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/fa/ - Fashion

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12051213 No.12051213 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12051214

lets get a good skate thread going

>> No.12052332
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>> No.12052334

just waiting for this thread to be ruined by "actual skater here"

>> No.12052346

Hey, this cuck us dead, lmao.

>> No.12052377


>> No.12052430

psa to the "actual skater here" im pretty sure most of us here are actual skaters were just not stuck in 2004 like you are. were here to talk about effay skaters like dylan rieder not rob dyrdek. this is a fashion board on 4 chan not a skater board on transworld

>> No.12052449

>Anonymous 12/15/16(Thu)22:05:31 No.12052377▶
i bet you posers dont even skate

the difference is skaters wear these clothes for practical purposes you gays wear them to be cool

miners wear jeans and so do skateboarders you are faggot poser

>> No.12052523

this is a fashion board were here to talk about style not the practicallity of skate clothes

>> No.12052530

what do u guys think about dickies nowadays fashionable still? or outplayed? cargo pants are definitely starting to become more trendy on instagram but im a dickies guy for life

>> No.12052879
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>tfw skateboard

>> No.12052907

Remember when normies started discovering memes that originated on 4chan and ruining them? That's what it feels like being a skater and having you faggots who don't skate steal our culture. Especially since it wasn't cool back in the day, and you got made fun of for skating, but now that its cool people want to hop on the bandwagon.

I don't really care that much, I just sort of think you are all faggots.

>> No.12052915

Skating is for faggots

>> No.12052921

Post your deck and skate shoes

>> No.12052926
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>steal our culture

>> No.12052936

Like I said, I'm not going to be a fag about it cuz I don't care that much just know that I think you're a clown if you dress like a skater but you're not.

>> No.12052940
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its actually very similiar. both groups have a very small but loud miniroty who make their entire identity based on a single thing, such as visting 4chan or riding a piece of wood.
both are obnoxious faggots and even though i see you trying hard to fit in, your newfaggotry is showing miles away so if you really wanna improve this site just never come back

>> No.12052954

Lol skating has been "cool" for the past 3 decades what are you talking about

>> No.12052964

I don't base my entire identity around it, I just think you guys are gay for wearing our shit, especially since half of you probably ripped on us before skating became fashionable.

>> No.12052975

When I was in middle school and early high school people made fun of skaters all the time.

>> No.12052981

>I don't base my entire identity around it
>our shit

so what the fuck is our? im 25 and have been skating with smaller/bigger stops since i was 14 and i dont know what "our" you talking about. the cool teenager guys from the place next to the mall who stole xanax from their grandma and upload edgy pictures to instagram and think they represent skate culture because of their identity crisis and insecurity?
im pretty sure the old folks who are in their 40s now represent skating more and i dont see them giving fuck about what people wear

>> No.12052987


>> No.12053009

>this us vs them mentality
Shut the fuck up. Skating has been btfo since the x games have been a thing, and people like dyrdek and sheckler getting their own show. Their is nothing more mainstream than skating when you're in middle school, and nothing more pathetic than being 20+ y.o. thinking you're cool because you can front 5-0 the deepend with a beer in your hand.

>> No.12053014

>you can't identify with a social group without it being your entire identity

>the cool teenager guys from the place next to the mall

That's basically what /fa/ is doing by wearing skate brands.

>> No.12053017

Did it hurt getting made fun of by skaters who called you a poser for wearing DC shoes?

>> No.12053046

people wear clothes to look and feel cool. thats fairly obviously for everyone thats why this entire made up
>im a real skater
cultural thing is just pure autism and hypocrite because theyre calling others posers yet instead of minding their own business they constantly need to remind everyone that theyre R E A L skaters and act like entitled cunts. and most of them are underaged cunts which makes this entire
>im part of le culture
thing even more ridiculous since they picked up this sport when it was already considered mainstream and was cool amongst young people

not him but i couldnt care less if a bunch of 16 year old kid made fun of me.

>> No.12053052

>projecting as he pretends to be some hip trendy skateboarder in his 20s

KEK, im also not even the same guy

>> No.12053059
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Just know that you look how I imagine this guy would look to a actual lumberjack.

Real skaters will always think you are a fucking clown.

>> No.12053068

you seriously expect me to give a shit about someones opinion who identifies as a "real skater"?
as i said >>12052981 ive been skating for a long time and the only people i can imagine talking about this culture thing is the underaged cunts no one cares about anyway

your entire argument is autistic anyway based on your logic only miners should wear jeans

>> No.12053094

But I'm an old fag (30) who physically can't skate any more. I was a skater back in the day. I even landed a 360 flip (once). Plan B: Questionable, was my favorite video ever. Do I get a pass to dress in cropped slacks and ironic tees?

>> No.12053105


>> No.12053107

Dude they're fucking clothes people wear basketball and running shoes when they're not engaged in those activities so what's the problem with skater shit. You aren't the gate keeper of skate clothes

>> No.12053108

You obviously do care, as you replied to my first post. >>12052907

I'm not this guy

>> No.12053126

Skateboarding has a very different history than either of those two sports. I'm not saying I'm the gatekeeper or that people shouldn't be allowed to wear them but I do think you look like an asshole.

>> No.12053809

if someone wore a full basketball outfit (jersey, shorts, shoes) and they were obviously not a basketball player, they would look autistic.

>> No.12053885
File: 531 KB, 596x579, another skate fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop arguing and post inspo you idiots

>> No.12053886
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>> No.12053887
File: 502 KB, 488x653, jed skate fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12053891
File: 606 KB, 526x550, pat skate fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12053894
File: 369 KB, 423x517, more skate fits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12053897
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>> No.12053898
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>> No.12053976

im the guy who made this thread and i actually skate and completely agree it fucking sucks when kids steal the shit we wear like the kids at my highschool who make fun of me and my friends for not wearing thrasher shirts and ripped up skinny jeans even though thats all shits skaters orginated (even though skinny jeans suck we still started that shit) but thats not the point of this thread. i started this thread to talk to actual skaters about effay skate brands like supreme, palace, polar etc. and just current trends. i just want to let you old heads know ive watched plan b questionable and virtual reality at least 20 times old plan bs sick but at the same time i still love watching new supreme vids and shit too. lets talk about the thing we all love,skating, not the cucks we all hate.

>> No.12054025
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>> No.12054030
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best skater

>> No.12054033

Is it true that once you can kickflip then you've ascended from newbie to amateur???? I can ollie 3-5 steps but my kickflips need work. Although it's not much, it sure is fun.

>> No.12054045

ollies are still my favorite trick but kickflips are def a big landmark but u wanna get them clean or else theyre not really worth doing u can be a great skater and never do kickflips an amateur skater should have a good variety of tricks but they dont need to have kickflips skatings all about fun anyways just do whatever tricks u have the most fun with

>> No.12054053
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blobys doing it right rn

>> No.12054071
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wheres morgans staff?

>> No.12054073
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>> No.12054080

this skater trend has to be the most retarded thing yet

>> No.12054092

>Remember when normies started discovering memes that originated on 4chan and ruining them?

frankly memes weren't good until black kids on twitter started making them. go back and look at our old memes they fucking suck.

/sp/ is the exception i love sportscenter PANIC etc. memes

>> No.12054102 [DELETED] 
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>niggers making anything good

>> No.12054117

jw do you run your mouth like this irl or do you only have the tiny shriveled balls to do it on the internet

>> No.12054129
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18+ board

>> No.12054139

Stop over-thinking it, just get out and skate.

>> No.12054149
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Skatercore? More like "gay turd" core.

>> No.12054151
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>> No.12054416

predictably, this thread was fucking awful