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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 550x379, mirror-v-camera-roll-face[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12140716 No.12140716 [Reply] [Original]

How do you take a decent photo of yourself?

How do these ugly as fuck people on Instagram still manage to look decent and photogenic?

>haven't changed profile pic on Facebook in 3 years
>try to take a decent selfie so I can update it cause it really doesn't look like me anymore
>spend a fucking hour doing this
>hair looks shit and wont stay in place, face skin/tone looks like absolute shit despite washing it twice a day
>all my features are so fucked up, like having big lips (I'm a white guy) that always looked chapped, big forehead, ugly nose, etc
>shitty beard that no amount of shaving will keep even and not messy/patchy
>teeth are crooked as fuck so smiling too much is out of the question
>disgusting occasional acne scar, which luckily aren't too many, but still conveniantely placed so there's no angle where you can't see one
>huge black lines under my eyes probably from my anxiety not allowing me to sleep well even though I get 8 hours a day
>overall unhealthy and severely depressed look

The worst part is that I try to do this every month but never post anything because it's always the same shit.

So how do you do it?

>> No.12140755


>> No.12140759

jew angles, jew lightning and/or ugly friend

>> No.12140765


>> No.12140767

>mfw take good selfies
>mfw I only like it because it's a heavily influenced, flipped version of what I really look like
>mfw in mirror my face look symmetrical and nice
>mfw In reality my left cheekbone is prominent whereas my right is completely flat, so the left side of my face curves down into my chin, and the right side goes straight from my head to a very quick turn into my jaw/chjin
>my left eye is lazy and I have ptosis, and so my eye is lower than my right, and they're buggy as fuck
>both eyes look like they're drooping down sideways, giving me weird sad eyes
>right eyebrow is shorter and lower raised than left
>right jaw's angle is more upward and thin, also technically has
>left jaw looks more full and developed, but still nothing great
>nose sits farther right on face
>lower eyelid droops down making me look dumb as fuck when combined with my very prominent browline

I know it's not what you wanted OP but fuck I know that pain

>> No.12140804

I never face the camera head on because it makes my lack of a jawline extremely obvious. I always turn my head a little to the right or left.

>> No.12140810
File: 103 KB, 217x320, 1453597265745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me? i know your pain to the letter

>> No.12140811
File: 939 KB, 243x226, GyEkL[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find your best "side" of your face
>practice snapping to that position on command
>go out
>be hyper aware of cameras

>> No.12141296

Ask someone to take a picture of you as far away from you and as zoomed in as possible (without the image getting grainy of course)
That's the closest you can get to how you look irl.

Your brain has developed to compensate for the distortion of perspective that the curved lenses in your eyes create, but cameras can not and never will be able to do the same, so things that are closer to the camera are much more exaggerated, like your nose vs your ears for example

Telephoto lens pictures of people always look best and always most closely match how you see yourself in the mirror

>> No.12141340


stop taking selfies

I have a few ugly girls on snapchat who think they're really hot because they've just got used to the front camera

>> No.12141416
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower eyelid droops down making me look dumb as fuck when combined with my very prominent browline
the fucking struggle, holy shit

>> No.12141421

Go outside, get natural light its better for pictures and maybe you should stop being such a faggot and just take a halfway decent one and post it

>> No.12141484

>haven't changed profile pic on Facebook in 3 years
Knew that pain
>try to take a decent selfie so I can update it cause it really doesn't look like me anymore
Leave selfies for more casual situations with more people, staging an actual pic is less retarded than having a selfie alone. Selfies are not as bad as /fa/ says tho.
>spend a fucking hour doing this
Take your time be patient, practice everyday and dont be afraid of doing "dumb things"
>hair looks shit and wont stay in place, face skin/tone looks like absolute shit despite washing it twice a day
Upload pic to help
>all my features are so fucked up, like having big lips (I'm a white guy) that always looked chapped, big forehead, ugly nose, etc
Again if you can upload pic we could help better. Big lips can be pretty /fa/
>shitty beard that no amount of shaving will keep even and not messy/patchy
Remove it completely then
>teeth are crooked as fuck so smiling too much is out of the question
There are a million different ways to smile, i used to hate smiling too until i started practicing a lot of different ways
>disgusting occasional acne scar, which luckily aren't too many, but still conveniantely placed so there's no angle where you can't see one
Go with a professional, people earn their lives by helping people like you
>huge black lines under my eyes probably from my anxiety not allowing me to sleep well even though I get 8 hours a day
Skin care general

The biggest tips would be to keep practicing, move your phone in every imaginable angle and to be patient

>> No.12141485

Forgot about lighting, that will be your biggest ally or worse enemy, dont be afraid to take pictures in unusual places if it means better lighting

>> No.12141496
File: 467 KB, 1000x431, 14_1.010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucnking lenses, mate. It's near impossible to take a good photo of a face on a wide-angle camera like the ones from smartphones. Though if you're an objectivly good looking person, you can do pictures on a microwave or fridge still be looking good.

>> No.12141514

>tfw a very popular photographer in nyc wants to take pics of me for free

>> No.12141537

good advice but the pic isn't helpful, she looks like shit in every pic

>> No.12141591

No but even then it shows massive improvement

>> No.12141594

Don't ever take a headshot that fills the frame with anything shorter than a 50mm lens (in full-frame equivalent).
Make sure lighting is scattered and soft, no shadows, no on-camera flash, no sunlight.
Overcast days only, use windows if inside.
Get the color temperature right in camera and correct your skin in post.

Don't try to cover every flaw, just find your good bits and direct the eye towards those.

>> No.12141623

Adding to what everyone has said, gpod pictures are revealed in editing. Take your time correcting the colors, lighting, sharpness, temperature, etc.
I use afterlight in my phone and photoshop on my pc.

>> No.12141632

It's actually retarded how much better I look in person/motion. Thank god for snapchat and boomerang on instagram

>> No.12141667
File: 14 KB, 580x326, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12141693


>> No.12141725

what mm would a passport photo be, like the one taken ina photobooth, took one a while ago and looked great. im insecure as fuck and whenever i get the sneaking anxiety that im ugly i look at my passport, but im starting to wonder if its an accurate representation of me
fuck i gotta start seeing a therapist

>> No.12141864

>got face smashed in after a fight when I was 16
>right side still pretty messed up, nose noticeably bent, huge mishappen lump on right side, cheekbone all bent up on the right side of my face
>have now perfected the snap to the left so nobody notices my shit side

nobody notices right?

>> No.12141895
File: 177 KB, 367x321, 1460568631532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate selfies, they never look good
>wish friends would take candid pictures of me (that look good) doing something in flattering lighting, right angle, when i'm genuinely smiling (i CAN NOT smile if there isn't something that makes me happy/laugh)

>> No.12141896

congratulations, anon, you just got a slice of immortality.

I'll get facial asymmetry correction surgery and use your story as the reason behind my surgery


>> No.12142454

grow your hair out so it covers that eye

>> No.12142470

play around with the angles, void overhead lighting, avoid strong backlight, face a window (while there's daylight outside)
If that doesn't help, use photoshop - because you have probably some facial issues that can't suddenly look good.

>> No.12142662

>buy 999999999999mm lense
>become most attractive being in the universe

>> No.12142687

What the fuck, this is literally me

>> No.12142709

I feel that pain about smiling familia. Everyone always says I look mad in pics but I cant forcea smile or it looks super shitty.

>> No.12143704

>tfw no friends to take photos of me in cool places with a decent camera

I literally never leave the house because I don't have friends. Just friends that I see once a month or a few times a year, so they would probably laugh at me if I asked them to take photos of me.

>> No.12143746
File: 83 KB, 355x369, 1484136944300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no matter what angle I point my phone, none look nice
>front camera flips pics and I look like shit even more
>lighting doesn't help because nothing ever looks good
>have had female acquaintances call me attractive but my lack of gf and mirror say otherwise

Feels badman

What's a good photo editing app?

>> No.12143754


>> No.12143771

I take selfies with my ds instead of my phone, it works great I look like a fucking model instead of that weird humanoid thing I see on the phone

>> No.12143841

Ay yo fellow autismos
>college graduation pic
>picture guy asks me to smile
>force a smile, end up with my entire mouth just shaking
>end up laughing about it and he gets a nice shot

>> No.12143948

Try not being ugly

>> No.12145125

>huge black lines under my eyes probably from my anxiety not allowing me to sleep well even though I get 8 hours a day
>overall unhealthy and severely depressed look
/fa/ as fuck

>> No.12145275
File: 1.56 MB, 3969x3101, Possibilities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on what you are aiming for.
You could always make a classic portait with a decent camera and lightning
(lightning and backdrop are cheap as fuck online, sub 50 for everything), that will
always look great if you find the right angle.
I dont like classic portraits though, they are boring as shit,
show nothing about your personality and make you look narcisstic (IMO),
which is why I havent changed my profile picture in a while neither.
The best solution would be to get a friend who has a decent camera,
find an angle you look good at and just shoot some shit outside.
The guy in the video snaps great pics of the girl while she is just
chilling at a poorfag skyscraper and it looks so much more sympathetic, n
atural and interesting compared to a classic portait. https://youtu.be/77TGw-fXMk4?t=3m19s

Just forget Selfies all together, they make you look vain and they are generally uninteresting.
Pic related are my autistic attempts at finding a new useable pic for social media.