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File: 381 KB, 994x994, 1478205711440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11969717 No.11969717 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General

Everything related to skincare routines, products, acne, and grooming goes in here.

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:
http://pastebin.com/PArDyf2G (embed)

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.11969731

Bentonite clay is legit, I've been using it as a mask mixed with ACV every 5 days for 3 months now and it's made a huge difference, especially in clearing breakouts and improving the overall tone of the skin.

Is it safe to use it more often, though? Every 3 days or so? I have REALLY oily skin and the clay controls it for 2 days but after that the oiliness comes right back.

>> No.11971406

Any tips on getting rid of excessive redness/flaking skin? Not really sure what it is. My doctor suggested it might be Rosaisea but he is never clear about it any topical cream he gives me or that I buy over the counter doesn't help

>> No.11971481

try prescription hydrocortisone
worked wonders for me

>> No.11971810

anyone use any makeup to cover acne/scars on occasions? have super dark circles under eyes and some left over acne/scars I want to cover up

>> No.11971821

I use a concealer to hide the worst scars. It doesn't work that well on dark circles

>> No.11971992

I think what worked for me, is basically the following:

- Make sure hands are always clean, get a hand sanitiser. Everyone touches their face unconsciously and there is nothing worse than dirty fingers.

- Make sure you trim your nails properly, and make sure to clean under them.

- Moisturise! I can't stress this enough. Especially in the winter, your skin gets dry and to counter this your skin produces more oil. If you live in a dry climate get a humidifier. I used to use Cetaphil but recently I switched to Kiehl’s.

- Wash your hair, especially if you use products. They get onto your pillowcase and fuck up your face.

- Wash your face but don’t wash too often and get a light soap for sensitive skin. I started out with Cetaphil which worked wonders.

- Wash your pillowcase often.

- Watch what you eat and drink tons of water! Stay away from peanuts, dairy and wheat. Not sure if it’s just bioscience or not, but it improved my complexion.

>> No.11971997
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>non-dry, non-oily skin
>still get pimples/cysts


>> No.11972002

I personally find ceramides, sea salt based creams, and shea butters help a lot.
And oddly white nivea, but people are put off by the ingredients.

>> No.11972005
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Put RAW honey on your face every day for 20 minutes. Especially manuka honey.

>> No.11972008

ew, cut your hair and do something about those gargantuan pores

>> No.11972014

When moisturising, do it after washing face and do it after lightly patting dry your face. Also, don't dry your skin completely, make sure it's still damp when you apply the moisturiser. The moisturiser keeps moisture on your skin, but it doesn't do much to skin that's already completely dry.

>> No.11972015

doesn't that make your skin more oily? i dont see the point

>> No.11972027
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>tfw have to scrub my face with a wash cloth every day in the shower or it will literally be covered in flaking skin as the day goes on
>tfw dermatologist said there's no cure, just topical agents that might be able to help a little
reeee fuck seborrheic dermatitis

>> No.11972030
File: 8 KB, 351x390, 3605970019891_8ozBottle_CentellaSkin-CalmingFacialCleanser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this. It works wonders.

>> No.11972047


Works wonders for?

>> No.11972049


>> No.11972067

my skin

>> No.11972082

This isn't me it's someone on reddit

Basically it cauterizes the scars and kills bacteria which is all you need for acne.

>> No.11972611
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What face moisturizer do you guys use?
I'm looking for something that is non-comedogenic and also doesn't make my face look oily.
I had a combination skin before I did accutane. Now my skin is overall drier. Not sure what to use, although pic related did a good job so far

>> No.11972703
File: 186 KB, 1200x1200, l-real-men-expert-pure-power-active-moisturiser-anti-spot-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this one. It's pretty cheap and works really good to me

>> No.11972736

skins generally pretty good except noticeable pores on nose/under eyes, what can I do?
I cleanse twice a day...

>> No.11972781

cerave pm

>> No.11973477

My derm told me to use phytomer for my skin since it was very dry, Thoughts on phytomer?

>> No.11973497


I personally use Rosetter Ceramide. It's goddamn magic. And cheap.

>> No.11974643

>tfw you have vitiligo and it's spreading to your face


anyone else have this shit and just not kill themselves have any advice?

I can't even grow a beard to cover this shit

>> No.11974811

try aveeno eczema essentials i had a similar issue in certain spots it helped a lot

>> No.11974844

I have a facial routine in place and it has really helped my skin, but what am I supposed to do for the rest of my body? Do the same basic concepts apply?

>> No.11974967

How can I heal PIE? I'm already using Tretinoin 0.05% and moisturizer every night with a Benzoyl Peroxide wash and a twice weekly use of Salicylic Acid (any more often actually make my acne worse). I've considered lasers but it's fairly expensive.

>> No.11974988

I got rid of acne scars with glycolic acid peels every few weeks. It's fairly expensive to get done professionally, but you can buy glycolic acid cheap and do it at home. Keep it on your face for ~2 minutes, and neutralize with baking soda + water. It also makes your skin look amazing for the next few days.

>> No.11975117

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out, and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.11975412

Just started acutane. How long till i start seeing results?

>> No.11975531

lads I'm getting oily skin at work, can't for the life of me work out why because it's never happened before - it's just a basic desk job

only skincare stuff I do is use stridex (on my nose to clear sebaceous filaments) and a clay facepack

can anyone suggest a decent remedy?

>> No.11975541

little less than a month you will most likely feel the driest you have ever felt, but also see some much cleaner skin. It will only get worse for awhile. I'm about three months in, and very dry. You'll accommodate, i'm sure.

>> No.11975552



You can decide between the two. It should work.

>> No.11975590

I need exfoliator recommendation for oily skin. My daily skincare routine consists of face wash every morning and night and cetaphil after public transport commute. I also have reddish acne scars, I've read that it's temporary (3 months - 1 year), but is there any way to make them fade quicker?

>> No.11975602

You might need AHA for that. It helps with the scars and is a lot gentler than BHA. Alpha Skincare has some gels and lotions to offer.

>> No.11975605

http://www.neotericcosmetics.com/ Forgot the link

>> No.11975606


How long have you been using tretinoin?

>> No.11975623

ive considered lasers because ive got pih almost all over my body
how expensive would it be

>> No.11975624


>> No.11975701

Thanks f a m. I'll look it up.

>> No.11976032
File: 16 KB, 320x385, 6805400_320x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that loreal shit is horrible. its sticky and has a strong perfume, very irritating

this neutrogena one is really good

>> No.11976174

6 months
Some improvement but not as much as I'd like

I used to get these done but it made my face scaly for 2 to 3 days afterward. Also, the person I had to do them told me that because of an interaction between the tretinoin and the peels I'd have to stop for a 3 day period around the peel.

It seems to be around 200-300 per treatment (in my area) and the more spots you have the more treatments you would have to get

>> No.11976551

anyone ever do clinical trials for B I G PHARMA acne products? theres one that i could get paid to do but worried their product could fuck my shit up permanently

>> No.11976656

depends what phase the trial is in


>> No.11977083

I'm not entirely sure if PIH benefits as much as PIE from lasers as PIH is from a buildup of melanin whereas PIE is a surface level blood vessel giving it a reddish color. The laser destroys the capillaries that cause PIE.

>> No.11977184
File: 2.29 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im using these things for almost a month so far and it works amazing. I have acnes more than 5 years and this therapy is the most efficient so far

>> No.11977458
File: 646 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1057126406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are effective ways of cleaning pores and removing spots and bumps under the skin? As you can tell from pic related its disgusting and want it gone ASAP. What are some good methods of doing so?

Inb4 underage. I'm 18, just severely baby faced.

>> No.11977526


>> No.11977577

Do people use there moisturizer in the shower or after the shower? I just that the cerave shit is for after the shower, but people be saying they use it in the shower.

>> No.11977679
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I use these three here once a day each and no longer have as much acne I've used all three for 5 months now. I also take an antibiotic (Doxycycline) twice a day. I got rid of 80% of my acne but now I have to deal with the scarring and pores not to mention some of it moved to my back and now I have scars there too. I also use a general cleanser called cetaphil each time I take a shower.

>> No.11977684

Finally getting to see a dermatologist in a month
She'll prescribe some bullshit ointment that I already know won't work, then I'll go back in a month, beg for accutane and just get a different ointment

>> No.11977691

ah yes, skin painfully dry, while also developing a solid film of oil

>> No.11977730

Why neutralise it? You're meant to be slightly acidic to keep your skin healthy

>> No.11977954

Considering starting accutane, is it worth it? I've heard mood swings can come with it, is that true? Really unsure, sounds intense

>> No.11978095

I have had really dry skin for over a year now. If I touch my face at all my skin will start flaking. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.11978104
File: 16 KB, 350x350, 31ZJOCV43iL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of moisturizer do you use? I used to have dry skin that would flake when I'd touch my face, then I started using this as a sleeping pack.

I don't use it anymore, but at the time it basically cured my dryness.

>> No.11978118

I don't use anything on my face at all. I was hoping the shit would just go away on its own. I'll see about getting some of that though. Thanks.

>> No.11978131

>I don't use anything on my face at all
You should try moisturizing with a cheaper western moisturizer like >>11976032 first to see if that does the trick. The banila cream is amazing, but a bit pricey; I use other sleeping packs now that work almost as well at half the price.

>> No.11978482

How do you use the Aztec Indian clay? I have some but the instructions are difficult to understand lol

>> No.11978490

I did a pretty bad shave now I have dark spots by my cheek, how do I get rid of this?

>> No.11978497

In the last two photos you look so great. slightly red cheeks(rosacea?) are just the cutest fucking thing and your jawline is great.

>> No.11978502

Fucking own it. It can look super fucking cool.

>> No.11978516

Put about a tablespoon or two tea spoons of the powder in a non-metal bowl and add just enough water/apple cider vinegar until it makes a paste. If you need more powder or liquid just add more until you get a paste. Don't use metal utensils.

>> No.11978520


>> No.11978526

I have a ton of small bumps that look like white head but won't pop on my chin. Any advice?

>> No.11978530

Take a hot shower or put a hot towel on your face for a few minutes and then try. If you have trouble popping pimples get a comedome extractor. Remember to keep it disinfected with peroxide or alcohol if you get one.

>> No.11978640
File: 236 KB, 1375x441, 8-bar-soaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good inexpensive soap for your body? I'm fine with bar soap or gel, but it should be able to be purchased from the average grocery store. From very little reading, I think that Dr. Bronner's castile bar soap sounds great, but I don't know if those recommendations are just sponsored advertisements.

>> No.11979322

cleanser before or after shaving?

>> No.11979510
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also guys, use your stridex pads before you cleanse.

>> No.11979547

Light cleanser x 2 daily in the am I usually finish with some coconut oil and then follow up with sunscreen but at night just coconut oil
I exfoliate x 2 weekly. and at least once a month I use a bentonite clay acv mask. Its important to note most of my skin care actually just revolves around following a healthy but also disciplined diet and work out routine. This means no sugary shit on the daily, including coffee and prepared foods and sauces with are infamously known for being crammed with sugar. I also saw a significate change with just cutting out milk and dairy as well as red meats. Just remember your body needs this B vitamin found in animal products...I try to eat a healthier cheese at least once a day if I'm not going to eat meat that day.

>> No.11979852

I also live in Germany, how long does skiniren takes tovget an effect? I eas using it before but it did harsh on my skin

>> No.11979995

t b h it looked better after 2 weeks, my face was super red and itchy in the beginning, but now is going smoothly. And im not german btw

>> No.11980000

Agree on banning peanuts
Those kept getting me cists

>> No.11980018

How do you use them and how often? What's your routine lad.

>> No.11980030

Eucerin micellar water 2x a day
Duac gel 2x a day
Skinoren 1x at night
I also took doksycyklin pills once a day for 4 weeks

>> No.11980115

Thnx lad also where did you get your doksycyklin? And why are your medicaments on German?

>> No.11980565

Lads, if you've ever been on antibiotics for acne (doxy, tetra, etc) but still break out after the course, consider taking probiotics with the strains acidophilus, lactobacillus and B. bifidum.

I've always dismissed probiotics since essentially only people with digestion issues take them, but ever since I've started taking them, my breakouts have drastically reduced, and I don't know if it's placebo, but I have way more energy.

>> No.11980667

stridex pads before cleansing would be pointless unless you waited for the stridex to dry for 20-30 mins. The best thing to do is celanse, stridex- wait 20-30 mins then moisturize

>> No.11980842

this is outdated. scrubs cause microtearing and idk why he'd need 2 moisturisers

>> No.11981142

Wat2do for moles

>> No.11981187

Nigga u fell for

>> No.11981358

People talk a lot about which foods to avoid, but nobody mentions the foods you should eat. I used to suffer from persistent acne, but for the past few months I've been consciously upping my intake of fruits and veggies, making sure to get by 5 and 2, and my skin has cleared up. Might not be related but I dont think its wholly unrelated.

>> No.11981585

I'm a total idiot. Is beard oil a necessity if you have a short stubble?

>> No.11981762

Should I start taking antibiotics lads?

>> No.11981787

Only if you've tried the other options. Talk to your doctor about it and not random neets on a fashion board on a Russian shill board.

>> No.11981908

I recently started using cleanser on my face daily and also an exfoliant about twice a week and my skin is looking much clearer overall but the only thing I'm still struggling with are blackheads on my nose. I've even been applying a 2% salicylic solution on it frequently but it doesn't seem to be improving much if at all. What do senpai?

>> No.11982011

Are there any side effects about antibiotics?

>> No.11982225

redpill me on bio-oil. Can I use it in lieu of moisturiser?

>> No.11982822
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end my life

>> No.11982862

what do i do about these
i know you cant really "get rid" of filaments but there has to be a way to get them less disgusting than this

>> No.11982917

I've used it temporarily on my face before, it's VERY oily, so unless you have the driest skin of all time, I wouldn't recommend it.

It's fine for the rest of the body and more efficient imo.

>> No.11982930

holy shit

>> No.11982948

Try the black mask thingy

>> No.11983056


>> No.11983077

best products for wrinkly hands and fine lines?

>> No.11983116

tfw have mild eczema and none of the shitty prescription cremes actually did anything and then they gave me hydrocortisone calmurid cream and it worked fucking wonders. only downside is how it makes your skin feel kinda sticky-like but it sure beats dry as fuck skin

so yea i really recommend it

>> No.11983165
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x1071, Acne-scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La roche-posay is absolutely amazing. I had severe acne and my skin was always oily as fuck. Took trevissage for about 6 months and i've been using effaclar moisturer and soap daily. My skin feels great.

Anyhow, I ended up with my face completely scarred and my dermatologyst told me to wait to get peeling (I could but it's also damn expensive). What can I do?

>> No.11983208

I have had mild acne on my chin and upper lip, mustache area, and nothing is really working? It's not bad, mostly just white heads and the facewash im using just keeps it less inflamed so they arent so red and big once i pop them but its really annoying and lowering confidence significantly

>> No.11983686

Can anyone recommend a good comedone extractor and how to clean one?

>> No.11983718

There can be side-effects. It depends on the actual medication and the course they give you. Unless it's different in the US tetracycline based ABs are generally most commonly used for acne.

Can fuck with your gut flora and messing around with it for too long can increase risk of AB resistance.

>> No.11983744

prescription from dermatologist, you can get all these things in drugstore.
only micellar water is in German, dont know why

>> No.11983851
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how do i fucking stop chewing the skin on the side of my fingers?

i don't chew the fingernails anymore but the skin, it's painful and it looks bad

send help

>> No.11983871


>> No.11983886

like that guy in the old testament?

>> No.11985033
File: 23 KB, 502x344, IMG_1811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep having this shit on and around my eyelids. I tried every lotion but its always coming back. Help?

>> No.11985137

looks like herpes

>> No.11985159

that's aids my man

>> No.11985211

That's syphilis lad

>> No.11985213

How are you guy's so patience with a product?? I iust want them to work ASAP or within 3 days!!

>> No.11985600

sempai plz help

>> No.11985633

off to the leper colony you go friendo

>> No.11986483

My face is a bit pale and I want to tan it slightly, but I've been using a product with a topical retonoid.

My acne is gone, but would it fuck up my face anyway if I tanned it now?

More info:
I also take beta carotene supplements

>> No.11986513

cerave creme for night

cerave lotion for day

lowkey looking for a better solution for my sensitive skin tho

>> No.11986532

Poorfag here. How can I treat bacne and blackheads on the legs using products from the dollar store or walmart? Will exfoliating the areas work?

>> No.11986543

chemical exfoliate brah

>> No.11986688

read the sticky and then check the skincare section in your nearest walmart

BP is your best choice.

>> No.11986717

Is tanning really a must? Or can I still be pale and look okay?

>> No.11986843

go see a doctor, anon. looks serious.

>> No.11988216

No real advice, but look up dermatillomania, Anon. It has different forms and what you describe is one of them

>> No.11988743

I've been on antibiotics for acne 3 times now. The last time was for 8 months. My face is very dry now and itches, but it's a lot better. My back on the other hand is worse than ever. When I stretch my shoulder back then it feels like I have a sunburn on my back. It's cystic and I can only wear dark shirts cause puss + blood always seep onto the material. It's annoying going about my day and suddenly feeling a blotch of wetness on my back.

I've tried so many regimes except accutane. My face is already so dry and I'm afraid of getting tinnitus; not to mention I wouldn't want to destroy the work I've been into fighting muh depreshun.

Can someone talk sense into me?

>> No.11988754

rubbed your herpes into your eyes. could cause blindness

>> No.11990190

Your current condition seems bad enough to risk the POSSIBLE and EVENTUAL side effects of Accutane. If you don't tolerate it, then you can just stop taking it.

>> No.11990759

>25 and still dealing with acne

I thought this shit would have just gone away by now like it does for most adults.

>> No.11990761

Normies like tan people.

Stay pale if you ever want to find your mythical /fa/ qt.

>> No.11990768
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Are dermarollers just memes or do they actually work?

Please respond and if it's not to much to ask also say you love me.

>> No.11991679

Guys, I have just gotten into this. What do you recommend for absolute basic few products to buy?

>> No.11992051

They do work. A bit painful. Twice a month + Vitamin C serum. At night and stay home the next day because your face might stay red for a while.

I love you.

>> No.11992053

Describe your skin

>> No.11992116
File: 128 KB, 536x892, P1010287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a pic. Pretty bad desu. Slightly bumpy, pitted, lots of weird kind of tiny light toned bumps, some kind of brown toned small patches etc. The pic speaks for itself.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

>> No.11992123


It was taken using a flash light.

>> No.11993377

I bought the vitamin C serum

do I just regularly apply it or do I put it on just immediately after it? I'm not sure

>> No.11993401

The only reason accutane is linked to depression is because people with bad acne are depressed. Take it, it is a lifesaver. Make an appointment ASAP.

>> No.11994152

Did you try reading the wiki?

>> No.11994172


>I, a 19 year old 4chan poster, am more educated about prescription medications than the people who have spent 8 years in post-secondary school studying medication and industries of researchers who make a living by testing the effects of medication

amazing that there are so many examples of young prodigies these days

>> No.11994250

anyone ever try putting manuka honey on active acne or acne scars?

>> No.11994399

lads >>11975531

>> No.11994437


I want advice tailored to me and my picture desu >>11992116 I want you to prove your skin expertise ;3

>> No.11994660

Does anyone know a product that sells in the USA that contains resorcinol, sulfur and salicylic acid?

>> No.11995095

Is this bait

>> No.11995117

>shitton of SFs on nose and forehead
>oily as fuck skin

what the fuck should i use? im getting tired of this shit

>> No.11996149

What can I do for demodex mites?

>> No.11996178

>sleep well
>eat clean
>drink enough water


>> No.11996189
File: 101 KB, 500x383, you-just-need-to-be-more-confident-bro-1144023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wash your face bro


>> No.11996268

Been using cetaphil for ages and it has always felt kind of heavy and greasy on my skin.

I finally got round to buying cerave in the tub and it feels fucking amazing. Kind of soft and fluffy. I'm worried it will cause me to break out though as a lot of people have bad experience with it.

Also is moisturizer > retin a > aloe vera gel alright to do in the PM?

>> No.11996316

cute! feet pics?

>> No.11996324

Would appreciate feedback on my current routine

Cleanse: Cerave Hydrating Cleanser
[Pat face dry with clean towel]
Vitamin C Serum: Paula's Choice RESIST C15 Super Booster
Moisturizer CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion AM SPF 30
[Time for moisturizer to dry]
Sunscreen: Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 30

Cleanser: Cerave Hydrating Cleanser
BHA Exfoliant: Paula's Choice SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant
AHA Exfoliant: Paula's Choice RESIST Weekly Resurfacing Treatment With 10% AHA
Moisturize: CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM

>> No.11996845

Look up co2 laser resurfacing. It's a lot of money ($2000) but it's worth it

>> No.11997121


You can use BHA and AHA together. That said, I believe daily active acids don't do anything. You're better off with weekly 40-60% peels.

>> No.11997583
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should i cop /fa/
i read up a bit about my pih and it seems like this is the way to go
also argan oil because its nice for my hair