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/fa/ - Fashion

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12119217 No.12119217 [Reply] [Original]

What boards does /fa/ use/reccomend?

>inb4 only children use boards
the majority of these browsers are below 19 high school kids who still think supreme, bape, and stussy are /fa/ even though they're fucking skate brands

>just get a fucking bike you poorfag
I use mine to travel across campus and shorten my trips to the store on the car

>fuck off to /n/
Boards can be /fa/ if customized :^)

>> No.12119221

Longboard :^)

>> No.12119230

Post it

>> No.12119236
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Least child-like option and it's still pretty child-like

But I got to fuck around with a prototype for a while and it was insanely fun

>> No.12119256

are longboards even a practical way to commute? they look good for cruising but they don't seem very agile and rather clumsy overall

>> No.12119270

Everybody looks stupid on a longboard

>> No.12119305

I realized boards were for kids when I graduated high school

>> No.12119307


>> No.12119335
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Can't use em because of the snow but I longboard and love it.

Only pain is how in convenient it is to bring on the subway and not having any place to put it in class.

Looking into getting a smaller deck and putting these trucks and wheels on it, making a smaller cruiser.

Do longboard parts fit on skateboard decks?

>> No.12119343


Those are cute desu

As for your question I do not know but Longboards are cool besides their inconvenience, maybe ask /diy/ if /fa/ are being assholes

>> No.12119350

Yeah you can swap your trucks on to any board although the thickness might require you to buy different hardware. Make your own skateboard and save money. I made one out of a 2x4

>> No.12119365


Nice, if I meet anyone with one Ill axe to give it a shot

>> No.12119389

plain old skateboard with no design is best imo

penny boards and longboards are goofy as fuck imo, better off with heelys

>> No.12119393

>not using a pennyboard

>> No.12119417

If I see a dude riding any board that's not just a plain skateboard I instantly assume they're a huge normie fag.

>> No.12119422


What did he mean by this?


How plain is plain?

>> No.12119443
File: 277 KB, 687x904, Valo-Skate-ABV13-crm-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here inline skates? I would say its inbetween a skateboard and a bike in terms of speed and dealing with shitty roads

>> No.12119445


But theyre not yeezys

>> No.12119457

still have them laying around somewhere but just seems too inconvenient in comparison to just hopping on a board

>> No.12119478

You can wear them when Tricky Rick sell them.

>> No.12119508

For the past few years I've rode the bottle green penny board, but I've finally been motivated enough to learn tricks recently so I'm riding a roll for Rob graphic 8.25" with 53mm spitfires and independent trucks. My wheels are almost worn out now and I want to pick up some ricta clouds so I can cruise more comfortably on my street board.

>> No.12119622
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I cruise around on this, mostly on the roads cause it goes so fucking quick.

Get complements on my board regularly, also have a standard deck if i feel like doing some tricks.

>> No.12119699

standard boards because penny boards, and longboards are for the autistic

>> No.12119702

They're for poseurs who don't know how to skate. I mean there's exceptions, but I always see clotheshorse faggot Mona Lisa types riding those.

>> No.12119898
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What the fuck happened to the existence of actual skateboards? Are they not also valid forms of transportation anymore? Cause when I was a kid I could sure as fuck get around.

>> No.12120591

> Pennys, Longboards

Fuccbois much

>> No.12120603

are people really this insecure

everything is /fa/ if you do it with confidence

>> No.12120609

Skateboards are impractical in any form.

Shortboards are only good for tricks.
Longboards are only good for pretending to be a surfer

Pennies are literally children's toys and anyone who rides one (ESPECIALLY CASEY NEISTAT.) is a manchild.

>> No.12120622

I wonder how many 4chan posts have included the phrase "kill yourself"

>> No.12120626


I just copped a custom penny from the site so I decided to start an /fa/ thread to see what creative things people have done, I'm confident with mine tho

Ill post it later

>> No.12120627

Enough to create a universe large enough to accommodate your mother.

>> No.12120634

my mom goes through enough bullshit take that back =(

>> No.12120641
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Found the high schooler who still legitimately cares enough to get upset about whats trending on youtube

>> No.12120644
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Heres a pic I sent to a friend earlier, Ill get a screen when i get home from the gym

>> No.12120650

I didn't care that he was trending. He's trended before, and probably will again.

I hate him and his fake-ass persona.
I also hate that he pretends he didn't steal his filming style from Tom Sachs

He's the Dave Guetta of youtubing.

>> No.12120702


But why do you care if he rides penny boards or not? Lmao dude hes just some stupid jew who got lucky relax, he has no real influence hillary didn't event win senpai

>> No.12121170

just ride a normal skateboard unless you want to announce to the world that you're a gay nerd. if you're scared cause you really suck at skateboarding then throw some larger wheels on it

>> No.12121263

Longboards are the wrong boards

>> No.12121443
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left one to drive to school etc. (Cruiser deck with big wheels)
right one to actually skate in the skatepark. (Normal 7,875 deck with normal skate wheels)

>> No.12121496

>muh youtube drama

>> No.12121599
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Am I a cool kids?

>> No.12121611

I have that exact deck except it has a white outline. It's really fucked up and scratched because I used to skate all the time but this deck is seriously indestructible.

>> No.12121924

are skates /fa/?

>> No.12122283

Define skates

>> No.12122849


>> No.12123028

just embrace the goofiness, ride it with pride and people will respect you for it.

all these people talking about the correct board to ride are poser faggots who only do things because they think it makes them look cooler

>> No.12123038

got this fake penny some time ago for about 25 bucks. greased the bearings and loosened the trucks, rides fine now. i look like a retard riding it but i already did anyway. i consider buying an actual longboard, but i was wondering if it is practical to use, seems more sluggish idk

>> No.12123066
File: 578 KB, 1020x680, Backside-Ollie-Skateboard-How-To-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a cruiser board with double kicktails. learning to do a few tricks is pretty fun might as well have the option too. I am assuming you probably arent trying to do anything too difficult like stairs and don't want an actual skateboard

>> No.12123249

what's the price range of a longboard if you want to get a decent one but nothing too special?

>> No.12123279
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Yeah thanks thats the whole reason I started this thread, I wanted to see how people go about rocking their own styles

>> No.12123837

Are you retarded

>> No.12123843


>> No.12124607

For anyone in uni, longboards are literally cringy as fuck, atleast where I'm from. Only a handful of kids I've seen look not-autistic with one/ riding one.

Do yourself a favor a get an actual skateboard, assuming your not fat as fuck. Actual boards get you aesthetic as fuck legs, you'll develop steez, feed the ego we all know you have, and most importantly you'll have fun. I can only do like 3 or 4 tricks over the span of 2-3 years, and I still have fun skating to class.

TRUST ME when I say get an actual board. It's like picking the insane difficulty in a videogame but you will definitely unlock the secret ending.

>> No.12124773
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I got a welcome deck and some ricta clouds to roll on. Love the shape of the deck and the clouds are soft enough to roll over most cracks but hard enough to still pop over curbs and not squish out.

Pic related is similar to my board

>> No.12125283

Where i live there are no concrete sidewalks so skateboarding isn't really a valid method of transportation, skating on asphalt is too damn loud

>> No.12125425

Where the shit do you live wtf

>> No.12125469

1) regular sized skateboard
2) big soft wheels
3) riser pads between trucks and board so wheels dont get stuck

same lol

>what are soft wheels

>> No.12126435

>how plain is plain?
Just wood and a black griptape.

Something that i've wanted to do is getting a normal board and put big wheel on them, something like some slime balls or any wheel +60mm so i can ride on rough surfaces too ;)

>> No.12126439
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the choice of posers everywhere

>> No.12126448

>a penny board

>> No.12126458

i could make a legit downhill setup for that price

$200 is more realistic for a putter

>> No.12126978
File: 629 KB, 1130x2783, IMG_0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an electric board

>> No.12127197


>> No.12127207

most effay skateboard brand imo

>> No.12127228

Used to. Skating gives you more ways to maneuver since it acts as an extension of your feet. Changing direction and building speed are much faster to do, along with the ability to jump instead of ollie are definitely some big advantages. They take no time to take on and off; not inconvenient if you bring your shoes with you.

>> No.12128098

he's right you know

>> No.12128105

Since when is Bape a skate brand?

>> No.12128157

Me too bro. I don't think it's exceptionally /fa/, but it's nice to be able to choose between that and my bike.

>> No.12128168

I'm interested in getting a cheapass Penny for transportation too.
I only carry a backpack on my day-to-day but it's a 2km ride to get the bus to my uni.
My main concern is feeling out of place trying to skate 10 meters before dropping out of the board and looking out of place being a 19-yo who walks around with a board but doesn't skate.

>> No.12128178


once your board gets fucked up(idk if penny boards even get messed up tho) you are alright. skateboards/longboards/penny boards are all really common in college.

also on top of that no one fucking cares about you dont think too much about it

>> No.12128197

Most people i ask say Pennys are harded to newcomers because it's harder to balance yourself on a small surface though.

>> No.12128238

how can I learn to skateboard in my 20s without looking like a doofus

>> No.12128254

>tfw 6'5
>tfw no balance
>tfw can't skate

>> No.12128349
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If you've ever walked into a skate shop in the past 5 years bape is everywhere and on the boards

/fa/ is just where skate and streetwear brands go to shill online dude you fell for the skating jew

>> No.12128355
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You're gonna look like a doofus no matter what b

Just practice in an empty parking lot with some buddies who know what theyre doing at night so no one will see ya

Also buy and wear pads and helmets and high top shoes, you're getting to the age where injuries will fuck you up for good

>> No.12128550

rip dylan

>> No.12129026

Maybe I want to ride a board and not do retarded tricks? Maybe I want to ride a board and not have it announced to the whole fucking neighborhood? Maybe I want to ride a board and not have my feet go numb from the road? Maybe I want to ride a board that doesn't break in half at any sign of some stress? Maybe I want to ride a board that could actually go down a reasonable hill? Maybe I want to ride a board that could roll more than 5 feet with a push? Maybe I want to ride a board because it's enjoyable not trying to impress high schoolers and faggots on /fa?

>> No.12129054

Maybe you should just big big soft wheels on a normal skateboard deck you supremo autismo

>> No.12129057

Or just get a longboard? The board that was made for the exact reasons I listed. But according to the 16 year olds on fa it's not cool enough. And they call others posers unaware of the irony

>> No.12129074

Unless you plan on bombing hills and need a metric fuckton of space I see no reason to get a longboard

They don't magically ride smoother just because they're longer

Just get soft wheels and buttery bearings and riser pads and a cheap normal deck. Less than $150 and way more portable

And you get to avoid the entire autism spectrum of longboarders

>> No.12129078

Is 30 too old to start skateboarding?

I bought a skateboard when I was in high school but never used it, still have it somewhere

>> No.12129085

>Fuck the upsides of longboarding just get a skateboard with bigger wheels because you won't look like an autist

There is no reason to do that over buying a longboard. If you care about portability than just buy a small board. Caring about how others judge you based on the board you ride is autistic and pathetic

>> No.12129506
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A regular skateboard.

Just like many other anons stated, longboards make you look like an idiot and a faggot (the latter being my opinion, as I've only seen faggots with them around my campus.)

Same thing for penny boards. It's the same shit, but in a much smaller size. Not to mention that it's kinda uncomfortable to ride (in my experience) As I'm used to having room to place my feet.

Being all of this said, you should definitely build your own skateboard, complete boards are ok but I wouldn't really recommend it as most of the people opt for those cheap walmart boards as a complete deck usually runs for 80 bucks.

If you build your own skateboard, you will definitely know what's under your feet and get to choose whatever graphic you fancy.
Now complete decks are by no means bad but they usually have no-name stuff that don't certainly give me the confidence to do heavy shit on it however it's more than enough if you are just starting.

>alien workshop
my nigga. I still have my old Dill deck lying around somewhere. Pretty durable decks.

Just do your thing man, we all looked like dumb people at some point. Just try to have fun and don't give up.

>bape is everywhere and on the boards

Dunno about you man, but I haven't seen bape stuff at the shop I usually hang around. Then again, these guys focus on supporting the little brands that are coming out.

No, you are never too old to learn how to skateboard.

>> No.12129534
File: 49 KB, 473x355, 1463178645804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to get risers and youll be fine on a regular board, i would recommend justting getting a cruiser deck.

Nigga are you for real?

Pic for you

And you

>> No.12129657


You best wear all the pads and high top shoes you can afford, you're not too old to skate but you're too old to injure yourself willy nilly