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/fa/ - Fashion

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12284776 No.12284776 [Reply] [Original]

Can suspenders be /fa/?

Post /fa/ suspenders.

>> No.12284786

id on shirt?

>> No.12284790

seconding this

>> No.12284802

Just look some army surplus.

>> No.12284900
File: 90 KB, 834x576, 4d727a94ccad415db63d8faacb43556a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

varg has never not been effay

>> No.12284913
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>> No.12284915
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I'll never understand the people that idolize this dumbass. He's a completely unremarkable edgelord who burned a few churches.

>> No.12284916
File: 390 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ncdtscCoKr1tjgejbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12284950

>burned a few churches
>leader of one of the most iconic black metal bands of all time
>open, casual white supremacist
>defies policemen in full plate armor
>chaos and lulz follows him wherever he goes
so unremarkable

>> No.12284953


His voice is quite soothing

>> No.12284954

t. butthurt communist

>> No.12284963

>leader of one of the most iconic black metal bands of all time
>black metal
>relevant, ever

not even, I don't mind his pro-white shit, I just don't feel the need to floss my teeth on his scandinavian pubes because he did a bunch of dumb shit. You guys are literally children "hurr durr he a viking metal warrior for the pure rice". People like this make the ones who truly are fighting for the white race look bad.

>> No.12285001

He was accused of burning a church, but actually never admitted to it.

>> No.12285941

where can i get this sweater man

>> No.12286046

looks like military overshirt

>> No.12286048


>> No.12286059

>defies policemen in full plate armor
when did this happen?

>> No.12286321

What color pants and shoes would go well with that color shirt and suspenders?

>> No.12286708

>>he didn't admit to murder either anon
>>still convicted
Shut up faggots

>> No.12286716
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>>implying Ferris Bueller's Day off never

>> No.12286814
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Christian-Bale-Suspenders-American-Psycho-Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12286855


>> No.12287372
File: 172 KB, 1440x810, 03e57af3-e2b2-401c-83e0-f44650b5501b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black. Varg used black jeans here, but I would go with slim fit cargo trousers. Not the Walmart kind of.

>> No.12287383

Why did you post that fucking picture.
You knew you would derail your own thread.

Suspenders can look good and are often much more comfortable than belts, especially with heavy high-waisted trousers.

On the topic of Varg, I like his naturalistic radicalism but I think he is pretty stupid and there are far more interesting radical right-wing artists for people to look up to.

>> No.12287390
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actually he is strongly against capitalism and favors some sort white anarcho-primitivist society.

>> No.12287436

Where do you get good cargo trousers?

Also, a sincere 'please' for all the uptight internet teenage faggots whose daddy buys all their clothes, not to reply to this post with
>uhhhh cargo pants literally working clas uhhh

>> No.12287443

>good cargo trousers

>> No.12287444

>>leader of one of the most iconic black metal bands of all time

they have maximum 1 good song

>> No.12287470

milsurp you dweeb

>> No.12287930

This. Even my best cargos are absolute bullshit because I didn't buy them from milsurp. Just dye them black and if you are not a lazy fuck like me, tailor them slim.

>> No.12288040
File: 986 KB, 500x268, tumblr_nxa6xiDui81tv49aao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignorant fuck. who are "they" ? he made all songs single handedly, plus i doubt you have actually listened to all of his songs, so im gonna list some good ones: Key to the Gate, Jesu dod, ea lord of the depths and many more.

>> No.12288053

Being against capitalism does not make one a communist.
Commies are still mad that he stabbed one of their own.

>> No.12288056

Maybe 5.11? Never worn any of their clothes but I think their pants come with stretch fabric and gussets.

>> No.12288218

How do suspenders even work? Are they more comfortable that a belt?

>> No.12288245

>>leader of one of the most iconic black metal bands of all time
he's the only one even in it, it would be pretty hard not to be the leader at that point

>> No.12288290

>tfw too beta to be the leader of your one man band


also w2c jumper

>> No.12288434


>> No.12288572

>tfw u are mixed race
>tfw varg will never be ur bro

>> No.12288703

>Being this triggered about babbys first black metal

>> No.12288941

What mix are you?

>> No.12289165

goo goo ga ga back too mu mu la la

>> No.12290064

thank you anon, you're the best

>> No.12290526

Depends on your definition of murder.
I don't think that killing a man who threatened to kill you should be legal, but I think it's a morally acceptable excuse. From watching other people from the black metal scene talk about Euronymous it seemed like he probably said it.

As far as churches go I have never seen any proof he committed the burnings and if you send me any I'll admit he did it.

>> No.12290534

I don't think varg hates non whites at all, he's just of the opinion that they shouldn't be in Europe, just like he doesn't believe Europeans should be in Asia, etc.

>> No.12290553
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>> No.12291188
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>> No.12291493
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>> No.12291579

Euronymous was not a fucking communist.

He was just an edgelord who 'liked' Pol-Pot (lmao) and Ceauçescu (lmaolmao) and then left the party. He's as much of a commie as edgy trolls these pretend to be "nazis" to irritate people. He was a retard, i watched an interview of his on youtube, where he was like "muh we worship death and think causing despair and grief is a good thing and are """"against anything beautiful"". Christ, how insufferable. He was a 13 yo basically

>> No.12291585
File: 565 KB, 1484x2252, imrs.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12291750


>> No.12291771

is that ted???

>> No.12291820

>misuse of a garment is fa

>> No.12292662

Tbh I see suspenders (and bow ties also) everywhere on queer kids. Butch lesbians. Little twinks. They've all really hopped on the whole gay nerd dork thing and it's made me definitely avoid suspenders, bow ties, and colours (when all worn together)