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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 490 KB, 576x579, julian teen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11964882 No.11964882 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like the only age at which you can be truly effay is late teens. You're still young and in your prime, still emotional, it's still cool to be different.

In your 20s it's all going down hill, aging starts to make you uglier, less emotions, more responsibilities restricting you, people start to look down on you for being different, your life is pretty much set, any dreams and aspirations are useless.

Teenagers can be free and uncaring in an effay way which older people can never replicate.

>> No.11964885

i take it you just got home from highschool?

>> No.11964904

Nah senpai, I'm 19 and in uni. 20 soon. And I fucking hate it. I wanna be a teenager forever because that's the best age, no debate.

>> No.11964935

>living with your parents
>not having much control over your life
>having all your peers be immature
>non-stop sexual urges

no it's one of the worst. only good in hindsight because you didn't have any real hard decisions to make.

>> No.11964949

>this is really a positive. much more free time.
>but this is when you have control of your life. you can do what you want with your future. 20s your life is set.
>this is nice, because mature people are boring. it's not effay to be boring.
>he doesn't masturbate 2 times a day

It's the best. I fucking hate that it's ending soon.

>> No.11964957

This is the gayest thing I've ever read.

>> No.11964958

How Can you know it's the Best when you have never Tried Being older. Honestly so far I'm enjoying my early 20's a lot more the my late teens. I have a lot more time and my life is in no way set in stone yet

>> No.11964959

you literally have no priorities as a teen

>> No.11964960

Why? Present your counter arguments please. I'm interested in hearing them. Because I don't want to think teen years are the best.

>> No.11964963

I just like being a teenager and being who I am/was. This will not be possible when I'm 20. Also, teenagers are the only attractive people. Maybe that will change with time.

Also, I look younger and am more immature than people my age so I kinda wanna keep the teen label to protect myself.

>> No.11964968

>In your 20s it's all going down hill, aging starts to make you uglier, less emotions, more responsibilities restricting you, people start to look down on you for being different, your life is pretty much set, any dreams and aspirations are useless.

Only if you get stagnant and let it happen

>> No.11964975

How do you avoid that, then?

>> No.11964988


General hygiene, healthy eating, exercise

>less emotions

You don't have less emotions you just know how to deal with things better

>more responsibilities restricting you

This is true but still less restrictions compared to going to school and living with your parents

>people start to look down on you for being different

Then you ignore and avoid those people

>your life is pretty much set

In what regard? You can quit your job and begin a new career at any point or move wherever you want

>any dreams and aspirations are useles

So the second you turn 20 all your dreams and aspirations are useless now that you have the means to be able to pursue them on your own?

Romanticizing your youth and giving up on your future is a great way to end up with a lot of regrets and it's a pretty poor attitude to have

>> No.11965002
File: 48 KB, 768x433, james_corden_ryan_reynolds_sidekick_h_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not if you're a man

>> No.11965005

I would argue the opposite. You can't truly be /fa/ until you're older. The confidence that comes from being independent and completely in control of your own life is something teenagers don't have. Nothing looks genuine when teenagers do it. It all looks like social posturing and tryharding because they don't have their own personal identity hammered out yet.

>> No.11965025

>Nah senpai, I'm 14 and in highschool. 15 soon. And I fucking hate it. I get bullied all the time so I try to justify my age and not feel like I wasted my life, no debate.

>> No.11965058

Eh, no.

I can kinda agree on this, but there are exceptions.

Alright, my last point was stupid, but I still feel like the other ones hold up. You pick your direction in life as a teen if you want to be successful at what you do.

>> No.11965062
File: 288 KB, 1024x1027, Morrissey-Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some cool role models for adult people. I don't have any. Might be part of my problem.

Pic related is my only one.

>> No.11965067

I fucking hope not. As a late teen soon to be 20, my life has been pretty shit thus far

>> No.11965079

Me too, and I regret what I've been doing (vidya, being a shy fuck, not going out) so much. Depresses the hell out of me, honestly. I wanna do all that stuff and have it with me as memories, but it's too late now.

When do you turn 20?

>> No.11965080

> this thread.

Christ, I knew this board was awful, but this awful?

>> No.11965082

I'm sorry for shitting up the board. Please argue against me.

>> No.11965087

What the fuck are you talking about. What kind of an autistic argument do you want to have

>Late teens is the best fashion
"no it isn't"
>Yes it is

There I hope you had fun, go do your homework

>> No.11965093
File: 48 KB, 495x700, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being young isn't /fa/ when you're growing up with strict parents. That's when being different isn't cool, it's just a fucking handicap. Even your perception of love and affection is completely shat on, so there's really no "teenage love affair" to be experienced. So glad I've finally left that shithole of an age

>> No.11965115

>You pick your direction in life as a teen if you want to be successful at what you do

You have it backwards

You should learn how to properly understand critical thinking and how to properly improve at something, like how to research or take criticism

Once you can actually be able to be well adjusted enough to be able to accomplish things then you should go and find out that thing that you can obsessively pursue

Also who knows some new field or technology might pop up later in your life that you would be well suited for. Just because you've already put yourself on a trajectory doesn't mean you cant adjust accordingly

>> No.11965116

I honestly think this might be true for females. As long as your hair isn't receding and you somewhat take care of yourself in terms of hygiene, men age well in their twenties in general. Jaw gets more developed (last bits of baby fat go away), most men can grow out some facial hair (can be positive).

I just turned twenty, and my life's been getting better now that I've gotten a different group of friends who are more mature in terms of being able to talk about more profound stuff, but can also still be immature and goof around. I much prefer that over the people I hung out without throughout secondary school.

Also, having some responsibility (own place for example) is nice in a way. Yes, rent and expenses are a bitch, but independence feels amazing. Coming from a very prude family (literally never talked about sex or girls with my brothers who are four years younger and four years older), I never brought girls back home because my household was fucking odd like that. Now I can just chill and smoke with whoever I feel like whenever I have the time.

My two cents, blog over

>> No.11965125

Guys is 18 the most /fa/ age ?

>> No.11965172

>20s your life is set

lmao not really i changed my major 3 times and im like 2 years behind in school but fuck it

im not letting age get me stuck doing some shit i don't like

u lifes not over untill your 26
thats when u should be getting ur shit together

bonus points if u do it at 24

>> No.11965188

females are in their prime during their 20s

still young and most are somewhat mature

>> No.11965196

same boat. depressing :(

>> No.11965204

daily reminder

30 is the new 20

40 is the new 30

>> No.11965207
File: 119 KB, 1300x957, holder-man-working-his-study-16618114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenagers are the only attractive people

literally children lmao, some girls look their best in their late teens early 20s but almost everyone else is peaked during their 20s, I always laugh a bit as a graduate student when I see how childish the incoming freshmen are

>> No.11965216

I feel like its not about fashion you just dont wanna turn 20 but i feel you i think about it too

>> No.11965221
File: 93 KB, 507x767, qkUeKTNkJrMG79sefLrH05UZA7V9rPJrUOED-ytfNwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just too caught up in the "eternal summer vacation" aesthetic as evident in your pic. There is so much more to fashion than lean skaters in tshirts and slim jeans

>> No.11965537


bunch of pathetic fucks

>> No.11965718

>being my age is the best age
>not even 20 yet
literally shit that people who have no life after high school say

>> No.11965724

If the biggest issue in your life is being young, you've already begun to waste your life.

>> No.11965726

Being an old man is most fashionable desu

>> No.11966056

What do you mean?

>> No.11966062

Damn, I think you're right. That sounds like what I'm sad about leaving.

Could you describe your idea of this aesthetic a bit more? I think it might be it.

Also, how do I stop being caught up in it?

>> No.11966066

Yeah, maybe. I really fucking dread it. Do you turn 20 soon too? What do you think about it?

>> No.11966067

>Is the only truly fashionable age late teens?

l o l

its more like mid-late twenties than early forties

u cant be fash and still be a teenage moron at the same time

>> No.11966298

kek, cant even get a beer without the fear of getting carded, fucking effay. 20 when you finally can start living on your own. there is nothing effay in having no responsibilities and playing cod all day

>> No.11966355

Turning 20 is just like turning 19, and 21, and 22, and 23, and 24. Don't let a number give you the downs.

>> No.11966359

w2c similar styled shirts

>> No.11966414

Haha wow what a faggot
my granny has the same coat.

>> No.11966419

Not if you are a girl.

>> No.11966456

What age is the most effay for girls, then?

>> No.11966461

That's a hound's tooth jacket and you are the faggot.

>> No.11966470

this is true for girls and false for men. At 40 men are still at their height. After 20 it's downhill for women

>> No.11966475


>> No.11966486

depends Connelly is 45 here, not hat a lot of women age like this though

>> No.11966488
File: 191 KB, 908x1222, 1478205648987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is why you get a gf that is 20 years younger than yourself

>> No.11966522

No. 56 is

>> No.11966548

You didn't understood me.
Girl can be effay even after teens. Men can't.
All those thing that op described still apply to women after teens but not to men.

>> No.11966550

Everything after teenagehood. That's when women activate their style and brains.

>> No.11967941
File: 21 KB, 225x225, IMG_4879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 something