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/fa/ - Fashion

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11910771 No.11910771 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it

You're only into fashion because you have no real hobbies or interests. Your obsession with fashion stems from your desire to build an actual personality. In reality, you're just a boring shell of a person and the only thing that makes your stand out in the crowd is your ridiculous attire.

>> No.11910782

well yeah

>> No.11910805

Nah I enjoy hiking, fishing and other physical activities as hobbies.

I'm also a STEM major so I don't really have much time to focus on my appearance outside of wearing basics. People seem to think I dress well just because I have a clean and simple appearance.

>> No.11910809
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>> No.11910810

check out mr frued over here x'D

>> No.11910813

Nice meme but no

>> No.11910819

not really

>> No.11910832

ye sage

>> No.11910844

the vast majority of people i meet that are into fashion are almost always more interesting than the regular person, as in actual hobbies and aspirations in life

people that care about how they look generally care about the rest of their life as well

stop projectn

>> No.11911279

>I'm so much better than everyone here: the post

Ok bud, you're cooler than all of us here because you're in STEM and into "physical" things.
If you really were that active you'd spend less time posting on a Nigerian arts and craft discussion forum and more time doing said things.
Get fucked m8

>> No.11911312

I'm a stem major too you moron and I have plenty of time for it, I play golf, fish, like to dj, go clubbing, woodworking and shit and also am """into fashion"""

>> No.11911327
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Honestly I wouldn't even say I'm into "fashion." I'm much more interested in creating a personal style that looks interesting. I just use this board as a means of inspiration. I'm a stem and music major so I've got a lot on my plate otherwise. I also try to do a little photography. But in general I try to keep my interests and style diverse. And I think I can speak for most people here and say they have similar goals. You just can't let yourself get caught in the memes.

>> No.11911363


>he thinks you can't have hobbies if you're into fashion
>he doesn't realize interest in fashion is just one facet of a person's identity
>he doesn't realize that people who live in society participate in fashion whether or not they realize it
>he thinks hiking, fishing, and other "physical" activities qualify as hobbies
>he fell for the STEM meme - he's wasting 4+ years of his life and god knows how much money to train for an occupation that will be automated in the next decade
>he categorizes people based on the way they dress, the way they think about clothing, and the subjects they study in school
>he cares about the way people perceive his appearance
>he thinks looking simple is a positive thing

sage btw

>> No.11911386

I have hobbies and interests: history, Cooking, reading, travelling...

If I dress well it's because i'm ugly.

>> No.11911414

Ok, so you're better than us. That's correct, that's fine. But why do you care about us ? Yes, the demographics of this place is that bad.

>> No.11911422

Fucking disgusting to be honest, wouldn't let your penis near my vagina.

I bet you're also fat and short ! hahaha

>> No.11911427

That's sad but tru famalam. I only have 1 hobby and not sure about my self identity.

>> No.11911571

I actually dress fairly humbly. I think it is strange that you don't consider fashion a hobby. If anything it is more practical than most other hobbies. I have fun going out with my friends or my girl and buying clothes. You know what I mean?

>> No.11911616


Numale beta cuck detected.

>> No.11912080


>> No.11912095

I smell insecurity

>> No.11912112

>You're only into fashion because you have no real hobbies or interests.

I think mine comes from being poor growing up and never having good clothes.

>Your obsession with fashion stems from your desire to build an actual personality. In reality, you're just a boring shell of a person

I'm not sure if I am boring. I would generally perceive myself as boring but I am a weirdo so I think I may interest people at least at first.

>the only thing that makes your stand out in the crowd is your ridiculous attire.

Lel, you should have seen me ten years ago. I try to avoid cringe as much as possible now.