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11651320 No.11651320 [Reply] [Original]

Are dark circles/eye bags effay?

>> No.11651339

If already atractive yes, like any other thing, if not, no.

>> No.11651356
File: 25 KB, 288x397, ian-curtis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some Ian Curtis dark circles since ever

I love this flaw

>> No.11651361

They make u look old & haggard AF. Don't bother w creams, etc. It's genetics + stress (lack of sleep, dehydration, etc.) Get Restylane shot fr an Asian (preferably Korean) dr. who has that delicate touch.

>> No.11651373
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Dorothy Parker bf heartbreaks & alcohol

>> No.11651376
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Her after...

>> No.11651380

Good thing I don't dig alcohol

>> No.11651397
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Well I'm still having a "baby face" at my 22 everytime I shave. People still saying I look like 19.

Most be because I didn't drink and smoke as much as my friends at the time.

>> No.11651406

If not drinks & drugs, heartache will rob your youth. Nothing ages like hard core love

>> No.11651409


Both are in b&w
How many time has past between each pic?

>> No.11651426

Dunno but after 3 marriages. The lives of famous writers are often short & miserable. In DP's case, it was LONG & miserable

>> No.11651428

I been there

Now I kinda feel a little old to be in love again.

>> No.11651437
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how to fix them? Get healthy sleep, dont go into sun to often. I feel cursed.
>tfw when cousin says she cant imagine me without acne
>tfw 3 acne meds prescribed by derm
Can it get much worse?

>> No.11651456


Just go with accutane and its derivatives. Seriously, if you have cystic acne, nothing else will work.

>> No.11651459
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Feel bad. The last time I saw my ex he looked like shit. Aged like 5 yrs instantly w permanent deep grooves under his eyes. Meanwhile I'm in this weird Dorian Gray trap--I look so good better than ever in life after break up but I'm wretched wo him

>> No.11651461

The thing about me is those late years I got insomnia but the dark circles are with me since I was a kid.

Ironicly, when I'm too much time without sleep my dark circles fade away.

>> No.11651463
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If u r guy, u no have to worry abt getting pregnant. If it's rly rly bad, go for it

>> No.11651493

Yeah I kinda feel like you anon.

Relationships are worst than cigarettes.

Just stay chill you will age slowly

>> No.11651507

Lol worse than heroin. Perfect, skin, perfect figure, perfect clothes--mangled heart. I felt happier when I was w my ex, 10 lbs heavier on the pill. He didn't care I wasn't perfect ;( I miss him

>> No.11651535
File: 2.74 MB, 1634x3061, 20160817_234937-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soo should I be getting more, or less sleep?

>> No.11651538

You are just being retarded right now

>> No.11651540

get some sleep. you need it for the 9th grade

>> No.11651542

im 18 and that stings a bit

>> No.11651544

Get enuf sleep. If u sleep too much it will make your eyes puffy; too little, u get dark circles. U also need to exercise for good circulation. Also keep hydrated. Did so much research on dark circles bc my ex was self conscious abt them n wanted to help

>> No.11651546

how much is enough?

>> No.11651551
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I guess is just easier when you are a guy and after the break only care about fuck and not much about having someone that you can actually talk and feeling handsome even without having a perfect bod

>> No.11651553

7-8 hrs. If u sleep more than that it's bc u r stressed so u need to relieve that w exercise, meditation, good sex, etc. Control sugar/caffeine bc it will make u crash. If u sleep less than that, it also means u r stressed out abt something--face your demons.

>> No.11651561

That catches up w u tho. Sooner or later. And bc u know, u r stuck w a rebound

>> No.11651568
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I sleep about 9 hours since its summer
>good sex
list is impossible

>> No.11651576

Everything I can control--except good sex. That just abt takes care of everything--it's a stress busting spiritual cardio.

>> No.11651596

that little twink body isn't 18 no matter what you say

>> No.11651599
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>dark rings
>not bruised sockets

get on my level pleg

>> No.11651604

Underage fag

>> No.11651618

I get this response 100 percent of the time I ever post a pic
my baby face is strong
this is depressing

>> No.11651621

post ID or i repot u

>> No.11651625
File: 688 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-08-19-21-51-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do

>> No.11651634


>> No.11651663

u first baby face

>> No.11651665

Start to workout so you can increase your testosterone

Sissy bitch.

>> No.11651851

male Grimes

>> No.11651859

Before or after she became a gross bitch?

>> No.11651866

although I think she looks gross in half of her pictures I can totally see what you mean

>> No.11652034

post proof or enjoy your ban