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/fa/ - Fashion

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11777583 No.11777583 [Reply] [Original]

how /fa/ is snus?

>> No.11777593

absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.11777604

it's the worst

>> No.11777627

Found you, nat

>> No.11777635

Will i look like a fag if i start?

>> No.11777645

Outside Sweden it's so rare and not yet neckbearded that it can probably be /fa/. In Sweden it's starting to become /fa/ again in the more developed areas due to the recent somewhat reactionary nationalism that's spreading. The new breed of confused teenage right wing well dressed preppy nationalists use it. Just like the old school leftist working class skinhead nationalists. It's also considered by some as being part of the health trend 'cause if you're already addicted to nicotine it's way better than cigarettes.

But, all that said, it's still a slimy pinch (or fag bag if you're a fag that doesn't do loose) of teeth staining tobacco leaves that you salivate all over. It's pretty fucking disgusting, and is associated with our version of (male) rednecks when you're not in Stockholm or Gothenburg. I usually buy one 'can' of ETTAN loose when I go hiking up north just cause it's funny. All the bearded snow mobile driving moose hunting northerners are addicted to it. Otherwise I stay away from it.

>> No.11777649

self-destruction is /fa/ so go for it

>> No.11777655

it's all over the place in the US
chewing tobacco is even more disgusting than smoking

>> No.11777656

you will look like a disgusting hillbilly

>> No.11777659

my ex gf was all over that shit was so nasty
and yeah she was from sweden lol

>> No.11777688

Snus isn't chew. It's closer to dip, but more solid, supposed to be kept under the upper lip, doesn't drip the same way, and the upscale not swedish match stuff (if you can find it) is actually little threads of shredded leaves so they don't break down either.

And it's usually in little tea bag things now for a mess free experience, which makes the above irrelevant. In my opinion coughing your lungs up and smelling like tar is worse than having a little bag of leaves under your lip. Both are pretty bad though.

Ancient swedish tradition

>> No.11777691

so basically you can't use it if you aren't a rich swedish nationalist or hillbilly?

>> No.11777703

Yeah, we have snus in the US, or at least it's marketed as snus. Comes in the little bags.

>> No.11777744

I dunno. Here in Sweden that's kind of true. And it's for some reason considered masculine, and cigarettes are more feminine. But I had lots of normie kids in my class use it in high school cause they tried to quit smoking, but I suppose they kind of fall under the rich nationalist category. The whole Swedish heritage thing you know...

Yeah I saw one place that had it over there. Made by Marlboro or something. But I always thought U.S. rednecks used 'dip' and 'chew' instead. Dip being almost the same thing but a bit more messy, but still...

>> No.11777746

it's for obnoxious jock kids

it has its own aesthetic, though

>> No.11777747

Det är bara för SD och sureplan mannen

>> No.11777777

Oh i get the whole heritage part man. I've started seeing it it stores around me some cans are pretty aesthetic

>> No.11777786

jesus christ this is the sext get christo mio

>> No.11777793

Nice dubs and hexas

>> No.11777805

I wouldn't put rape in my mouth

>> No.11777806


>> No.11777811


Aren't you supposed to snort it? That's what I did and I loved it. Cocaine is shit for obvious reasons and tobacco makes me feel like shit. But I love the activity of snorting and snus doesn't make me feel shitty like smoking tobacco would make me feel.

>> No.11777814
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>> No.11777822

Nice dubs and hexas

>> No.11777823
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Nice numbers. And yeah what they said

>> No.11777824
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>> No.11777829

Thank you senpai

>> No.11777843
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Wow that is a great get

>> No.11777846
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That's snuff. Which some people wrongly translate snus to.

Snus is a moist (drips if you squeeze it), pasteurized, salted and baked tobacco 'mud', made from cut leaves (the upscale types), or ground plants (the regular stuff). It's almost always seasoned, and sometimes smoked, to give it extra flavour. It is sold as loose (where you mould a little lump with your fingers) or in little tea bags, both of which would be put under your upper lip at the front or sides so the nicotine enters your bloodstream and the flavour is released. The loose stuff tastes way better but is also a far messier experience (your hands will stain everything with nicotine juices).

Compared to smoking, it's way healthier. Compared to nothing, it is of course unhealthy, but surprisingly not that unhealthy. Comparable to drinking too much coffee daily. But of course, that varies from person to person.

>> No.11777858

Do you use snus yourself and if so, what brand?

>> No.11777861
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det allra bästa

>> No.11777901

Not often enough to get addicted. The tea bag (portion) kind doesn't taste much and loose gets too messy (because you're playing with moist tobacco paste) for me to use regularly. I don't see the point of paying for sth that tastes like nothing just to keep an addiction

Me and my outdoorsy friends usually buy loose when we go up north 'cause everyone uses it there as a cultural tradition and two of us are from Jämtland. Then we usually buy "ETTAN" loose. Which can be great tasting but their tobacco varies throughout the year. Otherwise a classic yet foreigner friendly brand would be Göteborgs Rapé which tastes like salty tea mixed with tobacco. The U.S. snus is usually sweet, dry, and weak so I don't recommend it.

>> No.11777997
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>> No.11778005

In Sweden people from all walks of life use snus. From the unemployed bum living in Grums, to the middle-management soccer dad living Vetlanda, to the kids who frequent trendy cafés and restaurants around Stureplan (fucking everyone at my old gymnasium, located in a posh area, used snus).

There's a divide between the /fa/ crowds in Sweden, the all black Raf Simons and 1990's revivalists smoke disgusting fucking menthol cigarettes while pretty everyone else uses snus.

Portion could definitely be considered /fa/, loose is for the working class and hockey players.

Wogs however, smoke.

>> No.11778011

Norwegian here and this shit is everywhere. Its fucking disgusting. Its used by neets and people trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.11778079
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>> No.11778462
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is snuff effay?

>> No.11778627

it makes your teeth yellow as fuck like processed cheese or maybe i just don't brush mine enough but fuck really yellow OP like more than coffee or smoking they're like really fucking gross looking now

>> No.11779584

I've been using it for a while and my teeth are just as white as ever

>> No.11779974

how?? i've been using it for a week and mine are fucked. what snus you use? i use snus X dry portion and have one in most of the day

>> No.11779983
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fucking checked

>> No.11779994
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Simply horrible. I start feeling sick by just the sight of this can

>> No.11780012

jesus is lord
we have achieved it finally

>> No.11780605

Finnish highschooler tier

>> No.11780783


>> No.11780959

Its /fa/ from when you are 14 to around 16-18 then its not fa anymore.

But if you are wondering if you should start using tobacco to be cool then you are kind of fucking retarded

>> No.11780984

Nah senpai it's not all over the place, definitely not the west coast at least

>> No.11781105

I use a kind called "skruf" really nice can and god tier snus

>> No.11781171

Absolutely shit get

Please be my ai gf

>> No.11781204
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>pic related

>> No.11781232
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>> No.11781321

>recent somewhat reactionary nationalism that's spreading. The new breed of confused teenage right wing well dressed preppy nationalists use it.
Do you have idea bout just how widespread that really is?

>> No.11781347

stealing this

>> No.11781353

>not condoms

>> No.11781362


You can get General Snus in most gas stations in the US. The mint is by far the best flavor. There are a few other Swedish brands you can get, but they're much harder to find.

Stay away from the Camel Snus, it's snus made for the american market, and has no nicotine at all. It's basically like a dry piece of candy in your upper lip.

>> No.11781373

ayyy this is so true

>> No.11781377
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Most of these are available in the US, prices may vary though. Mint's the best tasting, the original isn't bad, and Wintergreen is meh. The white is okay, but very dry.

>> No.11781437

In Switzerland I mostly see it when I go to the army where a lot of soldiers use it. The only other time was when a skinhead friend of mine offered me some.

Outside of the military context I find it kinda gross to be honest.

>> No.11781848

well /fa/????

>> No.11781882

Är detta en pun som jag inte förstår?

>> No.11781902

not rare in Finland, Norway or Denmark either

>> No.11781927

tää :D

>> No.11781989
