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/fa/ - Fashion

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11960576 No.11960576 [Reply] [Original]

skatercore thread

>> No.11960733
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i'll post a few

>> No.11960742
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>> No.11960745
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>> No.11960749
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>> No.11960762
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>> No.11960771

as someone who skates these threads are fucking embarrassing

>> No.11960778

nobody gives a fuck about what you think and the sooner you get that into your faggot head the better

or do I have to beat it into you?

>> No.11960784
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>as someone who skates

No one asked though. Youre probably one of those braille or shake junt type of skater who thinks fashion is 'gay' #420blazeit pissdrunx anyways.

>> No.11960790
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>> No.11960791
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Sure beat it into me
To be honest I think it's kinda embarrassing dressing like a skaterat is fashion statement

>> No.11960793

>ITT teenagers fight over a hobby
Go to /asp/ please.

>> No.11960795

It's anonymous fucking imageboard you oversensitive faggot
No one asked you to make this piece of shit of a thread either yet here we are

>> No.11960796
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>> No.11960810

basic ass white 'sk8er boy' that only appeals to hormonal teenage girls.

>> No.11960813
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>> No.11960818
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>> No.11960829
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>> No.11960835
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>> No.11960841

cringe, worst style and does the most retarded, "trendy" tricks

>> No.11960858

These threads always remind me of Elliot Rodger talking about the "cool skater kids accepting him cause he dressed like a skateboarder"

>> No.11960866


>> No.11960868

rest easy dylan.

>> No.11960877


>> No.11961022
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>> No.11961057

>baggy hoodie/ sweatshirt
>slim or straight fit dickies
>vans or converse

skatercore starter pack

>> No.11961089


>> No.11961091 [DELETED] 

Jacob is amazing

>> No.11961100
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>slim dickies
Heh heh

>> No.11961108

tää koko lanka on myötähäpeää

>> No.11961113
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>> No.11961114

>i get beat up by skaters-core

>> No.11961119
File: 167 KB, 900x601, Tony_Dasilva_Ali_Boulala_jenkem_Warner_House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo se ainoo ja oikee

>> No.11961126

Niin siis mitä tohon pukeutumiseen tulee.

>> No.11961127

Fuck off Chink eyed bastards

>> No.11961134

Lol are implying these worms can beat anyone

>> No.11961138

Skateboarding is gay as fuck.

>> No.11961150
File: 99 KB, 515x768, tumblr_nxytum76sX1t180xdo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ben is my fav. skates like a fucking maniac but seems like the nicest dude too.

>> No.11961161
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k rod #2

>> No.11961212

doesnt skate

>> No.11961219
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>> No.11961276


lmao shut up cuck

>> No.11961464

Why are you such a flaming?

>> No.11961700

Go back to posting no complies to your double digit Instagram followers

>> No.11961839
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>> No.11962302

>That old dude in the background.

>> No.11962310

They literally look like they just got done wiping the cum off their mouths

>> No.11962319

What kind of pants are those? I'd wear the shit out of that.

>> No.11962336

Isn't that ben nordburg though???

>> No.11962342

i love this

>> No.11962377

oh shit dude you skate?

>> No.11962394

So glad this cancer ridden Dylan faggot died so i can laugh at the pity parties every time his pic is posted

>> No.11962421

there paccbet pants its gosha rubchinskiy's new skate brand

>> No.11962424

This is skater fashion? This is normie hipster dork fashion, with skateboard accessories. In my day, skaters had a very distinct look. Huge baggy everything for mobility and the best shoes. Plan b hats until that faggot on that tv show started wearing one. This is hella gay. Who wears tight jeans to skate?

>> No.11962607

shut up sand nigger get with the times u retarded mid-life crisis having fuck

>> No.11962614
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>> No.11962668

>the poster boy of skater boi fashion was a junkie faggot

>> No.11962713

that's ben nordburg you fucktard

>> No.11962719

kill yourself

>> No.11962734

Your idol already done that with cigarettes and drugs m8

>> No.11962748

what are you trying to achieve by posting all this hate exactly? seriously if you're life amounted to this so far either fix yourself or end yourself.

>> No.11962755

triggered the hectic skater boi lads

>> No.11962759

rip beautiful angel

>> No.11962760

No him but at least he's anti cigarette/drug. Thats admirable

>> No.11962765

im not mad im just curious. i think that deep down you must be ugly as FUCK and jealous that Dylan had good looks.

>> No.11962781

>this amount of projection

I get called gorgeous and handsome by strangers everyday m8. Yes, dylan """""had"""" good looks. Not anymore..........

>> No.11962790

i don't think you know what projection means rofl. anyway go on with your pathetic worthless life of hate. i feel terribly sorry for you and the fact that you spend your days and nights at home talking shit on 4chan. you probably don't have friends and never go out so i'll give you a pass on the questionable outlook on life.

>> No.11962794

>not mad

>> No.11962815

He is dead, lmao.

>> No.11962817

He's not so effay now

>> No.11962848

yeah.. new skate brand..

>> No.11962850

oh blah blah baggy jeans plan b fitted caps r cool! blah blah

>> No.11962871

there is nothing worse than chicks who love "skaters" and skate. every one of them i know is underaged, already-drugged-out, trashy, rich-parents-but-no-future, think theyre cool kids but for everyone over 18 theyre embarrassing as fuck. or replace it with tumblr-core, but thats even worse.

maybe the only thing thats worse is current generation skaters, who think that doing tricks on a piece of wood is somehow different than any other hobbies out there. and they doing it for the sake of being a part of some non-existing culture, rather than doing it for the love of skating like the old folks did. source: i used to skate a lot.

and im pretty sure there are non-underaged "cool" girls who love skating and there are decent people skating still but when people let this hobby to define their entire personality you know theyre fucked

>> No.11962881

yeah, i met Ben when I was in new york and he's really nice

>> No.11962884

who hurt you?

>> No.11962889


sorry if I seem ignorant. what would these type of pants be called?

>> No.11962903

they're regular fit dickies. a lot of skaters wear those exact pants.
i guess you could call them work pants, heavyweight chinos and/or high waters.

>> No.11962910


>> No.11963001
File: 191 KB, 363x609, dope fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are the worst. go outside.

>> No.11963355
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Why do these threads attract so such drama? lmao, you faggots need to go out more.

>> No.11963364
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>> No.11963787

who cares

>> No.11963930
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>> No.11963952

you are posting on anime forum about ""skater fashion"" I think your post applies to you as well
these threads are cringe, the look is tumblr -core for boys

>> No.11964191
File: 1.59 MB, 1266x997, jay-adams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ease up who shit in everyones cereal

>> No.11964197
File: 173 KB, 1209x850, operation-ivy-tim-and-jesse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some cool shoes that skate well? i already have authentic and old skool vans and they got destroyed pretty fast


>> No.11964224

crazy thought but maybe get something you like personally
it's not like there are thousands of skatebrands to go through

>> No.11964583

>as someone who skates

>> No.11964593

Just buy anything with a vulc sole as cheap as you can, nothing 'skates' better than anything else. You'll save burning through pairs of £50 shoes

>> No.11964977

what trousers?

>> No.11965319

most likely dickies 874 or some other work pant

>> No.11965336

Suede with Vulc shoes. DC (not bulky ones) vans, Nike sb, Adidas sb, work

>> No.11965364

Theres a term coined by skaters for people just like you.


You're all a bunch of posers.

>> No.11965387

literally the skateboarders equivalent of: "My brothers died protecting your freedom in that uniform"

stolen skate valor

>> No.11965409

Skaters wear skate jeans because they're flexible and it lets them have extra mobility when perfoming tricks. You do it because you think its cool.

Skaters wear skate shoes because it gives them valuable grip on a skateboard. You do it because you think its cool.

Pro skaters (usually) wear skate brand t shirts because theyre most likely sponsored by that brand and get free clothes all the time. You do it because you think its cool.

>> No.11965446

ouch don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo
haha maybe not today's twinks who skate, i wouldn't fuck with Mike Vallely though
>omg your just jealous that my boy toy Dylan was way hotter than you will ever be
i have the vans gilbert crocket pros and they seem like they will hold up for a while, really solid build, if you want actual skating advice as opposed to fashion advice id try going to /asp/ though

>> No.11965455
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, skatesgoodbutdresseshorribly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skatecore Kino coming through

>> No.11965479
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>> No.11965539

lmao chill

>> No.11965578

whoa you skate?

>> No.11965672

hey.... sit down and breathe

>> No.11966287

lol keep wearing that shit and get laughed at. its not the fucking 90s anymore

>> No.11966296

you skate in the first place because you think its cool. you gonna drop it in the next few years because you realise it isnt that cool over 18. until then, just calm down anon

>> No.11966306

>Factory workers and miners wear jeans, everyone else is a poser.

You don't actually think that skaters were the first people who wore "skater" jeans, right? No one can be this retarded

>> No.11966835

>you skate in the first place because you think its cool
Personally I just skate because it's really fun, I think most people do

>> No.11967331

yeah just asking for peoples experiences with shoes that hold up a bit.

i'll keep that in mind

ill look into those and yeah i browse /asp/ its pretty chill most of the time

>> No.11968618
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Adidas (although they are a bit pricey imo. Shelling out 80 for a pair of shoes that I will probably blow in a month or two ain't worth it.) But they hold up just fine. My recommendation would be to get them on a sale from say, CCS or something. I managed to snatch a couple of them last year for like 30 - 40 bucks.

Etnies, DVS, és and if you happen to find them, Fallen. Those things were made to last, pretty comfortable too.

>you realize it isn't that cool over 18
Nigga who the hell does this? This is something that only a poser would do. I'm friends with people who are 26 - 28 some of them touching 30s and still skate because it's a fun hobby. The rush you get from nailing a crazy line you've been practicing with your mates for hours is what makes it so good.

Real talk I'm glad posers exist, they keep the industry going.

>> No.11968976

do you even know any skaters? skaters are some of the most vain motherfuckers on the planet lol

>> No.11969871

you're never to old to skate, what would give you that idea? i didn't start skating till i was 19

>> No.11970008
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>> No.11970030

Relax, Muhammad.

>> No.11970068

Why are skaters such edgy faggots?

>> No.11970080

people who play skateboards don't care what they or others look like, you vain insecure morons

>> No.11970194

Mfw I'm skatercore and I didn't even know

>> No.11970308

insecure and projecting af lololol

>> No.11970543

haha holy shit thats one of my good friends desi on the right
used to skate verdugo with him all the time

>> No.11970576

actually dresses not bad
saw him at repu a month ago trying hardflip back tail kf 360 out
was wearing a logoless burgundy longsleeve polo black slim chinos and black adi eases
super tall and lanky so it looked alright

>> No.11971405

Thats Todd Midler......

Alex Midlers older brother................

>> No.11971411


I think he dresses nice

better than dickies and converse look

>> No.11971418
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>> No.11971421
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looks better than random ugly graphic tees

>> No.11971621

Real skater here

absolutely awful, ben K wannabes, only been into punk for a year, dickies 874 died off a long time ago: only people still wearing them cant even skate.

kadow is the only one who can pull off kadow

sage is coming back after being overshadowed for too long by his "trendy" friends who literally just wear whatever the fuck they want and you retards who claim to be into real fashion eat it up

highly agree, only here because i think its funny how these /fa/ kids pick up on trends 1-2 years late... /skate/core am i right?? half of them would be too embarrassed to even go to the skatepark. Maybe thats why it will take at least a year for them to be wearing what i wear now, they never see it.


jun is a nice dude, internet friend of mine, if i ever go to korea he says hes always down to skate

desi and todd are homies, >>11960790
just confused his left and right and >>11971405
doesnt actually know these people because he didnt realize it. So embarassing you guys look at us like idols lmao live your look or wear what suits your lifestyle, they look the way they do because they dont care as much as you idiots

This guy is exactly 100% right and I swear by that and can literally go to a real skatepark and come back with photos to show you this is what's happening in real skateboarding right now. Half of you fucking idiots laugh and say "its not the fuck 90s anymore" but fashion runs in cycles, you should know browsing this retarded board. Everything good always comes back, just wait, baggy is in and if you're not, you're out. Enjoy the late 874 highwater lightwash cutoff ankle dad jean polo bullshit, we all passed that, keep watching our videos from 2014 and taking screenshots lol

fuck off..........

>> No.11971692
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looking through old pics..

>> No.11971695
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>> No.11971698

>Real skater here
lmao get over yourself
plz no

>> No.11971704
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>> No.11971711
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>> No.11971759

this is really embarrassing to read

>> No.11971792 [DELETED] 

dressed zumies fashion and this has to be the cringiest trend I've ever seen.

literally just jeans with a shoelace belt, a white shirt, vans/chucks/superstars and whatever hoodie (usually those cringy thrasher ones)

>> No.11971882

>play skateboards

I've found the single skater in this thread.

>> No.11971890

you're embarrassing to look at

>> No.11972646

lol kek sure told him mommmmm get the camera mommmmm

>> No.11972969

Dude you skate?

>> No.11973309

what the fuck is a real skater

>> No.11973626

Someone who actually skates?

>> No.11973728

so how can you skate not real
what makes it actual skating

>> No.11973734

I like how that post ton of replies
you need 2 words to trigger thread full of teenagers

>> No.11973745

If you're over the age of 16 and participate in this shit, you most likely have a sub 100 IQ

>> No.11973815

Skaters are some of the wealthiest and most pretentious upper middle class dicks to walk the earth.

>> No.11973859

You seriously don't see the irony in this?
>I hate posers
>I'm a REAL Skater
>A real one
>Not like THOSE poser people
>I'm part of the REAL Skater club

I'm pretty sure "real" skaters just skate and don't give a fuck about belonging into the cool boys club

>> No.11973985

i never said i give a fuck about it? and never said that merits anything, it's just the fact that you idiots look ridiculous trying to emulate something you're not

>> No.11974181

The only person who look ridiculous is you by trying to hide your insecuries. Once you hit puberty it will be better anon

>> No.11974207


so what makes you a real skater? are you sponsored? ever got a salery? print in a magazine or at least online?

>> No.11974255

>I'm pretty sure "real" skaters just skate and don't give a fuck about belonging into the cool boys club

exactly this. skaters are generally pretty friendly and accepting towards anyone who likes to skate, unless you're being an arrogant/childish dickhead. nobody gives a shit what you're wearing lol.
and fashion isn't an interest appealing predominantly to pretentious upper middle class people? lmao
not to mention how untrue that generalization is. rich kids are a minority in skating, you've probably just based that judgement on sponsored skaters and the few bad eggs.

>> No.11974316

>unless you're being an arrogant/childish dickhead

Like you being a "Real Skater"? How can you live in this denial? I'm actually curious how do you perceive the world around you

>> No.11974357

This guy

>> No.11974363

Who skates in slippers lmao

>> No.11974371

I come to these threads to drink up the "real sk8rs" tears and occasionally see some decent inspo

>> No.11974397

Plz b troll

>> No.11974565

hit puberty?? I used to come to this shitty website in highschool & only came back the other day because I wanted to ID a jacket. I passed this shit a long time ago "anon"

i've taken photos that have been in magazines, i've premiered 3 full length videos, gotten boards from local shops for some time now.

that wasn't me guy

>> No.11974574

what? i'm not >>11971621
i never said i was a "real" skater lol. i don't believe in that black and white elitism shit.

>> No.11975919


>> No.11975948

>see some decent inspo
I find it depressing there are people browsing who need inspo to thrown on cons dickies and a tee
I don't even want to think about the possibility that the people making and discussing in these threads are actually skateboarders

>> No.11977255

nah sorry I don't know who Oli is

>> No.11977297
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>> No.11978230


>> No.11978691


>> No.11978695

i didnt know Harry Potter could skate

>> No.11978699

I guarantee ben has railed more pussy then you have ever seen in your life lmao

>> No.11978858

top kek

>> No.11978932

Are no comply tricks effay?

>> No.11978952

what is this? I skated from middle school to highschool which is from 2004-2010 and everyone just wore loose pants and whatever for a shirt. If you were any good your shirt was gonna be dirty as fuck at the end of the day. etnies, emerica, es, and when sb's started coming around. Chocolate or Girl boards.

>> No.11979712


>> No.11979805


> skating in DC


>> No.11981381

sk8r boi

>> No.11981415

yo, check it out! this man skates!

>> No.11981421

Why would a brand sponsor anyone except to advertise and sell their shit?

>> No.11981446
File: 906 KB, 1136x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is inline still a thing? It was always hated on but I still liked it when I was younger. Not many people did it so I just hung out with the skaters and eventually adopted skateboarding

>> No.11981468

seoul_air <3

>> No.11981921
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>> No.11982662

The fabric seems to be too thick - they're jackets, right?

>> No.11983495

Ben Nordberg is possibly one of the best skaters on the flip team. Try harder sperglord

>> No.11983521

Always wanted to get a sweet pair of inline boots, save for a few things

>universally chunky designs made of plastic
>I don't know how to rollerblade and would have to wear ugly beaters until I was ready to commit
>am grill and don't see a lot of grills in inlining, which isn't a dealbreaker but would definitely be motivating to see more of

>> No.11983622


yea its still a thing but its extreme underground. basically have to buy everything online and it gets pretty expensive pretty fast compared to skateboarding.

>universally chunky designs made of plastic
almost all aggresive skates are going to be bulky asf because they take a beating constantly sliding on concrete. free skates like seba's are a lot slimmer

>I don't know how to rollerblade and would have to wear ugly beaters until I was ready to commit
its super fun. and you can always spray paint the shells to make them look less retarded

>> No.11984426
File: 638 KB, 1755x1170, streetsnaps-house-of-vans-seoul-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]