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File: 43 KB, 600x600, dapper-haircuts-levi-stocke-being-dapper-full-thick-beard-and-mustache-beards-HD-Wallpaper-Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11945654 No.11945654 [Reply] [Original]

>Beard Culture

>> No.11946021

>how to make beards look gay

>> No.11946043

>I just opened a bike shop in Toronto and I'm in a noise band-core

>> No.11946048

I love how all these guys are always wearing suits.

Quick question: What product would give my hair this look? I have very coarse hair and I've tried pomade, gel, cream, wax...nothing gives me this look.

>> No.11946174

>meme culture

>> No.11946313

>cringe general

>> No.11946352

im an Asian teen hipster but as im growing it out but I look like Ho Chi Min the 20 yr old

>> No.11947736
File: 786 KB, 1300x868, bread culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread culture

>> No.11947842

oil based pomade, lots and lots of it

t. also have very coarse hair, struggled with water based pomades for ages before switching. currently using the daimon barber no.2 and quite liking it, although it's pricey

>> No.11948070
File: 540 KB, 595x591, Capture d’écran 2016-11-11 à 12.52.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11948086

How to spot a nu male in 2016

>> No.11948088

>collective hivemind of a genetic attribute

>> No.11948090

>defining yourself based on what you look like and how other people think of themselves with similar genetic trait as yours

>> No.11948109

Damn I would eat that bread in no time.

>> No.11948111

itt: low test boys who cant grow a beard

No, girls dont like your "jawline" which is probably nonexistent to everyone except you.

>> No.11948163
File: 67 KB, 334x250, beard culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11948567

>having ugly goat hairs on my weak chin gives me a testosterone aura like going super saiyan

>> No.11948627

high test means shaving like your dad has taught your punk ass to do every day motherfucker goat fucker pissdrinker

>> No.11948663

>wannabe gilf fucker culture
>some faggot faking confidence from Portland in the only way he knows how looks like this and I wanna be as cool as him

>> No.11948684


Now THIS IS beard culture. Millenar beard culture.

>> No.11948697

>Hiding your """"jawline""""

>> No.11949070

>having to hide jaw/being jawlet
>high test

>> No.11950383
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>> No.11950389
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>> No.11950392
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>> No.11950411

>coiffed hair and beard
>in a noise band
I think you got your trash genres mixed up famalam. This dude sells handmade candles and vegan leather keychains because his gf showed him her etsy following.

>> No.11950419

>Loafs by Shia

>> No.11950736
File: 678 KB, 781x1920, 1475941061438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roller derby

i wish boys were allowed to wear dresses and makeup without being accused of their affiliation to shitty LGBT community ugh

>> No.11950757

>I wish I could crossdress and not be associated with people who are practically crossdressers

>> No.11950784

thats what im talking about
i dont want to crossdress
i want to wear dresses sometimes with no strings attached to this "activity "and also for clothes to lose their "gender role"

>> No.11950787

So you want to crossdress and not feel bad about it?

>> No.11950793

from your point of view, yeah. But honeslty i just want to live in a world where wearing a certain type of clothes would just be called dresing instead of crossdressing.
Just like it is for women now, they can wear as masculine clothes as they want (as lojg as they fit) and not be called out on it.
But with men it is diferent and i blame trans people and sjw for dragging it al in the wrong direction, instead of making it natural to wear whatever you wish, they make people feel depressed about their own gender and further consolidate the clothing stereotypes

>> No.11950797

Plenty of guys have pulled off women's clothing, though. Just not dresses, but they're borderline impossible to pull off without looking like a crossdresser because they've basically belonged to women for thousands of years.

>> No.11950982

just wear a roman toga, you fag

>> No.11950986

I like how a beard has become the no. 1 way to spot an enormous pussy these days

how times change

>> No.11950989

trannies and their inherently-reactionary concept of "gender identity" ruined this for you: most likely forever

>> No.11950991

t. babbyface

>> No.11950993

As opposed to having a babyface AND a beard?

>> No.11950996


beards are effay as fuck, as long as you are not an incel cuck.

>> No.11951000

all these triggered beardlets

keep shaving those 3 pubes on your chin, it makes them grow back thicker i heard. kek

>> No.11951004

I actually have a chin hon
No need to hide behind hair

>> No.11951005

itt: 16 years olds.

>> No.11951013
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ok dear

>> No.11951024
File: 492 KB, 176x216, 1434979800486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think beards are better than jawline
>people think their beards dont actually smell like shit
>implying being lazy and looking like a caveman by letting your pubic hair grow is """"""manly""""""

>> No.11951092

stop being so insecure, im sure you look fine with your baby face

>> No.11952736

My beard doesn't connect all the way how can I rectify this

>> No.11952739

>I have a skull, no need to hide it behind hair