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/fa/ - Fashion

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11956813 No.11956813 [Reply] [Original]

For fucks sak /fa/. I'm 22, but I look way younger. Why the fuck do I look younger than my age?

Granted I weigh 54kg at 180cm tall, but still that doesn't justify me looking like I'm still in highschool.

Please help.

>> No.11956814

actually you have the hairline of a 35 year-old english teacher in Asia

so don't worry

>> No.11956828
File: 45 KB, 251x392, 2a61bb3a174337cbbb95a38d8f18cd6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's another picture of me.

>> No.11956829

Sorry, you're cursed/blessed with baby face (take it as a positive or negative)
You can't do much about it, it's like asking "How I get taller"

>> No.11956834

Nothing u can do desu. You look like you'd grow shit facial hair.

>> No.11956836

You actually have the face and hairline of a butch lesbian aunt.

>> No.11956860

54kg at 180cm? Wtf is wrong with you?
Bulk up if you want to look older not like a fag teenage boy. Ricidulous.

>> No.11956897
File: 1.90 MB, 332x332, 9DxKv6C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude that's a /fa/ height and weight. You want me to be bloated or some shit?

>> No.11956899

Better posture, more mature facial expressions and less casual body language, more sophisticated clothing.

>> No.11956941

wtf are you talking about? his hairline is fine. you sound insecure

>> No.11956952

>tfw I look like OP but I have a receding hairline
What the fuck do I do?

>> No.11956953

Why would you want to look older? Enjoy your youth, you'll miss it.

>> No.11956966

you look fine 2bh

>> No.11956967

why the fuck do you listen to /fa/

bulk up

>> No.11956994

Beard is hour only choice.

>> No.11957002

Keep it cropped short, play up your other good points, dress well, learn to get into some accessories to distract attention from hair. Watch, belt, good shoes.

>> No.11957017
File: 105 KB, 1279x719, anti-bully ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice eating disorder bro

>> No.11957018

Dude, you are heavily underweight. That's as unhealthy as being a fat ass. Please bulk up for your own health and aesthetics.

>> No.11957031

I cant enjoy my youth looking like this. It´s bullshit that looking young is better. People dont't take you seriously, women resent you because you look bitchmade.

>> No.11957071

>It´s bullshit that looking young is better.
No it's not. You will regret it one day, when you'll be old and ugly and when your body will stop being as effective as it is now.

I'm 22 as well and look very young, and I don't care. 22 IS young, if you want to look like an old man, just wait like 10 more years and you'll start to get what you want. In the meantime, be grateful for what you have because a lot of people on this earth wish they were as young as you are again.

>> No.11957097

Your slouch and bad body language here and your attitude as evidenced in this thread may be more to blame than your face.

>> No.11957103


>> No.11957117

Youre a 8/10 op dont listen to these ugly fuckers

>> No.11957119
File: 86 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aware me on the slouch and body language? Nonody ever told me about these.

>> No.11957129

>>11956828 photo shows him slouched in the chair, legs crossed and arm crossed over body, those are a defensive position, and don't convey any authority or relaxed ease at all. Google confident body language and read up, it's a thing and can make a big difference in how people perceive you.

>> No.11957134

are you autistic? You look bitchmade because you are bitchmade you fucking mong. You're 120lbs and almost 6ft, you are the definition of bitchmade.

>> No.11957510

What do then?

>> No.11957512

Suffer a little.
You're face will age right up.

>> No.11957535

have you tried growing facial hair? Might be worth a shot depending on how well it grows.

>> No.11957549

You look like a normal 22-year-old to me, but if you want to look older, start lifting and gain some muscle. You are very skinny which makes you look younger.

>> No.11957578

get a better haircut

>> No.11957631
File: 381 KB, 1200x1285, friday-by-gisele-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just grow a beard

>> No.11957771


Wear a cravat.

>> No.11958229

Gonna underline this, train for hypertrophy

>> No.11959095

This, I get told I look my age or older when I have a beard but about 18/19 when I don't.

>> No.11959114
File: 49 KB, 500x499, 1459449072229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend alcoholism

>> No.11959254

Stop shaving. I don't even mean that you need to grow a beard, but just have some sort of facial hair. When you do shave, do it with an electric razor so you leave some stubble behind. You'll look the age you actually are.

>> No.11959265

Don't listen to /fa/ unless you want to look like a fag with bulimia.

>> No.11959692

What would then be an adequate weifht at my shitty weight?

>> No.11959705


>> No.11959707


You look your age. I could see you becoming very handsome in 10-15 years, but make sure to take care of yourself.

>> No.11959723

>How to look older?

>> No.11959733

this. Youre going to be a silver fox.

>> No.11959743

This is legit, also facial hair but if you're like most of us baby faces you won't be able to for another four years

>> No.11960260

Those eyes are that of a dead man.

>> No.11961194

You look like a cuck 25 yo, what are you smoking

>> No.11961347

wear eyeliner and light mascara

it wont make you look manlier but it'll be cute

>> No.11961592

This isn't the first time he's been told this

>> No.11961912

Quit sleeping.

>> No.11961917

Lift weights. Behave older.

>> No.11961929

You don't even look that young. You look like a lesbian.

>> No.11961933

You look like a lesbian.