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/fa/ - Fashion

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12320033 No.12320033 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like skaters and skater style? They're the scum of the earth, easily the most cancerous white subculture

>> No.12320046

Started skating at 14.
Adopted the "skater style".
Haven't skated in several years (I'm 30 now).
Still dress the same as I did when I was a skater... not gonna change my entire wardrobe just because I don't skate anymore.
Though I'm not scruffy and I don't wear my trousers around my ankles anymore.

>> No.12320049

because its fun and creative and you probably cant do it

>> No.12320051

The style is actually quite effay desu cus it's kind of a form of comfycore plus u just get to chill with ur brahs n skate together idk what ur problem is

>> No.12320091
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get real my man

>> No.12320127

it takes style and technique to make it look cool. plus all the videos and people pushing the threshold

>> No.12320129 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 800x1110, Ollie02_69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only warmed up to skater style when I discovered the Japanese magazine Ollie. It's a magazine that focuses on skater fashion rather than the sport itself.

Obviously white teenagers who call themselves skaters dress like shit though and are generally faggots.

>> No.12320133


>> No.12320135 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12320136

its self expression of how relaxed with life they are

>> No.12320140 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 800x1110, Ollie02_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and like with most japanese streetwear it oozes comfy

>> No.12320156
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>easily the most cancerous white subculture
Implying that isn't scene kiddies

>> No.12320194

why do you post the same thread, anon...easily the most cancerous of things to do

>> No.12320239

cause it's extremely comfy in a city dress like a skater.

>> No.12320249

bait. everyone who posted to this thread without saging is dumb.

>> No.12320336 [DELETED] 
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Skateboarding is an activity that makes you look attractive, skilled and graceful much like dancing or playing music. the only people who hates it are tryhard 'anti-culture' starbucks camping, bernie voting hyperfags. and of course fat and old people.

But there are still a lot of shit looking skaters like aron kyro, chris cole, lamont holt, torey pudwill that has no business being on a fashion board.


>> No.12320423

>Skateboarding is an activity that makes you look attractive, skilled and graceful much like dancing or playing music
Those activities are socially valued, while skating isn't. It's a pointless, adolescent waste of physical grace- nobody outside the subculture finds skating beautiful.

>> No.12320470 [DELETED] 

>caring about what is socially valued
>browsing 4chan

wow you have one hell of an identity crisis

>> No.12320472

4chan is more obsessed with perceived social value than any other community that has existed

>> No.12320478 [DELETED] 

from an imageboard whose vocabulary consists words like normie and cuck, I find that hard to believe. This is the most tryhard site at being the opposite of conventional society, sometimes good, funny shit comes out of it but most of the time just shit.

>> No.12320487

>/fa/ is more obsessed with perceived social value than any other community that has existed

>> No.12320495 [DELETED] 
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shit so that explains why 99% of waywt threads are so bland, safe and looks like the physical manifestation of insecurity.

>> No.12320501

If I was good at skateboarding I'd probably disagree but I can only just kick flip so fuck skateboarding

>> No.12320508

I'm decent at skateboarding but to be honest the whole hype around skate 'style' and shit like trasher being fashionable is just silly as fuck to me.

>> No.12320511

It's fun you idiot, it's not about having a "point", and it's nice to go and skate with your friends. Don't take it so seriously.

>> No.12320513

It's also the reason there is so much off topic threads and
>is x /fa/
Type of bullshit here, it's never about fashion it's about seeking validation of others for having social value because the people don't get enough of that in real life.
Being depressed drug addicted anorexic is the eopitome of /fa/ (whatever the fuck that even means) because it seems cool and aloof on instagram even if your life is shit.

>> No.12321097

>those twig arms

>> No.12321105

it's an easy subculture to get in to. faggy teenagers will defend it to death though.

>> No.12321117 [DELETED] 
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>faggy teenagers

>> No.12321120

haha epic meme bro xD

>> No.12321140


>> No.12322077
File: 24 KB, 609x609, 10600552_10152828053520132_5359917633639386489_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's girlfriend left him for a skater

>> No.12322080

How do people find it so hard to spell out the word 'Thrasher'

>> No.12322162

bmx is superior

>> No.12322166

I will just never understand the decision making process behind this look

>> No.12322172

best skate video on youtube by far

>> No.12322186 [DELETED] 

In the skating world you are the equivalent of that annoying white kid with braces who keeps insisting that eminem is the best rapper in the universe.

>> No.12322211

queer neo-jock bullshit

most of them end up 30 with blown out knees working retail and beating their 16 year old girlfriend which is awesome

>> No.12322246

why the pic of the guy wearing the supreme crewneck and converse look so posed lol

>> No.12322297

Skater style can be okay, but skate music took a fucking nosedive.

Now it's shit hiphop.

(Not that hiphop is shit, just the kind that skatefags love is "Should've stayed on Soundcloud"-tier garbage.)

>> No.12322306

>not that hip hop is shit

If you like hip hop your opinion on music is irrelevant even if you are talking shit about other styles of hip hop

>> No.12322312

It's because being a skater when you're 12-14 is kind of like having a car when you're 16-18 and a house when you're 18-21.

The girl can hang out with you without adult supervision and you probably have access to drugs and alcohol and she can make out with you and then catch your dick behind some bushes, after the sun goes down.

>> No.12322315

>he doesn't like MF DOOM
I can ship you a helium tank and a bag if you want to take care of this, anon

>> No.12322452

Dylan Rieder

>> No.12322647
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>scum of the earth

Hey man, not all of them are terrible people.

As someone who's been skating for 8 years (I'm 21) I simply wear whatever I find for cheap/looks nice at thrift stores because I can't find anything good when I hit the mall.

Or if I do find something, it is rather expensive/doesn't ship overseas.

People simply try to dress like skaters because they find the activity itself cool and want to feel like they are part of said group. Also like other anons stated, for it's comfy vibe.

What I don't really understand is why some people have complimented me on the stuff I wear (most of them being korean girls) I mean, I don't really put any effort to it.

>chris cole
>shit looking

come on man, chris used to rock some pretty goofy fits back when he was a teenager and metal-vibes during his early 20s

Honestly I feel like the whole skater fad started thanks to basic bitches. You only see two people wearing them and those are: people who actually skate and posers, so there's that.

>> No.12322699

The diy fuccbois are barely managing "creative"

>> No.12322705

it's a sport, it's not a fucking culture. and street skating is completely fucking dead.

>> No.12322706
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>> No.12322728
File: 661 KB, 999x487, Ali-Boulala-Epicly-Later_d-Part-4_gddrbf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about ali boulala

>> No.12322732

When is the last time a skater beat you up, took your lunch money, and tried to mack on your significant other?

Oh that's right, never.

>> No.12322741 [DELETED] 

you need to actually get out of the rathole you call a house for that to happen

>> No.12322762
File: 92 KB, 595x422, bam-margera-skateboarding-nike-sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skaters don't have a particular fashion or style. if anything they dress dumb on purpose or wear whatever happens to float in to their possession. seriously when I skated in high school my friends and I would steal our moms jeans and wear them just because it was considered cool to wear skinny jeans. if we gave any thought at all to what we wore it'd be to wear band shirts we liked or skate brand clothes.

>> No.12322815

Learning how to skate at 23 is hard

>> No.12322817

yeah but none of you are doing anything near this

>> No.12322828 [DELETED] 

no one cares to emulate rodney, him and his style is fossil fuel now

>> No.12322839

you're emulating rodney every time you do a flip trick actually

>> No.12323061

hurr hurr you're emulating rick owens wearing that fuccboi fit

>> No.12323294

>street is dead
lmao you're dust old man

>> No.12323296

oy vey

>> No.12323387

Lol got em.

>> No.12323396

>using skating and skater style to gain more self worth


>> No.12323619
File: 697 KB, 1024x680, Bildschirmfoto-2016-07-30-um-13.54.36-1024x680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the most /fa/ skater and why is it Ben Kadow? Seems like a genuinely cool guy aswell

>> No.12323653

Lol skaters don't dress like that at all you retard

>> No.12323656

they definitely do have a style you just weren't a real skater and don't know what you're talking about

>> No.12323659

ITT: people who don't skate at all talking like they know anything about skating

>> No.12323668

supreme, palace, stussy and many other popular fashion brands were all started as skate brands. skaters have better fashion sense than any noobs in this thread. BTFO

>> No.12323672

Lol someones mad they couldn't learn how to ollie

>> No.12323674


>> No.12323679

and rekt

>> No.12323684

most /fa skater will always be dylan reider

>> No.12323709

what are those shoes?

>> No.12323712


wow sure convinced me there champ

>> No.12323728

Lol how is supreme not one of the biggest brands right now? you're just mad that skaters have better style than you

>> No.12323733

these people don't seriously still exist do they? i mean christ that shit was a decade ago at this point.

>> No.12323737

supra's. not sure what model tho

>> No.12323744

since when is popularity indicative of quality? and I do skate, just cant stand that corny streetware shit - there's far more interesting fashion to come out of the scene than a few lame logos

>> No.12323761

yeah same i skate and i don't wear any of those trendy brands. but it just shows how much skateboarders have influenced popular fashion

>> No.12323769
File: 85 KB, 595x395, Chad-Muska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this
I wear mostly rick usually, why the heck would I dress up skate gear?
Plus Muska has been on that tricky-ricky steez for longer than some people browsing this board have existed

>> No.12323772

muska's style is kinda outdated imo

>> No.12323776
File: 380 KB, 1024x679, 7103332605_97a62a66f0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to hear you have opinions anon
Too bad they are unsolicited and no one cares

>> No.12323778

oh yeah for sure, but I think the influnce is more than that: skate culture acts as a sextant for the direction youth/street fashion is heading - so many current trends were adopted and propagated by skaters before anyone else (in a significant way anyway)

>> No.12323782



im sorry what was that? xD u know our name not our swaggy ;)
This deadass some hardcore shit niggas eat mad shit doin this


>not praising nyc skateboarding

>> No.12323812

nyc skating is becoming too trendy and kinda overrated imo.

>> No.12323813

This is what I think when I think skater fashion
Not those kids that shop at zumeiz and Tilly's and wear shit like diamond
Thats not skater fashion that's just childish fashion

>> No.12323817

yeah any skater who is actually in the know with the core skate scene knows diamond and zumiez are lame as fuck

>> No.12323822
File: 460 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170317-121147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was one sale for 24$ yesterday and I got it
Is it any good?

>> No.12323827

haha no. if your gunna buy online go to active rideshop or ccs

>> No.12323832

Yeah but is rimable a good brand? I got it for cheap but it seems pricey l

>> No.12323834

i think you're kidding but incase you're not no it's a walmart brand

>> No.12323837

U dumb bro
They make some of the best longboards

>> No.12323865

Can I just replace the truck bearings and wheels?

>> No.12323872

well are you just cruising or trying to learn tricks? desu that board would be fine for learning as long as you're fine looking like a noob

>> No.12323875

Cruising and maybe learning how to ollie
Idk the reviews said it was good

>> No.12323890

looks like a shit board for cruising. i'd say go to your local shop tell them you're just starting out and you need a board for cheap. they usually have second hand parts laying around and cheap shop boards for 40 - 50$ if they're nice guys which they usually are then they'll help you out

>> No.12323895

nah anon was right the first time, it's 4chan as a whole

>> No.12323919

fuck yea, rip my nigger

>> No.12323930

he said skater not poser

>> No.12323938

>easily the most cancerous white subculture
>on 4chan
>on /fa/

You are like a little baby. Do you ever question yourself?

>> No.12323940

skater style is possibly one of the most comfy styles.

>> No.12323961


>> No.12323969


>> No.12324017

yes? that's what was said you unresponsive fuck

>> No.12324026

Do you still smell like malt liqour?

>> No.12324099

>easily the most cancerous white subculture

Come to Britain and walk through a council estate

>> No.12324181

because its "cool" "free" has a lot of connotations with "rebellious" things like vandalism, drug use, trespassing etc..

also skating is really hard and only like 1% of people who try can actually get good enough to pull of tricks so its looked on quite highly by non skaters etc

you have to be a pretty hardcore person to skate well so whatever they wear looks cool because they have the personality for it

>> No.12324770

They have durable shoes

>> No.12324886

because you're clearly a bp cuck and can handle zfg skater bros fyukkin ur bich

>> No.12325518

unless you treat skating like a part time job ie spend 15+ hours a week doing it, and have done so for years on end you're a fuckin cancerous poser

it's a fucking lifestyle, not a hobby, buying a street set up to "cruise" and wearing a 5 panel hat and vans does not make u a skater

Also, there is no skater "style", skateboarders encompass a wide range of styles, anything that u can comfortably skate in is fair game and anyone that actually skates and lives in a community of skaters will be able to make this observation

Unfortunately, skating has become trendy, and there's a certain aesthetic that's associated with it but that does mean there's a definitive skater fashion

my culture is not your costume! u fuckin unoriginal tasteless fucks

>> No.12325530

Just to clarify about the time commitment 15+ hours a week thing...

the reason this is an important marker for determining genuinity is because skateboarding is fucking hard and you'll never be worth a shit at it if you don't dedicate a certain amount of time

its incredibly rare for people to ever get good at skateboarding if they started past a certain age. Any skilled skater, sponsored or not, has likely been doing it since adolescence. I don't know a single person who picked it up past 18 who's even close to decent

just give up posers

actually jk, keep funding the industry so people who actually skate can afford greater chances of sponsorship or pay

>> No.12325551

hey real skater,

What's your opinion on the "I do it for fun" excuse

>> No.12325558

capped for cringe threads

>> No.12325576


found the cuck

>> No.12325610

all skaters are doing it for fun u nonce,
and if u find cruising around and not doing tricks while head to toe in """"skater""" fashion then you're a lost cause

>> No.12325614

found the posers

>> No.12325646
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Is it enough if I spend 14 hours/week?

>> No.12325651


>he says after posting absolute fucking trash in a thread on a public board designed for mango discussions

Kill yourself you underageb& piece of fucking shit with a goddamn McWalmart job. Faggot nigger.

>> No.12325832

I only get to skate about ten hours a week because I work 50 hours.
Not everyone can work and skate that much.

>> No.12325858

w2c the hot head tee?

>> No.12325945


>> No.12326432

>Japanese magazine Ollie
is there a mega link or something? need that stuff

>> No.12326908

That's okay senpai, there's exceptions to everything, I appreciate your grind :)

>> No.12326923
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>chan fucktards who haven't left the house since 2008 let alone exert any sort of physical activity talking shit on skating

>> No.12327081

>im 16 and skating is so cool guys you just dont understand youre too old xdD

>> No.12327102

>'women want real men'
>defends skateboarding, one of the most adolescent activities imaginable

>> No.12327106


>> No.12327156


>I'm 24 and I crave the attention of random people on the webz, all my buzzwords come from this board it's like my own super sekret club XD

Lmao fucking loser

>> No.12327171
File: 99 KB, 486x486, 16921426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Comfy as hell
/Stylish as hell
/it represent a culture ,music taste

>> No.12327178

>not even denying the fact youre underage

youre the cancer that is killing this site. go back flipping those ollies and snug some xanax from your grandma like a cool teenager

>> No.12327195

"Skate music" lmao. Skaters are way too large a group to generalize like this. They're all over the world and even in the US are very different from one another

>> No.12327205

This is a piece of shit waste of money. Please don't buy this. If you want a real skateboard then pay for it. The wheels will barely turn, the trucks will be shit, and the wood will feel waterlogged and shitty even brand new out of its plastic

>> No.12327809

skaters is the same

>> No.12328356


>> No.12328420

w2c pants with that fit

any recs?

>> No.12328944

literally the least aesthetic of all skateboarding styles

>> No.12328986

neither of u fags have any idea what ur even looking at do u

>> No.12328994

Can confirm that they still exist, thankfully in much smaller numbers though

>> No.12329051

>4chan is a subculture

>> No.12329071

skateboarding is for losers
proof: all ex-skaters I know turned into drug addicts or minimum wagecucks (me included)
they're fun people to hang out with though

>> No.12329074

nothing more embarrassing than seeing an old man skate. give it up if you're over 25

>> No.12329195

I am studying mechanical engineering in Germanistan and dress skatercore/slackercore...I was a shitty skater tho

>> No.12329200

>engineer once again proclaims that he is an engineer for no reason
I feel like I'm living in a joke book

>> No.12329416


>> No.12329445
File: 72 KB, 323x323, 1488780468657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make friends with a Chad
>He dresses like a skater, has a nose ring
>Tell him I absolutely hate the look with a passion and would have dismissed him as a colossal faggot (as in the non-gay type) had we not met while I was drunk
>He tells me he went through the "stage" of dressing like I do when he was in high school and will never go back
>Tell him the skater style is literally a stage people go through, not preppy
>He says he likes dressing this way because it makes him different and he doesn't care what others think

>> No.12329445,1 [INTERNAL] 

Live Fast,Die Fun