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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 700x269, Untitled-2-700x269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12360117 No.12360117 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hello, I was wondering if this ran a little large"
>"yo, man I tells you what, im be real with you. Its a little big fo sho."
>"okay... well I am still interested, just need to think on it."
>replies asking for a bunch of personal information
>Don't reply to him
>keeps sending me messages

Why are grailed users so fucking unprofessional and retarded? You can't act this retarded when trying to exchange thousands of dollars worth of shit.

>> No.12360140 [DELETED] 

Because it's full of niggers. Do you really need to ask?

>> No.12360144
File: 47 KB, 325x275, mad pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently started selling stuff on Grailed and I started to notice everyone on there is fucking retarded. Whether it be a dumbass sending an offer for me to accept then he just doesn't buy the item or they ask some dumb fucking questions for no reason and top it off with "ey man wanna do paypal invoice"

>> No.12360160

>list something
>turn off "offers"
>"oh boy, a new message"

Not even any "hello" or question mark or anything. I too am convinced Grailed is just 17 year old niggers and mexicans. Oh, also I have been paid with stolen/fraud'ed credit cards like 8 times on there already too. So tired of having to fight paypal cases. Fuck Grailed.

>> No.12360168

>Bought a pair of shoes on Tuesday.
>Says on the page he'll ship them within 2 days
>Get a message on Friday saying he's going to ship them out
>Another message on Sunday "Okay they're shipped"
>No tracking number

>> No.12360172

If the clothes you sell attract idiots maybe it's a sign to change your style? Wear stuff only patricians would be interested in.

>> No.12360175

This is true tho. If you're selling Balmain and Margiela then expect some truly stupid people to msg you.

>> No.12360176


im buying fucking yohji and issey breh

>> No.12360187

I've only had one issue with grailed after buying 12 things, and it was really my own fault. Bought fake ricks (he had pics of a real pair), won the paypal case, kept his shoes

It's prob cause I don't sell anything, but grailed has been pretty chill to buy from

No tracking number isn't a problem for me

And also I'm the guy that lowballs people and then doesn't buy when/if they accept; I just wanna know I could buy it for that low lol

>> No.12360214

First time on Grailed
>Trying to find a pair of Chuck II's
>Find a fucking good deal
>Ask the dude how long he has had them
>No reply
>Check 3 days later
>Listing has been removed

If it werent for this other dude who shipped a pair of boots like 20 mins after I paid I probably would have quit out of being butthurt.

>> No.12360247

This is what you get for dealing in hype beast goods. You fuccbois deserve it.

>> No.12360252

>When people intentionally hide signs of wear in their photos

>> No.12360258

Recently made my first purchase on grailed. It was for an Acne Studios sweater.

>See sweater I've been wanting for ages at a really good price.
>Pictures of tags, etc. Legit.
>Send offer for the price the guy was asking
>Offer accepted like an hour later.
>"Hey thanks for buying I'll ship it out later tonight or tomorrow"
>Later that evening, get message "Hey I shipped it out earlier, heres your tracking number: XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
>Item arrives at my doorstep literally 3 days later.
>In perfect condition, just as described. Im very happy.

I guess I got really lucky lol

>> No.12360262

Shut the fuck up faggot they are like $50 max. Why are you looking for chucks on grailed in the first place

To the rest of you idiots with the most minor of problems - stop being a little bitch and you're here to buy clothes not fucking make friends

>> No.12360270

what sweater?

>> No.12360274

You complain because he sent it one or two days to late?

>> No.12360281

Im saying, why try to guarantee a delivery time when you really wont. Its not really an inconvenience for me, just try to be a little professional

>> No.12360297

Open dispute in PayPal, say not as described, ask for 20%-40% price returned, add photos, fuccboi seller either has to return or refund you that amount.

>> No.12360301

>you first

>> No.12360327


>> No.12360491
File: 802 KB, 2400x1600, 8WpVmsxoQXW2PcF0E2Fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12360504

>sell jeans on grailed
>guy backs out 1 hour after buying
>2 month battle with paypal to refund him because of grailed's cut

>relist same pair of jeans
>guy asks for a fit picture after sending an offer
>send him a picture
>he says 'nvm sry'

>get offer on those jeans
>counter offer
>he counters
>accept his counter
>"shipping to the US included right?"
>backs out and doesnt reply

>list final home jacket
>get offer a few days after for 2/3 of my asking price
>follows up with 'if you hold it i can get some more money
>ok sure
>no reply
>hey man do you still want this jacket
>no reply

>> No.12360507

Because I was trying to find a good deal amd was looking everywhere and everywhere else was like $75. Plus if Im buying clothes I'd like to not get a stick up my ass in the process, which I can see you clearly dont mind with how this salty post is.

>> No.12360611 [DELETED] 

>>12360491>>12360504>>12360301>>12360327>>12360281>>12360274>>12360270>>12360262>>12360258>>12360252>>12360247>>12360214>>12360187>>12360176 >>12360175>>12360172>>12360168>>12360160 >>12360144
if you want a professional seller
I have stuff to get rid of so I will shill here

>> No.12360721
File: 112 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics related. Keep in mind this took place over about a week and a half. And then I never got them. Had to charge back and he never responded and it took a week. Finally have my money and no shoes.


>> No.12360724
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>> No.12360726
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>> No.12360729
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>> No.12360734
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And then he deleted his grailed account and I couldn't message him. He had like 20 rep too which makes no sense. Did I make this dude have a meltdown?


>> No.12360737

can u do 50% asking shipping to bungaloo australia tracked overnight air mail dropped to my front door from a helicopter????

hey bro my money is transferring... what i reall mean is my mummy gives me allowance in a few days

fit pic????????

hey man i was wondering if this yohji item fits big?? can i get measurements i heard he makes his pants big

hey im 4'2" and 300 lbs how tall are you and how much do u weigh? will this size M fit me?

hey on close inspection with my microscope i found a small snag in the fabric in the seam of thea rmpit... i want fullr efund and no im not sending the item bac

>> No.12360740

kill yourself

>> No.12360754

If he really was going through some shit then your behavior was fine. I dont see how asking for a product you paid for is that much of an "effort".

>> No.12360763

Yeah in retrospect I should have been way more upfront about it. I'm still fucking salty I didn't get my shoes :'(

>> No.12360775

On second thought, this whole thing looks sketchy.
>20 rep

>"You should be looking at my other items because i am posting many more items daily and there are going VERY QUICKLY
>"This is my first time doing this"
>Deletes accout

I could over speculating but unless it said there were from some other country or if theyre grammar is shit then might have been some Pajeet trying to scam you. Of course this is unlikely.

>> No.12360779

It seems like a pretty shitty way to scam. I got my money back and shit. Maybe next time Pajeet.

>> No.12360807

>Niggers and Mexicans

Statistically, YES!

>> No.12361015

Came to say this.

>> No.12361041

what a load of junk

>> No.12361230

>pay for item on paypal
>i don't have money for shipping

>> No.12361280


does anyone else feel very tempted to send a lowball offer after reading that?

>> No.12361290
File: 450 KB, 231x251, holdingbacklaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt realize how much effort this would be, last time selling things..

>> No.12361423


I do every time

>> No.12361427

grailed has failed. back to ebay I guess.

>> No.12361468

i would rather use ebay but i generally see things i want much more often on grailed

>> No.12361473

Only poor people use grailed

What the fuck are you guys expecting? What a shock, people who work at McDonald's and have to scrape and save for a pair of cheap $300 sneakers they put in shoe trees are retards, what an unexpected revelation

>> No.12361491
File: 997 KB, 1694x3765, fraudster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently one buyer abused the paypal "item not as described dispute" to get a free refund of items out of buyer's remorse or what not.

>never left negative feedback on grailed
>just files a dispute a FULL WEEK after receiving the item (according to the shipment tracking)
>paypal sides with him

at least he didn't really stain the shoes in order to get his refund.
I've reported him on grailed with all evidence I could muster. I wonder if that's enough to ban him for fraudulent behaviour.

>> No.12361495

lol holy fuck

>> No.12361498

yeah. I'm wondering if I should just announce his user name in order to help prevent that from happening to other folks.

>> No.12361540


please do

>> No.12361556
File: 194 KB, 1694x1544, tmp_27207-Picture03631344730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.
Grailed is taking their sweet time answering my ticket, they haven't even reactivated the listing, so I get to keep the followers.

>> No.12361567

im not trying to be a dick, but im not sure i understand. he bought the shoes off you and then wanted to return them for a refund because he claims there were red ink stains on them? That doesnt seem unreasonable. it would seem like in order for them to decide in his favor he would have to provide photographic evidence of the stains, etc. Im just suprised they would side with him if he was just lieing.

>> No.12361570

why the fuck do people buy used designer stuff..... if you can't afford the real thing, then stop wasting your money

>> No.12361616

>why the fuck do people buy used designer stuff

why the fuck would I spend $2000 on something new when I could get the same thing worn by someone else a few times but half the price? You are trolling if you don't see why. And the most important thing is grailed has some stuff you can only get their, you can't find everything you want new

>> No.12361624


John Cena? Who knew

>> No.12361627

Yeah this place is full of retards for sure, also their commision is beyond reasonable jewery, I just switched back to ebay.

>> No.12361659

For real. I gave you the address go to the fucking post office throw the shoes and a $20 at the attendant and you're done wtf.

>> No.12361846

Apparently PayPal just needs an expertise, they do not take actual photo proof. As long as the buyer brings along some official looking document, e.g. Something with the letterhead of a cobbler or shoe shop, they'll side with the buyer and even ignore the fact that the shoes came back all clean and pristine.

>> No.12361864

>FULL REFUND IN ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha what the fuck is his problem. is that his outraged customer act?

>> No.12361883

Not very credible, as he never bothered to give negative feedback - the first thing a legit raging buyer would do.
The transaction defaulted to 5/5 rating.

>> No.12362234

I do cause fuck em

>> No.12362352
File: 179 KB, 960x927, 1485849006380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn I hate grailed userbase

>> No.12362358

yea this happened to me essentially
>Looking for new pairs of killshots
>find pair in my size for 110
>ask seller where they're coming from
>responds 2 hours later
>says if I'm in NY I'll get them thursday or friday
>buy them
>says he can ship them out tuesday
>ships them out monday
>they come thursday

>> No.12362368

>buyer sends offer, saying paypal ready
>accept offer
>never reply
Fucking classic, gets me every time grailed.

I don't understand why they don't implement binding offers

>> No.12362475

>lists something for an absurdly bloated prices


>> No.12362502

wtf did you get your shoes back?

>> No.12362511
File: 270 KB, 1100x1467, DSCF8724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is this sweater worth $80?

>> No.12362526


>Didn't realize how much effort this would be

Is this guy retarded? All you do is list your item, sell it, put the shit in a box and bubble wrap, and then ship it through Fedex or USPS.

WHY is it that hard for them to do a simple thing?

>> No.12362541

Made in Portugal
Good Screenprint quality
and overall quality also new

>> No.12362582

its not

>> No.12362601

because most of them are teenagers using their parents money

>> No.12362604

maybe they were too busy to send them because of some other ~professional~ commitment like a job

>> No.12362608
File: 273 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170331-222321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when professional courtesy breaks down

Fucking leafs

>> No.12362622
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>ship it through Fedex or USPS.

Fuck the post office

>> No.12362633

margiela is goat tho

>> No.12362638
File: 67 KB, 960x960, 12289493_948307941873501_2174403819277846882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing balmain

>> No.12362682

who gives a shit? i like that its sort of unprofessional tbqh.

>> No.12362750


why fucboi?

>> No.12362760
File: 324 KB, 1600x2370, S7H1017T010_150_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not wearing balmain

>> No.12362961

Yes, last pic is the shoes he sent back, in the exact same condition as shown in the listing (plus the wear he added)

>> No.12363664

Does it make sense to go whine on the grailed reddit about these kinda things?

>> No.12363672 [DELETED] 


Don't bother, you'll find more stuff and more professional people on Etsy. Hell even the engrish replies on Aliexpress are more respectful.

>> No.12363739
File: 69 KB, 576x768, curlgurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Norway
>Can't use Grailed or Ebay due to enormous amounts of tax

>> No.12363804


The stupidest potential buyers I had to deal with was when I was selling a pair of hype sneakers I got as a xmas present which didn't fit.

>back and forth for 2-3 days
>finally we settle a fair price
>"oh wait i didnt realize its in USD"

I didnt mind desu and the buyer was chill but its pretty amusing not to realize that after a few days. This was better compared to the daily lowballs (<50% asking price) i kept getting.

On the flipside meetups for "artisanal" brands was always interesting. Dude in full prep (ocbd, tan chinos, clarks db) copping devoa anatomical pants was most memorable by how awkward that meetup was.

>> No.12364270

Fuck off 'preme boy. Any fucking idiot knows that keeping a good rapport should be top priority when you're selling shit

>> No.12364292

last purchased I made on Grailed was by far the worst.

>buy a 'like new' sweater for around $100
>guy says he'll ship it the next day
>don't hear anything for over a week
>"Hey did you get a chance to send this yet?"
>"Oh shit sorry I was busy with school I'll send it out tomorrow."
>not really a big deal, don't need it urgently
>two weeks later it arrives, the postage showing it was shipped two days beforehand
>there's a huge grease stain on the arm and tear through the cuff that'd be a huge pain in the ass to fix because it's patterned
>ask him about return
>doesn't respond
>wait awhile and open a paypal claim
>doesn't respond
>get a refund
>I don't have to send it back but I give him the benefit of the doubt that something might have actually held him up so I mail it
>three weeks later get a call from a woman in California saying a package for this guy showed up her house
>he somehow gave me the wrong fucking return address in the first place

baffling transaction desu

>> No.12364302

>I don't understand why they don't implement binding offers
yeah that is bizarre. I don't think I've ever encountered another online marketplace where you can just back out of offers without repercussion.

>> No.12364344

i don't know what you guys are responding to in your heads. it's not like anyone suggested that you can't have a legit purchase on grailed. we use the site as much as anyone

it's the bad deals that are more interesting though. and if you're actually a seller then that's where issues begin

>> No.12364365

>34 waist
>thinks he can wear balmain

>> No.12364390 [DELETED] 

bought a shoe on grailed. the guy sent me a video packaging the video and droping it in the post office. 10/10

>> No.12364413

is there any place besides grailed t o buy good designer shit?

>> No.12364450

He wanted to stunt and then realized he needed the 250 lool

>> No.12364523

Wow what a faggot.

>> No.12364879

>Nobody ships to your country
>Even if someone ships it lasts for WEEKS
>Enormous amounts of tax
>Adidas and Nike are most fashionable stores in whole country
>25$ Wizz Air flight to Malmo is the only way to buy some effay clothes
>baggage is not included
>should book it at least a month before flight

>> No.12364888
File: 57 KB, 431x286, 1373860873764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to sell hat on grailed
>some1 makes offer 30 under what I ask
>"Yeah i was hoping to get around 90 for this, are you talking shipping and the hat too?"
>one year later, literally
>Reply is "yeah both"

>> No.12364897
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1491037708213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bare with me man.
>didn't realize how much effort this would be, last time selling things...

Could James be the epitome of "spoiled brat millennial who has never worked a day in their life"?

>> No.12365342

Maybe I just got lucky...

>Guy posts AnnD boots I've been eyeing
>$1200+ retail
>"I dont wear these often enough and am just seeing how much I can get. Might not sell."
>Send him a message
>We email back and forth for a day or two
>Didn't even talk about buying the shoes
>"You seem like a cool dude. Give my boots a good home and I'll cut you a deal."
>Make a $250 offer
>He accepts
>Ships from australia but get shoes within 10 days
>Comes in box with the receipt includes
>Purchased in 2013
>Literally look brand new

I later messaged him asking how many times he's actually worn them because they just looked too new. They smelled like leather still and had zero creasing. Turns out he has actually only worn them twice.

He has sold me quite a few pieces now, all for insanely cheap in comparison to retail. We follow eachother on insta and are pretty tight.


>> No.12365465




>> No.12365557

he might have been stealing the things he was selling

>> No.12365575

who is she

>> No.12365599

ayyy sometimes a guy's gotta wear one style to work and wants to wear another on his own time

>> No.12365625

Curlgurl. Can't you read filenames?

>> No.12365643


thats pretty cool

>> No.12365652

I'd hate to be the PayPal employee who has to mediate a bunch of regarded fags on Grailed.

>> No.12365668

What the fuck is grailed going to do about it?

>> No.12365784

heads up yall dont buy from offwhiteleno hes a scammer

>> No.12366023
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>> No.12366072

u just got fkn scammed my guy liodwuvbncmqchjrnf

>> No.12366073

why not just buy clothes from official websites when sales come. It's cheaper than shit on grailed and you know it's legit

>> No.12366098

>tfw just sold the last item I had in grailed
jesus christ never again. only americans, probably niggers and spics, buy stuff. everyone's obviously under 20 and refuse to buy if they don't get to "win" the negotiations and dictate everything.

Is there a site that allows you to sell your shit for free/smaller fees than grailed?

>> No.12366114

What were you guys even talking about for 2 days lol

>> No.12366209

I've never had a bad experienced on Grailed or Styleforum.

Then again I'm not /fa/ and I tend to buy classic menswear (Kent Wang, Brooks Brothers, Brioni, etc.) and I've never met an asshole.

>> No.12366246

kent wang and brooks brothers with brioni?!

>> No.12366270

it's not like you can only do one or the other. Grailed is great for people new to fashion because it allows you to experiment without the (usually) larger investment that comes from buying all of your clothes new. Unfortunately that also means you get a lot of people who have no idea what they're doing or are just assholes.

It's like someone said above, though, the good experiences generally aren't interesting, so everyone wants to talk about the time they dealt with an illiterate or ripoff artist. I've had way more good experiences with Grailed than bad.

>> No.12367258

For me it's the old season stuff, sometimes you find stuff from way before I was even into fashion in pretty much new condition for a good price. Can always find similar new stuff but it's not the same.

>> No.12367458

This whole thread gave me a good laugh

>> No.12367487

Tbh Kent Wang shit is better than modern Brioni shit.

Even my Oxxford suit is higher quality than my $5000 MSRP Brioni, although a worse (well boxier American fit).

The only other Brioni thing I own is a tie and my suit. Snagged it off a guy from Craigslist selling his suits to me for dirt cheap (D&G mainline, Oxxford, Brioni) because he was upgrading to all Tom Ford.

>> No.12367499

I tried to buy a shirt off a guy. I offered him $75 shipped, he asked for $90 and said he'd consider my offer. He messaged me back saying he got an offer for $90 then said that I could have it if I matched it, but I declined. I check the listing a few days later and find that it sold for $75, not to me. 2 days later it was reposted by the buyer.

>> No.12367596



>> No.12367603

literally just make offers binding, same way ebay works

>> No.12367619

fuck that

>offer on something
>jackass doesnt respond for a week
>same thing gets listed cheaper in the meantime

>> No.12367642

why dont u do what i do,use a skybox company in the us

>> No.12367725

cool story bro

>> No.12367799

>selling item
>make it clear i only ship to Australia unless you can cover postage with insurance
>people still offer ridiculous low balls
>always fucking American

>> No.12367873
File: 109 KB, 517x787, blade-runner-1982-010-rutger-hauer-against-graffiti-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh just had one of the best experiences on grailed I have had, followed by the worst. weird

>> No.12367928
File: 92 KB, 640x640, image_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so easy to tell a fuccboi

>Messages me saying "Can I see how they fit and then make a decision?"
>Tell him purchases are final unless its for quality or other reasons
>"I mean like on you senpai, I want a photo baka"

>> No.12367935

Lmao I forgot those filters still applied

>> No.12368124

>selling item
>over 120 people are watching it
>get 4 or 5 offers
>accept 3 of them
>nothing happens
>drop by 10%
>get more offers
>accept some more

There is now 12 people I have accepted offers from and all they have to do is pay. Why send a goddamn offer if you aren't gonna buy it?

>> No.12368136

They need to make this reportable and have a 3 strikes system or something. Shit happens but if you just tirekick it's annoying

>> No.12368189

whats the protocol on buying from grailed? should you offer before you buy? I found some boots and I bought it outright without offering. not really sure what I was supposed to do.

>> No.12368202

As long as youre knowledgeable on what youre buying and can easily identify a good deal. Although very unlikely, a haggling process is time and in that time someone else can grab it. If you feel like you wanna keep knocking it down even though its "wrong" then go for it.

It really comes down to who can be or is more of a fuccboi, the buyer or seller.

>> No.12368426


>who can be or is more of a fuccboi, the buyer or seller

Should be the Grailed slogan. You're hired!

>> No.12368808

Depends what the item is, I usually ask for measurements just to see if the seller is a good bloke

As a seller I like when people are nice and somewhat enthusiastic so I act the same.

If you've asked questions and you're unsure about whether or not you want it, tell them you'll decide in a week or so

>> No.12368832

You just have to be selective of the items and who you buy from.

I've bought 4 items so far, costing me a little over 4g, and all of the transactions were smooth.

Im upfront, I don't talk for days about the weather and my balls and the current state of fashion. Buyers like quick transactions.

>> No.12369376

Offers are usually fine as long as they're reasonable. But don't be that guy and offer $60 shipped internationally when asking price is 100+shipping or whatever

>> No.12369381

Anyone here have experience selling stuff to Asia? Got a decent offer but never sold to anyone from Asia before so idk. Guy has no feedback either but bought or sold a couple items and isn't banned yet so it's probably fine.

>> No.12369512
File: 872 KB, 3000x2000, GRAILED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling this jacket on grailed right now

Get messages like this on the daily, and shitty lowball offers

Fucking hate grailed

>> No.12369566

>I've bought 4 items so far, costing me a little over 4g

fug what you buy?

>> No.12369683


>> No.12369839

I like your floor and door handle post a pic of your interiors

>> No.12369916

I don't live there. It was the location for a showroom I worked last Paris fashion Week. Fucking huge apartment.

>> No.12370054

Grailed sucks so fucking much.
Bought an JW Anderson sweatshirt, the guy never shipped and just bailed on me.

Then some days later I see the same fucking ad posted with a new account.

Fuck grailed.

>> No.12370080

because my country is not on the list even there lmao

>> No.12370210


why do you live in shit nowhere land? Are you a nowhere man?

>> No.12370293

friend of a friend copped the sage box logo on drop last December, some Chinese guy bought it for $800 on eBay. He mailed it out, and for whatever reason the post said the address in china was invalid so he got it back. He messaged the buyer but the buyer never spoke with him again. That was over 4 months ago.

With grailed you really gotta be careful about buying older japanese items because a lot of the times the sizing is way off, always look for measurements and if you're not sure, ask.

>> No.12370397

lol you all complain about grailed but offer no solutions. there's literally nothing that can be done to thwart scammers, so they leave decisions to paypal's discretion, it's the best they can do.

>> No.12370408

ian connor trying to buy this hit him up ;P

>> No.12370409

shut the fuck up sheckelstein

you're not putting in anything worth adding to this conversation. also learn how to sage

>> No.12370410

sage doesn't work anymore you fucking retard

>> No.12370622


>> No.12370632

sage works you fucking dipshit im not even him youre just really stupid

>> No.12370794

they cant even stand properly. LOOK AT THEIR LEGS

>> No.12370843

>$300 sneakers

>> No.12370856

So you basically sniffed the dude's feet?

For real tho really cool having that kinda relationship thru Grailed

>> No.12371074
File: 142 KB, 1023x972, 1488396451761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can I see a fit

>> No.12371326

>ian connor trying to buy this hit him up ;P

i know, we gonna facetime later to sort out the deal lmao. he wants to fly me to london to do the transaction. no joke.

>> No.12371422

do not fucking do any business with ian connor. are you retarded? he will most likely try to fuck you over hes a parasite

>> No.12371433

i have like 120,000$ worth of sales shilling to u fucking retards

having to deal with drooling /fa/ mouthbreathers every day is a struggle but at least i dont have to interact with u irl

>> No.12371440


A Givenchy leather and two sweaters, and a Raf Radioactivity knit sweater.

The smoothest transaction was for the Raf. Shipped immediately, it was in perfect condition, never worn, and it's 20 years old. Dude shipped it in bubble wrap lol

>> No.12371476

Do me a favor and murder him during the transaction will you

>> No.12371958


nice sounds tasty

>> No.12372087

how does he still have money? dude hasn't been relevant for almost a year now

>> No.12372248


Any pleb find out about those designers on Instagram in 5 minutes and spend their parents money on it in another 5 minutes my guy

>> No.12372597


who the fuck is patrician than?

>> No.12373378
File: 952 KB, 885x498, 1484938353215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12373607

love u levi

>> No.12373659

poorboi detected

>> No.12373676

just chargeback then? how fucking lazy are you

>> No.12373678

he dropped his vans ripoff like 3 months ago so hes not that irrelevant

>> No.12373733


>> No.12375005
File: 425 KB, 1200x1800, 1489409348658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12376366
File: 119 KB, 600x1200, 1487964742904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12376372

if you have to ask youll never know

>> No.12376377


if you cant tell you will never know and a lie face mclierson

>> No.12376381

Offers on ebay expire after 48 hours

>> No.12376394

some fucking kid did this to me when he claimed the shoes i sold him had dirt on the toe. they were $60 air max 95s and he made me refund him $10. im pretty sure he rubbed dirt on them just to get 10 fucking dollars back.

>> No.12376585

>27 people want your item
>zero offers
>it's been three months

>> No.12376695



try 127 people, been 3 years

>> No.12377041
File: 82 KB, 494x332, Get_up_Pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selling a visvim jacket for less than half its retail price
>perfect condition
>56 watching it
>get a low ball once a week
>they expect me to accept $100 under what I'm offering with free postage
>don't even bother replying any more

>> No.12377913

yeah don't use that shit