. I had pretty droopy eyes when I was younger, so I just tried to look up/ open more.

>> No.12386761

>Lefort 3


>> No.12386955

My hairline is not receding tho, always had that M shape, and i don't know anybody in my family that is bald(ing), so yea idc

My hairline is my biggest flaw imo and i can't bear it, I would have liked to get a hair transplant this year ( either in France or in Belgium )
It honestly makes me hate my face

>> No.12387820

Shit is scary invasive tho, not sure I would have the balls for this. To be fair tho all jaw surgery is fucking scary looking

>> No.12387842

>get a haircut
>lose loads of weight (have an apple for breakfast and then something small for dinner and drink loads of water)
You're fixed now

>> No.12389555

i have an underbite we should have kids so they would have a normal chin

>> No.12390606

you look like jimmy page and have a beautiful nose
nothing wrong mate

>> No.12390614

>it sort of almost looks bad here
you wasted you money

>> No.12390618
File: 81 KB, 750x607, IMG_4439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bullies and parents that think this is ok

>> No.12390627

fuck parents that have elf freak ears and think its okay to have kids

>> No.12392110

>supporting eugenics


>> No.12392792

eugenics is how you dont get autists like you

>> No.12392796

>not supporting eugenics
>not supporting radical global depopulation

>> No.12393138

dude they are just ears.

>> No.12393192

>tfw people still probably grab him by his ears

>> No.12393195

>not understanding the consequences of limiting the gene pool to a certain set of traits

>> No.12393268

it would be extremely functional

>> No.12393477


>> No.12393482

I'm getting gyno surgery in 3 weeks! I'm so happy I could cry.

>> No.12394907

Good shit lad

>> No.12395192

Buddy literally all you need to do is shave the neckbeard and fix your posture and you'll look 100x better.
Agreed that the nose is good. At a general level, I feel like guys can have more leeway in nose shapes. Save for particularly bad cases, non-"standard" nose shapes can give a more rugged vibe. Like >>12375333 really didn't need to fix that tip but oh well.

Slightly related I had to go through ~2 rhinoplasties to get a non-deformed nose (one was to remove a mass that was growing under my bone from a spur which I guess is super rare, the other was to fix what the first guy royally fucked up (he didn't even straighten my septum/properly position the bone and managed to give me a sizable perforation. I also had stray scar tissue everywhere, even in places he wasn't supposed to touch but apparently he did. My scalp still feels weird from where they took the donor cartilage)) which I guess were also medically necessary but cosmetically have been life changing. I've had issues with my nose my whole life (the growing mass that no one could diagnose left me with a sizeable hump: it looked like I had two noses cut and pasted together) and actually feeling like I have a normal, girly nose has made me not obsess as much over my looks. It's a game changer.

Still wish my eyes were more even but there's not really surgery for that. I'll happily take my one miracle that is my current nose, though.

>> No.12395472


>thinking such shit is genetic

>> No.12395475


Seems like someone didn't read viriculture.com

>> No.12395725
File: 49 KB, 720x408, wanderlei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting your jaw forward like this just makes your fat lower lip stand out more, you'll just look like that ape

>> No.12395729

canthal tilt should only be neutral, positive looks like down syndrome, negative just looks dumb

>> No.12395732

u can get a jaw surgery or an implant. I got a double jaw surgery, that hurt

>> No.12395735

I had a lefort and yes your bite will not be correct after, mine was before the surgery. But I'm wearing braces so I was able to "re fix" the bite after it was fucked up after lefort

>> No.12395741

Good post anon. Some solid advice. Lookism and SH made me really depressed. But the truth is 99% of people dont have perfectly forward grown faces. I only recently noticed that the qt girl from work has nasolabial folds and slightly recessed maxilla. Same goes for another girl from my college. Both are still really hot regardless though.

>> No.12395861
File: 45 KB, 482x300, ss+(2017-04-14+at+02.39.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google images on rhinoplasty
well its a start

>> No.12395867

Why would anyone ever want an octoplasty? Dumbo ears are effay as fuck, and thumb heads are not. Jealous earlet here

>> No.12395887

theres nothing wrong with you except a little chub. lose some weight, get the neckbeard away, get a nice haircut and youre good senpai. youll save money in the process too

>> No.12395906

man, i'm so scared of getting a rhinoplasty.
I have a pretty weirdly shaped nose so it's gonna be easy to fuck up, as opposed to just having a bumpy nose or something. what if they make it worse ;_;

>> No.12395915

Lmao they sacrificed his elf immortality for some normie ears

>> No.12395918

Eugenics is fine in and of itself, wtf. The problem is when you force it.

>> No.12395993
File: 92 KB, 908x714, 1449834024720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be obese slob
>causes health issues
>finally lose 100 pounds and get to a healthy weight
>Mfw still have a gut because of loose skin which makes wearing really well-fitting clothes impossible

It hurts, guys. Surgery might help, but is it worth it? My gut and thighs are fucking awful.

>> No.12396071

So how long did the braces take since your teeth were mostly fine? and did the lefort 1 make a big difference to your midface?

>> No.12396157

Better even.

>> No.12396179

get some surgery to remove the extra skin

>> No.12396214

try finishing puberty first

>> No.12396310

I've had the braces in a couple of years attempting to fix it without a lefort, got to an acceptable spot, now im pretty satisfied after the lefort. Still have to wear braces for 6 months after the lefort for it to stabilize.

>> No.12396423
File: 1.93 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you have a bitch face and a dirty door frame

>> No.12396438

you are a retarded cuck

>> No.12396566

So your lefort was purely cosmetic? Since your bite was correct? How much did it cost? I'm looking to get a LF1 for recessed maxilla but been told by orthos I dont need braces. If I do get the LF braces and surgery together will be very costly I think (in the UK)

>> No.12396567

there's nothing wrong with your face mate

>> No.12396910


>> No.12396925

i used to watch kuledud back in 2014 or something
i didnt know this dude turned into a fucking woman
i did know he was into mlp trash

>> No.12396932

You mean you would let a male suck your benis (homo).

>> No.12396961


You're good mate. Fix the skin issue. Do something with your hair. Fin.

>> No.12398050

he's not good, his jaw/chin is fucked...

>> No.12398056

definitely not

it doesn't even necessarily look better. not only couldn't i notice it, i don't even think it looks bad to begin with

>> No.12398087


it looked chill before god dammit. i imagine if that's actually swelling then you'll end up looking a bit like ron livingston

>> No.12398453
File: 40 KB, 415x328, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing that even remotely keeps me going is the drive to make money and get my face fixed
I know that feel anon

I have something like this in mind, shit looks pretty spooky tho
pic related - I have my teeth together but it looks as if my jaw was hanging down, I don't think my lower jawbone is too short, it's just the angle right?

>> No.12399364

What's a good place to talk about body surgery? I hate how everything popular is just like fat grafting and implants, no real bone work.

>> No.12399578

>The only thing that even remotely keeps me going is the drive to make money and get my face fixed

welcome to my world. i work so i can have money to break the front of my entire fucking skull into pieces and make my face better

>> No.12399959

Just had pretty intensive nose surgery. I had a badly deviated septum. So I ended up having done Septoplasty, Rhinoplasty, and turbinate reduction. It was rough and a terrible recovery, but extremely worth it to breathe. The fact my nose isn't crooked anymore is a plus.

Ask me anything.

>> No.12400058

How long ago is "just"
were you able to breathe through your nose during recovery at all

>> No.12400070

I started mewing to avoid having to do this and now i have a doublechin. Dont mew, it undos the tautness of the skin and lets it sag

>> No.12400074

I had my surgery on March 17th, on March 27th, I had my packaging removed, and only now am I starting to feel fully better.

Until you have your packaging removed, you won't be able to breathe at all pretty much. When I first woke up from surgery, I felt like I was suffocating. My surgeon used a gel type packaging which if you're lucky, some might fall out and you'll breathe the tiniest bit. But from my experience, don't count on really breathing through your nose until your post op appointment.

Also, it causes terrible mouth dryness due to mouth breathing all the time.

>> No.12400078

but how will I perfect my cat impressions

that sounds horrifying, but I mean if you couldn't breathe before it sounds very worth it.
10 days recovery isn't THAT long in the grand scheme of things either, glad it went well for you

>> No.12400089

That's not even the worst of it honestly. I just now entered the scabbing stage with is very painful and uncomfortable. Until a couple days ago, I was still bleeding a good bit.

Thanks, anon!

>> No.12400177

how much do you pay for coke per g

>> No.12400208

None, because it was congenital.

>> No.12400218

gigi is a qt but i don't know why bella has a career

isn't she a dyed blonde?

>> No.12400229
File: 322 KB, 505x339, big ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't think...

>> No.12400261

baka man people these days giving coke to babies

>> No.12400286
File: 112 KB, 1131x860, profiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brow ridge reduction is usually only done as part of of facial feminization surgery, but I'm seriously considering it. I have an unusually prominent brow ridge that developed during puberty, and has bothered me ever since. I feel like it really drags down my overall looks, and makes me look angry to people.

Other than that, my nose needs some work. Profile is fine, but there's some significant septum deviation which makes my nostrils noticeably different sizes. Possibly a little tip refinement as well.

>> No.12400302

your nose does not need any work, it is glorious. that brow ridge is a bit nuts though i agree. that's the only thing that will make a difference

>> No.12400310
File: 758 KB, 1000x1498, tumblr_ni2ryzmptf1qcygw9o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but as I said, it's not the profile of my nose that's the issue. From the front there's noticeable asymmetry in the nostrils. I don't have a good pic, but imagine something like pic related (Frida Gustavsson).

Both the nostrils and the brow ridge have been pointed out/made fun of by other people in the past, so these aren't just things I'm blowing out of proportion.

>> No.12400381

Glad you're doing well now, and I think you're right about my nose, I overestimate how much of a problem it is.
Yea my face is long as fuck and really narrow, not sure if it's fixable, talk to a specialist about it that's what I'm doing, have a consultation next week

>> No.12400403

i think it makes an overall difference but not something consciously noticeable.

>> No.12400849

be sure to keep us posted

>> No.12401742

you're looking at a daniel clowes drawing

>> No.12401855
File: 434 KB, 1040x499, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody is interested this me after a week and a bit

>> No.12401911
File: 111 KB, 528x960, 15073325_10211759607691872_7360698049420670832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey chris nice face.

>> No.12401922

Is liposuction of the thighs the kinda thing that can end up fucked up, like lumpy or something? Is surgeon choice really important for that? I'm looking for a surgeon in NYC and not sure how to choose.

>> No.12401966

did you have upper jaw surgery as well or just lower jaw surgery?

>> No.12401970

this makes me feel sad

>> No.12402004

Hahahaha hey Jeff!

I didn't know u browse /fa/


>> No.12402009

Just lower.

Also I'm in the UK so it's free, I just had to wait for a year for anything to happen!

>> No.12402055

hows your surgery doin

>> No.12402077

I had it a week ago and I was swollen, and then tomorrow I get the wires removed and can speak again!

>> No.12402094

ha, thats good man. very effay of you

>> No.12402161


How bad was the pain? Did they give you pain meds? Put up pics

>> No.12402186

Fix your posture and you'll look good, it's free

>> No.12402203
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1944, 20170417_014501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting chinplants alto i do have front teeth that arent allined so i cant place my teeth perfectly on one another all the way im also pretty fat but im in the proces of losing weight.

>> No.12402209

you are not a good candidate for a chin implant

first off your bite is not correct, like you said

second, your lower lip is behind your upper lip. if you dont want to go through jaw surgery and braces, then get a sliding genioplasty, which will bring your chin forward and your lower lip as well. no decent plastic surgeon will offer a chin implant for you, and if anyone does they're full of shit and just looking to make some money off you.

>> No.12402233

ye sliding genioplasty is what i meant. Im gonna get braces first tho and ill see how it is then

>> No.12402260

if you're getting braces just go all out and get double jaw surgery

>> No.12403021

Aren't you people afraid of the numbness?

>> No.12403248

Not really. I'd rather some numbness in my face than looking deformed

>> No.12403299
File: 1.13 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely recessed maxilla because my jew orthodontist made me wear headgear for a year

want to get bimaxillary osteotomy but I'd have to wear a mask that goes through my face for a few months

>> No.12403326
File: 5 KB, 205x246, image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kissless virgin because of deformed face
>tfw you will probably nevrer get to kiss a girl before losing sensation in your lips

>> No.12403471

lol hi mihail

>> No.12403551
File: 60 KB, 640x720, IMG_4016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I look from the side. Do I have anything weird that requires surgery?

>> No.12403564


No, you look like every other little boy shitskin.

>> No.12403577


>> No.12403589

Wow I wish I had friends

>> No.12403852

> I'd have to wear a mask that goes through my face for a few months

wtf? why? plenty of people have gotten double jaw surgery without needing a face mask afterwards

>> No.12403968

No. Also your hair is cute.

>> No.12403998

jesus why wouldn't they take more off

>> No.12404121

Probably because she wanted it that way.

>> No.12404241

God damn she looks like the wicked witch of the west, she looks like anti-semitic propaganda in walking form. GG on the surgery.

>> No.12404344
File: 2.48 MB, 2560x1920, P70417-215341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fix my shit fucking nose

>> No.12404529
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1800, 07490114abe2052fa800af444b42e076[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the deal with nasolabial folds and how do you treat them?

I'm currently talking with a maxillofacial surgeon who says

>nasolabial folds are the resultant of the position relationship between the maxilla, zygoma, orbitals and other facial bones. The mandible has a very small role in this relationship.

Mine are similar to Boyd Holbrook's except maybe even worse. Also I have a shittier jawline/chin so my nasos are more obvious.

>> No.12404808

I've been wondering this for awhile too. From what I understand fillers are probably my best bet, but I'm worried that would make my face look bloated. Stuff about nasolabial folds always seems to be focused toward old people, so I haven't had luck figuring it out yet.

>> No.12405275

i need a genio

>> No.12405593

Dude you look fine.

>> No.12405656

Thanks f@m

>> No.12406309

Anyone here gotten double jaw surgery?

>> No.12407505


>> No.12407520

Just got lipofilling for my forehead :) couldn't be happier, my surgeon was very good. Do it guys.

>> No.12407529

Do this >>12407520
I had your same defect (a bit less aggressive but still) and brown ridge reduction can be quite messy. For example I didn't have enough bone to actually cut off. So I did lipofilling Thursday and today I think it looks great. I may have to put in some more fat this summer but then it will be permanent. I'm very happy with the result, try asking your surgeon.

>> No.12407539

>What is the deal with nasolabial folds and how do you treat them?
Genetics and age, and I guess you don't treat them, you slow them down.

>> No.12407545

is gyno surgery free in the uk?
someone please answer

>> No.12407551

It's not.
U r fucked piggy.

>> No.12407553

Oink oink

>> No.12407558

Just take your E111 and do it in some other country
Oh wait :^)

>> No.12408480
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1480533298806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what the natural alternative is for plastic surgery?


If you are flawed, get yourself a partner that is good in the things you're fucked up so you improve in your next iteration. If you're so fucked up you can't get yourself to find a partner, it's probably better if you don't reproduce anyway.

>> No.12408557

besides weight loss, what am I supposed to be seeing here?

>> No.12409022

Just her nose I think. Maybe something for her eyes.

>> No.12409925

Has anyone here had/knows someone that's had a Lefort 2? Its supposed to pretty much improve your entire midface

>> No.12410017

Your nose is great, don't change anything about it. The only thing you should consider at all is a nonaggressive jaw surgery like a chin implant or a neck lift. But before doing that PLEASE try the following:
- Shave beard around jawline and get a haircut with volume on top and narrow sides like pic related. NOT A HY. The volume should stop right above your ears. You will be amazed how much a haircut can change the way your jaw looks.
- Consider plucking your eyebrows so they're a little straighter and don't reach out so far onto the sides of your face. This will make your face look more squared off overall.
- Consider invisalign or adult braces because they will change your jaw shape massively. You can actually go to an orthodontist who specializes in realignment for jaw shape issues.

I work as an accountant for a company in NYC that has contracts with a couple talent/modeling agencies including Wilhemina. I've talked to people in their "development" arms a couple times at events and they actually have a whole process that they go through which includes all of these things among some other stuff.

>> No.12410039

Rhinoplasty, severe but well-done jaw shave, Juvederm, fillers. Don't know about her eyes, would have to see a clearer before picture

>> No.12410272

Thanks for the tips man, very helpful. The jaw surgery is actually just a backup incase invisaligns don't solve my lower third issues, I am in fact getting them in a couple months when I can scrounge some cash together. I'm super resentful of my mother for never sorting out my bite/teeth as an adolescent.

I find medium length hair to be the best suit for my face because of how long and narrow it is, I really need volume on the sides otherwise my face looks even longer.

How is it working in accountancy, I chose not to take any accounting papers in favour of economics and finance but I'm not entirely sure that was the right call.

>> No.12410277

Also can you post the pic so I know what you meant?

>> No.12410844

>incase invisaligns don't solve my lower third issues
It won't. Braces only move your teeth.

>> No.12411039

A lot of it is to do with the shape of my smile and the way my lips sit, so we'll see but you may well be right

>> No.12411323

Most face deformities are caused by posture, mouthbreathing and softmess of your food

>> No.12412005

i got a similar nose job like her last february. got my bump removed and now i have a straight, manly nose that doesn't draw attention to it.

>> No.12412141
File: 110 KB, 750x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when boys

>> No.12412762
File: 80 KB, 590x410, facial-fat-graft-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facial fat grafting results are fucking unreal

approx 30-70% of the fat transferred is reabsorbed into the skin and remains permanently. looks so natural too, unlike implants, and is practically risk free. quite expensive though I think

>> No.12412765
File: 25 KB, 400x300, male2b_ae916[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12412773

She looks better on the left which I am assuming is the before

>> No.12412786

how did you get it for free? uk fag asking here

>> No.12412792

this one just looks uncanny

>> No.12412802

why is he staring at me like that

>> No.12413276

I didnt get it for free

>> No.12413618


The difference between the last 2 rows is the positioning of the maxilla. Important to know.

>> No.12413776

Do have autism?

>> No.12414070

Although I'm fairly certain that the mentioning of OCD, and in particular BDD, is common among this board, and is usually treated with disdain or indifference, I must say that I do believe many of you to suffer from it. I've been examined in multiple by numerous doctors/psychiatrists and am considered a "victim" of BDD. I mention this because my former convictions reflect that of the majority of posters here. Please make sure what you wish to attain in surgery is in fact plausible; the mind more often than not loses itself to fantasy and in subsequent, reality becomes falsified. Many of the pictures posted thus far require little to no surgery. I would only honestly suggest one of the many mentioned hitherto, and that is in my own opinion, and by that of experience, nose surgery; that is, only if you're of intense conviction and have done your research.
I, on top of my BDD, have broken my nose horizontally and had surgery to place it back. I'm extremely happy with the results and often get complimented on having a nice nose. It's straighter than it was prior to my breaking it, and looks pleasing from the side. However, my surgery was of necessity; having been unable to breath through my right nostril due to its position post-brake, I was required to have it placed correctly again. It was only on top of this practical necessity that I acquired an aesthetic gain. Keep all this in mind and please don't ruin your life!

>> No.12414432
File: 146 KB, 722x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think i need something for my jaw

>> No.12414457

Free?! Why didn't you start with that you dumb autist that makes a world of difference

>> No.12414570

How's your maxilla? Can you see your gums when you smile