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12270289 No.12270289 [Reply] [Original]

When will Napoleonic era hairstyles make a comeback?

>> No.12270291
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>> No.12270293
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>> No.12270294

DEUS VELT!!!!!!!

>> No.12270297
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>> No.12270298


fuck off smelly neckbeard.

>> No.12270299
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>> No.12270301


>> No.12270303


beta chinlet faggot

>> No.12270304
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>> No.12270306

chinlet receding hairline numale

skinny fat cuck with puffy cheeks

>> No.12270309


wide set eye alien incel creep

>> No.12270315
File: 11 KB, 200x240, 1473107777366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. butthurt balding manlet chinlet uinable to grow sideburns let alone an actual beard + puffy nipples

>> No.12270319


40 year old retard general who is unable to stop his hair from balding

no eye depth, incel tier nose beta lower jaw

>> No.12270327
File: 117 KB, 900x1200, autismspeaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guyz!!! i have napoleon hair right?????? check out my youtube channel, "Mouthbreathing atheist numale faggot"

>> No.12270334


Kill yourself, degenerate incel.

>> No.12270340


skinny fat saggy upper arms, flabby hank hill ass, shoulder hair growing, suffering from dermatitis, eczema, and other strange inflammatory skin conditions, joints always cracking and popping, large gaps between teeth mixed race with curly hair and severe dandruff

>> No.12270364

Is this French for "*autistic screeching*"?

>> No.12270373


napoleon hair is fucking disgusting. all these chinlet faggots wearing this cuck shit.


fuck off ugly 1/10 incel degenerate beta numale incel atheist faggot

>> No.12270484

bro Napoleon wasn't even a full Christian, he was a deist. Furthermore, he was inspired by the liberal ideas of the French Revolution ya dingus

>> No.12270599
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Plz do some research

>> No.12270611
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>> No.12270620

How do I attain this hairstyle if I have straight medium-long hair

>> No.12271129

Wax could be used. One thing about these early 1800s hairstyles is that they were meant to look wind-blown, and remind one of the ancient Greeks and Romans' hairstyles. We're in a fashion time where it's mostly unfashionable to wear your hair forward much. It could be back soon, though. That undercut/jugend haircut is already past its peak, too.

>> No.12271790

wax? what type of wax

i'm serious I want this style

>> No.12272133

classical liberals were libertarian. then conservative was libertarian. that term was also taken over

>> No.12272142

>besmirching the liberal enlightenment's conqueror general with your christian garbage
Stop right there, criminal scum.

>> No.12272156

well considering the hygiene of the 19th century, id say dont wash your hair in a week, and then apply talc powder to make it less greasy

>> No.12272158

what is talc powder and how do I get it

>> No.12272182
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bernard black was clearly ahead of its time

>> No.12272196

And don't forget that back in the 1800's, libertarian was used synonymously with anarchism, especially anarcho-communism.

>> No.12272214

dude like any supermarket or beauty shop has it, its very easy to find anywhere

>> No.12273215


napoleon incel cucks


wearing ur hair forward is for incel s


incel tier skinny fat cuck

>> No.12273237

>thinking that's actually him

>> No.12273360


>> No.12273400

talcum powder ya noong. The one they use for babies asses

>> No.12273534


>> No.12274185

Something common like American Crew Fiber would be good, since it's a type of wax, although it obviously isn't historical. Hair wax helps to make hair wavy, or at least slightly, as very straight hair and partings weren't really fashionable back then.

>> No.12274911

This hairstyle is quite common in Paris though