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/fa/ - Fashion

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12167709 No.12167709 [Reply] [Original]

do you have self esteem anon? why?
what do you like and dislike about you?

i dont, for that i want to know how the others feel about it

>> No.12168143

I seriously hate almost every aspect about myself. Not in this new age internet "I want to die xD sucks to be a teen. Nihilism is so fresh and cool"

I'm uglee as shit
I'm not that smart
I'm not charismatic in anyway
I can't talk to girls and my life is going nowhere in general

The only positives I have is that I'm slightly funny and I'm 6'1, but I have stupid little dumpy 32 inseam legs

I'm also too cowardly to kill myself and have no motivation to try and improve myself

>> No.12168148
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>Finally be able to grow a thick beard to cover jaw line
>Start balding

You just can't win.

>> No.12168156

it's really easy to become smart dude just become passionate about smart things like history or literature or maths, theres a lot of excuses people can make to be passionate about that type of stuff.

Im passionate about history and stuff because it tickles then autism I have for world building. just become passionate about stuff thats actually productive famalam

>> No.12168187

idk. i find this a tough one.

i think i am rather ugly, have an ugly face, i look fat even though i am thin, have a lot of scars.

people keep telling me i am smart. but simply having a degree or being able to fix my grandmother's computer does not make me smart.

i am not a social person. people usually make me feel uncomfortable. i am autistic and feel awkward and weird.

people tend to think i own a lot of skills and competences, but i think mostly this is untrue.

i have a lovely girlfriend, i have few friends but a couple of good ones, and they keep telling me those negative thoughts are all untrue. they day i am smart, funny, cute, dress nice. theh say i have a great taste in music, films and art. but as long as i don't believe in myself, i am afraid nothing others say will change a thing.

sometimes i even become paranoid and think everyone is in on some big conspiracy against me, as if my life is another truman show. i might just be craycray.

>> No.12168204

I'm pretty content with myself desu
>average height, not insecure about it
>got slim on /thinspo/ then started skating regularly and working out to get ottermode
>high tier facial aesthetics
>all this leads to good self esteem which I've been told is attractive

On top of that, I'm really enjoying my education which is almost entirely covered by scholarships and progressing decently in my hobbies!

Thanks for the brag thread

>> No.12168210


>> No.12168220

really short but i'm used to it by now. other than that there's nothing i'm really insecure about

>> No.12168226


>> No.12168241

pls no. I voted Trump

>> No.12168256

I'm an understanding and emotionally mature person with good judgement

People generally seem to like me and I make friends easily, people laugh at my jokes and enjoy my company

Sometimes I worry about how intelligent I actually am but usually I'm pretty confident in that regard

I think and have been told by several people that my physical attractiveness is above average, I'm 6' 1" with a decent beard and an extremely deep voice (plus I'm Irish which has been voted sexiest accent in the world)

The things I'm most insecure about are my short limbs/lack of physical coordination/lack of fitness/laziness

Overall I like myself pretty well desu

>> No.12168264


>> No.12168278

I have pretty low self-esteem. I'm short, have a slightly crooked nose, sharp teeth, and scrawny. I can control the scrawniness, but the rest are unsolvable without surgery. At least I feel good about my career.

>> No.12168283

I'm very ugly
>Caveman forehead
>Giant nose
>Squinty eyes
>Small mouth but fat, ugly lips
>Weak chin
>No jaw
>Small ears, which I thought was a good thing until I was made fun of for it
>Giant Adam's apple
>Awful posture
>Disgusting body shape
>Gross, hairy body
>Hands are too large for my arms

Emotional inferior
>Non-existent self esteem (not that that needs pointing out)
>horrible anxiety around strangers and family/friends alike
>bad anger issues, leads to self-harm

Also other stuff
>Very lazy, no motivation
>No real passions or interests
>Drain on society
>Burden to everyone around me
>Somehow arrogant despite all this
>Overly emotional

if doubles I'll kill myself tonight

>> No.12168288


>do you have self esteem?

yes and no

yes; most people don't care about anyone but themselves; that negative feeling of judgement comes from within. Ultimately, you could walk around with your waifu pillow, fedora, or even rick owens shit, but people will by and large forget that event. Whether they laugh or applaud, all people go home, masturbate, and sleep, thereby returning to whatever dream they live in, in hopes that it will never be shattered. The cliche of the Matrix is quite apropos.

no, because i'm at a low point in my life, but i know i'm coming out of it by becoming the best me i can be.

It's all a matter of perspective. For example; you may think you're poor, ugly and stupid as shit. But let's not forget up to now, we're living in the golden age of humanity. Even the poorest of poor in the West have it better than kings in medieval europe. Imagine kissing a woman in the 1400's when she has never bathed, brushed her teeth, or even eat proper food. Like, for fuck's sake, it wasn't until like at least 40 years ago dentists stopped pulling out teeth just because they had cavities. Now we can fucking fill those holes with metal or some neo-plastic shit.

As a man, I have found that experience is key to achieving any new meaning or perspective in life. You must take massive action in order to grow and evolve. Your identity of your "self" must constantly die and be reborn through action and reflection.

Ponder as much as you want, but you know what you must do.

>> No.12168297

>Imagine kissing a woman in the 1400's when she has never bathed, brushed her teeth, or even eat proper food.
Better than never kissing a woman at all.

>> No.12168306

i used to have the highest self esteem, i dont know what the fuck happened.
this place zapped it from me probably
kinda helpful tips i guess:
>socialise; distract urself from insecurities till you forget about them
>good sleep pattern
>good diet
>regular exercise/lifting weight/whatever (cant stress that enough)
>dress in a way so as to make urself feel more confident, dont hop trends because then youll be constantly comparing ur fits or whatever to the people that youre copying
>meditaiton i always hear loads about, idk try it, theres that thing mindfulness, i should use it for my anxiety i guess
these r the 'physical' things you can do, the rest would be see a therapist and just try to find inner happiness or whatever

>> No.12168353

My nose and lips are too big
I have resting bitch face
My posture makes me look fat and I don't know how to correct it
I'm a manlet (about 5'8)
I have a short, round babbyface
I think my hair looks kind of childish but I don't know what to do with it. I'm too insecure to get an interesting haircut and all the barbers around here are probably shit anyway and would fuck it up.
I'm terrible at expressing myself verbally
I have no social skills.
I have a terrible diet
My interests are "weird" music, video games and anime. I don't really have anything in common with any of my friends.
I've been beta orbiting a girl for over 3 years now. She probably loved me back at some point but I think it's too late now. I'm bored of her not knowing how I feel but she has a boyfriend.
I masturbate too much. However I once masturbated about 6-8 times in a row for 6-8 hours and I'm kind of proud of that
I'm lazy and unmotivated
I'm a weeaboo
I might be depressed

>> No.12168378

tfw if i had cleaner skin id be way more confident
fuck it im sorting my diet out from today

>> No.12168389
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I typically say negative things about myself e.g.
>im ugly
>im a loner
>im a loser
>im not talented
>not sociable
>not likeable
>bad at making friends
>never will have gf
>body sucks

but acquaintances always tell me the opposite.
I have to learn to love myself, but it's hard af.

Also I'm shit at taking good pictures which lowers my esteem

and this >>12168378

>> No.12168392

>'m a manlet (about 5'8)

lol what? inch below average must be really rough

>> No.12168398
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x4032, 20170118_150119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a super asymmetrical face and i fucking hate it. i also have severe acne on my shoulders and back. big nose as well. it seems like everything that can go wrong does. on the bright side i'm 6'2 with blue eyes and thats about it. ive never kissed a girl before and at this point i doubt i ever will. i have 3000$ to my name and no job. going to buy a gun next week and shoot myself i think, but i'm scared i'll fuck that up too. why is life so hard boys :(

>> No.12168473

I've got good self esteem. I know my flaws, and how to mitigate them. I think I'm very good looking, I've got a good body shape, and I've already made long term plans for myself. The tricky part is the beginning/middle.
I used to have bad self esteem. My parents wouldn't let me grow my hair out long or have a cellphone for awhile. My dad's job made him take long periods of time away from home so I get my hair out super long and went into emo phase (bc that's cool *facepalm*) and finally felt good about myself. If my hair looks bad, I lose a lot of self esteem. It's what makes or breaks me desu

>> No.12168477

>or have a cellphone for awhile
How does having a cellphone affect your self esteem?

>> No.12168511

>do you have self esteem anon?
I have some self esteem issues
Not much social interaction, no gf until 22, a dad who's physically superior to me every way but facial aesthetics, drug abuse, etc
>what do you like and dislike about you?
Facial aesthetics
Facial hair
Benis size (it's big but sometimes this is a negative since it makes me insecure still like wtf)
General health besides drug abuse and tinnitus
My historic high level of opiate tolerance that saved my life once

6'1 (Im glad yet hate not being 6'3)
Uneven jawlines
Bulbous nose
Very slowly balding hair (overall I have great hair looks wise tho)
Ankle, knee, and lower back pain
Hungarian heritage
Drug abuse inclination, but fortunately have never had addiction problems to a single drug
Mild spine bend
Lots of acne and hair on upper back

Honestly if I wasn't a piece of shit i wouldn't be insecure, but 4chan doesn't bring the best out in people and I've been here for like half of my life. I'm 8/10 according to most, not short, big dick, decently strong, but everything else to me seems like it nullifies them.

How to stop being insecure?

>> No.12168530
File: 32 KB, 345x384, nf_f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look fine, please stop worrying about that. you will kiss a girl, idc how old you are, it will happen. might be the only one here to say it, but please don't kill yourself. someone loves you irl, try to love them back.

>> No.12168554

If you're going to kill yourself, you might as well blow that 3 grand on something beforehand. Die in a sick fit.

>> No.12168636

I didn't have any insecurities until I started browsing /fa/

>boring eye color
>teeth gap and yellow teeth
>acne, but at least I'm on isotretinoin
>bad posture
>hungry skeltal, I'm mean thinspo loves me but in the real world I always hear shit like "gee anon eat something"

>> No.12168644

It's an example of not having what other kids had, and feeling left out and lonely when quite literally every other kid was on their phone I was staring at a blank wall.

>> No.12168671

I'm not ugly but I don't know if I can pull the bald meme and that's making me feel pretty anxious.

>> No.12168679

>i have a super asymmetrical face
So does Rick Owens.

>> No.12168751

I hate very single thing about my face. Sometimes I look in the mirror and it seems alright, then I take a picture of myself and my face looks like it's melting.

fuck it

>> No.12168799

the same! i also have a nice gf and people usually tell me good things but i still hate myself ugh

>> No.12168803

where are you from?

>> No.12168816

wtf? you are cute senpai

>> No.12168820

>Pretty good looking
>Just have a chronic case of RBF
>Stocky, short and kinda fat but not too fat to the point that I look straight up shitty
>Hair maintenance is a chore bec if left on its own it will blow the fuck up and there goes any chances of being rated above 3/10

>Slightly constipated, steadily outgrowing emotional constipation
>Try my best to be nice, works like 70% of the time
>At times socially stunted, steadily outgrowing this as well
>Currently able to slowly face hang-ups in life little by little
>Insecurities crop up at times but am now able to recognize when this happens and promptly deal with it

>Not a prodigy, but smart enough

I guess I have an OK self esteem. I'm able to be somewhat honest with myself

>> No.12168827

yeah, im good looking, got good hair, charismatic, funny, lots of attention from girls

but, im short at ~5'7 and asexual, which is shitty

>> No.12168840

your face doesn't look asymmetrical to me, i think you're way too critical of yourself anon
you're a qt pie, please don't kill yourself

>> No.12168844

dude ngl you are very handsome

>> No.12168901

W-why do you ask, anon?
I'm in Europe

>> No.12168903
File: 26 KB, 600x543, conceit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of when /fa/ invaded /fit/ and posted the faces of all the guys shitting on their sick effay fits.

Didn't know /fa/ so largely consisted on robots from r9k. Christ.

>> No.12168918

>people tell me I should model regularly
>king of manlets
>got a 8x6
>smart enough to work hard

Still not happy though, and I reckon I never will be.

>> No.12168966

Was going to list what i hate and like about myself but then people might know who i am

I have good self esteem in the sense that I dont really care about what other people think about me negatively, so i wear what i want and have my own style outside of mainstream trends. I really really care about what other people think about me positively though, everything I do is to appear to have a good lifestyle for others so that they look up to me. hint i dont have a good lifestyle

I catch a lot of girls looking at me all the time, like 8/10 girls, this is almost the only thing that keeps my confidence up. Don't know how to actually approach a girl. Kissed many, never had sex

sometimes I feel I'm 9/10 but other times 4.5/10, my opinion of myself is very inconsistent. Honest self rate maybe 7/10, I'm never sure though

Mentally I'm pretty fucked, a lot of people in my family died 2016, no one I know who isn't family knows because I don't wanna whore attention. When I'm with people I'm confident and im somewhat popular but it's all kind of a calculated act that i've learned through the years, I used to be completely autistic. Hopeless physically, fashionably and mentally. My personality now doesnt come completely naturally to me and sometimes the old autism slips through. New people I meet think im alpha and all that but people who know me closely for a year will see how weak i actually am.

I also always think about what I'm supposed to be doing but keep wasting all time in my life while thinking about the potential im throwing away. Actually doing work is pure agony lol im fucking lazy, start hitting myself in the head when i have to focus for more than 10 minutes

>> No.12169018

>TFW all your clothes are baggy on you and you don't want to buy new ones until you've reached your target weight.

Also I've sort of come to the conclusion that every major relationship I developed after the age of 13 was with somebody who now browses 4chan, which I find incredibly discouraging.

>> No.12169447

makes me sad to read this. run and never look back.

>> No.12169481

I wish I could quit 4chan forever but at this point it's like a mainline of memes that I need to survive.

I also owe my life to 4chan, some boards helped me find hobbies to get through some depressing times. I should realize I'm grown up but I cannot leave, I must post shit.

>> No.12170072

cmon you cant be that bad! you must be exaggerating :)

>> No.12170095

well, where do i start

>i'm a manlet
>i can't connect with people
>i'm a beta faggot
>i have a small ugly dick that makes me feel less of a man
>i have oily face
>my hair is always oily and smelly
>it's hard for me to lose weight and my body right now is unflattering as fuck
>i have no friends. something that makes me feel anxious everytime i talk with someone cus i don't want anyone to know about this
>i'm just awkward as fuck because i'm always scared of being seen with unflattering pose. i'm really scared of being judged

i'm a 23 yr old guy

>> No.12170182

Your face is fine, man. You should grow your hair out.

>> No.12170186

be good at something that isnt being attractive
fuck being /fa/ go full /fit/
ur a dumbass fix that shit
wear stilts
get off ur ass
get less scrawny get career then get surgery
sell your soul to the government
grow up psuedonietzsche
stop wanking w ur snot
try again in three years
some pple enjoy staring at the moon
add delusional to the list u shthead
u have enough money for multiple prostitutes u stupid shit
buzz off the angstlocks and roleplay as an old man for three weeks
stop browsing this board
settle down quickly
cover all reflective materials with duct tape. always carry a spare roll at all times
10/10 at dealing w life
move to iceland
drink more
get a therapist before u break urself
in the meantime supplement it with shitty fast fashion then relation w some normies
shower thrice a day and everytime you think ur ugly sprint a kilometer

>> No.12170267

I'm really trying to work on my self esteem actually
Last year was a bit traumatic
Battled with drugs, lost friends, had an ex overdose etc.
Really fucks with your self worth when youre alone all the time
For now as long as I'm not on heroin, im doin better
Generally I like myself, looks n style are good
Im in that 20 something year old state of figuring out wtf to do with my life
And its not all that bad
However I dislike the way I've thought and felt for a long time
10 years of hereditary anxiety and depression
It has ups and downs though
Suppose I'm waiting to go back up

>> No.12170314

You look good man

>> No.12170342

good post

>> No.12170359

why do we criticize ourselves to the point where we get delusional about our own appearence?

>> No.12170670
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> Calling that asymmetrical face

>> No.12170675

because we are insecure faggots that's what we are

>> No.12170685
File: 21 KB, 493x691, 14725648_1265276110183521_8096470437397462096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ~tall~ (5'11/6') but i would be taller (6'2) if i correct my scoliosis caused by my pectus carinatum but I'm also not sure if that'll fix it because i'm 19

>> No.12170854

I was born with a genetic disease and my body pretty much stopped growing around 15 so I look way younger than I am.
Some people tell me I'm lucky butvi don't want to look like a child.
I have a shitty beard because it makes me look a little older, but I don't really want it.
My self esteem is pretty low as a result.

>> No.12170875

>good singing voice
>tall + good looking

>drink too much
>wasted 3 years mucking about with what to do with my life
>work and school full time so no time to actually spend time with girl, just sex and it's unfulfilling

>> No.12170882

Get a foam roller to stretch with and start lifting weights to correct your core muscles. See a chiropractor.

>> No.12170888

I would worry more about being fat. Your face is fine

>> No.12170893

Go to the fucking gym my dude

>> No.12171008


i can be pretty good-looking when i have confidence but i've been lacking it as of late and it sucks. i just want to be back on campus, smoke weed n my cigs, and have girls stare at me

>> No.12171097

i wonder the same, i cant help myself but feeling bad all the time

>> No.12171153

Anon, go talk to a psychologist. You might have something belying your pervasive negativism

>> No.12171205

i am unironically a /fa/ggot and i am atttracted to older men exclusively. only thing good about me is my fashion, even though i have a shit appearance due to no exercise and bad skin.

>> No.12171255

I've never understood this. Why nu (=new)? Do you think weak chins and male pattern balding entered the gene pool like 10 years ago?

I like:
-passion for literature, art, music
-body proportions

-lazy at times
-lack of discipline
-constant seeking of distraction from actually important stuff
-somewhat thin hair
-beak nose (In general I like roman noses, it's just a touch too big)
-slightly asymmetric chest

>> No.12171268

holy fuck this is me down to the goddamn t

...a-anon...are you me?

>> No.12171275
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I don't know, honestly. I'm content with my personality. People often call me smart and charismatic, and I never really had problems making friends. I'm a bit impatient. I think my taste in clothing is decent.
Appearance is a whole another story, though. I have a round face, a big roman nose and thin lips. My hair is not as thick as I would like it to be. Also, even though my upper body is quite thin, my legs make me look fatter than I actually am.
The thing is, being ugly and charismatic is fine if you're a guy, but as a girl it kinda sucks.
>tfw I'm the hot girl's bro-tier best friend

>> No.12171277

lost ya at

>> No.12171296

>having chick friends

>> No.12171303

But I'm also a girl, anon.

>> No.12171312

i was about to say if you're a guy they probably think you're gay. but if you're a girl ye you're fucked looks are the only thing that matters for you.

>> No.12171326

boy this is a depressing thread... better contribute too!

>brother is 10 times better than me in a lot of ways
>social retard, can't speak properly and lack emotion, most of my reactions are fake
>no self control, been trying to lose weight and it's been working ok until now because can't help stuffing myself with shit
>because no self control, I've always been kinda chubby and having skinny friends dosen't help
>alcoholic daddeh is bad daddeh

>not genius but pretty smart
>pretty good looking, would be way better if I lost weight tho
>(sometimes) proud of being hapa

>> No.12171376

Bad eye gonna cut it out someday and wear an eye patch yarr.

>> No.12171407

I despise gym workout culture. It just doesn't feel right for me.

>> No.12171421

you can just go and workout? i mean just because you play video games doesn't make you an EPIC GAMER420 noSCOPE doritios gAymER. you dont have to be a dude bro just because you work out. just go late at night if you want when there's no one there if it bothers you that much.

>> No.12171426

I know how you feel. Just go late at night when nobody's there, and get some headphones and play music so you can ignore everyone. It helps a lot.

>> No.12171585

>alcoholic daddeh is bad daddeh

>> No.12171600
File: 58 KB, 658x588, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have acne scars all over face

Matched with a girl on tinder a few weeks ago and she's so fucking perfect, she asked me to go to a concert with her a couple days ago but there's no point. In my tinder pics the scars don't show because they're a bit blurry. Oh man... that girl is a legit cutie and she effay as fuck too.

>> No.12171605

>Thin, not very fit
>kinda weak jawline and chin
>Dramatic, sometimes too dense, sarcastic or pessimist

>i'm still a little good looking, i guess
>i have a good career, i know what i want for my life
>i can talk too people, and i enjoy a lot
>i can be pretty funny sometimes
>i'm trying to improve myself and learn stuff :3

I think a lot of people in this thread are too picky, we all have some good and bad stuff, but some of it doesn't matter. In my case i can recognize some bad stuff in myself, but i'm still happy with myself.

>> No.12171609

just do it m8, you don't lose nothing. Even if she doesn't like you, you tried, and that's pretty great.

>> No.12171611


decent weight
little to no acne
big brown eyes
decent hair

massive baby face
nonexistent jawline
big thighs
bad smile

>> No.12171612

dude just do it

>> No.12171616

if you dont go you will regret it for the rest of your life. do it

>> No.12171631

Go for it. If she laughs at your scars, you can just commit a murder suicide.

>> No.12171638
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Concert was yesterday, and I rejected her. We're still talking though but I'm not trying to get too close to her because it has already happened before, a girl ghosted me once when she found out how I looked like. We talked for like 5 months everyday and when she found out how I looked like she stopped talking to me even though I didn't even liked her that way, I thought we had a real friendship going on lol

>> No.12171641
File: 60 KB, 529x705, C2oK7SIXEAEXN7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly face with acne scars everywhere
short (seriously, 5'3" adult male)
no charisma
takes me a while to be myself and comfortable with new people, making it hard to form friendships and relationships

friends know me for always being the guy with the jokes but humor is simply my go-to defense mechanism for my crippling depression

i give off really awkward vibes, it's something i couldn't change and i learned to embrace, some people like it, but most (normies) don't

was bullied throughout middle and high school and have never talked to a female in a non-platonic way

im 19 btw

people say im pretty knowledgeable, so you already kno a nigga got tha spit facts on deck

yeah my self esteem is pretty fuckin low

>> No.12171643

is it that bad man? you make it sound like you're disfigured.

>> No.12171650

>unconventionally attractive
>above average height
>blue eyes
>"laid back"

>can't talk to people
>out of shape but skinny

>> No.12171653

I just wish i was cuter and my nose wasnt so bad :-(

>> No.12171656
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Pic related :-(

>> No.12171665

i feel you man, the part about being yourself around other people specially. Maybe you should try new social situations, getting out of your confort zone, is working for me a little bit.

You obviously have to do something about your depression, if you're not willing to get medical help, you should at least think about what is your problem, and how you can be able to solve it.

>> No.12171706
File: 48 KB, 612x612, 16123142_1715950912051280_4792028156133376000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you should try new social situations, getting out of your confort zone, is working for me a little bit.
i've tried coming out of my comfort zone a few times, and thankfully im a little bit better at handling small talk compared to before. practice is the only way to get better!
>You obviously have to do something about your depression
i know, but i don't know how to get rid of this mindset. i don't feel like it's a chemical imbalance.

i've explored many different philosophies, theories, and ventured a little bit into theology and im left with the conclusion that there is no meaning to life at all, and it is all up to me to give it a meaning, and i don't know how to find that meaning

my life needs something to look forward to, something that'll give me motivation to get up in the morning other than just to work to survive and buy materialistic things

maybe im just trying to fight the universe too much

>> No.12171712

Idk different anon here, im my self around people and I cant make any close friends and it really sucks.. im so lonely

>> No.12171776

>and im left with the conclusion that there is no meaning to life at all
There is no problem with this, life doesn't need a higher goal or something. Just focus on being happy, or developing yourself in some knowledge or art that you like. The only meaning that exists is that you are here and you should do something good about it,

Maybe it's just harder for you, of course you won't be able yo make valuable relations with any kind of people. In my case, i fell kinda similar for some months in college, and i found a group of people whom i can be myself and have fun, you just have to look forward and keep socializing.

>> No.12171784
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too mexican for the white kids

too white for the mexican kids

what do

>> No.12171951
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My self-esteem is ok. I am a french who grew up in the US, my accent is one of the few things I like about myself. I am 6'4, have a good jawline, and Ive been told that I'm attractive. For my responsabilités, I hate my lack of motivation. I started playing the cello when I was younger, but never practiced. Now that Im older, I wish I had put in the work and practiced(I now am on intermediate material and its humiliating)
Girls have never been à problem, but I recently found out that my gf left me because Im american(but my family and life is all french wtf)
My life is not that bad, and I accept it. I also just found out I need to improve my english after typing this, so fuck

I'd give myself a 7/10 grade on self-esteem


>> No.12171981

>lack motivation and discipline to move forward with life
>face hardest but most necessary decision of my life to move to a uni in a different town to get away from my friends none of whom go to uni
>pretty intelligent just wasted a lot of time with alcohol and not concentrating on life

>> No.12172018

I'm pretty happy about how i look.
I just really dislike myself

>Uninteresting personality
>Socially awkward sometimes
>Mood swings
>Meme autism
>Mumble when i talk
>Care about what people think

Overall i just have a really unappealing personality.

>> No.12172037
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It swings back and forth between thinking I should end myself as soon as possible and believing I am the absolute overman and utterly superior to everybody else

>> No.12172076

I'm skinnyfat and average looking, but I don't know if I have low self esteem, I don't really view myself in a negative or positive light, I'm shit at talking to girls though and am just completely unable to make moves on them, I do alright though because for some reason some girls inexplicably find me super attractive.

>> No.12172096

i am a grill and thats not really a problem hey! dont be afraid!

>> No.12172122
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>Am a model
>Not some big well-known model. I've just do some runways for a few, virtually unknown companies, and some catalogue shots once in a blue moon
>Probably ugliest model in the lineup every time
>Probably only got my job because of my connections
>The only support I've ever gotten from my modeling work is that "Other models from XYZ brand are ugly! so you can do it, too!"
>I had to even get surgery before I started to get a lot more jobs, even though I don't have many to begin with
>never get complimented
>no girlfriend

hehhhhh :'))

>> No.12172135

read this in a French accent

>> No.12172136

maybe you could turn that uglyness into something that makes you special, there are some models that are not conventionally pretty.

>> No.12172149

stop masturbating

>> No.12172182

you look more like you browse /pol not /fa lol

>> No.12172208

No i mean, i don't mind that kind of stuffs. It's just that i don't want to be obsessed with it. I don't need to be buff i just need to be ideal

Well i've been running lately. Idk it feels more fitting, to have running in my routine.

>> No.12172283
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confirming what I said in my post

I have to use my ugliness as a way to be "unique" like yeah, I might not be completely ugly, I'm uniquely ugly

fuck my life

I get paid shit for my modeling gigs, too

>> No.12172452


>> No.12172520

I've had self-esteem issues since puberty:

>Severe acne on back and shoulders. Now my back is covered with acne scars.
>Severe dandruff
>Big nose (people comment on it regularly)
>Pectus excavatum (sunken chest)
>Speckled penis (weird birthmarks/freckles)

Yet somehow people find me attractive and I've been called good-looking. I just never feel attractive. Honestly I'd say I'm a 5 or 6/10.

>> No.12172976

Literally worse.

>> No.12173070

there are people who are ironic faggots?

>> No.12173078

If you don't go you'll hate yourself forever, if you always try then at least you're always gunna get the best thing you can, if you don't try then there might be something good you miss out on.

>> No.12173088

sometimes i really consider sucking cock. only ironically tho im not gay at all xD

>> No.12173104

you look so much like this brother that the thumbnail scared me. Don't kill yourself

>> No.12173177
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I just read literature and do maths for fun instead of watch television and everyone falls for it.
You could try to learn some code OP, get a raspberry pi, learn python and pretend to be into engineering and software dev.

>> No.12173186

do people, more importantly women, actually go for the "smart" guys?

>> No.12173189
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>look into mirror above sink
>face looks normal, kinda cute. feel good about myself
>look into bathroom door mirror
>face looks ugly and awkward. feel terrible

What the fuck? Is it the lighting?

>people comment on it regularly
Never understood why normies do this. I know I have a big head / lips / nose, what's their point?

>> No.12173197

are you looking directly into the bathroom mirror or are you looking into a reflection of it off of the sink mirror? because if it's a reflection you're seeing a reversed version of what you normally see, like when you take a picture. other than that, depending on how you're lighting is set up, the light will probably be over the sink, assuming you have a normal bathroom/sink/counter or whatever. when you look in the mirror, assuming its to the left or right, the light only hits one side of your face and may cast shadows on the rest. idk.

>> No.12173266

Anon, you can't base your life on one rejection. Seriously, people in this thread have bad confidence because they don't try themselves. The only way to accept the way you look and gain confidence is to push your limits, and learn that you can handle the tough situations that life throws at you.. Talk to this girl, ask her to take a walk or some shit. If you get rejected because of how you look, that girl isn't for you. It's as easy as that. It sounds as a cliché at this point, but the right girl won't give a flying fuck about your acne scars.

>> No.12173272

>wake up one day
>bout to hit the shower
>glance at the mirror
>holy fuck shit balls fuck my tiny butthole that is one handsome motherfucker
>result of lifting and cardio for 2 years
>don't even need to flex, abs visible, tris and shoulders popping
>don't need good lighting to see chest
>jaw line motherfuckers
>realize I'm 5'9
I still smile to myself every time I hit the showers though, god fucking damn I am so sexy.

>> No.12173279

words of advice for some anon's reading this from a former /fa/ poster

leave this board

I'm going to operate on the assumption that /fa/ hasn't changed in the years since I stopped reading it and that the average age of this board is 16-19. I used to come here all the time when i was ~18-19 and although I got a starting point for my taste in fashion I also got some body dysmorphia from subconsciously comparing myself to all the pictures of models as well - take a break from /fa/ and try to think of it from a different perspective, imagine trying to explain your lack of self confidence to someone because of some inane shit like your jaw not being perfectly defined or having brown eyes and you will realise how ridiculous it is. Spend 1/4 of the time you would previously spend staring in the mirror and moping on talking to people to improve your social skills and it'll make a bigger difference in your life than any clothes can

>> No.12173317
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>friendly, approachable, altruistic
>good looking (apparently)
>sometimes funny

>friendly, approachable, altruistic
>good looking (apparently)
>sometimes funny

I think I might be an sperg or schizoid or both. I have the demeanor and looks that make me befriend a lot of people and get into big social circles, but I only do it out of circumstance as it's too hard for me to be cold to people. Then once I've become acquainted, gone out for drinks etc. people realise that I'm just inaccessible. I can't talk about my feelings or opinions to anyone, incredibly awkward with women, have no close friends and my looks betray me. Honestly I've attracted so many qts at my work (all of whom were literally, CUTE) and I've not been able to do a single thing about it but let the flame die and watch as they moved on, each and every one of them. It fucking hurts guys. I'd prefer to be fuck ugly so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit and everyone would leave me alone.

>> No.12173692

you look like Chris pratt and if you are going kill yourself give me your eyes

>> No.12174154

>People generally seem to like me and I make friends easily, people laugh at my jokes and enjoy my company

>> No.12174166

I know that feel anon. I just started a steady state routine (to lower blood glucose levels) and have been eating a lot of foods that contain vitamin A recently. let's hope it works

>> No.12174273

I'm short, 5'8" though maybe closer to 7 than 8 (too scared to confirm) and that wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so small as well. I have small hands, small feet small bones etc. It's like I've got the perfect proportions for someone that's 6'2" but everything is scaled down. Also I'm skinny as fuck. Just in general a lot of esteem issues revolving around how I look and how I acted in the past because of these issues and I'm still suffering the repercussions of my insecurities from years ago.

Apart from that I'm a near kissless virgin at 25. I have a lot of regrets.

On the plus side people seem to like me, I think I have charisma when I'm not a nervous wreck and I've been told I'm attractive. Also, I hate bragging but I'm a very talented artist.

Things could be worse. I just need to fix my physical situation.

>> No.12174317

Acne scars? Fuck man get over it if that's all you're insecure about. No one cares about a bumpy face.

>> No.12174328

I'm very confident and I have no idea why
>bad acne despite washing and cleansing etc..

>> No.12174330

Thanks for the heads up. In case you're still here.

I just want to come here to improve my taste. I don't know what people think looks good and looks bad. I also don't know how to accomplish the looks that I want. I can totally see parallels to /fit/, and people here are equally insecure (and gay).

>> No.12174423

>somewhere around 180 cm, prob around 182 or something
>decent face and hair although have acne
>no problem with talking to girls although havent had a gf in a long while
>good friends
>somewhat intelligent, well above average when it comes to school but doubt it has anything to do with me being smart desu

>> No.12174792

Easier said than done. It passes the time and I enjoy it.

>> No.12175447

anon do what the fuck you like and not what you think girls like

>> No.12175534

>live in Brazil, monkeys everywhere
>18 yo never kissed a girl
>friends never had a gf
>beta fag club
>14 yo girls getting pregnant everywhere in my city
>next level shyness, in highschool took me a semester to talk to someone
>shitty hair, trying to make it better for 2 years
>was extremely fat in childhood, somehow kept my weight and got taller, now i am just a bit overweight
>hate gyms
>big cheeks, small mouth, very awkard baby-face
>weird body thanks to my old fatness
>can't choose my university
>addicted to games, can't fell good doing anything else

things i like about myself:
>above-average smartness
>funny (i guess)

At least my mom always says i'm beautiful :D
I started tooking pills today to lose weight, will try to return to gym, but I hate that place

>> No.12175687

I tried to describe myself as accurately as I see myself :(
Thanks for trying to make me feel better, anon :)

>> No.12175752

Big brown eyes isn't a positive thing in either color or atteactiveness for a man.

Large eyes indicate high estrogen levels.

>> No.12175755

>laid back


>> No.12175804

>Large eyes indicate high estrogen levels.

>> No.12175888

>5'9 manlet
>turning 19 in 3 days
>possibly autistic
>never kissed a girl
>never had a girlfriend
Somehow during my senior year I got a little attractive so girls tell me I'm cute and say they would date me. I had two girls tell me they like me and one invite me over to "cook." The rest were girls I didn't really know. I'm still really autistic so I haven't done anything about it.

>> No.12176406

>big nose
>widow's peak
>hairy legs

But i trim my leg hair and remove my widow's peak so i'm just left with the big nose

>> No.12177320
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>Norwood 3 at 24
>long face and chin due to underbite
>fat cheeks and stomach despite being like 125
>skins never seems like I want it to despite constant skin care and good diet
>already have noticable lines
>deep set eyes make me look like a dark untrustworthy person
>face only looks presentable if I wear a beanie and keep it in one position (ugly uneven smile as well)

I hardly ever leave the house now and it's only getting worse.

>> No.12177365

>things I like about myself
Decently pretty face
Dress well
Respectable job and good money
Not anxious, it's easy for me to be casual or cool in formal situations
Don't do drugs (used to do way too many)
Exercise regularly
Kinky, violent, and passionate sex
Good taste in media
No regrets, experienced a lot of stuff

>things I hate about myself
Bad teeth
Lots of scars, ex cutter
36" ribcage
Big feet
Really guarded, extremely hard to get close to anyone
Never really been in love

>7/10, would recommend

>> No.12177444

I'm working on it. Grew up in a shitty home so I was always awkward as fuck in social situations and it took a long time to grow out of that. Still trying to work on my self image and shit like that by hitting the gym, dressing better, eating better, etc. I can't really change anything about my average face (most people tell me I'm a 5/10 when I post in threads) but I would like to at least be more confident and I am making progress.

>> No.12177482

>36" ribcage
try 33" assfuck

>> No.12177501

I do.
I "found myself" last year after years of depression, I also get complimented a fuck ton since I started caring about how I look 2 years ago.
I like EVERYTHING but my nipples and height (178cm)

>> No.12177687

heres a tip for you
two actually
1) get off this board
2) kill yourself

>> No.12177711

>things i like about myself
6 feet 6 inch
decent face
easily can meet new people and not feel anxious about it
nice taste in music (that's not only my opinion)
nice taste in stuff in general e.g. don't like redneckish things and so on
witty, people often laugh on my jokes
really good at languages
have a lot of common knowledge about everyday stuff, e.g. who drew that painting, how is that fancy thing called and so on
understanding, have a nice character, don't flip my shit and dont blame people much
>things i hate about myself
bad skin, slight acne
feel insecure when trying to get closer to people
can easily talk to women but beautiful girls don't perceive me as a potential boyfriend and i can't make them like me
not really that charismatic
don't have a lot of money but i think that's acceptable since i'm uni student
probably think too highly of myself, still can't tell if i really do
8/10, fuck me, i have my drawbacks but majority of other people have even more

>> No.12177987

no problem :) where are you from anon?

>> No.12178026
File: 398 KB, 800x1093, lee_alexander_mcqueen_shop_brands_tax_free[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy kinda looks like you, and he was quite fashionable

>> No.12178049

lol dude chill the fuck out