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12142538 No.12142538 [Reply] [Original]

is the whole "punk" rock look aesthetic?

>> No.12142539

Sometimes but this is tacky af

>> No.12142549

tfw punk rock is your fav music but you cant relate to the people enjoying it

>> No.12142550
File: 94 KB, 600x600, hiro goes punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12142553

When I was in high school all the punk rock kids came from wealthy families.

>> No.12143346

>When I was in high school all the punk rock kids came from wealthy families.

Nothing has changed.

>> No.12143354


>> No.12143359

"punk" music is just for tacky suburbanite teenagers who think they're rebelling against all the injustices in the world

>> No.12143566
File: 48 KB, 736x486, e1d025f519a3c45bf2f28fcba1d6cf92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can have a sort of aesthetic to it, but generally anyone who intentionally chases the label comes across as tacky.

>> No.12143574

Punk rock is just the kid form of liberalism.

It's bored white people with nothing to live for.

So the make music their identity, or LGBT made up genders, made up food allergies/veganism/juice cleanses/gun control, "wage gap"

Etc etc.

The people need something to do...They sit idle and bored

>> No.12143602


So? The original scene that became known as punk was just a bunch of art school kids from wealthy families.

>> No.12143653

Shit. Ive associated with punks for over a decade now. Everyone is pretty broke, I don't know many punks from wealthy families.

>> No.12143656


>> No.12143662

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

>> No.12143670

ITT. actual children

>> No.12143755

I play in touring punk/hardcore bands.

I used to be in a band with kids from a banking dynasty. The singer and drummer were brothers. Singerbro had so much money, yet fronted like he was poor, bringing two pairs of underwear and two t shirts for two week tours.

To be fair he went to a super expensive liberal arts school, where most kids had massive trust funds yet all denied it for punk rock liberal arts cred.

I've always taken any kind of money anyone would throw at us, I can't afford to be picky and always play for free like the diy trustfund warriors of the scene like to do.

I love punk to death and I always will, but the kids who inhabit the scene are just plain awful.

Also, fucking everyone is a they/them person. Christ, its rare to meet a punk girl anymore. Its like punk rock champions women so fucking hard yet no one actually wants to be one. Whatever.

Punk sucks.

>> No.12143986
File: 390 KB, 1423x1424, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from California, by any chance? This cancerous community that you describe fits 924 Gilman St. so well.

>> No.12144112

source of chick?

>> No.12145131

Where's the best place in America for real crust and D beat punk music?

>> No.12146450


>> No.12146462


>> No.12146470


my middle school to early high school best friend got super into punk, giant green mowhawk, apparently he hung around Gilman a lot.

He killed himself and his memorial was packed with a weird mix of the kids you're describing and legit street scum.

Also the point about the girls is so fucking true, i saw so many anti-fascist patches on their fucking crusty ass vests they wore to a god dam memorial service, smelling like piss and weed at what should have been a solemn and tasteful event.

still fucking mad about it and that was a few months ago, still though R.I.P Matt, he was still a cool guy

>> No.12146672


the academic left is the counterculture. the academic left is the vanguard of creativity and critical thinking.

your "counterculture" against the academy is actually just a regression to the mean. the prevailing culture of the US is a mix between literal trash barely functional alcoholics who hop jobs from 7/11 to walmart, workaholic wage slaves embittered by their cuckolded positions in life, and blue collar beer/football bros who work in construction and haven't read a book since middle school. that's what your "counterculture" represents--a rejection of any form of critical thought or intentional living or any sort of striving for self and community improvement. just go to work, get drunk, and pay your mortgage. make sure to vote for whomever says the word "jobs" the most.

>> No.12147076

the "academic left" culture is graduating in debt and bussing tables a long with the "barely functioning trash" until they're 30. the only difference might be the type of tv they watch and what alcohol/drugs they use. right/left has shit to do with music cultures, the alt right guy is a fag for bringing it up.

>> No.12147084

Is the whole "punk" rock aesthetic what?

>> No.12147088
File: 34 KB, 540x305, 1476321162354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up leftcuck we're president now

>> No.12147093

I would fuck a thin cute girl wearing that yeah

>> No.12147097

I just love people who think they're smarter or more experienced because they've read something in a book on a university completely sheltered from reality.

>> No.12147104

it looks good only if you take it to extremes. Full on 70s London punk look including the makeup or "just wearing this tattered shit I found in the trash can behind the back of an auto shop because I have no other clothes" like >>12143566
If you try to make it look casual or flattering it looks tryhard teenager trashy like >>12142538
and >>12142550

It's supposed to be shocking and socially unacceptable, hence all the bdsm gear and nipples. You know the original punks were actual faggots, right?

>> No.12147105

Was gg allin /fa/?

>> No.12147125

>You know the original punks were actual faggots, right?
you would /fa/

>> No.12147141

sorry to hear bro

>> No.12147421

just like now it was and only is a minority, steve jones was a major pussy hound, while philip solon was quite gay