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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 384x500, 16eae6f44bcb9a9336b4d6056e798188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11917291 No.11917291 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw really good looking
>tfw friends girlfriends can't stop gawking at you
>tfw friends forced to mate guard simply because your superior facial genetics
>tfw legitimately feel bad because I had no choice in this.

how In the FUCK do you deal with this
/fa/? I can barely study because I legitimately get 100's of full on mires a day. 7/10 is one thing but at the top of the curve shit and relationships start becoming dicey and there are serious negatives to consider

>> No.11917300

post a picture of yourself if you truly are a 10/10
>inb4 half-assed excuse about "privacy"
After all, you have nothing to fear if you're really that beautiful, right?

>> No.11917303

ahh, a "things that never happened" thread, i'll carry us on:

this morning i woke up and felt a will to live

>> No.11917305

lol post pic if you really that high on a pedestal senpai

>> No.11917313
File: 9 KB, 208x250, 1383283397764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p-post a picture you ugly fuck, y-youre not really good looking. Th-this shit doesn't happen in real life

>> No.11917326

we want to believe you
we just want proof lol
the evidence is completely against OP but he has the power to completely BTFO anyone by posting a pic, however he isn't doing that which casts a lot of doubt on the truth of how good looking he is

>> No.11917371

Just give us a time stamp OP and everything will be fine

>> No.11917386
File: 16 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a statistical anomaly so noone knows my feels

there was one of you the other day, with the lachowski image

>> No.11917389

just shit your pants and start shrieking

>> No.11917396

mate I get stared at every day. however I have taught myself not to base myself on something that I have no affect on. Yes I can dress differently, have a different hairstyle, but it's only making shit sparkle in a different way. who cares if people think i'm attractive or not, as it's only temporary anyway. soon I will get old, my looks will fade, along with my hairline. my teeth may fall out. i might struggle to get my dick hard.

what will i be left with? a lot more than what you will be.

>> No.11917398


>women are so attracted to me because of my face

good one mate

attitude, frame, height, clothes, all are much more important than the difference having a 6/10 vs a 10/10 face makes

And also on average women are lower libido, so even if they find you attractive they won't act on it most of the time and you won't even notice.

>> No.11917401

i hope this is true f am

>> No.11917405
File: 1.03 MB, 1447x1801, tmp_24805-14777951387411378178025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.999999999% of /fa/ is genetic trash.

>> No.11917430

Not him, but living past 60 is fucking pointless. Every old man becomes a child and is no longer respected near the end of his life and basically becomes a loser. Unless you plan on becoming someone like George Soros, live life on the edge and hope you die before life becomes meaningless.

>> No.11917445

>Clint Eastwood
>George Carlin

All you have to do to stay youthful is never retire and stagnate. Retirement is simply waiting to die.

>> No.11917448

nice jawline and eyebrows asnd lips but your hair and eyes are shit in all honesty famalam.

>> No.11917450

Yeah, was speaking figuratively i guess. Have no intention of living past 35, so living on the edge is a daily ritual.

>> No.11917451


Yeah why see your kids marry, get to meet your grand kids, be the guy who still kicks ass at 80 and who your grandkids brag about to their friends, while you still get to enjoy life.

It's all about being "respected" by a very narrow definition, why would you live for your own experience of life or anything lmao.

>> No.11917456
File: 55 KB, 600x799, BzwyYIbCMAANaw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally one guy at my school of 30 000 Facemoggs me

>Mfw the rare times we see each other there is this mutual awareness and respect

>> No.11917462

the fuck is a facemog

>> No.11917486

is this bait?

>> No.11917584
File: 262 KB, 798x1200, DGA_0698-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw top of the top of the 1%
>tfw incels can casually get bone augmentations then simple facial feature modifications in a decade or 2
>tfw too much of a hedonist to equip a fedora
>tfw coming singularity
>tfw completely average or below average

>> No.11917821

No it's not senpai. Nigga probably just has a fucked up face.

>> No.11917861

OP if you had a gf it would alleviate your issues, your mates' gf's would know you're unavailable and your mates could let their guard down.

>> No.11918008
File: 60 KB, 254x209, 1432154305818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a slayer

>> No.11918037

I feel like i'm too good looking for 3D

>> No.11918068

im a high iq chad with 8/10 face but cursed with 5'9" height. i knows its pretty average but i'd be like 8/10 overall at least if i was 5'11" at least

>> No.11918083

im easily a shit tier chad without the face ;(

>> No.11918111

This chart leaves a lot of attractive people out. Look at models, they have 9 or 10 face but are very skinny.

>> No.11918159

no fuck you, dont even complain. any man would love to be fucking sexy rather than an ugly bitch. so enjoy being handsome m8ie

>> No.11918204

whoever made this has never been outside

>> No.11918242

don't care if this is bait but you have to be retarded that's not him it's an actual model

>> No.11918680
File: 266 KB, 240x127, tmp_26991-1477636645297417936024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have a 8/10 face and my height is 5'11

>> No.11918682


>> No.11918728
File: 316 KB, 332x757, Untitled14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you're a chad but not a slayer

>> No.11918746

it's an incredible insight into the fantasies of the socially inept 4chan weirdo

>> No.11918749


>> No.11918767

Try to make yourself look uglier if you have such a problem with being attractive. Get a bad haircut and grow a long chin beard. Don't take care of your body and wear lame clothing. It's really not hard. I worked with a guy for a year or so who was literally model tier attractive but was annoyed with how it made people treat him so he grew a goate and started wearing these lame headbands with loose striped polos and gym shorts. The attention faded really fast.

>> No.11918866
File: 141 KB, 640x640, jordan-barrett-instagram-01202015-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw intimidating/attractive (tilted eyes/eyebrows etc.) so I have top constantly smile like a fuckhead so people don't think I'm a cunt.
Pic related although obviously I don't look that good

>> No.11919045

if only 3" higher

>> No.11919055
File: 38 KB, 851x315, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11919057

Wouldn't I know who Lachowski is, I'd never had guessed that the guy is a MM judging from that picture.

>> No.11919068
File: 33 KB, 472x472, 11885337_119954688354763_594851979335281214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /genetictrash/ ?

When even being /fa/ doesn't help

>> No.11919070

>I models reflect societal standards
They're just there to create a predetermined company image. Mostly just to make the clothes, not the person, stand out.

>> No.11919085

(OP is lying bro)

>> No.11919099

If you don't overdo it, it makes you seems way more approachable.

I actually can't believe than since I started smiling to random people, I had strangers come & engage a conversation with me. Feels good.

>> No.11919101
File: 89 KB, 680x408, original-1301299163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you have some potential but depression is constantly bringing you down and life has no meaning, neither vanity or basic self preservation so you wallow in anonymous clothes with poorly shaved face and fucked up haircut

>> No.11919109
File: 342 KB, 996x744, lucas-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu under developed childs face
>pic related, a man's face

>> No.11919114

This is so overused just stop

>> No.11919335

OP, I know that feel all too well

It's terrible being around friend's gfs as they're not subtle at all and you just have to pretend not to notice and also hope your friend doesn't see his gf behaving this way

>> No.11919373

>Clint Eastwood

that's the example you chose? of a man who has remained sane into old age? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11919376

this fampai, if you're such a hottie then you shouldnt have a problem

>> No.11919406


>> No.11919423
File: 23 KB, 500x294, ae2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11919427

status is not always the same as how you look in a picture.

if you care this much about it you can learn a martial art. but having a higher status will generally not translate to the female sex.

in other words -- if you know how to fight, you may be respected by your male peers. this will make you stand out to girls. but girls have their own status measuring contest and many will see you as threatening, mean, and abrasive. all the status in the world won't help you if the girl you're trying to fuck is scared of you and being judged by her peers.

>> No.11919430

Jordan Barrett is a genetic freak. I still cant quite believe that any human being could be that flawlessly beautiful.

>> No.11919447
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, 1414363015434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to know that feel.

Then I got premature baldness.

>> No.11919449


high status according to girls is what the stereotypical gay man has -- he's sociable and doesn't make girls self-conscious about their looks.

you'll need both to get far with high-status girls (i.e. actresses, models).

from my personal experience, it's really difficult to come across well with one of these girls, especially if they don't play sports, because they'll regard your mere presence in a room as threatening and rapey. then they'll tell their girlfriends, and the whole dynamic gets fucked, because girls and now their boyfriends are now obligated to be a dick to you because they're too scared to deconstruct their own status / popularity pyramid.

>> No.11919462

you can get across to these kinda girls IF you have enough social capital to get a friend of theirs to give you the "he's a good guy" pass. then shit is on. much harder to get it from her directly if she's high-status, it's all about getting passes from her periphery. this dissipates her fear and at least gets you a chance to talk to her on better footing than a cold approach where all she's got is what you're wearing and what you look like

>> No.11919468

sry and furthermore getting that pass isn't tough, all it takes is a single conversation. all you have to do is mark her friend(s), and talk to one of them in a completely nice interesting and engaging way.

>> No.11919496


we get it you vape
while watching incel PUA videos

>> No.11919514

literally what

>> No.11919540


Just act like a cunt, and spout out /pol/ memes 24/7 and anybody who does get close to you will leave you alone quickly.
But people will always stare, so just deal with it.

>> No.11919550


describes me perfectly but actually the world does owe me sex

your disney castle society polluted all the female brains so they can't do anything cool or dangerous anymore. that's why they won't have sex with me, because they think they're going to die. if you have daughters, shave their heads until they hit puberty.

>> No.11919836

you obviously have no idea what it feels like being attractive, respected and successful. what you described is some anime-tier shit, or i just took a bait

>> No.11920025

>tfw slightly above average with no mental illness so i dont have to lie and make bait threads on the board of insecuity on this sri-lankan website

feels fucking good man

>> No.11920050

Good luck finding someone who actually matches the requirements of "slayers" Thats not 1 in 1000, more like 1 in a million. Model like aesthetics and a high IQ are hardly anywhere to be found, sure as hell not with the guys in that picture.

>> No.11920080
File: 79 KB, 462x462, 1433293165199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually invested time into typing this out and creating this image

>> No.11920094
File: 50 KB, 634x370, ty789ygf9yfshoruht7uhfuihsuihuirhsui7894thf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good looking
>but 5'2
>tfw i can see girls thinking "if only he was taller"
>tfw have guys endlessly trying to mock me they get jealous of my face but know i don't have the build to not beat them up

i am living in hell

>> No.11920126

you coulda been both ugly and short, so stop bitchin

>> No.11920142

>believing in this
Have you ever left your house?

>> No.11920147

Just find a short girl. Plenty of like, 4'9 girls who are cute af. Heads up anon

>> No.11920191

if i was ugly i would be treated like absolute shit and pitied
but you don't understand
it's the disappointment you see in a girl's face every time that kills me
plus these fucking insecure guys won't stop mocking my height like one dude when he was drunk let it slip that he wished he had a face like mine

short girls just marry tall guys, im sorry i cannot put another human being through this
this world does not take short guys kindly

>> No.11921155 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ft. blemish

>> No.11921254

Me too :(