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12154954 No.12154954 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/. I get terrible facial acne despite washing my face frequently and I'm pretty sure it's just terrible genes. Is there some method for getting rid of them effectively? I don't wanna buy a bunch of useless product that doesn't work.

>> No.12155013


>> No.12155031

It's not that hard, do more research.

The only thing that worked for me after quite some time of trying various products was a benzoyl peroxide gel. It dries your skin out quite a bit, as it's a fairly harsh chemical, but it effectively eliminated my acne. I found a 5% gel at my phaacy, I'm sure yours will have some selection as well. The brand I use is benzagel.

Seriously, if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it. Use in conjunction with a quality facewash (I use a cetaphil wash), a quality moisturizer, and if you feel the need use salicylic acid wipes - another acne killing chemical, though less harsh than bp.

>> No.12155056
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Bookmark both of these links:



If you take MSM powder twice per day and drink a ton of water, your skin will become straight-up beautiful. Your hair and eyes will, too. Take a chance and trust me on this, please. I know from long experience what I'm talking about. Put a heaping tablespoon of MSM powder in a cup of juice, and drink it first thing in the morning. Do precisely the same thing twelve hours later in the evening. Your body cannot absorb more than this. A little bit of vitamin C makes it exponentially better. They're synergistic. In addition to this, drink roughly 98 ounces of water each day. It's a helluva lot to drink, and it will be quite difficult at first, but if you're able to force yourself you will definitely see dramatic results.

Trust me bro: stick with the MSM everyday for two weeks, and then evaluate it yourself. In this way you'll have objective proof that it works. It doesn't taste good, but the juice helps. You'll soon get used to it. And it will make you feel a helluva lot better, too.


>> No.12155101


>Published clinical trials of MSM did not report any serious side effects, but there are no peer-reviewed data on the effects of its long-term use in humans.

>According to one review, "The benefits claimed [for MSM] far exceed the number of scientific studies. It is hard to build a strong case for its use other than for treating arthritis problems."

>I know from long experience what I'm talking about

Okay anon

>> No.12155112


>> No.12155116

Yep, I know from personal experience. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

There's absolutely no reason this information should be secret.

>> No.12155150


You posted an academic article about the benefits of drinking water, rather than one about the benefits you're claiming this chemical has.

It might have benefitted you, sure, I'm just pointing out the lack of hard scientific evidence proving your claim.

>> No.12155651

Personally my skin cleared up when i had a better diet of lots of green veg and no grease and lots of h20 of coz

>> No.12155875
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Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, I mean MSM may or may not have "proof" according to controlled studies and scientific consensus, but it's legit worked fantastic for me. And like I said, I've been using if for years exactly how I described my daily routine. I feel ya, as far as people making bullshit bogus miraculous claims or whatever, but practically speaking, if OP was willing to take a financial chance and just personally try it for two or three weeks, he or she would have all the proof they need. Honestly, it works. For me, at least.

>> No.12155981

Change your pillow cases and sheets frequently, change your pillow cases every other day or so you'll see noticeable improvement

>> No.12156136

Read the sticky >>6310205


>> No.12156393

if you can't be fucked with this use clean face towels over your pillows instead

>> No.12157582

roaccutane. it's fucking horrible but it's worth it at the end

>> No.12157619

drink less soda, eat healthy (less junk food), fix your schedule.
also visit a dermatologist (at home for example) for some skin treatment.