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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 312x162, 1474734592361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11801685 No.11801685 [Reply] [Original]

last one almost dead

>> No.11801692
File: 907 KB, 915x915, DSC07242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly the best pic my pos camera could get of this sweater

>> No.11801704
File: 478 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160927_003748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about more meme shoes

>> No.11801708
File: 1.14 MB, 534x1046, I'm interested in Yohji but can't afford him-core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread was 90% normcore 10% autism.

Time to get this one going with ten times the autism.

>> No.11801714

The jeans are too tight, otherwise I think this is ok.

>> No.11801719

jeans are too tight and editing photo to that degree is pretentious

>> No.11801720
File: 1.66 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160927-062924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11801722

are you asian? if you're asian i think i really like this.

>> No.11801726

Well it's definitely not norm core. I'll give you that..

>> No.11801727


>> No.11801734

I am a bona fide chink.

>> No.11801736


>> No.11801737

Post fit faggot

>> No.11801742

Why should I post a fit? What sort of feedback were you actually expecting?

There is nothing to comment on, your outfit is just something you would wear at home.

>> No.11801754

I just wanted /fa/'s opinion on the shirt, man. Chill. No need to be the lorax of WYWT

>> No.11801763

the shirt is awful

>> No.11801765

Thank you for the feedback

>> No.11801769

Ok, here is the opinion for my shirt. It is not that great, sorry mate.

>> No.11801873

This would be much better with different shoes.

>> No.11801880
File: 333 KB, 375x597, ay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme sleeves v2.2

>> No.11801882

What sneakers are you wearing?

I really don't vibe this style, but that may be because I am in my late 20s and I would look like a fuckboy.

I like the jeans though

>> No.11801883

seriously, if you weren't wearing these clown shoes this fit would be nice and basic.

>> No.11801891

original 1461 doc martens, and yeah dude honestly everyone has different preferences.

>> No.11801897

Weird to hear people on this board actually admit that.

Half these hero fits are fucking meme tacular.

>> No.11801913

Ik, I never wear my geos for that reason, but sometimes I just like wearing them as an accessory, moreso than anything. Like wearing a flashy jacket or hat or something, idk

>> No.11801918

yea the shitty pose doesnt help m8

>> No.11801920


>> No.11801922
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x1450, 26-09-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11801925

I just don't let other peoples negative criticism get to me, i enjoy doin' what i do.

>> No.11801945
File: 2.02 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160927-225500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore pose focus criticism on clothes. Probably first 'fashion fit' clothes ive owned.

>> No.11801978

I dig this.
Fashion fit?!
Jesus! you look reddit core at best.

>> No.11801998

You say ignore the pose, but the pose really obscures the view and makes it harder to determine if the clothes fit you properly.

What I can tell you though is that the shirt is incredibly unflattering for your arms, as in it makes them look like auschwitz hungry skellington arms.

Go for a normal pose next time.

>> No.11802009

has more character than usual, budino

>> No.11802017

lookin good

>> No.11802028


Eh I don't think the jeans are too tight like the others, I just think it doesn't mesh with the top. A tighter fitting sweat would mesh better.
tuck le meme, why moon boots here? just for fashion status?
I mean if your goal was autism you got it. I'll give it to you that it's interesting to look at. I feel like something good could be done with those pants.
teenage weeb fuck
speaking of weebs, it's the king of teenagers, I am not underage, so you're not fooling me nosey

>> No.11802078
File: 1.10 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/comfy/ season finally in New England

>> No.11802084
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>> No.11802090
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>> No.11802095
File: 508 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-8732676021016207399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pants aren't as tight as they look here

>> No.11802124
File: 342 KB, 1229x1536, c89996a1dbb74ef69e8dd2da9f57fe3d (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balmain Paris Jacket
Cos T-shirt
Saint Laurent Paris D02 Denim
Saint Laurent Paris studded wyatts

Cumstained mirror

>> No.11802128

>reposting old circuitbird fits into the waywt
why do you keep doing this?

>> No.11802131

why are you posting other peoples fits here

>> No.11802141


lmao you nailed the edgy teenager from the 90s aesthetic

>> No.11802143


Oh shit...Is this Milo?

>> No.11802144

Fit good untuck shirt faggot

>> No.11802163

you bring hope to the "shaved head with glasses" look its very hard to get good

>> No.11802174

It's me guys, that's what I'm wearing today :)

>> No.11802186

lol true

>> No.11802187

Here's your (You)s, now go away catfish-kun

>> No.11802192

You look like you could fuck up any nigga on this board with that buzz also nice normcore fit bitch

>> No.11802300
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x1835, 2016-09-26 01.10.15 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802328
File: 1.74 MB, 3004x3810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardigan is thrifted
denim is apc pns
shoes 1970 cons

>> No.11802335
File: 39 KB, 600x800, Sickfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls r8

>> No.11802358
File: 1.55 MB, 1080x1920, 20160927_114923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802360

>heels in ar
are you even trying cyka?

>> No.11802373

Blyat :(

>> No.11802376


>> No.11802396
File: 691 KB, 679x1200, DSC09819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802402

you don't pull it off, just stop

>> No.11802404

damn this looks bad. maybe if your head wasn't so ugly. looks cringe to me

>> No.11802415
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160905-204147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna put on Black ultraboosts

>> No.11802443

good effort, but the coated pants are too much.

>> No.11802446

its alex u dumbfuck

>> No.11802448

your too ugly to dress like this m8

>> No.11802471

this. this is honestly what is wrong with the outfit. your face.

>> No.11802517

calm down knoch

>> No.11802567

I like this a lot

>> No.11802593


If there is poison gas in your house you should exit the building and call 911 immediately do not take the time to take a picture of your outfit.

>> No.11802606


I can also assume you are crouching on your bathtub ledge because the bathroom floor is full of spiders or little rats and you are afraid to step on the ground. Maybe its time to switch apartments. Having a home where the air is unbreathable and full of pests stopped being fashionable in 2015.

>> No.11802617

No h8 m8, why the ripped jeans? I seriously don't understand why would you ever pick these over normal jeans? Fit is fine otherwise

>> No.11802638


I would suggest not crouching in front of a car like that young man. Despite the fact that /fa/ has proven time and again that crouching makes even a subpar outfit look fucking amazing, it's just common sense not to duck down in front of a motor vehicle where the driver can't see you. It also appears the driver of said vehicle's dash board is strewn with trash/possibly a spiderman figurine hindering their view of you squatting on the ground even further. I give your outfit 0/10 for a total lack of basic safety awareness.

>> No.11802643


Just sub me up senpai

>> No.11802677
File: 648 KB, 1056x3045, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normie day

>> No.11802679

good lord you look like a faggot

>> No.11802699

I feel like the scruffy sweater and ripped jeans add texture and make the look seem less clean cut. That and i cut the jeans myself so i feel a bit attached

>> No.11802704

I feel like your hair needs to be longer but the fit is nice

>> No.11802708
File: 249 KB, 968x1296, IMG_0212e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in full diffusion line and you still have the most expensive fit ITT
but seriously though, i should just start posting in sz instead

>> No.11802739

You know the money you spend on an outfit doesn't translate directly to how good it is or how you look in it, right? Maybe you should try using all your money to buy a decent sense of style lmao

>> No.11802754

dont you get bored of wearing the same shit every day it looks like you post the same picture every time

>> No.11802757

you look terrible

>> No.11802763

That's what happens when you spend all your money on an old trend that doesn't even fit you

>> No.11802767

Also lmaoing@ calling DRKSHDW a diffusion line

>> No.11802787

Wow what a large phone

>> No.11802788

see this is exactly the reason why i question posting here anymore. no one even has an understanding for actual designer/avant-garde clothing.. you all just dress like high-schoolers and criticize anyone who invested good money in their outfit
i have tons of rick, i just cant wear half of it cause its not cold enough yet
it is a diffusion line...for example, drkshdw makes canvas ramones whereas mainline makes leather

>> No.11802800

I'm wearing rick in my fit buddy, say what you want but it's more tasteful than yours

>> No.11802805

ive seen you posting fits in every season it all looks the same

>> No.11802808

Its not about the avante garde clothes its about the fact that not only do they not suit your body type and skin tone, but you seem to equate money spent to actual style when in fact buying a bunch of one designers clothes and tossing them on haphazardly is MORE tasteless than someone making a decent fit out of thrifted garbage

>> No.11802814

You should learn how to be a little humble, cunt

>> No.11802827

is that cum on your mirror

>> No.11802836

fucking stand up

>> No.11802850

I like my chair tho

>> No.11802852

theres no one here wearing rick or even designer for that matter who isnt catfished
well you either dont have a good eye for designer or you just have bad memory.
dude, you have no idea what youre even talking about
>they dont suit your body type and skin tone
just stop
i am, i just get triggered when people who dress inferior try to talk shit

>> No.11802862

Man wearing a Rick tank, drop crotch pants and Adidas shoes doesn't really make you a fashion expert, drop the fucking act

>> No.11802868

bud it doesn't matter who designed it if it looks fucking stupid and you look fucking stupid. if I saw you on the streets I'd be compelled to yell "faggot" at you and I'm not that kind of person at all.

>> No.11802896

nah, every time you look like a black pole with ugly white soled shoes each time, and its like the same five boring meme shoes with the same pole aesthetic on top. uninspired lazy and trash, fashion victim to the max.

>> No.11802908

just stop dude, I've seen full rick fits I liked, this wasn't one of them

>> No.11802913
File: 663 KB, 567x480, ralph lauren sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802921

lol this guy is gonna kill himself

>> No.11802924
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1920, 2016-09-27_14.31.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to this game after losing a bunch of weight so starting slow.

>> No.11802925

You get triggered and rage when people diss your fits in 1/4 of the threads you post in. Learn to take some advice. If we're ALL wrong and youre just that enlightened get the hell off this board. Nobody will miss you

>> No.11802929

NEVER wear zip hoodies. Ive never in my life seen someone make them look fashionable. Nice shoes though

>> No.11802934

pretty typical geeky normie fit, nothing fashionable about it but nothing cringy either I guess
I'd change the pants

>> No.11802936

why even post

>> No.11802945
File: 2.80 MB, 2448x3264, _20160927_132225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11802946

I take it back i hate your shoes too

>> No.11802947


fucking cringe, you look like a numale.

>> No.11802948

They're too convenient to give up. Perpetually late to work. Thanks though. They're comf.
Thanks. That's basically what I was going for cause I don't think I could pull off much else. Plus it's work appropriate. What would you change the pants to?
To get feedback and help maybe.
No take-backsies.

>> No.11802953

Calling the kettle black is very /fa/ I suppose

>> No.11802957


It is good you lost the weight, but becoming a numale doesn't get you anywhere besides being bullied on 4chan.

>> No.11802966

>What would you change the pants to?
chinos or slim-fit jeans probably. but then I'd probably change the shoes and the hoodie too so...

>> No.11802970

how do cos shirts fit bc i wanna cop some

>> No.11802972

Mmk thank you for the feedback

>> No.11802979

11/10 if your goal is to look as normie as possible

>> No.11803000


outfit looks good but basic af

>> No.11803008

good senpai, GOOD!

>> No.11803018

It's almost october and it's clear as fucking day that Drumb loses. Wearing these hats now is like admitting you're a loser and outsider. And with two of these came the third: cucк

>> No.11803026

I dig the cardigan but switch the pants and it'd be a great fit

>> No.11803033


/fit/izen checking in........id pound that boypussy

>> No.11803036



>> No.11803082

you legit look like a girl

sweater makes you look fat

>> No.11803087

the jacket is a bit out of place. need something drapey imo

lose da shoes

sweater and pants are both fine but dont go well together, as others have said.

might work if you have a squad. terrible look for sitting alone in the corner.

something a bit off in balance between jacket/tee/shoes somehow.


dont like it. mostly that levi's... thing.

hold the camera lower. weird af lighting.

super not about the jacket.

i liked your older fit with the green sweater iirc. im not about this. pants are weird and with olive chinos youd literally have an mfa uniform on.

high school is rough, huh


lol..... rip

idk why this is your aesthetic.. but if you had a different shirt itd be better.

hate this look. if youre not wearing a sweater, jacket, or field shirt, why would you have boots on?


oh noooo

not bad but would prefer different/black footwear and hemmed pants.

>> No.11803089

Any advice on how to improve?

>> No.11803103

Pretty much I guess. Just want things to look nice. Not some tryhard or anything.

>> No.11803107
File: 1.12 MB, 1310x3751, IMG_20160927_160754_01_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this one too, but yeah I have to find another spot

>> No.11803109
File: 951 KB, 640x960, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry for quality

>> No.11803112

>this is the guy that just posted a condescending mass reply

you have no authority

>> No.11803116
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>> No.11803121

No it's not

>> No.11803126
File: 360 KB, 408x1247, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic shit
suck your cheeks in more tryhard faggot
boring shit
fucking stupidly oversized picture
maybe if you spent the amount of money on clothes as you did with your overpriced smarphones you might actually look good
christ, awful.
these threads are never short of faggots like you
haha christ
you dont own ultraboosts you fucking degenerate

>> No.11803128
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason for short silhouettes is bc i like my legs desu

>> No.11803130

I like full rick and I think it suits you, but it's true that you always look the same

>> No.11803143

>rose gold iPhone

nice observation skills, I am a girl

>> No.11803148

Looks uncomfortable to walk in. Is it worth it you think?

>> No.11803153

Not even sucking my cheeks in a little bit, sorry bud

>> No.11803155

You guys can't dress for shit

>> No.11803156

you can have a rose gold iphone while being male

>> No.11803159

it is uncomfortable lol. any small gust of wind and everyone knows what brand of panties im wearing.
the heels are just heels so theyre fairly uncomfortable but such is the life of a girl

>> No.11803162 [DELETED] 

maybe if I was faggot

>> No.11803173

i like how you did the black lipstick with the white nails

>> No.11803177


>> No.11803181

cringe inducing

>> No.11803182

i would not wear this in public unless you want to be raped

>> No.11803183

good. but is this you everyday? or do you have other styles for other situations. just i could only dress like this about 10% or my week

>> No.11803190
File: 444 KB, 960x2284, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was what I wore yesterday.

>> No.11803199

holy fuck you are otherworldly ugly. your hair. the facial hair. the clothes. this is some next level shit.

>> No.11803202

Good start, newfriend. Congrats on the weight loss. It's a rough fit but you're getting there.

>> No.11803205





>> No.11803206

you look like a stupid goth feminist or something with severe dad issues.

>> No.11803210

>tfw negative canial tilt


>> No.11803213 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11803217

I have the strong feeling that this fit would look absolutely horrible if you'd stand up

>> No.11803220

is this guy wearing like 7 shirts

>> No.11803224
File: 1021 KB, 918x1903, 20160927_151655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a bit cold out

>> No.11803235

You're a trooper. Regardless, you genuinely look fantastic, but I'm sure you knew that already.

>> No.11803238

How do you pull off that with those boobs? Mind telling me your cup size? I'm a DD and feel like I owuld look like a house

>> No.11803245

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Any sagely words of wisdom?

>> No.11803260

gay as fuck. your lanky ass is pretty gross and your neck looks photoshopped. why is it so long and ugly.

>> No.11803263

nice nice nice I like it. Are you inspired by post punk?

>> No.11803272

Yeah! Thanks for noticing

>> No.11803276

My neck probably looks long bc I was trying to get my head out of the shot lol

>> No.11803280

nice fit! w2c your coat?

>> No.11803288

I dont have a camera so I'll just type what I'm wearing

>drop crotch joggers, black
>nike cortez's black and white
>rocha john rocha t shirt, XL

>> No.11803298

Trousers look kind of weird fitting to me but I still like this fit a lot.

w2c that coat?

>> No.11803324

w2c sweater?

>> No.11803385

w2c you

>> No.11803419

What is the shirt from?

>> No.11803420

pretty good but somethings off about the boots

>> No.11803421 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1080x1349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i felt like the white nails are a good contrast to my usualy all black outfits
youre welcome
well to be fair i dont live in a 2nd or even 3rd world country
nope, i usually wear longer length clothes with layers and drapey, goth-style stuff but i totally agree with you
im not a feminist at all lol

>> No.11803443
File: 193 KB, 1080x1349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to censor my face ;_;

thanks, i felt like the white nails are a good contrast to my usualy all black outfits
youre welcome
well to be fair i dont live in a 2nd or even 3rd world country
nope, i usually wear longer length clothes with layers and drapey, goth-style stuff but i totally agree with you
im not a feminist at all lol

>> No.11803460

breh I was just gonna comment that

>> No.11803474
File: 109 KB, 1080x1349, 1475010784994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see those huge titties

>> No.11803501

I feel like this is something morrissey would have worn back in the day

>> No.11803508

you're not ugly but you have a gypsy look going on in this photo

>> No.11803511

be taller you womanlet

>> No.11803554

groce can you censor your face pls

>> No.11803570

nice, how tall are you?

>> No.11803575

you look like a fucking edgelord.

>> No.11803594

i think it is actually pretty good (except for the jacket)

>> No.11803597

I missed you anon

>> No.11803614

but not heterosexual male

>> No.11803630

would talk to in lecture and try to be friends with

>> No.11803633


>> No.11803646

what the fuck /fa/
been watching these waywt threads lately

i'm not taking advice from this shit board anymore, y'all dress like fucking faggots with no taste.
you're all either tryhard fags or fucking autists.
i'm outta here

>> No.11803649

I know for a fact you're a fag.

>> No.11803674
File: 1.24 MB, 2706x3612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le bomber

>> No.11803681
File: 11 KB, 240x320, 14463639_882498848546662_529884676_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11803691

i need an accessory like u to compliment my goth fits

>> No.11803698

A darker colour of shoe, not black, would look better and jeans that weren't torn, or at least the holes were smaller, would look a lot better.

>> No.11803723

sorry for your fit richkidsoftumblr

>> No.11803724

I actually like the fit better standing. The holes are less exaggerated

>> No.11803750
File: 2.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160927-154637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11803760

The shoe color was one of my favorite parts of the fit desu. The holes are smaller irl but sitting down makes em huge lookin

>> No.11803769

Bag id.

>> No.11803793


>> No.11803803
File: 132 KB, 600x800, 2016-09-27-18-56-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to be a sand ninja

>> No.11803806
File: 325 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-785358419466230899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some of you think it's cool looking like you are shambly aidsridden fags?

>> No.11803811

you look like an aids fag too wtf you taking about lol

>> No.11803812

Nice fit mang

>> No.11803814

your hair is super gay

>> No.11803822


>> No.11803823
File: 2.69 MB, 1500x2250, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it!

>> No.11803826

utter failure
not drapey at all
get yourself a nice tagelmust

>> No.11803836

it's just a really gay hairstyle. where it drops down in the front. I work around the gay neighborhood in Toronto and see faggots with that style all the time. pair that with your skinny non-threatening twink arms and your pansy glasses and baby face you look like a giant faggot.

>> No.11803837


>> No.11803842


>> No.11803843

Try not to talk shit while looking 13 years old

>> No.11803846



>> No.11803869

gonna buy the ovate linen long scarf in black, but i disnt try to do a drapey fit the jacket and pant are very structured pieces, i admit that the tee would be great worn in a very drapey fit.
if you have any advices or idea of what to add/change it would be great :P

>> No.11803892

its hot without looking trashy, really like it
but i love skirts in general

>> No.11803933

I dunno, just go drapey. Sandninja is literally just drapey beige/grey/khaki.

Like, grab your sister's H&M long-sleeved shirt from 2014, the one with the distended flaps, and put it over two superimposed long tees.

Also pick a beige or khaki scarf. Black is for gothninja/kommandonazgul/dungeonchic/sithcore

m8 it's trashy as FUCK. The only way it could be trashier would be if she had a boob window and an exposed midriff

>> No.11803938
File: 506 KB, 960x1280, 20160927_162955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11803944

Terror nothing you look like a chav.

>> No.11803953

that's kinda what I was going for

>> No.11803967

So now dressing like shit is a fashion statement?

What's next? Cargo shorts, a fanny pack and a mullet?

>> No.11803973

You misunderstand the concept of terrorwave. Terrorwave is "rioter outfit". Rioters often happen to be chavs but they make themselves look intimidating and stuff.

Chavs are sometimes intimidating but it's entirely IN SPITE of their outfits. They just dress kinda sporty.

And you're built like a skinnyfat high schooler. You just look like a guy who's going to run a few miles at 8 AM to lose a couple of pounds.

Not like a rioter who's trying to survive amidst the chaos of the downfall of civilization.

>> No.11803988

lol fucking melt

>> No.11804021

thx for the advices im not rly into gothninja or sand ninja was just a joke, more trying to find my own style with pieces i like with some street/dark/tech/wtv influence i just happened to have those 3 pieces in a similar colorway so i tried to match them, i kinda like how it goes but a drapey look would definitely be great as you said. anyway thx for taking your time answering me i'll try what you said :P

>> No.11804022

>liking 21 pilots
kys faggot

>> No.11804044

why do you look like aphex twin

>> No.11804049

lol oh well, I guess it would be more school shooter look in my case anyway since I have mad bags and dark circles under my eyes, my dad used to call me Columbine Chris

>> No.11804059

Did Eric and Dylan wear tracksuits?
No, they wore dusters, sunglasses and combat boots. They dressed like stereotypical industrial rockers. You know, to convey that gothic vigilante romanticism they'd get from watching The Crow a bit too often.

I have no fucking idea how you could come to the conclusion that chavs are school shooters. In fact they're typically bullies who harass the nerdy metalhead kids who become school shooters.

>> No.11804061

w2c jawline

>> No.11804078

please eat something

>> No.11804080

nobody knows what a chav is in America for the most part. also I never really see adidas track jackets here in so cal except on old croation and Russian men that like to walk around Wilshire at 2am

>> No.11804088
File: 1.77 MB, 1000x1330, the columbine bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're american? Then all the more reason for you to know what the school shooter stereotype actually looks like.

>> No.11804101


ur fit looks like something on r streetwear

>> No.11804110


I would bang no homo. got a tumblr or anything?

>> No.11804113


cuck numale hipster geek core

>> No.11804114
File: 249 KB, 282x469, Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 8.32.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*not outfit*

got this flecktarn in the mail today

lmk if it fits like shit

I can exchange for a different size but the only other viable one is GR12 (this one is GR10)

the 12 will be slimmer but longer

this one is actually really baggy, I got it to look ok by pulling the strings tight and adjusting it

>> No.11804118


this fit looks fucking terrible

>> No.11804119

terrible color coordination

>> No.11804121

jesus christ do you wear the same shoe size as shaq?

>> No.11804124

maybe this will inspire a whole new genre of school shooters

>> No.11804126


>> No.11804132

Let's hope not. Dylan and Eric hit gold with their fits. The formula might be improved upon, but not replaced.

>> No.11804159
File: 880 KB, 1950x2600, IMG_0853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the meme shoes

>> No.11804163

jeans look incredibly awkward honestly, the rest of it fits okay I suppose. It's just so generic I can't even comment on it

>> No.11804166


the jeans are fucking disgusting. goddamn it /fa/, why do you guys dress like fucking shit

>> No.11804175

lmao everyone expecting wdywt to be ground breaking shit when really most people post in here to get constructive criticism which rarely happens

>> No.11804183

looks you stirred /fa/'s honey pot!! lmao!!! crying laughing emoji!!!

>> No.11804199

I have big calves so it's hard to find decent fitting skinny jeans

>> No.11804203

also its 80% cotton 20% poly

do I have a shot of shrinking it in the wash? cuz that would help a lot

>> No.11804212

worth a shot. just wash and dry on high heat. worst case scenario get it tailored but I don't think it looks bad as is. would look best though with a hoodie or think crew neck under it and light wash or black jeans and white shoes

>> No.11804218

alright thanks man

>> No.11804446
File: 41 KB, 500x342, 1463914541833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus what the fuck

>> No.11804495
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit picture, those are really faded blue puma seuede classics on my feet

>> No.11804503

As someone with geos, wearing them as an accessory really only works if you go full monochrome. Anything else looks kinda fukboi

>> No.11804553

how tall are you? looking to get a flecktarn too

>> No.11804616

>nail paint
I hope youre a girl otherwise stop doing that shit idiot fag

>> No.11804618

Im 5'10 165lb

the size Im wearing there is GR10, but I think it looks baggier in real life

unless you have a very wide frame, avoid the sizes that have the 43 inch chest (like mine) and try to get one with the 37 inch chest

>> No.11804634
File: 1.02 MB, 2304x3069, IMG_2044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better pic

That makes equal compliments and insults i've gotten on my nails. Thanks for your input :)

>> No.11804639

it doesnt look good though

the nail paint just makes you come off as autistic

just stop I'm trying to help you

>> No.11804646

Idc if i come off as autistic i know some very nice autists

>> No.11804647

good job homie, you have had almost no comments which means all the items fit together well and they have nothing to pick at.

>> No.11804652

belt, pants, shoes combinations need work. good fit though, nice asthetic

>> No.11804661


>> No.11804663

>he doesn't paint his nails
lmao get a load of this fag

>> No.11804826

I feel you, that's why I used the least colorful, (while still having an actual color) shirt, but If it's fuccboiesque then I will have to reconsider

>> No.11804890
File: 941 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top is ok
You're trying too hard

>> No.11804983
File: 64 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11804997

I like this. Shoes could be better but not bad.

>> No.11805002

Break doesn't really work with those shoes. Makes you ankles look like sticks

>> No.11805050

shoes are shit, the belts looks too matchy with your socks so I would replace one of them for something with only one color

>> No.11805055

d8 me faggot

>> No.11805057

belt too flashy maybe

>> No.11805058

obligatory female response

burn belt and burn shoes you look like a retard

>> No.11805061

w2c trousers?

>> No.11805070
File: 2.04 MB, 3024x3779, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11805079
File: 2.68 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20160927_232848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris I love u

>> No.11805083
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1466983505845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this?? someone come get their mans

>> No.11805113


it's pronounced 'TO DA GOO DOL DAZE'


>> No.11805179

Ugly fit but nice hair

>> No.11805225

only decent fit

>> No.11805267

this is really not good. I wouldn't bother commenting, but these virgins aren't going to. sweater is nice but everything below is completely wrong. It could maybe be saveable without the belt and shoes and socks

>> No.11805283
File: 932 KB, 2112x3344, DSC_0096~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11803128 :^) skype?
>>11804983 How many goddamn nikes are on top of your shelf?
>>11805070 Fanfuckingtastic

Bad hair day pham

>> No.11805300

literally why even post
it looks like you grabbed some random unfashionable pleb off the street and took a photo of them
gather even a microcosm of taste before posting
jesus christ
this post made me legitimately sad that people like this exist
its like arguing on someone whos mind literally exists two levels below any normal person but is so completely convinced that they are above everybody else

>> No.11805320

I'd want you in my crew if I was in an 80s street gang

>> No.11805321

Talk shit post fit

>> No.11805333

Disgustingly pathetic

>> No.11805337

w2c 80's street gang core

>> No.11805341
File: 76 KB, 484x461, 1473411962834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be the worst waywt of 2016

>> No.11805363

>>11805333 what then?

>> No.11805368

eat shit i dont need to be a chef to know that >>11805283 is literally tasteless and rolling up your pants doesnt make you some fashion maestro
im glad you trip because now i can filter you out

>> No.11805373

this thread gave me cancer

>> No.11805382

you're begging random girls on 4chan for their contact info

mad that your fit got torn up?

>> No.11805390

shit doesn't look 80s, street, or gang.

>> No.11805400

she does have fat tits i'll give you that

>> No.11805409


Excuse me, please stop posting my kdrama actressfu. Thank you. Kim Joo-ri is a wonderful, cute, adorable lady.

>> No.11805412

I dont roll up my pants wtf are you on about?

>> No.11805417

It's a joke bill nye

>> No.11805424

equals begging, sure thing

>> No.11805432

begging, asking, it's unimportant. you're pathetic

>> No.11805448
File: 510 KB, 760x1147, sitting girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful boring shit
im grateful i dont have to see it in higher resolution
let me rub my dick inbetween your legs and cum on your titties
haha wtf
awful boring shit
we can tell
nothing special
fucking awful. literally just a tshirt and trousers

>> No.11805451

do you post your fits anywhere senpai i'm honestly curious as to what you're into cos i've never seen a positive evaluation from you

>> No.11805455
File: 4 KB, 264x191, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11805432 What is actually troubling you, friend?
(I highly doubt you give a shit about me, not enough to be jealous of or to genuinely despise my actions)
So why must you lash out at others who do nothing against you? (and have posted their fit)

>> No.11805459

i just think it's pathetic whenever a female posts a picture on 4chan you get creepy desperate virgins asking for contact details

>> No.11805460

talk shit post fit

>> No.11805464

Well good to know but I'm not sure what you expect and I don't see how insulting those who do so helps

>> No.11805636

Very very good one of the only good posts in this thread

Best female poster I've ever seen also ur a qt but ditch the red hair for black

I feel sorry for you

Shit absolute shit nice fake yeezys you fucking mongoloid

So close to being good but needs more drape


Terrible and barely put together

You look like you speak very slow and stupidly

I see what you're trying to do, you have failed in the endevour


Sucks ur ugly cause this is a good fit

why would you even post this are you into fashion at all?

>> No.11805668

I honestly want to cop classic chucks cause of you

>> No.11805676


Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>> No.11805678
File: 724 KB, 1041x963, yuno3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont give "positive evaluations"

anybody so insecure to the point they require 4chan to verify if what they're wearing today is fashionable or not doesnt deserve positive or valuable feedback

>> No.11805689

that's not what I was asking, I want to see some of your fits please

>> No.11805691

you might be the insecure one who has to go around bashing people every day to feel like you did something with your life. Why don't you make a fake email or Facebook account to fuck with your dad since he beats you so often

>> No.11805694

this looks terrible. kill yourself or just throw out all your clothes and start over.

>> No.11805699
File: 128 KB, 345x464, your opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you obviously still dont understand how fucking retarded it is to take fashion advice from 4chan

why would i post a fit?

>> No.11805744
File: 58 KB, 400x600, d&amp;g2004mclo-g8ec3tg7zp4g7zp4-s9000-medium-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the opinion of a pedo shouldn't concern me, but do you really think this is boring? The rest its just grey pants, leather cdbs and a black windbreaker shirt so...

>> No.11805812

I'm not asking you if you want advice I want to see a fit because I'm curious as to what it is you're into

>> No.11805873


ssssssssssshttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa b

>> No.11805875

>not checking how many people replied before you

>> No.11805880

that's a really gay shirt

>> No.11805887

SZ doesn't allow for low quality pics, if you wanted to be a part of that site you'd need quality pictures.

>> No.11805906

When buttoned all the way up all shirt are

>> No.11806723

would marry you if i was a girl