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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 115 KB, 564x564, 90246b64db1835dd46de4c3dd49be191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12356143 No.12356143 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12351049

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

>> No.12356162

Fucking hate the day I have my 11am
>try to eek out as much sleep as I can so no breakfast
>have class from 11am-3:30
>too late for lunch
>can only eat dinner
I know this means I'm fasting all day but it sucks. Only have had gum and water so far.

>> No.12356170
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hard life friends, i went from 175 lbs to 125 which was my goal and i sustained it for a while too, then i moved and since then i've done nothing but build bad eating habits in my new environment, i've gained about 8 pounds in 4 months, i know exactly what it takes to lose weight, but i've never really had to break bad habits, only build up good ones

anyone have tips?

>> No.12356171
File: 52 KB, 604x604, 1484948485772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't you take a banana or something to class and eat it during a break?

>> No.12356178

I usually don't keep food in my dorm since it temps me too much. I might run to the dining hall to get a small snack like I did the other day.

>> No.12356224
File: 125 KB, 720x1278, IMG_1478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How obvious is it that these are women's pants

>> No.12356228

What's obvious to me is that you're poor and don't even try to hide it.

>> No.12356235

It's not, your legs just look feminine in those skinny jeans. Unisex imo

>> No.12356246


Squats and deadlifts.

>> No.12356274
File: 431 KB, 3000x4000, YL63PeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12356281

>got drunk
>vomited everywhere

probably gave me a calorie deficit due to vomiting up calories, makes me hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.12356287

Because we're better than normies.

>> No.12356290


>> No.12356297

Seculate from the negative environment, and with imposed discipline get back to it! Make this your goal, your progress will give you happiness

>> No.12356341

Period stopped recently and now boyfriend is concerned. Shit I swear if he starts monitoring how much and when I eat, I'll be pissed. I've come so far!

Also my BMI is 19.5 and I've been loosing rather slowly, is this a normal place to lose your period? I don't honestly feel all that thin yet?

>> No.12356361

you lucky bastard, my BMI is 18 and i'm still bleeding my fuckin life out.

>> No.12356370


Gain weight back until your period comes back. Fuck.

>> No.12356376

birth control f a m

>> No.12356378

Is this really the only way to go?? Not the same anon but I also lost mine at around 19 bmi

>> No.12356392

Male here, I was under the impression you didn't lose them until like 16 or so. Losing it at 19 sounds crazy.

>> No.12356415
File: 25 KB, 650x433, Natalia-Dyer-for-Rogue-Magazine-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalia is so gorgeous.

>> No.12356421

it's personal and varies a lot, some lose theirs when they're "healthy" bmi and some still have theirs when they're forced to recovery

>> No.12356433


One you lose your period you will go into deep depression

Have fun with that

>> No.12356436

should I run and have a protein shake or not run and finish the day fasting?
I binged yesterday

>> No.12356454


Have a protein shake then workout

Also protein is for muscle growth and you lose muscle doing cardio so there's no point in you drinking a protein shake unless you're lifting too

>> No.12356481
File: 94 KB, 500x670, IMG_0837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12356490

Kiko ?

>> No.12356502


lmao at calling me a little child. Im 20 years old. You don't even know me or her.

>> No.12356504
File: 80 KB, 560x640, IMG_0838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12356512

>not a little child

>> No.12356532

So /fa/, I lost weight and my bum disappeared. At a bmi of 17.5 I had a flat stomach and my bum was still around.
Should I regain the weight and accept that 17.5 and is the optimum for me?
Or is thinner always more /fa/?

>> No.12356536

ass is hometown

>> No.12356540

you look like a faggot.
gain 50-60 pounds for real and you'll still be thin.
fucking skeletor

>> No.12356557



>> No.12356575

pics dark, but i would have assumed you were a woman based on your figure, then assumed woman's pants.

>> No.12356648

you honestly look gay

>> No.12356657


No, thinner isn't more effay. Better looking is more effay. Gain it back.

>> No.12356666

does birth control actually make you fat and depressed or is it just a meme? I get random periods and have bad(ish) skin- but I don't want to get fat.

>> No.12356674

How does everyone suppress their appetite? I mostly try to eat small meals of really fibrous foods but in general I have a hard time avoiding constant hunger. I'm not even on a super low cal diet, I'm getting like 1500 Calories a day. I used to suppress with cigarettes but I can't smoke them anymore because of medical issues.

How do I stop needing to eat all the time?

>> No.12356676

Fuck off landwhale

>> No.12356680


You aren't the aesthetic kind of thin. Gain some muscle, you faggot.

>> No.12356681

Fuck that, I don't want babies anyway.

I was in a deep depression when I was on birth controll and fat so also no.

>> No.12356684

Thinner is always more /fa/.
Keep losing weight.

>> No.12356686


I have a BMI of 17 you dumbfuck. Why get thinner if you look good?

>> No.12356689 [DELETED] 
File: 953 KB, 398x224, appetite destroyer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12356692

It doesn't, hambeast.

>> No.12356697


>> No.12356698
File: 264 KB, 1040x1080, tumblr_ojwobq5qy61ux510io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the birth control. The pill varies, but is more notorious for mood swings, not weight gain. However, I have had no mood changes on the pill. You can always stop if the side effects meddle with daily life.

The only birth control with a huge amount of cases of weight gain is the shot, so I'd avoid it.

>> No.12356703
File: 38 KB, 589x900, 54666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah this sure is fa, you fucking idiot. Thinner is *always* better, right? Dumb cunt.

>> No.12356731

you got baited HARD

>> No.12356742

Attain the ass and then remain there. DO NOT GO LOWER if you want to attract the opposite sex. Otherwise carry on.

>> No.12356747
File: 58 KB, 400x400, IMG_5921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Properly BTFO

>> No.12356762
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>> No.12356769
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>> No.12356775

looks good

>> No.12356818
File: 53 KB, 639x960, 342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'5 and 130 looking to get to ~115. Pear shaped as fuck. What is the best weight for someone 5'5? I've already lost 15 lbs and I still feel I have so much to go, worried 115 won't cut it and I'll have to go lower.

I don't wanna be bonespo but I definitely want to be teeny tiny

pic very related

>> No.12356827

all the others are just some butthurt meathead samefagging

>> No.12356864

who is this?

>> No.12356873

105-110 is fine if you don't want to be a bone. I'm 5'5 as well and my weight stays around 107 and I can say it's a good weight to stay a if you want to be smol.

>> No.12356881

smol :o

>> No.12356887

I have like 400 in my bank account no idea what you're talking about my dude

I am

>> No.12356890

I fapped to your thighs desu

>> No.12356899

107 sounds adorable and perfect, thanks anon!

that was a fast fap.

>> No.12356904

You're probably losing muscle or organs and not fat. Stop doing a shitty diet.

>> No.12356914

Why do britbongs have such cringe worthy names for "ass"

>> No.12356916

if i get an appendectomy done will it makes me look thinner

>> No.12356937

I'm losing organs?

Ok man.

>> No.12356995

Nothing worse than waiting to lose weight

>> No.12357000

Yes you stupid idiot. One of the greatest dangers of total fasting is that. The guys that died due to ~year-long fasting were because of organ failure.

>> No.12357006

do some light exercise

>> No.12357009

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you are losing organs

>> No.12357015

How do you think total fasting kills you after months of it? Shitty diets are in effect a simulation of that.

Generally don't do stupid shit like vegan.

>> No.12357022

because you're missing essential cofactors and trace minerals, not because your organs are fucking disappearing

>> No.12357024

>losing organs

Brazil pls go

>> No.12357026

yeah my friend was vegan for 3 years and lost 3 kidneys

don't go vegan!!!!

>> No.12357046
File: 331 KB, 517x768, 1488677158850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12357050

>he admits being vegan

>> No.12357064

Can I have discord? I think I deleted the channel by accident ; ;

>> No.12357091

how do you burn lower belly fat?

>> No.12357102

Is there any way to make my shoulders less broad? The rest of my body is skinny and looks kind of weird.

>> No.12357135

Spot reduction is not possible. You'll have to loose fat in a general sense.

Probably not. If you're a dude it's not much of a detriment frankly, in fact it's better to have broad shoulders as a dude.

>> No.12357170
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>> No.12357173
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>> No.12357175
File: 59 KB, 1011x674, frida-gustavsson-melon-fw10ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357178
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>> No.12357179
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>> No.12357183
File: 30 KB, 500x497, tumblr_ona37mnztA1rvhwhbo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357185
File: 89 KB, 475x605, 987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357187
File: 1.01 MB, 1240x827, natalia-dyer-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357189

Thats not thinspo. He looks totally buff.

>> No.12357211

who is this?

>> No.12357240
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x3000, 1490621700573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12357276
File: 154 KB, 431x750, tumblr_nmlq72QGI21rvhwhbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a geek lmao...still cute though

>> No.12357317
File: 307 KB, 410x308, 1475371175018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 18+ adults in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't know the difference between "loose" and "lose"

I see you fuckers get this wrong every thread. Every thread.

>> No.12357334

that was bothering me too tbqh

>> No.12357341

gain weight back
nice ass more important than looking skelly

>> No.12357344
File: 1007 KB, 300x186, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12357346
File: 1.65 MB, 1200x1305, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatties witnessing this thread

>> No.12357368
File: 62 KB, 768x768, gallery-1452970788-1993-terry-oneill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to eat this bomb as food and vomit a lil bit after.

who here /bullimic/

>> No.12357378

u a dumb bitch, huh?

>> No.12357402
File: 109 KB, 500x582, 1481487846985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8-9% BF
>not thinspo

how about 6%, is that low enough to not be fucking fat? holy fuck consider me triggered

>> No.12357409

you are literally a fucking child still, kid.

>> No.12357417

>visibly muscular

not that either one is bad, but you can be not fat and also not extremely thin. in fact many people have managed to achieve this.

>> No.12357418

Looks fine to me

>> No.12357423

Day one of omad, I'm doing alright. Phenylpiracetam keeping my energy and focus up because I ended up having to help a coworker move his house. Mafkuh has 3 gun safes. Lives on floor 3. I'm 3 times mad

>> No.12357480
File: 69 KB, 750x750, 14716409_1683193718661682_7613220202385244160_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i have to do and how much do i have to starve for this figure. How are some people built this way!!!!!! genetics are bullshit.

>> No.12357517
File: 83 KB, 1400x803, 11037513_978704545473078_1696582178959421315_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i thinspo?

>> No.12357527
File: 363 KB, 750x1000, IMG_5099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those of you doing LCHF (but not keto) --
how many carbohydrates a day are you eating? either in grams (+total cal intake) or macro percentage
is it working?

>> No.12357562

no but you're skinny enough that you can work up to otter mode if that really is you.

>> No.12357590

I've done more with my life than most people

First off, I grew up with only one parent, worked two part time jobs while in HS starting at 15, while playing sports, and still was Valedictorian. Also helped raise my little brother and sister. Only reason I tried so hard in school was because I knew my mom wouldn't be able to afford to pay my college. Even on scholarship, I still have to work to pay all remaining costs.

>> No.12357597

who do people here like OMAD?

>> No.12357606

I've lost weight rapidly over a few weeks, something like a lb a day. I also gained a lot of weight quickly over two years and developed stretch marks. still a bit chubby atm hoping my stretch marks will disappear or fade, they're grotesque. What do

>> No.12357608
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>> No.12357609
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>> No.12357610
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>> No.12357613
File: 38 KB, 750x500, keira-k_com-benditlikebeckham-stills21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357617

even though she's an attention whore, she's perfect :)

>> No.12357620
File: 251 KB, 1024x683, tumblr_nhzo15C4x81qzfl2oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357622
File: 51 KB, 564x846, b3c07c00f648bffe7ee833cba984110a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357626


>> No.12357630
File: 779 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12357642

i love seeing spinal cords on skinny girls. I know some people love rib cages more but the spine is much sexier.

>> No.12357662

I was thinking of her ass. Its disgusting

I like skin and bone, but as long as they have a bit of an ass as well

>> No.12357664

tfw alcoholic klonopin addict

there is no way i can get super thin : (

>> No.12357667

17.5 keep

>> No.12357729

>finally starting to look thin
>suddenly get into fight With parents
>eat alot to feel better
>know regret it

Anyone else know this feel I went and bought a shit ton of ms field cookies and ate them so much regret

>> No.12357738

one day is not too bad, although I do know how you feel. tomorrow is a new start, I believe in you

>> No.12357745

Improve your body by exercising, not by fasting. Women naturally need some body mass for health's sake, don't by the hollywood crackwhore meme. Get fit, as long as your heart is good you'll glow regardless.

>> No.12357750

Oh my god, you're perfect right now. Cute as fuck, ignore /fa/ i would date you in a heartbeat. Your 5'5 pale pixie aesthetic has nearly got me in tears over here. Don't risk your health by going thinner, you're in a good place as it is.

>> No.12357755

Oh my god, you're great right now. Cute as fuck, ignore /fa/ i would date you in a heartbeat. Your 5'5 pale pixie aesthetic has nearly got me in tears over here. Don't risk your health by going thinner, you're in a good place right now.

>> No.12357763 [DELETED] 

I'm dead inside, but at least i got dubs

>> No.12357777

Most likely scenario I binge eat oatmeal tonight and never meet my goals.

Also I'm not pale, I dont think.

>> No.12357784

Nice m'lady tier post

>> No.12357989
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>> No.12357990
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, 1487549342835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the /fa/ bmi ? 16-18?

>> No.12357995

Depends on gender, height and frame size but I'd say 15-17 for girls and 16-18 for boys.

>> No.12357996
File: 86 KB, 800x532, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12358000

Oh my god, you're grest right now. Cute as fuck,, ignore /fa/ i would date you in a heartbeat. Your 5'5 pale pixie aesthetic has almost got me in tears over here. Don't risk your'e health by going thinner, you're in a good place right now.

>> No.12358001

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12358004


>> No.12358005

Oh my god, you're not great right now. Cute as fuck,, ignore /fa/ i would date you in a heartbeat. Your 5'5 pale pixie aesthetic has almost got me in tears over here. Don't risk your'e health by going thinner, you're in a good place right now.

>> No.12358006


>> No.12358049

I'm not being funny but why don't all you faggots wanting to be skinny just go vegan?? I did and it was the greatest choice I ever made. You automatically cut out dairy, which was one of my biggest reasons for weight gain. No meat/animal products = skinny a lot quicker

>> No.12358095

Because then I'd eat even more carbs than I already do and I'd just gain weight. Meat is more filling and has less calories if you don't eat it in the form of junk food.

>> No.12358099

19.5 sounds like you have a healthy weight. What do you mean by 'stopped'?

>> No.12358102

I've been reminiscing a lot lately. Remembered when I was friends with an ana-chan, before I dated her. I was in fuckin loooove, man. The world was so beautiful with her in it. I don't miss her anymore, but damn, I felt so good then. Now I'm just bored. Hasn't been anyone who's made me feel anything since, aside from idle entertainment. I miss that.
A friend and I started lifting, so I'm not gonna be thinspo anymore. I'm swamped with college work and it feels like either the world isn't here or I'm not here anymore. A monotonous purgatory, I guess. I don't even have any feels for this because it all seems so far away. I wanna feel again, my dudes.

But on the bright side, /thinspo/ is always comfy. I'm really thankful for that. Reading the posts on here makes me feel reassured in a way, even though I almost never post. Stay skelly and stay hidhratted, friends. I'm with you in spirit, always.

>> No.12358106

It can make you retain water, but not make you fat.

>> No.12358115




>> No.12358147

>500 cals total in two days
>work out
>dizzy and light headed the whole time, definitely on the verge of passing out

>> No.12358150

s-sorry won't happen again senpai
go on a four day fast and try to run a mile :^) feels like you're flying once you stop

>> No.12358157

Oh that sounds like a good idea

>> No.12358177

please give me some encouragement to fast it can be mean or nice idc just encouragement i ate horribly today

>0.25 cup granola and yogurt
>scones w/cream
>bowl of pasta

End my fucking life

>> No.12358183

don't worry anon, it's not that bad. go do some workout and fast tomorrow.

>> No.12358188
File: 35 KB, 524x585, ottermode2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bascially look like this now after losing 15kg

I want to lose 3-5kg more to get really diced, but Im close to the goal now so I can take it slooooooooooooooooow

>> No.12358191

Maybe try eating only one meal a day and stop snacking all together, it's easier to keep everything in check for me

>> No.12358198

What are your height and weight now?

>> No.12358222
File: 95 KB, 768x1024, oh god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been trying to gain weight last year i was 95lbs at about 5'8'' Now am at 115lbs and like a 6% body fat percentage

>> No.12358225
File: 99 KB, 768x1024, oh god1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one for ya
and i was in the other /thispo/ before this one just more clothed

>> No.12358228

>95lbs at about 5'8''
pls post pics

>> No.12358232

How many calories are in an icecream cone with a small scoop of italian nutella icecream? Was forced into it by social circumstances, i dont even like italian icecream :(

>> No.12358243
File: 38 KB, 137x384, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best i have. i hated taking pictures shirtless or shit because i thought i looked disgusting. wasn't really wrong either.

>> No.12358255

but you looked chubbier then than you do now

>> No.12358257

i had much more fat then i just tried turning that into 'muscle'

>> No.12358259

5'10 65kg

>> No.12358260


>> No.12358319
File: 109 KB, 447x750, tumblr_ni17vyMBmc1rvhwhbo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a lot more attractive to me because of his weirdness

>> No.12358391

why do i like anorexic girls so much

>> No.12358397


Stop drinking so much water, nigga

>> No.12358417


you aren't 6% bodyfat, you also need to go to the gym.

>> No.12358418

i do bro. i mostly need to change my diet

>> No.12358449
File: 29 KB, 671x673, 1471726361048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to have sex with qt thinspo girl but am a nervous virgin
what should I do, friends? should I

>> No.12358456

I'm an inch shorter than you and also a pear, but I still feel pretty chubby at 115. I want to lose at least 10 more pounds but most girls my height tend to look nice at 95-100 but I'm not sure if it'd look so great on pears yet

>> No.12358585

Just recently started working out, dropped from 135 to 123 in a matter of weeks. Is that normal? also Im a 5'8 male whats a good weight

>> No.12358594
File: 464 KB, 687x804, ichigo_saves_rukia_by_animegirl10129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday or breakfast I made 3 potatoes (about 110 cals each) and mashed them but I couldn't even finish it.

8 hours later I ate a bowl of rice krispies (about 200 cals), slice of cheese (300 calories), a steak (400 calories) and box of raisins (100 cals) and got too full. then stopped.

total: only about 1000

should i eat more when my activity level is low, i'm 5'11 male and want to look flat and lean

>> No.12358676

not really i think sometimes your body knows it isn't supposed to be that weight(if that makes sense) and the constant exercise makes it drops off fast. I was 250 pounds and i lost 85 pounds in 3.5 months.

>> No.12358684

Jesus fasted for 40 days, stop being a bitch nigga.

>> No.12358707


>all those carbs

You need to eat more fats, greens and protein

>> No.12358716

Fine but what about the rest of my question? I wanna have a lean weak 'sinewy' build and whats a good calorie intake for 5'11 male?

btw, any idea what the bmi of that anime character is? i can't find any real pics with that leanness.

>> No.12358726


>I wanna have a lean weak 'sinewy' build

If you wanna look like that character he's not weak sinewy, he's thin with lean muscle

Eat what I just told you and workout and you'll look like him

If you wanna look like a weak bitch starve yourself

>> No.12358736

i'm sorry i ask you more questions but

to me, his muscles seem the size of an average male but he's just very low-bf where even his hand bones are noticeable.

i've seen his body irl on guys who have physical labor jobs but don't eat much.

>> No.12358741


You need to eat if you want muscles

Do a high fat low carb diet and workout at least 5 times a weak and work on your abs and arms with minimal cardio

>> No.12358742


>> No.12358976

congratulations, you're now preggo

>> No.12359050


Get an abortion desu motherhood is not effay

>> No.12359057

not trying to disrespect your beliefs, but there are chances that jesus didn't even exist.

>> No.12359067

Muhammad was real and promoted IF

Convert to Islam, it is the one true path to being thinspo

>> No.12359070

jesus as a person definitely existed. religious stuff is up to individual choice, but jesus as a person is true.

>> No.12359075 [DELETED] 

There is a guy, sri ramakrishna (hindu) who never saw Jesus except for an inaccurate painting of him. But when he got into a high spiritual condition that most never experience, he met Jesus in his physical form and he had a different nose shape than the painting. More accurate Jesus images had crooked birdlike noses like the "shroud of turin"

>> No.12359079 [DELETED] 


>> No.12359082 [DELETED] 

I have also never seen Jesus. Dude's dead.

>> No.12359088 [DELETED] 

>Christians believe this shit
It's hilarious

>> No.12359095 [DELETED] 

I deleted this post b/c too many replies questioned it gave me anxiety

>> No.12359131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12359136 [DELETED] 

don't worry anon, i believe you

>> No.12359143 [DELETED] 

Damn, you gotta have backbone in your faith, even when questioned. If you believe Christ was seen by an indian man in a transcendental state, and that confirms your religion you have to have faith in it. Most people aren't Christian and most Christians don't have the same very New World outlook on the nature of Christ in the world.

Stick true to your beliefs and don't fear people questioning you.

>> No.12359147 [DELETED] 


>> No.12359163 [DELETED] 

not anon, but its nice to see someone nice posting here. refreshing.

>> No.12359166 [DELETED] 

this guy?

>> No.12359195 [DELETED] 

you're weird but i like you

>> No.12359202 [DELETED] 

anon are you the one who posts about self-enquiry all the time?

>> No.12359226 [DELETED] 


That's some trippy shit

I'll think about it next time I eat some nutella weed cookies

>> No.12359247

you do not lose muscle doing cardio wtf, you just burn fat. There is no actual way to 'lose muscle' besides not exercising

>> No.12359256


>you do not lose muscle doing cardio

You do if cardio is all you do

I lost a lot of upper body muscle doing cardio in my anorexia days

>> No.12359275

where do all the thinspo chicks hang out?

Im a thinspo guy, and I want to make thinspo babies

>> No.12359280

thinspo chicks can't have babies

>> No.12359302


>where do all the thinspo chicks hang out?

eating disorder clinics

No joke. When I was in there for 3 months I hooked up with two of them. The were horny all the time and since I was the only guy there they all talked to me.

>> No.12359305

>eating disorder clinics
>No joke
wow surprising

>> No.12359319

>finally skinny
>boys still don't like me

>> No.12359321


They made us eat 3500cals daily

Lots of ice cream and sweets. Shit was awesome

>> No.12359336

no wonder nobody wants to date you if you are the kind of person who thinks that weight is what's holding you back.

seriously though, don't be a cunt and you will do just fine. don't give up, you will eventually find someone who wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

>> No.12359397

were they crazy? real question

>> No.12359420

I do exercise! Its been helping the wight come off and my shapes look a little nicer. I'm trying desperately to not lose my butt in this process.

>> No.12359429

post pic, ill date you

>> No.12359516

tfw no kimchi gf

>> No.12359519
File: 95 KB, 500x285, tumblr_n5h4htHnwf1s43i0yo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips on how to get thin legs and bigger thigh gap please. will exercise just make your legs bigger from gaining muscle?

>> No.12359531

How many of u guys r doing IF? Do you ever get over the lightheadedness?

>> No.12359540

probably underage but... you can't lose fat in just 1 area, and no you'd have to do A LOT of difficult exercise and get a lot of protein to make your legs bigger, people don't just get muscle growth on accident.

btw that pic looks underweight compared to pics people post itt... possible anorexia

>> No.12359543

I don't get lightheaded on IF

>> No.12359547

body: 10/10
face; 4/10
personality: attention whore/10

>> No.12359551

i don't have much fat anywhere else- so if i do lose weight will it come off my legs? my goal is legs like this >>12356762

>> No.12359554

why is everyone saying her body is a 10/10 when she is so apple shaped? she has no fucking waist at all, she's built like a fridge

/fa/ is so damn thirsty

>> No.12359571

on how many calories?

>> No.12359578

Just woke up from a nap and took my thermogenics, ever since I've had a sharp shooting pain that keeps moving from the beginning of my throat all the way down my esophagus to my stomach

It's like pretty painful

Wtf is happening to me

>> No.12359589

yes fat would come off everywhere, off legs too

but keep in mind that those 2 are low fat but small in general too like most asians. they don't look underweight for their bone/muscle size.

>> No.12359590

You're dumb. Girls have higher average BMIs because there's more areas of their body dedicated to retaining fat.

>> No.12359632


>> No.12359647


>> No.12359670
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how much to lose

>> No.12359676


>> No.12359707

29/32 too skinny?

>> No.12359708

we will loose everything anyways

>> No.12359717


>> No.12359736

Thanks senpai

>> No.12359886
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>how much to lose
>fully clothed

>> No.12359915 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12359933

tfw you take a photo for linkedin and your face is still puffy

>> No.12359948

She reminds me of this
But with one eye

>> No.12359967

drinking black iced coffee does the job for me

>> No.12359992

That'd be ~155lb at 6'0
I dipped just bellow 150 on my cut and looked flat as fuck, and I'm light for my size.
I've got that illusion volume because of a tiny waist, dipped to like 26-27".

I guarantee he's heavier by at LEAST 10lbs, probably closer to 15 because of less drastic v-taper, assuming a 6'0 scale (which he's obviously not).

What's you're waist and chest?

Agreed. No striations, veins or cuts.

Need more protein bro and overall food.
Can go on a crazy bulk and blow the fuck up muscle-mass wise.
Just keep going for more and more until you're consistently eating a disgusting amount of food, then maintain it, you'll know when to stop.

>eating disorder clinics
>tfw you're now "healthy"

>> No.12360116

Is going around -1300 cal every day effective or just too heavy?
Keeping it up for 2 weeks now, losing around 1 pound a day

>> No.12360153

relieved i finally got enough money to get my meds again. i feel like a fucking cheat, probably because i am. but another day without experiencing almost any hunger, even when hardly eating, just feels so encouraging.

>> No.12360230
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any other collarbones?

>> No.12360278

do you guys follow a diet of a specific amount of calories a day or just try to eat as little as possible depending?

>> No.12360291

idk but from the things i have been reading here, some people on here must be skinny as fuck. if i stick to my normal eating pattern but limit myself to one decent serving each meal and stop eating things in between i lose quite a bit of weight already. counting calories and stuff must be incredibly efficient in comparison to that though.

>> No.12360319

I love eating, so when I was getting to my ugw, I'd limit myself to a specific amount of calories per day (started at 1500 and moved down to 1200 when I got down below 18 bmi).

>> No.12360334

oh my, i just calculated the average amount of calories from the past weeks or so, they all add up to >2000 daily. i have no idea how i manage to lose weight still.

>> No.12360346

I've been eating at a 500 cal deficit and I'm shedding two or three pounds a week. About a third of my calories come from coca-cola, too. I also have an abnormally fast metabolism, though, and I otherwise eat well.

>> No.12360347

Are you tall and male? Height makes a big difference in maintenance energy, and men require a couple hundred(ish) more calories per day than women. Obviously your current weight plays a large role in what you need to take in to maintain as well.

>> No.12360538

oh no, i am female. 5'8", 119 pounds

>> No.12360562

As in I don't bleed every month anymore anon, hasn't come around in a few months.

>> No.12360566

tol :o

>> No.12360690

need a front facing pic lady.

>> No.12360719


Nah, they were pretty chill. Most of them were super smart and knew a lot about nutrition and somehow ended up there.

>> No.12360758

>The were horny all the time
I had the same thing when I was in a craycray hospital, but being a girl, and most others were guys. They acted as if they had never seen a girl before and I got love letters and shit.

>> No.12360768

While reading this post i thought they were gonna rape you, but love letters ? That's actually really cute.

>> No.12360792

Haha, well. It kind of does sound cute, but sometimes it got a little creepy as well. One guy declared his love and full devotion to me like one day after I got there. Letters every day, talking as if I was part of their life while I barely knew anyone. One guy kept saying he wanted to have sex with me, probably just joking though. Then another guy arrived and we talked a bit because he asked something; and then he thought I was hitting on him and he wanted a relationship??? Ahhhh. Things like that. Maybe some of them just had been there a bit too long... and they probably had their own severe issues, maybe it is comforting to cling to someone else or something, idk.

>> No.12360811

Oh, now that's fucked up. I hope things are a bit better for them now.

>> No.12360833

Other areas of their bodies hold less fat though and women generally have lower BMIs, although there are some exceptions like black women in America.

>> No.12360834

>tfw that's my TDEE

>> No.12360861

learn how bmi works idiot

>> No.12360896
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>> No.12360940

why does her face look like she is trying to stealth BRAAAP

>> No.12360948
File: 29 KB, 600x396, 13x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you think he weighs
im like 9st now. i used to be 8st before i got depressed and got rly into getting high and eating pizza by myself.

>> No.12361028

What does her face look like tho

>> No.12361032

Not really fucked up, it's just dudes trying to spit game they don't have.
I used to do weird shit like that all the time because it's the only way to make talking to a boring girl interesting.
I don't even bother any more, but I guess "not bothering" is part and parcel with not leaving the house.

>> No.12361034

see >>12355281

>> No.12361039

Hey there,

I was 115kg, lost a heap of weight (But still chubby) and unfortunately stretch marks fade but don't go away, moisturise like your life depends on it and look for some compression underwear.

>> No.12361043

she aight

defs better than a 4/10

>> No.12361063

This so much...

>> No.12361067

Did that chick die? She hasn't posted on Tumblr in two weeks and she used to post daily.

>> No.12361091

Well said

>> No.12361100


>> No.12361141

Hey, I weigh 66 kg and am tall 184 cm. Is body fat 8% bad?

>> No.12361160

How do you guys know your bf%? Do you just estimate it or do you measure it?

>> No.12361169



>> No.12361183

the pants to start

>> No.12361214
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>> No.12361224

Anyone have experience with the EC(A) stack?

>> No.12361232

1600-1800 TDEE usually

I find thin waists a turnoff desu
I like pears and sticks
Either way she doesn't look apple shaped, she just looks like hourglass with muscle to me

Both, I can't make up my mind on how I want to loose and even if I want to keep loosing at all

It's really low
Are you asking as in aiming for 8% or do you think you are already on that BF%?

>> No.12361249

Male, now I'm at 8% and aiming on 6%.

>> No.12361307
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>Rate my gf /fa/

>> No.12361318

Yesterday was cheat day so that means today is a fast day with too much working out

I feel so guilty even though I was super behaved all week leading up to the cheat day

I just wanted bread ;-;

>> No.12361331
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>if i don't fall of track i will break into the 110's this month
feels ..... wow man

>> No.12361335
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>> No.12361364
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>> No.12361366

i suggest you work out and not only diet.

>> No.12361369
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>im lazy

>> No.12361370

>forced to have an early cheat day because the girl at my job bought pizza for me
work lunch hours are the worst.

>> No.12361373

well as someone who's weight used to fluctuate a ton going from 140 to 230 back down to 140( i'm a dude) i feel much better when i workout regardless if i ate or not and my body doesn't gain the weight back rapidly and i can walk up stair without breathing like a horse. Not to mention the confidence boost when you can actually do the non bitch mode pushups.

>> No.12361390

i've lost almost 75lbs through diet alone. when i have exercised it only made me want to eat more. maybe once i reach my gw i'll take up like light strength training or something cause i think my bf wishes i was more toned

>> No.12361555
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Take a moment to thank our beloved doctor.

>> No.12361614

im back at my pre-break weight and now im 11.5 bf% with a 29.5" waist im gonna make it : )

>> No.12361625

try coconut oil! it raises metabolism

idk how you fluctuate so much unless you overeat, only other explanation is metabolism drops or estrogen is high

>> No.12361649
File: 89 KB, 736x908, 25f54c82ccb0c549d76a698fa0a73a9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one coworker is obsessed with doing meme diet shit, from wraps to shakes and everything in between. I even sent her /fit/'s sticky (luckily the sticky itself's website has no ties to 4chan) but instead of reading it she just kept memeing.

However, her newest meme is the military diet, and I insisted she stick to this one, since it's just a low calorie meal plan. Here it is if anyone's interested. She picked it because you can eat a little bit of ice cream.

>> No.12361663


>all those carbs

She gon get fat, mane

>> No.12361676

your friend sounds nice

>> No.12361678

is 23 inches a good waist size for someone who is 5'2''? i want to go lower, but i'm not sure how to go about only cutting waist size without affecting other parts of the body :(

>> No.12361688

The half banana will go bad within those two days. The diet also sounds disgusting and really random.

>> No.12361702
File: 60 KB, 417x501, tumblr_o85qpdIgLp1uvd4ono1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though IF and LCHF is the way to go, she is not gonna get fat on 1000-1200 calories. She probably won't lose as much but she's not gonna defy CICO on that much of a deficit, since her TDEE is definitely over 2000 calories, based on me just eyeballing her weight.

She is very nice, I'm always glad to work with her, I just feel bad that she's falling for weight loss memes. She's also like 5 years younger than me and is losing weight for prom season, she tells me.

It is gross looking and random but it's low calorie so it will work regardless.

>> No.12361767

she doesn't look anorexic but idk if the spine should be so prominent, hot tho desu fampie

>> No.12361774

>red meat

>> No.12361797
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I'd have a qualm with hot dogs before I had a qualm with 3oz of some delicious steak.

Also, cottage cheese is awesome.

>> No.12361803

hot dog franks are red meat most of the time
dairy is bad for u and really irritative
absolutely terrible for your skin and hormonal balance

>> No.12361804

red meat causes cancer

>> No.12361812

everyone will hate this but...

after I eat stuff like ice cream, orange juice, coca-cola... I feel better and energetic and good, like stress relievers.

try sugar it's not bad, i mean all sugar comes from trees or plants so it can't be that bad.

>> No.12361820

Well carbs do deliver energy but protein fills me up longer. I'd never completely cut out carbs though, I just try to eat less of them.

>> No.12361822

just eat fruit if you want sugar

>> No.12361823


>> No.12361833


Those are the only good things in that diet, also the eggs, tuna, broccoli and the carrots

The least carbs you eat the better

>> No.12361834

cant see shit

>> No.12361841
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>try sugar it's not bad, i mean all sugar comes from trees or plants so it can't be that bad.

This retard again...

>> No.12361842

red meat causes cancer
everyone is lactose intolerant to some degree
dairy causes hormonal imbalance and increased sebum production

>> No.12361851


>red meat causes cancer

Nope, fat and protein is good for you

>everyone is lactose intolerant to some degree

That can be cured by eating fresh milk and unprocessed dairy products

>dairy causes hormonal imbalance and increased sebum production

It doesn't. That's some vegan retard bullshit.

>> No.12361860

Wow, this guy knows more than the WHO. Any other top secret nutritional info you want to share?

>> No.12361861



educate yourself
id go vegan before taking any advice from u

>> No.12361863
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>> No.12361868

>inb4 he yells Lügenpresse

>> No.12361876



HAHA Holy fuck! You gullible retard

Cancer is linked to carbohydrates and sugar. This has been proven many times.

>b-but Harvard says is not!

>id go vegan before taking any advice from u

Please do so you can die faster.


>Any other top secret nutritional info you want to share?

If you aren't a complete fucking retard you would know that carbs and sugars are terrible for the body but nobody is stopping you from eating them so go crazy, fatboy

>> No.12361879

literally says nothing about carbs or sugar
actually u already are with ur shit diet

>> No.12361884


Don't get salty, fatass

Go eat your candy so you can feel better

>> No.12361885
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, sword_art_online-01-kazuto-klein-mmorpg-scenery-environment-setting-light-sunset-beautiful-gorgeous-stunning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Git good" anon? >>12353994

I won't advertise sugar anymore and. Love you. Bye.

>> No.12361889

Wow fuck Harvard AND the WHO, 4chan's fashion board is the most reliable source on nutrition and health.

>> No.12361891

i dont eat candy but stay butthurt that ur wrong
>b-b-b-but real men stuff their faces with meat!
>g-g-gomad b-bro

>> No.12361906

Jk, please die yourself sugarless faggot.

>> No.12361911

>you do not lose muscle doing cardio wtf, you just burn fat. There is no actual way to 'lose muscle' besides not exercising
>You do if cardio is all you do
So you didn't exercise those muscles and thus lost them. You didn't lose the muscle mass because of the cardio

>> No.12361945

Is gluten free bread high in carbs?

>> No.12362048

I'm sorry but if you aren't vegan you should go kys

>> No.12362094
File: 108 KB, 720x1280, 17693328_1361366597267649_2093549888238256128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn be a VS model

>> No.12362132

I'm so fat guys, I was doing so well, and then I just started. fucking. eating.

I let myself have a break from counting, and it turned into this. It's been months.

I can't start again, I'm having so much trouble.

I looked sooo good.

>> No.12362153

my biggest issue with staying thin is that I lose motivation everytime i walk past a mirror becaues it doesn't matter how little i eat or how healthy i eat my face is still fucked and i'm still short

>> No.12362205
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>> No.12362207

Check the label

>> No.12362209
File: 29 KB, 439x474, IMG_5864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecks Dee

>> No.12362211

New thred wenn

>> No.12362294


>> No.12362304

Wenn die Zeit dafür gekommen ist

>> No.12362308

new thread >>12362243

>> No.12362363

looks like a trap