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11679074 No.11679074 [Reply] [Original]

Im really self conscious about my height and ive been wearing the same shit since middle school every day lmao (pants, hoodie, sneakers, comfycore shit) and i feel like i look stupid when i dress up. Who here has short grill fits

>> No.11679084

>above 4'0 and under 6'0
>self conscious about height

fuck off

>> No.11679095

Im 5'0 life b hard sometimes..

>> No.11679100

If you are in Europe, not fat and at least 6/10 i will fuck the shit out of you uf you like.

>> No.11679107

u not helpful

>> No.11679197

>short girls being conscious about their height

short girls are very cute.

As for fits:

perhaps you could pick up sewing or some shit like that. My last girlfriend (1m52 (like 5'0/5'1 in meme units) used to always adjust her clothes to fit her size.

(she also used to shop in the kids section sometimes)

>> No.11679254

Short fits are the same as average height you just have to watch your proportions in some cases and the actual fit of individual items in all cases.

What is it about wearing stuff that's making you feel stupid?

>> No.11679274

Don't try to look taller, just embrace your height and wear things that fit you and that you like. You'll look ridiculous if you try to do anything else.
T. fellow shirt girl

>> No.11679311

womanlets, when will they learn?

>> No.11679333

Lol I'm a 5'3 male cri no mo senpai

>> No.11679344

Why do manlets have to make everything about themselves. No one cares.

>> No.11679373
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Ty mission complete

P.s. there are loads of styles for men and women. I was trying to say it isn't an issue if you're short and want to dress well imho

>> No.11679391

damn dude

>> No.11679396

im lonely

>> No.11679460

I look like a stupid baby in everything and i dont wear makeup so i just feel like i go unnoticed a lot

>> No.11679482

most women are only about 5' anyway, you bitch. get in touch with reality

>> No.11679491

who hurt you

>> No.11679500


>> No.11679501

>stupid baby
That's probably just in your head. Assuming you don't have a shit haircut and you're pretty much in shape, it'll just be in your head.

>don't wear make up
Why not? You don't have Instagram cake face, but a little concealer where it's needed, masacara, groomed brows does wonders for pulling outfits together. Completely bare faces can make outfits look half finished, and if you're short then a massive tendency to look younger.

>> No.11679508

Average female height in most western countries is 5'4-5'6

>> No.11679510
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God did when he put me on this forsaken rock of pain and suffering. At least that would be true if God was real...

>> No.11679845

I'm 6' and girls under 5'2 are undateable. I may bang one and regret it, though.

>> No.11679867

Same here, life's hard. How do you cope?

>> No.11679871

ur gay m8

>> No.11679947
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other than the manlet genes you will pass to your sons I might even say 5'0 is the ideal height for girls

>> No.11679984

>implying 5'8 isn't perfect female height
Want to know how I know you're a manlet?

>> No.11679986

Unless you have shit height genes on y chromosome a woman's height genes on x, have no effect on men. Proof every 6 foot guy with a 5foot mom ever.

>> No.11680003

is this why the average victoria's secret model is like 5'10?

>> No.11680012

But 5'10 is my second favorite height. If you think being too short is grounds for not fucking a girl you are gay. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11680029

5'10 is nice if you're 6'2+, but model standards are unrealistic for most people

>> No.11680048

Height extremes on both ends are unattractive. Same reason I wouldn't bang a girl that is 6'5. I guess I'm not so desperate as to fuck midgets, but hey man, whatever floats your boat kek

>> No.11680087

5'0 is not a height extreme you gay

>> No.11680092
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this person is 6'3

if you wouldn't have sex with her I have breaking news for you and it's that you are a faggot

>> No.11680097

Hello shorties c:

>> No.11680099

you're insecure as fuck

>> No.11680133
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If you're not skinny, work on that.

Don't look for clothes that add too much bulk.

Dress tight and not too drapey.

>mfw I'm a medical school student and some retard on /fa/ spits in the face of genetics

Polymorphic traits are incredibly complex my nigga.

>> No.11680212

just wear heels or platform shoes

>> No.11680308

Instead of worrying too much I just wear stuff that fits me well and work out a good deal. Also have money, it lets you do pretty much whatever you want.

But moreover women who date you clearly know you're short, so don't play into the "lolmanletkillmyself" if you have a half way good looking face and an average dick you will be ayyyyyy ok

>> No.11680648

hey man, you don't look stupid when you dress up - that's all in your head. you probably know this already, but the issue is more about your self-esteem and confidence than it is about finding an outfit on a short girl and replicating that exactly. but yeah, it is important to wear clothes that fit the way u like and that you feel good in. idk what u like though but here's what i usually wear nd like for some possible ideas

-skirts that go past the knee - makes ur legs look longer i think. i find that wearing mini-ish skirts usually makes it really noticeable how short my legs are lol
-high waisted stuff also does wonders for short legs + long torsos
-tucked in tops - to show the high waist of ur pants/shorts/skirt when u wear them
-or if u have a shirt that's too long just cut the bottom and leave it raw or sew the hem back

-longer shorts - like the length that guys usually wear.
i do really like the comfy skate look that guys do (havent seen it as much on girls) - think oversized shirts + baggy pants or dickies + vans. basically any character in the movie kids by larry clark style lol
that might be a way to go for comfycore shit bc oversized clothes are comfy as hell but u have to make it work. aka not dress like a complete slob and feel like one too. u need the confidence

this ended up being longer than i intended lol. idk. i hope this helped somewhat, good luck to u fellow short girl <3

>> No.11680660

also someone else said before that whatever you do wear, u have to watch your proportions

might be hard to know exactly what to look out for at first, but evaluating other people's fits and your own and finding what works and what doesn't - after awhile of doing that and you'll get the hang of it

you asked for short girl fits but honestly u dont even need thatt, u probably have inspo pics of what looks good on ppl who arent short girls lol u just want to translate those outfits into something that will work on you. and that will go w learning more about clothes and proportions and stuff

so additional advice would be to experiment more with your outfits to find stuff you like. go shopping sometime soon and pick out some things that you feel good in (can be literally anything), and build outfits around that.

also dw about wearing makeup unless u actually enjoy it. i dont feel like it's something i need or want to spend my time+money on, so i don't.

>> No.11682316

I literally don't think I could fuck her. That smug look that she constantly seems to have is a huge turn off.

>> No.11682339

You're not even short. You're the average height for a female. Why do bitches above 4'11" think they're small?

>> No.11682351

That's okay. No girl would want to date or bang you with that shitty attitude of yours so don't get too excited.

>> No.11682400

Do you live in Nepal.

I mean you can't live in any Western country if that's your perception, because 5'4-5'6 is average in all of them and clothing is made for the proportions of a 5'5-5'6 woman.

But Nepal or India or Burma is where average height is 5'0 or so, so I guess your perception can be skewed.
I think it even slants a tiny little taller in the major East Asian counties to about 5'2.

>> No.11682432

>most women are only about 5' anyway
is this true?
is this only true in shit countries?
please lord I don't want to be a disgusting Amazon freak

>> No.11682435

See >>11682400

>> No.11682861

for men, everything under 6'0 freedom units is shit, for women, everything over 6'0 freedom units is shit AMINA KOYIM

>> No.11682868

This thread is a ruse. OP is not a female. This is not Reddit, there are no females on this site.

>> No.11683028

>life hard
try being 4'7 you goddamn stupid cunt you don't even realize how lucky you are

>> No.11683203

I swear I was 4'9 when I was 8 years old. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.11683222
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>waaah I'm the same height as the world class gymnasts the whole of America falls in love with every 4 years poor me


>> No.11683289

4chan made me love smug faces

>> No.11683295

this is the wrong answer. the correct answer is "I want to fuck that smug look right off of her face". I'm sorry but you are gay.

>> No.11683338


Yeah, I would definitely fuck her, but I do find the fact that every photo of her is basically a rare pepe pretty troubling as well.

>> No.11683361
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>> No.11683371
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>> No.11683377
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>> No.11683427

Why do aggression levels raise the smaller something is. Manlets are fucking testy about everything and the smaller the dog the more full of hate it is until you get to the shaking ball of rage that is a chihuahua, now this.

>boohoo I'm a couple of inches shorter my life is infinitely worse than hers
So what, there's people shorter than you and there's people shorter than them. Is no one allowed to complain unless they're that tiny Indian guy?
Doesn't mean someone who is 5'0 doesn't have problems caused by their height.

>> No.11683457

dont wear super loose pants as you'll look like a rectangle
if skinny/flat, wear baggy sweaters or cardigans, be tiny and cute
if curvy/large chest, wear fitted shirts that emphasize that you fill your clothes, a female friend of mine is 5'0 and has DDDs, and dresses herself in a way that makes her look like walking sex without being slutty, its ethereal
make use of hair and hats, and keep your face clean, wear light coloured clothes
short girls are adorable

>> No.11683465

Bad advice on the first bit t bh. Wide trousers can work fine if the proportions are kept in check.

A defined waist and ankle crop makes loose trousers pretty easy to wear at a petite height, just don't pair boxy with boxy and have a break before the shoes.

Some of the tiny Chinese girls at my university would wear baggy as shit culottes and because they'd keep their proportions under control they'd look amazing.

>> No.11683487

thats true, my bad, i was thinking more about comfycore type baggy, rather than well thought out, intentional baggy

>> No.11684830

why are short girls so obsessed with the fact that they're short

>> No.11685916

when all you see are tall leggy blondes, it fucks with your self esteem. Also, tall girls have better clothing options. I look ridiculous in a maxi anything.
T. 5'2 Chinese grill.

>> No.11686179
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try these they give you height without anyone knowing. http://www.adidas.com/us/superstar-up-shoes/S76403.html

>> No.11687257

They are ugly though , any other shoes that look better?

>> No.11687260

ITT: Not one fit

>> No.11687265

wear short skirts and tank tops, no guy on this earth cares about long legs you delusional virgin

>> No.11687356
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I'm short too, the only advice I can give you is to do your best to keep skinny. Skinny girls look good in almost everything even if they're short, but chubby and short girls are a huge fashion turn off. My other advice would be to look into asian fashion, since those girls are pretty much the same height as you and they rock almost anything.
Small dump, since no one else seems to be contributing.

>> No.11687376
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>> No.11687382
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>> No.11687394
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>> No.11687408
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End of dump. Not the best ones, but they're all I got on my phone

>> No.11687569
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the old versions of superstar ups http://www.footlocker.com/product/model:236483/adidas-originals-superstar-up-womens#sku-M19512 but probably none in your size

Or look for wedge converse or the nike sky hi dunks. Although they don't really make the nike ones anymore.

or these: http://www.adidas.com/us/super-wedge-shoes/AW4847.html

>> No.11687582

that's reassuring, you sound like my bf -_-

>> No.11687591
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>> No.11687609
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The best thing for porportions is watching which clothes flatter what for short girls. Knowing your measurements+what cuts look good on you = tiny qt girl goal.

>> No.11687630
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Tiny (ish) dump

>> No.11687634
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