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/fa/ - Fashion

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12325354 No.12325354 [Reply] [Original]

How do females like males to dress?

>> No.12325470

females dont care so long as your arent ugly or a manlet

>> No.12325483

Females don't care about height

>> No.12325486

t. manlet

>> No.12325491

I personally like to see my SO in dark, simple clothes. I also like collared shirts and black t-shirts.
I think hats are kinda dorky.

>> No.12325494

Mostly depends on taste, but the majority of females are going to want a tall guy. The height difference is nice.

>> No.12325495

ballsack exposed ala rick owens

>> No.12325502

Femanon here;
I like effay but nothing pretentious.
Also, none of that Hawaiian shirt shit. Personally I hate it.
Just be nice dude, and wear your look with confidence. Something casual will do.

>> No.12325545

seeing as how most people are normies, and normies like normie shit but also want to feel superior to other normies, we can therefore conclude that: most women want their dudes to dress in a way that appears ever so slightly more stylish than normal, but not anything further than that and not anything truly original.

seeing as normie attire for men is a xxxl striped button-down tucked into walmart khakis with a pleather belt and a cell-phone holster--you can't actually dress well, because that will be too outlandish/too far from the mean. you have to stay within one standard deviation.

>> No.12325574

I've always liked guys who dress scholarly? for lack of a better word. Glasses, button up shirts tucked underneath sweaters, leather belts, oxfords. Guys who look like they are getting their PhD in archaeology.

>> No.12325580


>> No.12325609

>asking overweight transgendered feminine penii how women like men to dress


That said, this is mostly a geographic question. It ranges from "shittily oversized cowboy dress with WRANGLERS HURR" to "swagfag on his 5th baby momma". Effay is never ever a consideration.

>> No.12325662

wew, sex appeal has gone out the window

>implying all women are normie

>Effay is never ever a consideration

your previous sentence just disproved that

>> No.12325665

>your previous sentence just disproved that

Effay means "avant garde goth ninja wanabe nignog quasi-hipster fuccboi", and no creature with a vagina likes that. Great if you're trollin 4 dick tho

>> No.12325695

i have a large bone to examine, i mean that you can eximane if you want

>> No.12325711

won't know until I see a face pic

>> No.12325793

>not pro skater
vagina status: desert

>> No.12325797

Women logic everybody.

"I want a nerdy guy" = I want a 10/10 looking guy with glasses and occasionally watches capshit movies.

>> No.12325805

Woah dude, that's too close to the truth: so I have to call you a virgin now.

>> No.12325823

>Just be nice dude, and wear your look with confidence.
code for "be handsome and tall"

>> No.12325905

Whoever wrote this clearly has no idea what they are talking about. No reason to listen to pod while playing a tony hawks game with goat sound track.

>> No.12325919


I like my fiance in jeans that fit, and mainly plain but bright tshirts. I like cute prints too, like I got him a shirt with a parrot on, cause I love parrots. I also like floral and Paisley prints, but good quality like libertys. I hate really baggy clothes on a guy, they are so inelegant.
The main thing is to have a nice face, haircut and body and a fun personality. Nobody wants to hang out with an ugly humorless cunt.

>> No.12325925

I already hate that question.

Fuck what the stupid roasties think.

>> No.12325929

Not exactly. They are drawn to power. Height often dictates power because have animalistic instincts that instruct that.

But, a short man that has more power than a tall man, will win over the tall man.

e.g. a very powerful businessman vs a poor idiot that is tall.

>> No.12325934


delusional lol

>> No.12325939

I'm scared of tall guys desu so I'm happy that my boyfriend is under 6ft.

But yeah I don't really care how guys dress as long as the clothing isn't oversized, or the guy doesn't only wear shitty plaid shirts that are tucked into pants that look like they're suffocating his balls. It's bad when even a girl thinks it looks uncomfortable...

I also don't really like torn pants but it's nowhere near as bad as the virgin nerd look I just described.

>> No.12325964

Thread proves that women want all kinds of things, because they are individuals. Men apparently are not, men, according to this thread, are attracted to height, power and beauty in other heterosexual men that they don not even consciously want to fuck. You /r9k/ virgins should come out of the closet already.

>> No.12326064

Don't be stupid, all people are individuals. e.g. I'm attracted to odd looking brunette women that most men find boring. But, there are some stereotypes that are generally legitimately popular, but people don't understand them because they fail to look at the big picture.

i.e. most women are attracted to very powerful and healthy men because they instinctively want powerful and healthy babies. That produces the meme about tall men. At first glance one may think they are more powerful and healthy, but that's not always true.

i.e. most men are attracted to beautiful and healthy women because they instinctively want beautiful and healthy babies. That produces some confusion about skinny women. At first, they they may look beautiful and healthy, but that's not always true.

>> No.12326076

>women want all kinds of things
Women want attractive men that are taller than them, have dimorphic traits, low/normal bodyfat and a healthy social circle. This is true for +95% of women

>b-b-but I'm an individual, I like ugly short fatass hikikomori men!

no, you don't. stop lying to yourself

>> No.12326253

Everyone settles. You described there the perfect man, he is both beautiful and powerful to the max. Just as you settle with women that are not supermodels, so do women.

>> No.12326264


For me, a guy has to just put some thought into what he wears. Like, knowing what makes something formal vs. casual, having some sort of coherent aesthetic in his fits, etc.
My only other requirement is that he not dress like a fuckboi. Currently go to a community college, and if I have to see one more pair of gray sweatpants tucked into socks I'm gonna kms.

>> No.12326523

when will they learn?

>> No.12326580


i didn't imply that. i specifically said that most people are normie. not all.


>> No.12326589

There's been studies that show that some extremely attractive women are attracted to ugly men.

They think it has something to do with genetic diversity.

>> No.12326593

manlet or 6'0"+ confirmed

>> No.12327363

eat shit cunt I love hawaiian shirts

>> No.12327514

Those "studies" are ALWAYS performed by jewish people, so you should disregard them.

>> No.12327521
File: 111 KB, 500x742, guys-who-dress-like-this-win-at-life-instagram-has-2389583[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12327524
File: 118 KB, 500x566, all-boys-should-dress-like-austin-butler-hey-guys-1679521[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12327529
File: 89 KB, 500x566, am-l-the-only-one-who-loves-when-guys-dress-1788243[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12327535
File: 93 KB, 500x566, guys-that-dress-like-this-heyo-1780956[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12327537

fuck you hawaiian shirts are dope
guys dont listen to this

>> No.12327539
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>> No.12327540

i don't know, but when you do find out please sure due to every single girl on earth having the exact same taste

>> No.12327550
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>> No.12327605

What a stupid fucking post.

>> No.12327632

Ugly guy logic = "she has to fuck me if she plays video games because I play video games too"

>> No.12327648

Depends who you ask. I'm not too picky, as long as everything you're wearing looks clean and matches I really don't care, I just like seeing people put some thought into what they're wearing. I really don't much care for Hawaiian shirts or graphic tees that have some cringey shit on them either.

>> No.12327660

I'm volcel now

>> No.12327669
File: 181 KB, 1080x1080, 12976254_477509869115575_1854759766_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all in the face.
Females don't care about height unless you're a fucking midget.
They don't care about class or wealth unless they're posh plastic toys
They don't care about clothing unless they're literally a steve owins dicklicker or at the very least a commonproject wearing hipster
They don't care much for muscle or body type either unless you're obese
Just the face.
That's all that truly matters.

Don't believe me?
I usually wear spanger-core or slav-core garbage sweats (that I've patched holes in with all colors of thread and patches) with a dirty white undershirt with some beater tennis shoes and rock a comfy fit all day every day same thing.
I get teenagers, women, and odsfiwlittlegirlskfjwi who absolutely adore me.
I'm not very tall, shorter than most, especially in my giant-infested town, I'm incredibly plushy personally and am a non-cringy stereotypical nice-guy who's good with kids.
They fucking eat it up.
If you have trouble you're just an unlovable cringelord.

>> No.12327675

>If you have trouble you're just an unlovable cringelord.
Or your face looks like vomit*

>> No.12327988

Don't listen to this degenerate shit taste whore
Patterned button ups are gonna be huge this time next year

>> No.12328312

>females dont care so long as you have money and power

>> No.12328377

>I usually wear spanger-core or slav-core garbage sweats (that I've patched holes in with all colors of thread and patches) with a dirty white undershirt with some beater tennis shoes


>> No.12328432

Most people are stupid. They don't look at the fa, they look at the person. e.g. any old rag will look better on a supermodel.

>> No.12328444

dress slightly above average and be confident and girls will be attracted to you

>> No.12328454

>implying style is a metric variable
>implying within one sd is not average as fuck

Get your shit together anon.

>> No.12328465

tony hawk's underground is the GOAT skateboarding game

>> No.12328531

>How do i dress to attract women?
>Some women post what they find attractive
>"That's bull, now, let me tell you what you really want" and/or ignoring posts that contradict popular 4chan opinion
>Spend most of the time arguing about manlets in a board that celebrates skeleton physique

Oh, 4chan, Never change.

>> No.12328764

maybe just wear what you want and feel comfortable because it will portray you the most accurately and therefore attract a girl that you actually have something in common with. please don't reduce yourself to wearing
this trash if it's not your style and considering you're actively contributing to a fashion board it probably isn't.

>> No.12328780


>> No.12328801

Kek and lel

>> No.12328804

Kek. This is pretty true.

>> No.12328812

Patterned shirts aren't anything special.
People have been wearing them for time and they most definitely will not "be huge this time next year" you retarded faggot.

Just because you turned 17 last year and are almost an adult and lurk /fa/ doesn't mean you actually know anything about the industry or fashion in general.
I can already picture how you dress and it's making me chuckle.

>> No.12328826

You say cringe but everyone is friendly and I get tons of attraction women hitting on me and even directly asking me out.
comfy af

>> No.12329368

The girls I like do

>> No.12329407

As a female I would say most girls like guys to be at least taller than them.

Personally I like skinny, tall, pale guys; I dont really mind what they wear as long as they put some effort in, and don't dress like a chav or stoner.

>> No.12329419

The guy im talking to right now clearly doesn't give much of a shit about his clothes, but he cares about his appearance if that makes sense?

so he wears things that fits him well, probably not the most expensive clothing but is still presentable. Once we start dating I really want to help him out in that regards. I can tell he has good taste but clothes/material things are the least of his priorities.

I personally hate when guys dress in streetwear. Not a fan of americana either... I know a lot of guys really into wearing band t shirts too don't care much for those either. Cargo shorts are a huge red flag as well.

>> No.12329512

>Not a fan of americana either...

Can you post an example of this? I don't know what you're referring to, but it sounds interesting.

>> No.12329562


hawaiian shirts are 04' core step up

>> No.12329563

>women hitting on dirty slav-core

well, we always knew they were dumb

>> No.12330016

t. 6'4

>> No.12330025
File: 98 KB, 564x752, mericana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like


>> No.12330047
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Better strong buff Manlet then weak long stick!

>> No.12330061

never implyed that, roasty toasty

>> No.12330085

yeah basically what he posted

it was really popular on reddit early 2009 but i still see it around here and there basically

>raw denim
>"work" boots
>flannels and chore coats

>> No.12330452


>> No.12330508

"Dressing for women" is the wrong way to look at it. And asking women for the answers is useless because they don't actually know themselves.

Dressing for yourself and to pick items that emphasize and align with certain personality traits or ideas you wish to convey to the world and a potential lover is the better approach.

>> No.12330806

>handsome and tall

>> No.12331146

Guys don't appeal to me, so I don't notice enough to matter.

>> No.12331171

what physical attributes you look for in a girl then?

>> No.12331860

So the takeaway from this thread is "girls like plain and simple with bright colours. It might also help if you jangle your keys a bit"

>> No.12332049

I like comfycore boys. As long as your pants fit properly and you avoid neon colors, you're already doing better than most tho. And fuck what that other femanon said dude Hawaiian shirts are great.

>> No.12332096


made by a sophmore in high school for other sophmores in high school.

>> No.12332107

Not anymore it doesnt. Now it means "alternative rock baseball cap with slim dickies rolled up over beat to shit sneakers and an oversized gaudy sweatshirt" aka what insecure teenagers wear to try to appear aloof

>> No.12332339

Probably depends on the female??? Don't dress for females dress for your self you fucking scrub. You will never be happy chasing other people's opinions. Building self confidence is the best way to get ladies and that shit always comes from within you

>> No.12332348

Exactly. I knew a guy in highschool who was like 5'7-9 who was confident, nice and athletic and he had girls around him all the time even a girl who was 6'1 was around him thirsty for his dick.

>> No.12332619


>> No.12332623

>11 responses


>> No.12332630

Females aren't a monolith man. They will have differing opinions.

>> No.12332632


>> No.12332654
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>> No.12333590

>skinny jeans
>white t
just dress like a fuccboi

>> No.12333606

>/fa/ talking about girls
>implying were not all cringe worthy inside and just using fashion to cover it up with layers
>muh tricky ricky and autism
dont get me wrong tho im not a total pleb with girls
confidence is a big part of it
generally speaking though the opposite sex will either be intimidated or infatuated/both if you rock designer/killer fits
just be yourself but dont let the spaghetti fly

>> No.12333645

I think I prefer a rather minimal, basic look.

Some black or dark jeans (or pants, but nothing formal), not extremely skinny, but definitely not too loose or baggy. Regular fit for the jeans should be okay, slim possibly (depends on legs).

Plain T-shirt is fine, as long as the colour matches. Prints can be okay, as long as they are not too obtrusive or just hideous. Shirts in a plain colour can work as well if you are skinny enough. And maybe a simple sweater or knitwear, but definitely no crewnecks. Prints and patterns on anything from the top part should be really subtle if any.

I do not like fuccboi, shorts with prints. Caps do not work for most guys, unless you have the face of a goddamn model. Same goes for anything else one might want to put on its head. Anything that looks American in any way is horrible. Hate sweatpants, too loose clothing, making you look like you just got out of bed and did not bother to dress.

Shoes preferably some darker boots or more subtle sneakers which do not look too blunt or clumsy. I do not like these kind of more formal shoes though. Anything basic and matching should be okay.

But if someone dresses like this and his body type is not what I prefer (rather tall, slim, and definitely not fit), then I will think it looks like shit anyway, so yeah.

And after all, nobody looks like that. Writing that makes it sound fucking gay as well. Maybe it is. A person like this, with a matching personality who would also find me attractive as well, does not exist anyway.

>> No.12334792

Fuck you bitch

>> No.12334841

>minimal aesthetic
>slim body type
>"doesn't exist"

that being said, I like girls who can rant on an opinion, I'm like minded in most of your preferences...except the american thing. we're not ALL fuccboi slackercore

>> No.12335986

why are you even here if your ideal outfit is the clothing equivalent of a sheet of A4 paper

>> No.12336004
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Not being rude or joking
But I think you may have a mental disorder or for sure on the spectrum to some degree, you describe guys that don't really exist, and if they did would have the personality of a noodle

>> No.12336014

I'm female and while I don't like guys shorter than me I like guys or are within three inches taller than me so like 5'10' or 5'11

>> No.12336035

there's hope for us manlet royalty yet

>> No.12336036

FINALLY someone listening.
personally i like beards that are really straight shaved across their cheeks, idc about the width.
i like baggy expensive clothes.
and i like hair that looks like they spent a lot of time on it. (who doesnt)
(but that doesnt mean i care about looks, im just saying thats what i find the most appealing).

>> No.12336048

don't let /r9k/ see this post

>> No.12336175

Have faith Anon There's someone for everyone you just have to look hard enough

>> No.12336194

Most of the girls that I've dated teased me about my height but still fucked them

>> No.12336204

Shut the fuck up whore, 5'7'' is the shittiest height for women to begin with.

You're in the awkward zone of finding a mate, not small/cute enough, not tall enough to breed slayer babies

>> No.12336397

You can never go wrong with bizcaz

>> No.12336445

>nice face, haircut and body
>be attractive
>don't be unattractive

>> No.12336450

Also most people won't give a fuck about your fit. Do it for yourself and fucking rock that shit.

>> No.12336453

nigga how is that a fuccboi

>> No.12336869
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>> No.12336932

the reason none of you retards can get laid is that you think "women" are a monolith

If you want to date random ass Beckys and Morgans, dress bizcaz.

If you want to date indiehead type hipster girls, dress like them.

There's a really good reason you don't see pastel goth tumblr girls walking around with some guy wearing Abercrombie. People tend to date people that have similar aesthetics and hobbies to them. Subcultures still exist outside of high school

More importantly though, be fucking confident. Unless you are LITERALLY 11/10 actual god walking amongst mortals tier attractiveness, you have to be confident or people will find you boring.

>> No.12337115
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Y-y-yeah they totally don't care about height

>> No.12337117
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>> No.12337118
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>> No.12337166

Women are attracted to the one thing I'll never have: confidence

>> No.12337274

Hey, some of us like pampering others. Personally I like boys a little shorter than me because it's easier to smother them with love(boob).

>> No.12337282
File: 92 KB, 577x763, Cjl1JxRW0AENtQD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'0 and decently fit so no rr gal thinks I'm that type and is shocked when I open up about it

>> No.12337503

Yeah but you probably like to pamper confident short guys

>> No.12337536


>> No.12337603
File: 1.52 MB, 908x1395, Bart_Simpson_Comics_95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one getting nostalgia from this pic??

>Tfw won't get to go back in time and play diablo2/Champions of Norath with your friends all night eating junk food and playing yugioh and having beyblade matches..

>> No.12337616

girl here, I want a guy exactly my height. not taller or shorter.
I'm 167cm by the way.

>> No.12337751

Aw anon, I'm sure that you'll find the one soon. My current bf is actually several inches taller than me but we manage just fine. It is a little harder than just coming up and hugging him from behind in this case but cuddling on the couch works just fine.

It's true that confidence is important, but knowing the work that someone put into what little confidence they have is more so. There's a reason why confidence is sexy and arrogance is not- you gain confidence from performing well, working hard to get to that point, and even if you don't have much confidence seeing you work hard to improve it and yourself is much more attractive than empty bragging. Confidence comes from feeling good about yourself, and that's the most important thing before any relationship.

>> No.12337847

I saw one of these flame shirts at a thrift shop today.

>> No.12337953

just had cam sex with a fat ugly ftm ama

>> No.12337958

how was it? what led to this?

>> No.12339244

Yeah just wear whatever works for you. If you are wearing a suit and you feel terrible in it it isn't going to work.

>> No.12339247

I was bored and just wanted to try something new
She had a moustache but tits and a pussy
Still cummed though

>> No.12339304

European casual. That's how I dress (drawing inspiration from Italian and French street clothing, also a bit of German street clothing though I haven't been there yet) and girls fall all over me.

>> No.12339485

depends on the female you virgins

>> No.12339497

this is what normos actually believe

>> No.12340986
File: 106 KB, 795x635, 2017-Newest-Hip-Hop-Fashion-Pants-Cool-font-b-Mens-b-font-font-b-urban-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like jackets like this and tight/slim pants, no silly boots though

>> No.12340993

wow you're like a fashion genius

>> No.12341012
File: 75 KB, 1280x737, Tommy_Vercetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissing Hawaiian shirts

I won't even talk to a man who doesn't look this good.

>> No.12341244
File: 43 KB, 564x705, 1481679575485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like when guys dress in soft soft materials like cotton or wool. and gentle colors like grey, blue and white. makes you seem huggable and approachable. i have a lot of distaste for denim and nylon (unless its a jacket, because its important to stay warm too)

clothes that fit well and seemingly "effortlessly" drape upon your figure are the key. nothing too tight, nothing too baggy. lanky thin bodies look the best in clothes too---all it takes to not be fat is to eat moderately and walk often, so a guy being overweight just makes it seem like he wont even put in that sort of effort for himelf. so how can you expect him to put in effort for you!?

the area of skin between the cuff of a pant and the heel of a low top sneaker is an unexplainable pleasure to the eyes. kind of like the area of skin between the hem of a skirt and the top of a thigh-high stocking... you know

>> No.12341260

Is that Spinner?

>> No.12341268
File: 42 KB, 562x437, 1489987610152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
