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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 181 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20160904_114002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11773610 No.11773610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Hey /fa/, I don't usually lurk these boards, but I've been getting harassed lately due to somebody reposting my pictures on here and impersonating me.

This person constantly spams threads with pictures of me, making me seem like a retard, and insulting people. I have gotten threats from people and pizzas and calls to my house because of this person reposting my pictures here.

This is incredibly stressful for me. This is probably a grown man posting this, and they clearly have a huge grudge against me because they won't let up.

Please, remember that Eliza !METS.GNIWQ isn't the girl in the photos, and that there's a real girl who's being harassed because of it.

>> No.11773616

Let's see where this goes

>> No.11773623

Also, it's obvious it's not me, they are posting pictures from my old room and claiming it's their's, and posting pictures of me with long hair (it's shorter now), at my old school, etc. This person has hundreds of photos of me solely to fuck with people on here.

>> No.11773633

this is exactly what you knew would happen when you started attentionwhoring on r9k and building yourself beta orbiter harems.
and it won't stop unless you cut ALL ties with 4chan and anons.

>> No.11773639

Can you and your """stalker""" (we all know its just your alter ego to get attention) please leave this board?

>> No.11773640


anyone who impersonates a teenage girl on a chinese trading card board is an incredible faggot by default

>> No.11773642

I haven't tripfagged or posted with attention whoring for months, I'm only doing this now to get people to stop harassing me irl. they're just recycling old photos of me and people fall for it everytime.

it causes strain on my family life because i get death threats and my dad gets mad at me for this happening.

>> No.11773645
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 1468639982660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what you get when you look for beta orbiters on r9k you fucking attention whore.

Now you will pay the consequences for your actions

>> No.11773652

This is why underage lummoxes like you don't need to be using 4chan lmao

>> No.11773657

It's somebody spreading a lot of misinformation about my life.

They even posted ">tfw you start browsing /fa/ and learn how to dress better and get a better hairstyle, etc and now tons of new guys start taking interest in you that were way out of your league before, but you have a bf and you dont know if should break up with him and date a new guy or stay with him even though youre way out of his league now...", which I would never fucking say, and my boyfriend is (obviously) aware of all this so I wouldn't be retarded enough to post shit like that.

>> No.11773663

yet youre tripping right now...? hard to believe anything you say tbqh

>> No.11773667

It's simple
You solidified yourself as a pseudo meme on r9k and got attention from mentally ill weirdos.
either keep assosciating with them and 4chan in general and the harassment will continue.
Cut all ties then things will die down and you can get on with your life like ashley jones.

>> No.11773675

I'm tripping to show that I'm not the person who's using my pictures. They post editted pictures with fake timestamps constantly as well.

Thank you.

>> No.11773680

>me seem like a retard

>ruining your life
A bit dramatic don't you think?

brush your teeth.

>> No.11773697

I kind of do feel bad for OP. She fucked up on r9k, but she's a teenager, and teenagers do stupid shit. If she is getting death threats and harassed, I can see the frustration with being constantly impersonated on here.

>> No.11773713

how could it possibly ruin your life. just ignore that shit you stupid retard.

>> No.11773715

You reap what you sow.

>> No.11773719

Do you have any examples of those death threats? That seems like heavy stuff.

>> No.11773725
File: 31 KB, 670x503, 1448422102102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude shes not even old enough to be using 4chan in the first place, yet she continues to post here to this day.
she just needs to fuck off and not use the internet for socializing ever again and people will forget.
shes only continuing the drama by spamming threads with this nonsense. although i dont doubt at all that this "drama" is just made up by her or with a close friend so that she can get even more attention...

>> No.11773730

gr8 b8 m8.

Post a new picture to prove its you

>> No.11773739

Fuck off ciara. Stop posting on 4chan or else ill report you

>> No.11773745

I've already seen that pic I think. post new timestamp & face if real.

>> No.11773751


>> No.11773757

cute girls man baka desu senpai

>> No.11773762

>ass and timestamp if real

>> No.11773771

Just quit posting with a trip or your face. It'll just die down.

If this is just troll drama, good job.

>> No.11773781
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 1472028234189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you go to school with this gril
>tfw she acts totally different irl

>> No.11773782

i've been not posting with a tirp or face sicne june

>> No.11773785

Faking mental illness online is v effay

>> No.11773787

what does the name of the school start with?

>> No.11773788

Wait longer then. This is 4chan, new shit will pop up.

Still don't if this is really you or not though.

>> No.11773793

You are not even allowed to be posting. You are not 18 and you have been warned by authority to not post here.

>> No.11773794

Someone tracked you down on r9k and found your house and you're worried about someone impersonating you on /fa/? Kek

How do we know this isn't all you creating this ruse? You don't have a good reputation on 4chan

>> No.11773804

Wow it's almost like being a tripfag ruined the point of it being an anonymous image board, fucking idiot.

>> No.11773806

I was tracked on r9k, and then I moved, and I got tracked by someone on /fa/ to my new house.

>> No.11773810

is it?

>> No.11773814

when did you last see me at school?

>> No.11773825

last year

>> No.11773827


>> No.11773830

Ciara-Chan I've been warning people that's not you and and yeah the "grown man" is actually a grown man from r9k hope everything gets better for you

>> No.11773831

why did you let them track you?
no VPN?

>> No.11773832

you deserve this for being an attention whore desu

>> No.11773836

sorry you didn't get out of that shit school mate. don't think i believe you though, only because that info was public. also i didn't really talk much at school. but yeah, i didn't act like how that perseon impersonsting me acts because they don't act like me besides posting my pics

>> No.11773843

Are you okay with neckbeards jerking off over you?
You did let it happen.

>> No.11773846

a vpn is expensive and anyways its pointless when she has sisters and family who all use social media and who can give ciaras info out in conveersations , etc

>> No.11773853

Yeah. It's public records too. That's how it got found. IP doesn't show your address.

>> No.11773856

20$ for three months

>> No.11773860

Why did you attentionwhore on /r9k/ in the first place? You come off as mentally unstable.

>> No.11773863

Not the address. Other stuff is helpful.

Doubt whoever it was was very l33t

>> No.11773872

ugly girls who get no attention in real life tend to look for it in places like r9k

>> No.11773874

She was a 15 year old attention whore

>> No.11773885

Yeah, I'm with you! In a show of solidarity, I'm going to change me name to look like yours!

>> No.11773896

i didnt know you left, i just figured i hadnt seen you yet because of new classes. if you really did leave then yeah youre right, im super jealous. anywheres probably better than here. ive seen more fights and black people there than i have my entire life

>> No.11773911

why are YOU impersonating ME, about someone else imporsonating me? fucking around in 4chan was the worst mistake

>> No.11773918

Yeah, really. Such a shitty school. The bullying policies were awful, reported it multiple times and nothing helped.

>> No.11773921
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>> No.11773930

>>11773921don't pay attention to the fake Ciara

>> No.11773931
File: 41 KB, 500x342, 1463914541833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is my kind of thread

>> No.11773950

There's nothing quite like a building full of niggers.

>> No.11773953

your fits are dope tho desu

>> No.11773959

aw i like u :O

>> No.11774005


>> No.11774006

get off 4chan what are you doing with your life

>> No.11774008

Someone doesn't get any...

>> No.11774018

Someone can't trip

>> No.11774021

Someone doesn't get any...

>> No.11774024

Tripping? My shoes are tied, thank you.

>> No.11774044 [DELETED] 

Someone doesn't get any...

>> No.11774048

why do you do this dude

>> No.11774073

Do you actually think this one post is going to change everything?

Not everyone who browses /fa/ is going to see this thread, much less care even if they do see it.

>> No.11774077




Enjoy this happening to you time and time again

>> No.11774082

You are getting exactly what you deserve.

Take note: this is the bare minimum of what happens when you attentionwhore and try to become an 4chan e-celeb. It only gets worse from here.

>> No.11774085

This has absolutely nothing to do with fashion fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11774122
File: 108 KB, 676x673, 1463959063293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me get this straight.
ciara is jealous that someone else is impersonating her because they are doing a better job and becoming more popular in a such a short time than she has her entire internet career?
sounds like she should show a little bit of gratitude and respect imo

>> No.11774151

How the fuck did they track you? How much info did you reveal?

>> No.11774185

Will you date me?

>> No.11774189

Somebody doesn't get any...

>> No.11774207


>> No.11774224

The only thing I've taken from this thread is that I need to shitpost on /r9k/ more

>> No.11774228
File: 150 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she taken you fucking creep
leave her alone already

>> No.11774233

Timestamped picture.

>> No.11774243
File: 261 KB, 1450x999, 1472494595365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread gets better and better.

Not /fa/ related so fuck off but it's hilarious all the same. I'm conflicted.

>> No.11774269

>Not getting any...

>> No.11774286


>> No.11774318

Hello my queen, i'm here to serve you

>> No.11774442

>dating a nog

>> No.11774465

eliza, really? jesus christ. look, you know its israeli chad doing it, right? he posted your ip address and actual address and phone number a few days ago. why do you keep talking to him? i mean it seems like you bring this drama on yourself. just stop communicating with that guy. secondly, please stop trying to take down all your youtube videos. why are you doing that? its all some of us have to remember you by. just stop being such a bitch.

>> No.11774503

did she delete her yt channel or is it just me?

>> No.11774506

yes she did. and she also keeps trying to get any old videos of hers removed off youtube anytime people upload them.

>> No.11774520

That's pretty bitchy IMO.
She needs to just post anon from now on.

>> No.11774533

Dye your hair. Itll show a distinctive difference between you currently and the trip. The main thing thats keeping alot of people falling for Eliza is that there isnt much of a distinctive difference of you from whenever you r9k posted vs you now.
You could prob pull off a lighter brown.

>> No.11774543

>automatic recognizable face + voice
>already recieving death threats + people irl can now know her as Eliza
>'she just needs to post anon now'
If this is all legit and not Eliza covering for her ass, then this girl is fucked imo.
Unless she does changes her look drastically or report whomever to the police, she'll have to deal w this for a good 3-7 yrs.

>> No.11774556

>she'll have to deal w this for a good 3-7 yrs.
What a retard.

>> No.11774566

lets be real here, she hasnt and wont try any of those solutions you mentioned because its all her own doing. its pretty evident by now.
she just does all this shit to get what she wants. just like how she made up all this drama so she could change schools. now shes making up all this trip drama to get something else that she wants..like sympathy or whatever

>> No.11774581
File: 86 KB, 1000x762, thinkingfyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.

On a serious note if you think you're that self infatuated that anyone on this board would give half a shit about you and if you're actually worried about your safety I think it might be time to take a break from the computer because you obviously aren't able to handle this kind of attention, maybe you shouldn't post pictures online anymore. just my 2 cents

>> No.11774589

>only last year did like half of the camgirls from before 08 went out of relevence
>rose and sky gets wank still on r9k
>boxy still mentioned every so often

>> No.11774598

Yeah, thats true, otherwise she wouldn't do shit like cut the fuck out of her arm and lick that blood for attention.
Wasn't she in a mental hospital recently?

>> No.11774601

Her real name is ciara, i got her snapchat and instagram

>> No.11774620

nope, she just made her videos private, she didnt delete them


>> No.11774623

This. get checked for NPD also underage b&

>> No.11774626

If she disappeared from here for about 6 months no one would give a fuck about any of this.

>> No.11774647

What's the Instagram?

>> No.11774684


>> No.11774691 [DELETED] 

Somebody doesn't get any...

>> No.11774743 [DELETED] 

oh my god, this is horrible. I feel nauseated reading this thread. Can we get "Eliza" banned or something. Try to move to a different address
Also the people calling you greasy is only because they know its the impersonator, so dont feel bad.
Wish you the best of luck <333

>> No.11774752 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11774759
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>> No.11774762

Thanks much love <3 E> <- This heart belongs to a man with downs, 1 like = 1 share = 1 less downsy heart in the world.

>> No.11774804

wtf she dating reviewbrah

>> No.11774810

make new social media accounts or sumthin idk

>> No.11774811


>> No.11775629

>dad gets mad at me for this happening

yeah that sounds like a completely normal response.

>> No.11775659

MODS? delete this dumb shit

>> No.11775872

Not you, Anon, but her.

>> No.11775885

some people's parents are retards man
my gf's mother gets mad at her when she falls ill and won't let give her money for medicine and calls her "a burden" and "a parasite"