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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 290x218, Hair_wash_with_shampoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12148881 No.12148881 [Reply] [Original]

Is shampoo the biggest meme ever? I stopped using it a few months ago and my hair looks and feels great.

>> No.12148891


i went no poo for 11 months, my hair looked really good but my scalp was dry and itchy af. so i started shampooing it again because i have hard water, and it looks so bad now.

if i didn't have hard water, i'd be no poo for a solid 2 years now. oh well.

>> No.12148941

My hair gets super fuckin greasy with no shampoo, fuck that shit

>> No.12148949

This. No poo is the meme here.

>> No.12148974

>letting your hair be the way it is naturally is a meme.
>rub this shit into your hair for the rest of your life instead.

The reason your hair gets so greasy is because its used to shampoo being in it all the time. If you stop using shampoo for a few months the greasiness will go away.

>> No.12148977

This. My hair is so fucking perfect now

>> No.12148995

Will cool (not cold) water get water soluble product and coconut oil out of my hair alone? Also afraid of dandruff coming back.

>> No.12149001

you may be right but id rather shampoo every day to get soft hair that smells great than have greasy hair for months to get the same effect

>> No.12149003

I have long nigger hair so if I don't use shampoo and an assortment of products, i'd be bald

>> No.12149022

femanon here. shampoo + natural conditioner is the best for me. It just doesn't get the same feel without shampoo and cond. It can look fine but the texture isn't as soft as I'd like.
Also known some guys who did both sides of it and the texture of conditioned hair was best there too.

unless you have fine, naturally soft hair, wouldn't rec not using

>> No.12149049


>> No.12149068

I would but I really don't like the way my hair smells. Does the smell get better too if I stick with it?

>> No.12149078

just use less shampoo. you don't need to cut it out lol

>> No.12149620


>> No.12149692

use only conditioner, dumbasses

>> No.12149717

patrician answer here

>> No.12149720

I thought every guy did this and was seriously shocked to find out that I was in the minority of men who actually do go no poo, only conditioner

>> No.12149738


This is my current problem. I haven't used shampoo or conditioner for a few years now, and my hair looks and feels great, but I have hard water, so my scalp is awful.

>> No.12149854

Like not even kidding, I used to have the greasiest hair growing up, and I washed my hair daily to manage it. Took a two week break one time (was camping) and noticed that towards the end my hair seemed alright even though I'd only been rinsing it. Started washing it less and less, and now I've completely stopped, and it's all the better for it.

>> No.12149879

so...use conditioner/scalp oil...?

>> No.12149888

I wish i could.

But i'm an extremely oily person. My hair would get extremely oily and smelly after the third day of no poo. I wish i could participate in the ideal healthy lifestyle.

I wear glasses, i'm a dicklet, and i'm very oily. It's God doesn't want me to survive

>> No.12149893

instead of preaching how great your hair looks how about you faggots post pics of it and let us decide if it's worthwhile?

>> No.12149962

>My hair would get extremely oily and smelly after the third day of no poo.

Do you even pay attention? This literally happens to everybody who does it. You have to wait it out.

>> No.12149964


I get compliments whenever I go out and from hairdressers whenever I get a trim, so I don't need /fa/'s opinion or approval.

>> No.12150044

it's for inspirational matters

>> No.12150163

yeah post your beautiful hair senpai, i'm in need of some inspo

>> No.12150194

ew. nice malassezia build up then. you're suppose to shampoo every few days and rinse the rest to get a good balance of natural oils keeping your hair nice and deep cleaning.. research good hair care methods instead of just letting yourself go. also buy good shampoos and not $3 trash and youll instantly see a difference in quality without the wax fillers in the cheap stuff.

>> No.12150205

What would a guy with super dry scalp do if he wants to go the no poo route? Just conditioner?

>> No.12150207

What conditioner do you use

>> No.12150210

coconut oil

>> No.12150279 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 3396x2749, gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you just have really fine hair

my hair put into a ponytail is probably only the diameter of a dime.

no poo doesn't work on northern european fine hair.

>> No.12150285

ill end this thread right now.

use sulfate free shampoo once every 2 weeks and dont scrub your actual hair just work the scalp.


>> No.12150703

I use anti-dandruff shampoo once a week, conditioner every other day, shower every day. My hair is fucking great now.

Basically, mess around with shampoo/conditioner/rinse setups to get one that leaves you with good hair, good scalp and good smell. But, there is no combo that ever needs shampoo every day.

>> No.12150710

this. i look like i put fucking butter on my head after 3 days of no bathing

>> No.12150714

>no poo doesn't work on northern european fine hair.
okay this answers things for me. i'm a natural blonde but i have to dye my hair blonder to stop the disgusting grease from clinging to it

>> No.12150723


Legit this, if I don't wash my hair for a day I'm completely fucked. It feels and looks like I put cooking oil in my hair.

>> No.12150765 [DELETED] 

>i have to dye my hair blonder

no...that's because you're a whore

>> No.12150789
File: 436 KB, 2048x1536, AJ44Qda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's play "guess the weight of this anon"

i'd say 300+lbs

>> No.12150800 [DELETED] 

5'7" 120

play again.

>> No.12150813

fatties always lie

>> No.12152022

The marketing jews got to this one boys. Its a lost cause, put him down.

>> No.12152062

But how many time do we need to go with the filthy hair till being able to live without poo?

>> No.12152218

I just use either conditioner or a single drop of Dr. Bronners; either way, my scalp and hair feel great.

>> No.12152237

>Tfw hair is damaged for literally no reason
>tfw hair literally does not get greasy ever even if i dont shower in almost 2 weeks
>tfw no poo made it better but its still pretty shit

>> No.12152252

does anyone /nopoo/ with long (about jaw length) hair? it worked perfectly when i had normal short hair, but i'm trying to grow it out again and i finally had to give in and shampoo every few days because it was getting stringy.

>> No.12152266

why do you keep posting this meme in threads that have nothing to do with being thin
fucking idiot

>> No.12153375

>Norther European
>fine hair
Keep telling yourself that subhuman

>> No.12154432

>Northern European
pick one

>> No.12154447

You are sup posed to wash it with water when on no poo, dummy

>> No.12154453

Is there any oil or something you should wash hair from time to time on no poo?

>> No.12154507

that depends on your lifestile, like what you eat, how fit you are and your general health, so you wont get an useful answer. also some people just dont smell good, no matter how healthy they are.

>> No.12155113

do you wash your hair with hot water maybe? do you drink enough? get enough proteins? ever have your thyroid checked?

>> No.12155285

if you tell doctors here "i'm worried about my thyroid (or anything that is not visibly defunct), can you check it?" they will downright refuse to do so and call you paranoid about your health, I've experienced it
aren't doctors supposed to, you know, help people?

>> No.12155339

>Have long blonde hair
>Shampoo and condition that fucker erryday
>Soft hair like molten gold

Everyone's hair is different. Take hair dye for instance; my hair repels it like it's a magnet, but my brother's sucks it up like a sponge and won't wash out for months. Something people need to poo all day, some people never. There's no right or wrong, it depends on your own particular type of hair.

>> No.12155366

I haven't used shampoo for years and my hair looks fucking great, but I have to use a ton of conditioner to wash it with since conditioner doesn't bubble. Runs into a lot of money, I'm thinking about going back to shampoo just because of that.

>> No.12155378

>get contacts
>takes shower
>start going to the gym

Wow you're problems are solved stop complaining

>> No.12155482

This is exactly what I do.

>> No.12155494

I was having a weird cough once and my mum has a thyroid condition so I got my thyroid checked with an ultrasound and no one ever called me crazy.
There was nothing there.

My blood tests showed some allergic related stuff were elevated but we never found out what it was and it went away

>> No.12155501

How is the gym supposed to make his dick bigger? What do you think goes on in there?

>> No.12155504

Oh so your one experience is everyone's total experience with doctors, I forgot about that.

>> No.12155522

then tell them which symtomes makes you think there is an issue
depression is an huge symtome for that
along with shitty skin and stuff

>> No.12155533

You need to look up symptoms online and say you experience them even if you don't to fool them into doing a real examination.
Doctors are like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit.

>> No.12155546

Dick push-ups.

>> No.12155558

same, the struggle is real. can`t even go 1 day without showering because of my hair even though I`m not sweaty or anything at all