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File: 64 KB, 468x286, canibumafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11792010 No.11792010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which cigs brand is the most effay?

>> No.11792015

Self rolled ones

>> No.11792023

m.reds 4lyfe

>> No.11792025


>> No.11792027

spirits duh,
look at the cool native stuff on the box its the chillest thing ever,

just wait until you see the faces on the people when you slowly but casually take out your pack of spirits and light one up

you will be so chill man not even kidding

>> No.11792031

Lucky strike, camel or marlboro

>> No.11792041


>> No.11792048

the people i know who smoke spirits always make a point of placing the pack right on the table in front of everyone

they're so proud of themselves

>> No.11792053
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most effay way to smoke to be frank

>> No.11792067

nobody take this bait

let it fade into history

>> No.11792070
File: 18 KB, 572x404, PrometheanBlueOnyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the better question here is: What is the most effay casket?

>> No.11792080

I'm glad I'm not the only one that has noticed this.

I've got a coworker who I drink with at the end of the week sometimes and he "doesn't smoke" but like clockwork he will casuallybutnotreally reveal a pack of American Spirits, let out this groan as if to say "I really shouldn't" and then he will actually say "Well, if I gotta smoke at least I'm smoking American Spirits."

It's like I'm in a god damn cheesy commercial every time this happens. I've given him shit about it but he still does it haha.

>> No.11792128

The one I smoke

>> No.11792138

The act of smoking cigarettes is effay. Being addicted to anything and ruining your life is not.

>> No.11792142
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cigarettes are for fags , cigars however look great

>> No.11792156

cigars? are you joking?

people will either assume that you're trashy and something a blunt or that you're a neckbeard trying to look distinguished

joints/ciggarettes look way more /fa/ than cigars/blunts

>> No.11792164

kick his ass

>> No.11792172

if you're an underage short faggot then yeah its going to look like shit. You need a large frame and to be semi tall. what a shame /fa/ is full of fags

>> No.11792198

>*tips fedora*

>> No.11792224

Nah, he's ultimately a good guy. Everyone's got their dumb, harmless quirks.

>> No.11792269


>> No.11792276

The smoking isn't. Not what I meant, dummy.

>> No.11792313

T. Fat old smoker

>> No.11792353

weed is the least effay drug

>> No.11792359
File: 33 KB, 600x400, 01-37-48-021ea106c756d97dd1bfabe8903536cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol why is this a question? Isn't it obvious!

>> No.11792437

desu that's the best slogan for a cigarette brand i've ever heard

>> No.11792444

There is zero appeal to cigars. You don't even inhale the smoke, it just burns and tastes like shit in your mouth.
They're literally the Rolex of smoking - insecure faggots get them for the "status".

>> No.11792976
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reds are cancer but these are decent

>> No.11792998
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>> No.11793148
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The question has been asked many times and the answer is still the same.

>> No.11793195

>Anon is trapped in a tobacco commercial
I think I saw that episode of the Twilight Zone.

>> No.11793208

>not Gitanes
This is like preferring Godard to Camus.

>> No.11793239

I don't smoke cigarettes unless I'm drinking but even then I prefer unfiltered ones bc I smoked pot before I ever smoked cigarettes so the filter puts me off- I can rip huge pulls off of cigars and inhale, but anything with a filter fucking kills me

>> No.11793248


>> No.11793262

Holy shit lol I smoke spirits but I keep it classy and stay subtle

>> No.11793278

smoking inside guy from previous thread reporting in

>> No.11793295

Ever since the age was raised to 21 in California I just started ordering tobacco in bulk online and rolling my own.

>> No.11793331

mahb reds kid

>> No.11793565

Gives you a brain wrecking nicotine high

>> No.11794460

woman cigarettes

>> No.11794487

Do you also drive a BMW?

>> No.11794555

It may be tryhard but if you actually want effay cigs it depends on the fit. For example luckies for a greaser look, camels for a milspo look or naturals for a chil fit

>> No.11794563
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>> No.11794564
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are kreteks /fa/?

>> No.11794575

wtc cigarettes online in europe? can't get parliaments where I live

>> No.11794644
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>> No.11794661

not really, women dont smoke marls at all
I drive an opel or my dad's volvo sometimes

>> No.11794665
File: 1009 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20160914_180019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers some faggots

>> No.11794718

>women dont smoke marls at all

funny you say this, marlboros are probably the most popular amongst women besides vogues. especially golds as they supposedly smell less

>> No.11794759
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What music do you like to listen while you smoke, fa?

>> No.11794764

nothing specially, but everytime meme demarco viceroy pops up on jewtube, i light a cig

>> No.11794769



>> No.11794778

for some reason i loved it in thank you for smoking

>> No.11794798

Carrie from SATC smokes them

>> No.11794804
File: 104 KB, 600x600, serveimage(15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eleaf iCare mini.

>> No.11794811

I listen to this at night whilst having my window wide open and watching the night sky with a cig:


>> No.11794814

so you are immortal when you don't smoke?

>> No.11794834

>going outside to smoke
not even once

>> No.11794859

Are you me? I laughed when I realised I was being a living stereotype.

>> No.11794878
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 1409679977564 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2016_04_10 14_06_15 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving to the U.S. soon
>mfw no more godly Gauloises
>mfw not sure if it's all worth it anymore

>> No.11794896

they got newports

>> No.11794900


>> No.11794910

It's all good man, we'll make it.

I also sometimes check the girl I'll never be with but is literally my perception of perfection's insta whilst doing it.

>> No.11794915

You can probably find a site that ships them to the US no?

>> No.11794925

Absolute garbage

>> No.11794934
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>> No.11794952


>> No.11794973
File: 42 KB, 500x441, 1467988523433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing Luckies to Gauloises
they barely taste alike

hmm perhaps

>> No.11795003

I'm going to try a cigarette for the first time because I want to commit suicide the slow and painful way.

Which one should be my first?

>> No.11795022

Lucky Strikes are what got me into smoking, they're pretty easy

You'll move on soon enough

>> No.11795025


>> No.11795028

you don't understand anything


>> No.11795037

the typical arrogant loser type mindset of an american spirit smoker

>> No.11795051

if you smoke, be a man and smoke..
nothing is as stupid as people smoking and talking about that they should quit... and when you smoke, smoke real shit and not cheap shit...

>> No.11795132
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these are nice

>> No.11795139

fuck you mate
this is what I like

>> No.11795147

effay, casual and thus not tryhard, unlike most ciggarettes in these threads

>> No.11795166

Kek. I don't even like cigars, but the people i know who do are either super cool or super succesful.

You're not suppose to inhale cigars you dumb faggot. I love how /fa/ is filled with literally the stupidest people. I only come here to laugh

Go inhale some chewing Tabacco you fucking lump.

>> No.11795198
File: 551 KB, 2448x3264, lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when not rolling, these

>> No.11795201

always roll please

>> No.11795220
File: 77 KB, 1200x900, well-trimmed-bud-in-hand-platinum-j1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11795227

vape or american spirit

>Smoking literal garbage

>> No.11795231
File: 131 KB, 960x1280, jinlings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively jin lings

>> No.11795360

Just pulled the filter off my spirits for the first time. Damn that's good

>> No.11795611
File: 446 KB, 1000x665, gauloisessmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11795855

where did you retards get the idea that rolling your own cigarettes is fashionable? it's fedora-tier.

>> No.11795993

>reds garbage
smoks polish women cigarettes
hehehehehehehe i like this bait

>> No.11796009

>faggots getting triggered when Georgians don't have to go outside to smoke

>> No.11796027

spliffs are effay

>> No.11796052


>> No.11796074

>not preferring Godard to Camus
Hey look fellas, this guy fell for the existentialist meme!

>> No.11796080

he never said you inhale the smoke, in fact he expressly said you don't

>> No.11796116

What's the most effay way to light your cigarettes? I've been using a butane torch lighter.

>> No.11796135

where the fuck are you from tho?

>> No.11796155

What's the most effay way to breathe?

>> No.11796178


While inhaling smoke, obviously.

>> No.11796195


>> No.11796213
File: 61 KB, 540x511, pepesweating0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11796224

where do u cop sick fits tho?
i thrift

>> No.11796230

are you stalin?

>> No.11796241

not him, im smoking inside guy, and most people still fanatize about that piece of shit sadly

>> No.11796273
File: 28 KB, 727x550, 13241478041511428707[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most effay tbqh senpai

>> No.11796283

>all these fags smoking indoors, ruining their electronics
I guess daddy will buy you a new mac?

You're griffing me right?

>> No.11796285


>> No.11796296

awwww yeah i miss these bad boys. the most mellow design ever but they fuck you up

>> No.11796300
File: 13 KB, 224x300, th[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not letting yourself like something because of your made up idea that liking that thing will make you gay

>> No.11796326

When Frank Ocean's new album came out, I listened to Skyline To every time I smoked

>> No.11796331


I know right? How so, though?

>> No.11796342
File: 171 KB, 400x367, parliament.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newports are fuckin gross.

I bought some Marlboro Reds and I thought that they were shitty

what about Parliaments? I've enjoyed them a lot.

>> No.11796404


I never liked Parliaments for whatever reason, but the filter is neat.

>> No.11796405

All the time.

>> No.11796471

lol didnt know georgians were such cucks nowadays
do you let turks fuck your wives too?

>> No.11796518
File: 33 KB, 396x385, pepe.pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for remingding me.
actually batumi, and whole adjara is sold to roach investors, and full of hookers, ofc turks are working as pimps. prostitution is illegal, but governors are corrups and are getting paid to give roach pimps safety. so are police.

fuck this shit

>> No.11796544

fucked up typing because of anger, sorry

>> No.11796900

turks and radical muslims dont have any place in european and russian lands and europe is corrupt as fuck right now
russia is our only hope

>> No.11796910

russia is as corrupt mate.
we are going full apocalypse mode i guess

>> No.11797040

North Korea then

>> No.11797097

For a light they got some kick to them would recommend