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/fa/ - Fashion

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11681390 No.11681390 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen these posts before, and I don't get it. It seems like some sort of twisted idea of what's it like to deal with this condition.

>> No.11681411

people on the internet idolize depression as they have the image of the jaded misfit and outcast, not a person that's just stopped feeling any pleasure. basically, they're all "misunderstood" self-diagnosed teenagers. Me too btw.

>> No.11681475

nothing about depression is /fa/ people just romanticize it to death. f you're actually fucking depressed you have no energy to dress well, probably not even to dress.

>> No.11681495

next you're going to say that you were actually diagnosed with depression and how it was hell and you overcame it and no one here knows what true depression is like
you're the kind of person i hate the most
why do you have to be a pedantic fuck can't you let people here say what they want without taking a holier than thou attitude

>> No.11681507

Not him but what he's saying is depression is a state that no one who has ever experienced would label as a pleasurable or cool thing. It's misery. It's not like this thing that's controllable or makes you like the quiet and mysterious Chinese cartoon character it stops you from wanting to do anything, things you love no longer interest you, you're emotions are rampant or non existent and people end up despising or avoiding you because of it. The idea is /fa/ the actuality is true emptiness

>> No.11681550

Wow you're angry at depressed people?.

>> No.11681616

i agree with you and i think that /fa/ likes the idea more than the experience and there's nothing wrong with that. it's not hard to understand and the anon i was replying to was just looking for a reason to get triggered

i'm not angry at depressed people, i'm angry at people who went through something and somehow think they've attained a level higher than everyone else because of that. i realise that the anon i replied to is not necessarily that but i'm attacking the idea more than the person who typed it

>> No.11681711

i almost punched a fuckin dude for saying my schizophrenia was 'tragically poetic' and im sure depressed people feel the fuckin same about this shit

>> No.11682286

>'tragically poetic
wut...? What does that even mean?

>> No.11682365
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it's a meme

>> No.11682401

Hmm my depression used to be so bad i genuinely had no desire to clean myself, brush my hair or teeth, feed myself, my stuff covered my bedroom floor like a carpet and i couldnt even see the floor beneath it, i smelled like body odor all the time from sleeping 16 hours a day and not bathing, huge knots developed in my hair and i had to cut all my hair off. You lose all feeling and dont want to do anything. Depression is not pretty. Don't let stupid kids on the internet fool you!

>> No.11682428

Feel the exact same way friend. Watching people glorify this shit makes me all sorts of angry

>> No.11682649

tfw want to get angry when people say it's "effay and artistic to be chronically depressed" instead just get sad because I know they will never understand it.

>> No.11682927

How did you overcome/cope with it. Also, what's the best way to communicate with someone who has had it in the past?

>> No.11682980

>took low dose accutane for a little while
>currently depressed
>on lexapro

depression, nor anxiety for that matter are cool. they are hell. It's just stupid alt-girls That are barely alt at all, that talk about their 'sarcastic' sense of humor and dress like the girl from Freaks And Geeks saying it to look aloof and cool.

the sun's too bright all the time, I hate eating, all food tastes like mush, I hate leaving the house, people from my town hate me because I don't show up at shit.

Not cool at all.

But complaining about it on twitter/instagram is so lame, even if you got it bad.

>> No.11682984

*are not cool

my bad

>> No.11683084

depression isn't /fa/, you're thinking of nihilism

>> No.11683129

>i'm attacking the idea more than the person who typed it
>you're the kind of person i hate the most
>why do you have to be a pedantic fuck can't you let people here say what they want without taking a holier than thou attitude

ok kid

>> No.11683167

I didn't overcome it completely, i just started smoking pot every day (which i really dont recommend) and started reevaluating things. Really its all about self discovery, things will get better without you realizing but no one can really help you overcome it besides yourself. Communicating with someone who has struggled with depression may be a rocky subject, and you dont want to open old wounds. Id say its best to not ask too many questions and let them do the talking, also if they dont want to talk about something dont force them to! I would never want to tell anyone i know currently that i wouldnt shower for up to a week. Some things are very personal, but if they're comfortable with talking about it you should feel good knowing they trust you!

>> No.11683177

the last time I was really happy was when I was a freshman in high school making good grades and smoking weed after school every day tbqh

18 now

>> No.11683250

I feel u, every day in 7th and 8th grade (pathetic i know) before and after school i would smoke pot and all the school work was a breeze. Sigh

>> No.11683837

fug i'm retarded

>> No.11683983

There is absolutely nothing /fa/ about self-loathing. I understand that people with depression can't help it, but otherwise, it is pathetic.

>> No.11684573

How old are you?

>> No.11684684

special snowflake: the thread

>> No.11684706

pretending to have depression is very fashionable nowadays, but actually being depressed isn't. if you actually have MDD you can barely get out of bed or take care of yourself, let alone get on twitter and find the words to brag about how sad you are.

>> No.11684730


this. unless i missed a new trend, i thought /fa/ typically fawned over a voluntary void of meaning and joy for #aesthetic reasons, not involuntary soul sucking hell.

>> No.11684749

Chronic depression is life ruining.

>> No.11684879
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at least you're self-aware

no worries m8

>> No.11684966

Are you the anon who got it at 21?

>> No.11685856

18 o/c ..