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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.23 MB, 2448x3060, 2YYLL1V[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12111715 No.12111715 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think about mfa's Top 100 WAYWT of 2016? There are some decent ones like pic related, but most of it is streetwear nonsense desu.


>> No.12111752

you think that's decent?

>> No.12111756


better than here that's for sure. Kinda sick of seeing edgy white teens with bad posture and shitty fits.

>> No.12112345

>meme fit

>> No.12112354


>> No.12112390
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 1467387587875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. It has actually happened.
/fa/ is so down the shit-hole that even Reddit has better fits. Fuck you everyone im mad

>> No.12112394

lmao if you think /fa/ is even mildly well-dressed

>> No.12112405

Better than mfa. Always been like that

>> No.12112429
File: 937 KB, 3456x5184, what you want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is number one

Move aside whitey

>> No.12112452
File: 608 KB, 3024x4032, 1IsqgGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes me think....

>> No.12112463
File: 28 KB, 957x751, 1481828562494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me .jpg

>> No.12112486

a little over half of these are fine. there's a level of competency to them, but they just aren't interesting.

>> No.12113173

Majority of these fits are better than what most people post on this board.

>> No.12113197

I think part of the reason for this is that on /r/mfa people are actively trying to """impress""" with their fits for their internet ego and leddit upvotes, whereas here all the teens try to act as aloof as possible and post basic bitch clothing under the pretense of hahahahaha im so comfy today xD. There's no real reward/incentive to try on /fa/.

>> No.12113402
File: 896 KB, 2344x3188, 78NWreo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this diy one's great tho, step it up /fa/

>> No.12113405

>thinking posting a pic of a fit that was made 'famous' by /fa/ turning it into a meme 4 years ago by copying raf and falling head first into le minamlism meme somehow makes mfa better than /fa/
I mean /fa/ is shit but people on /fa/ made this outfit a widespread meme 4 fucking years ago and have memed about it since, what you're really impressed by here is that dude wearing skinny dress trousers and having long legs.

>> No.12113584

w2c jacket/kimono?

>> No.12113589

>remove before flight

>> No.12113590

he made it

>> No.12113626

How would you even know? Nobody that isn't terrible bothers with waywt.

>> No.12114116

I don't think I've seen a single /fa/ WAYWT that was actually remarkable/interesting at all. I've seen plenty on MFA...

>> No.12114130
File: 139 KB, 462x700, 1475850340856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overwhelming impression i get from MFA is their goal is to dress as inoffensively as possible and insert as little flavor or personality into their outfits as possible. R/streetwear is on the oppisite end of the scale where theyve either done the clothing equivilent of adding hot sauce to a cheesecake, or mashing together as many flavors as possible in the hope that one of the flavors will appeal to the viewer. Even r/navyblazer, ignoring the 'classy gentleman' aspect or the '20 year olds dressing like 20s businessmen' aspect, has more personality in their outfits.

>> No.12114149

Literally kys

>> No.12114384

Yo faggots

>> No.12115025

except r/navyblazer, I stay as far away as I can from those 'boys have swag, men have class' autists

>> No.12115276

/fa/ waywt is terrible and that is, yes, because those who actually know what they're doing don't waste their time, since they would be rated by people who've been browsing for 2 months, think they're the shit and badmouth everyone

>> No.12115288
File: 451 KB, 541x516, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12116428

this, we should make it mandatory to post a fit if rating, and vice versa,

you should at least rate a couple of fits when posting you're own, otherwise post in fuccboi general if you're just looking for advice

>> No.12116440

LMFAO How has noone pointed out this niggas fucking legs yet?

Seriously, good pieces, everything is clean, but his proportions are fucking shit. No amount of high end clothing is gonna look good on you ever if you cant properly dress to your frame. This nigga should not be wearing high rise pants, his torso looks stupid small for his body.

>> No.12116500

Most of those fits look even more boring than this boards waywt which is quite an accomplishment. I see better and more interestingly dressed people every day and they don't seem to make a huge fuss of their clothes.