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/fa/ - Fashion

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11607343 No.11607343 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here /endgame/?

I've been with /fa/ since it started, and I'm now out the other side. I've developed my own style, and no longer need to follow >sick /fa/ trends

Got /fit/ too, so I've got life on easy mode when it comes to girls.

Also just gotten into my dream uni.

>> No.11607358

Good luck my man, you're living the dream life. Just keep it that way, and if you fall off the tracks just come back to get advice on how to not look like shit again!

>> No.11607360

You can always stay for the spicy memes and to give fuccbois advice.

>> No.11607372

Thanks for the warm words anon, I'll write you into my will for that.
Not a bad call my man, might stick around for the bants.

>> No.11607394

/endgame/ reporting in.

Literally started from Raws and Red wings and now I wear artisan pieces and archival designer lang/raf among other designers. Took me about a year of lurking and buying/selling garbage tier pieces to get a taste for my own style. Im super confident in what I wear. I have an amazing wardrobe worth around 20k and Ive likely put in 1/3rd of that from my own money and the rest has been from moving pieces on grailed. So my wardrobe is just kind of in full snowball effect, I just have so many grails at this point. It feels really nice actually. Been copping a lot of Undercover lately. Have the two grail goretex parkas ive always wanted. Life is pretty great. Im /fit/ too. Pretty impressive body and I get laid on a regular basis. Girls always compliment my hair, clothing and body. Ive just got it all down at this point. Save for one thing. My fucking face has been breaking out a lot lately and it sucks. I have been using BP religiously but it doesnt seem to be stopping. Thats my last challenge before becoming as aesthetic as possible. Acne sucks friendos.

>> No.11607408

As a wise man named Samuel Hyde once said "being that I'm 5 to 6 inches taller than the average person means that I also get 5 to 6 times as many skin problems"

I am 6'4 with acne on my face neck chest back stomach and forearms

>> No.11607430

Sounds about right. Im 6ft and have moderate acne on my face and light acne on my back. Luckily women tend to not care. Been thinking about starting to use light makeup to help with the redness ect.

>> No.11607447

>>no fits posted

Fucking summer

>> No.11607450

>people who say they 'got /fit/'

quite possibly the dorkiest thing you can say on this site

>> No.11607454

>started from Raws and Red wings and now I wear artisan pieces and archival designer lang/raf among other designers
not to burst your bubble anon but archival lang and raf are the 2016 equivalent of raws and red wings. not that they're bad designers but they're still
>sick /fa/ trends

>> No.11607467

It's obvious that people saying they "got /fit/" use it ironically and wouldn't say it outside of 4chan, don't be naive.
If you haven't already, try peroxide. I used to apply it with a cotton bud every night and my spots were virtually gone in a week. It obliterates bacteria on your face, so the redness on your face disappears the fastest

>> No.11607471

Deleted the 4 at the end of >>11607394
by accident

>> No.11607483


no the people who say 'get /fit/' are the people who say /pol/, /k/ and /fit/ are their most visited boards. its the cancerous natsoc crowd.

>> No.11607484

I bet you're both ugly and fat. Why even pretend on the internet?

Post a fitpic otherwise you're just spewing bullshit.

>> No.11607490

Happy to hear somebody achieving their goals. Congrats on gettibg accepted to your dream uni.
Regarding myself i feel like im no longer in the beginning of my journey but not close to the end either. Ive grown my taste more than my wardrobe desu. I do feel alot happier with how i dress now and ive started to develop my own personal style but its far from what i have as a goal. Regarding general things in life its kinda the same funnily enough. Ive made alot of progress with my general mental state. I have a real motivation now to work towards my goals now, before i was slightly depressed and kinda struggled with being productive. I injured myself in the gym whitch put me back on my fitness goals 2-3 months. I feel alot more confident now. I will keep improving tho, both Regarding my own style and my other goals.

>> No.11607492

If you genuinely think that wearing archival pieces from the most influential designers of all time is now "played out" is literally autistic. That says more about you being a trend-hopping faggot than it does about me and
>sick /fa/ trends

>> No.11607500
File: 3.87 MB, 4928x3264, helmut_rick_rick_rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your turn m8.


>> No.11607504

what country

>> No.11607505
File: 17 KB, 900x900, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good anon
>it's a tripfag projects episode

>> No.11607512

Lmfao. You sure "made it" alright. Congrats on whatever you think you accomplished here.

Do you even understand what projection means in the context you're using it in? I'm not the guy posting online, hiding behind an anonymous identity, trying to prove I "made it".

Also, what a shitty mentality. There is no endgame. You should keep growing as a person instead of being so self-absorbed that you think you've hit your peak.

Whatever. Keep on keepin' on I guess.

>> No.11607517

He meant that you're ugly and fat you fucking mong

>> No.11607518

>tfw /startgame/

>> No.11607525

>Post a fitpic otherwise you're just spewing bullshit.

Wheres your fit kiddo? Since youre apparently shitting up this otherwise inspiring thread. People are talking about how they have achieved their goals of style and health. Try and contribute to this board instead of being another cancer trip that literal no one give a fuck about.

>> No.11607541


>> No.11607545

What's your dream uni?

>> No.11607566 [DELETED] 
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Me. Thread over boys;-).

>> No.11607575

get cancer

>> No.11607578
File: 3.84 MB, 2988x3735, IMG_20160415_182605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"otherwise inspiring thread"
Lol really?

This board is trash and has been 99% cancerous since its inception. I never claimed to dress exceptionally or told people I've reached my "/endgame/" so a fitpic won't do much.

So much self-absorption in this thread.

Here you go though. Hope you get some satisfaction out of making fun of this.

>> No.11607607 [DELETED] 
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The fuck you mean "get cancer" ?

>> No.11607621

>I've been with /fa/ since it started, and I'm now out the other side. I've developed my own style, and no longer need to follow >sick /fa/ trends
It is time for you to ascend, but you must remain here, to show others the way. You must become a bodhisatt/fa/.

>> No.11607640

>Andre The Giant Has A Skin Problem

>the most influential designers of all time
>lang and raf
I was with you 100% of the way until you bust this out, this makes you sound incredibly 17.

Moreover I believe we must destroy tripfags

>> No.11607648

I agree this board is trash and cancerous. The premise of this thread is sharing general progression and the supposed "/endgame/" is more or less a phrase that OP just used to help summarize the topic of the thread. I think you are just letting 4chan get to you, youre very jaded and hostile for absolutely no good reason. I get that /fa/ is a shit hole, and thats why I dont post my fits here, since you requested a fit I posted one, I enjoy that Helmut Lang Astro quite a bit and I think its a nice piece. What I am getting at is, why bother being here if you think the board is so shit. Why bother tripping if you dont want to help make this place better? I mean your fit is fine. My main point is just dont come into a thread with that kind of hostility. There is no reason, it doesnt do anything to benefit anyone. This isnt about being self-absorbed its about being happy with where you are. I am starting to think maybe you arent happy with the things you have going on, otherwise you probably wouldnt be shit posting and tripping. So just take your negative energy and utilize it in a positive manner by maybe contributing to the discussion? Or doing something meaningful and not just making baseless claims toward other people.

>> No.11607657

>this makes you sound incredibly 17

Fair enough, I missed a "some of" before that statement. I dont think they are
>bes cloth makers evrrrr
but to say that these designers are passé is just a fuccboi statement.

>> No.11607715

My trip is really old and I often forget to turn it off before I post. Since my first post had it, I had to keep using it for the remainder of the thread.

To be honest though, I'm just shitposting. I'm leaving to work shortly and it's a lot better than playing video games for an hour. I feed off people's reactions.

Are you:

If so, your fit isn't my style, but it's not bad. Executed well in regards to the style you're aiming for. Also, your post isnt full of fake confidence like OP. I just had to group you both in my intial post to increase the chances of a reply.

Overall, you're chill and unfortunately didn't sperg out like I had hoped. OP is still a fag.

>> No.11607737

>So much self-absorption in this thread

>> No.11607743

I've always wanted to buy/sell on Grailed but can't quite figure out how to do it. All the grails are already overpriced and I can't imagine turning a profit on them.

>> No.11607774

Yes Im the same guy. Well, sorry you didnt get the reaction you were hoping for. I just try to actually level with people trolling sometimes, so just dont do that I guess? I mean if you enjoy getting a rise out of people it doesn't benefit anyone and is a really negative behavior to indulge in. Try painting or some sort of creative outlet for those urges instead. There is plenty of other people shitting up this board as it is.

Grailed is super simple dude. There are three categories all at the header of the website. The main area is where all of the designer stuff goes, the Hype area is where all the fuccbois resell hyped pieces like new Supreme drops and Kanye west addidas sneakers. The third section is Basic, which is mostly thrift stuff and things like lower end fast fashion, think H&M and other garbage malltier brands. Selling is super easy just click the sell button and snap a few quick shots of your piece. Then add a description and viola. Like with any endeavor when it comes to selling things you need a starting capital to work with. Thats a certain amount of money to start off with, so you take that X amount of dollars and you just lurk ebay, grailed and other websites/forums until you find a piece priced really low. Then you buy the piece and relist it with higher quality photos and a better description for more money. Its simple once you start getting educated on clothing and fashion in general. Hope that helped.

>> No.11607845

literally this

>> No.11607878


an end? that's just the start of not bein a pleb m8

>> No.11607990

not OP but it's usuually the end of one's interest in /fa/
this website has nothing but entry level advice

>> No.11608105

pls post more

>> No.11608249

lol yea cuz it's boring at that point

>> No.11608268

My main issue the lack of knowledge on what would sell and what wouldn't. I have a few thousand stored away rn and I want to find ways to grow that while I'm in uni. I love clothing but haven't spent the time to learn about fashion.

I used to buy/sell fixies when they were in. I used craigslist though and with bikes, you could always clean them up to make them look nicer. With clothes however, the description needs to be the selling point. Where would I begin?

>> No.11608415
File: 2.34 MB, 3920x3264, hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick Owens OS tee and that same Helmut Lang Astro Biker.

>> No.11608418

please correct your posture

>> No.11608419

>just gotten into uni
please leave

>> No.11608438

I make a conscious effort to maintain good posture, thanks for the check though. I actually appreciate it btw.

>> No.11608502

This, I've been lurking for a while and just want out today for some pants.
I'm extremely low-key, so I'm just using places like H&M because I'm not sure if I want to dive deep into my wallet at the start of this journey.

>> No.11608523

>starting university


>> No.11608536

Don't feel bad shopping at hm and shit at first. Get a feel for what you like, general sizing, color matching and general experimenting.

>> No.11608538

Me too, I just come here to shitpost at this point.

>> No.11608542

like the fit but the green stockins are a little elf core

>> No.11608572

That's what I plan on.
I'm trying to settle in with the basics first and I'll probably expand from there.

>> No.11608917

He means /endgame/ of /fa/ you retard, not /endgame/ of life

>> No.11608920

>just got into uni
>end game

good luck with that

>> No.11608935


You look like a rich school shooter. Anyone can pull off an all-black outfit, that's fashion on easy mode. Congratulations, you self-important dork.

>> No.11608943

Lol, wtf is this shit.

>> No.11608961

/Endgame/ isn't about having found your own style. True /endgame/ is the point where you stop giving a fuck.

>> No.11608970


ITT: Fits that look fantastic in photos and cringy as hell in-person

>> No.11608985

I did that and went back to vg to play dota for the rest of my days lmao
I still go out every other day to socialise and shop and whatnot though

>> No.11609004
File: 401 KB, 1397x1108, fsafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started with raws
>then into jcrew, uniqlo
>bought a few pairs of CPs
>then into shit sufu likes reigning champ, c.e., acronym, eyes and sins, wtaps
>start working salary
>cant wear any hypeshit now
>acquire two shirts from our legacy and 3 of the same jean from patrik ervell
>fuck it, bought an entire wardrobe full of acne studio and sold everything else on grailed
>rotate 7 acne pants and 9 acne oxfords

>just bought a bunch of dana lee, vans

clothes are fucking stupid

>> No.11609018

bro you haven't made it

>> No.11609032
File: 3 KB, 300x57, 58589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endgame is about overgrowing the board, then all the tips, fits and discussions here are amateurish and stupidly laughable.
I stopped asking "w2c" years ago.
I stopped asking "what haircut should I get" years ago.
I reached designer level years ago and honestly there is no space above to move to.
I don't need tips how to lose weight, how to maintain clear skin, how to match colors, how to chose right fit etc.

It's over.

>> No.11609045


not trying to diss you or w/e but you are really really far from having a style "of your own" or style worthy of taking notice

keep at it though, i've been there. you grow a bit and you think, "oh, i'm good now, i'm complete, this is cool", then you realize there are so many fucking levels above you that you weren't aware of, and the cycle continues and you're always growing and changing.


yeah pretty much this, except i never was the type to ask those questions

there really is no use in trying to provide help or raise the collective "level" of the board by offering my input because you realize that the gap is so unimaginably large (for the new people) that it's close to impossible to actually make an impression on their mind or viewpoint. 99% of it comes with time and experience. you have to look at alot and try alot.

personally i've come full circle right now, finally realizing the stylistic value of the timeless classics that i so cluelessly looked down upon when i started getting into designer fashion, without realizing that designer fashion is based on those exact pieces and elements. i mix designer pieces with vintage and thrift finds in a way that still shows i'm well versed in the codes of dress even when i wear the simplest of pieces.

>> No.11609056

>i mix designer pieces with vintage and thrift finds
Amen. This is where it has ended for me.

>> No.11609074


i feel like that's where alot of designers and industry figures end up, largely because it makes the most sense for their lifestyle.

i'm always wanting to wear the craziest things but it never does make sense for my lifestyle and what i'd be doing that day. so right now i'm trying to tread that FUCKING thin as FUCK line between everyday and noteworthy, that is to incorporate outlandish elements but control it with the rest of the elements / pieces in the composition to anchor it down and make it WORK. it's really fucking hard though, some stuff only seems to work with a certain haircut, i'm still switching back and forth between a handful of different veins of style every day / week, i have a ton of micro-phases

it's a really long, slow process of elimination, that always comes down to styling options.

and i think that's a huge distinction between someone actually stylish / with an eye for style vs. most people "into"fashion and the people here, they only have like 1 styling language programmed into their heads, they haven't seen enough variation in dress to be able to even conceive the idea of styling x with y, doesn't even cross their mind. huge lack of reference experiences.

>> No.11609084

>it's a really long, slow process of elimination
As someone breaking out of the beginner mindset of fashion, this is the one thing I'm wary of/dreading.
It means a lot of the pieces I've collected over time, as well as styles and fits that feel comfortable for me, will end up redundant and I'll want to change.

>> No.11609095


yeah its kind of scary because you have a part of your identity invested in it and sometimes you might feel like ÿeah this is it, im settling for this but later you're like actually i want something else but fuck i already spent so much time and money and i thought it was me! identity crisis

i still look great in my old yohji stuff but i hardly wear it anymore, just isn't that fun for me and it's too easy to do. if i do wear it though i'll wear it in an unexpected way, in a way that the fact that the piece is yohji becomes almost meaningless, the piece just stands as another part of the composition void of any labels

>> No.11609101

post fit
goes 4 the rest of u

>> No.11609111

Same, took me like 5 years, but this is where I have been for a year now.

>> No.11609113



These Vogue "inside the wardrobe of" videos are pretty much the closest i've found to my current approach to dress. I would have scoffed at this a few years ago and called them basic or w/e but i think this is pretty much it.

obviously the cookie cutter "what should every woman have in their wardrobe" etc questions are shallow and meant for the part of the readership that so desperately tries to emulate style icons and their mannerisms / approach without realizing that the icons just live their life and let fashion happen instead of actively trying to pursue a deluded projection / ideal of "stylish"

you gotta be able to detach from it and forget about the clothes once you leave the house

>> No.11609119


this one is also great


>> No.11609121

been seriously into fashion about 3 years, browsing here a bit longer, this is where i'm drifting i think

>> No.11609145

Why do you want them to show the fits?

>> No.11609147

I dress like a normie without taste and am okay with it


>> No.11609153

Those vinyl pants are perfect on her with.

>> No.11609156
File: 3.46 MB, 320x236, purepain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt just fall off a turnip truck

although i drive one

>> No.11609161

Bookmarking this thread for a motivational boost on fashion.
Still in beginner phase...hope to join you guys eventually...

>> No.11609163

This guy is right.
Stop sucking each others dick in this thread, if you're happy with where you are then no problems.

This thread is not inspiring, just a bunch of ego maniacs showing off on fa.
Btw >>11607578 is contributing, just because you don't like what he's saying does not mean it's not contribution.
Or is circle jerking about how we "made it" contributing? Lol.

>> No.11609174

Look its another salty cunt who shitposts. We get it mate, you dont like to see others succeed. This isnt a meaningless circle jerk. Its people talking about how they have progressed past this board. I am happy with where I am, thats the reason I rarely post. I found myself in a similar situation as the OP and so I decided to participate in the thread. No one is even "sucking each others dicks". Its just a few individuals who posted about how they have come along and then immediately trolls shit up the thread, business as usual on /fa/. So contribute something to the thread instead of
>I agree with this troll, who literally said he was trolling

>> No.11609178

>this thread is not inspiring
>Bookmarking this thread for a motivational boost on fashion.

literal random anon inspired by this thread right above your post. stfu.

>> No.11609181

entire thread BTFO

>> No.11609187

why butthurt m8?

>> No.11609197

the real easy mode is that you're born with decent face and penis.

>> No.11609210

>not trying to diss you or w/e but you are really really far from having a style "of your own" or style worthy of taking notice
Based off of one safe fit I posted? I mean thats drawing a pretty big conclusion. I dont disagree with your second point, because I agree that we are all constantly progressing and changing ect. but you did make a fairly large assumption with your first point.

>> No.11609242

I never said that raf and lang are played out (although raf is getting to that point)

but claiming that you have your own style and you've grown beyond /fa/, because you put 20k into the literal /fa/ uniform is completely asinine

>> No.11609254


>developed my own style



>> No.11609262

>Congrats on whatever you think you accomplished here
jesus christ
this twink fuck bringing the heat
you really aren't in the place to criticize this guy

>> No.11609263

> you've grown beyond /fa/
stop defending, level of this board is pretty low, it's not really an accomplishment to overgrow it.

>> No.11609272

agree, black woulda been better

>> No.11609282

thats like every /fa/ fit retard. board is 90% shut-ins

>> No.11609288

Don't worry man we'll find the guy that stole your testosterone.

>> No.11609388
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tfw I'm only 5'11 but thankfully have a big penis and a pretty face. Guess it's not all bad, that strange thing called life huh


>> No.11609485


>> No.11609497

Will the leather pants girl be my gf pls

>> No.11609514

Reading your post when listening to that first track makes it seem like you're writing the screenplay for the end of a shitty teen drama.

You're sitting on a bench in a park looking over the city you've grown up in - your characters voice narrates the lines "I'm only 5'11 but thankfully I have a big penis and a pretty face. Guess it's not all bad, that strange thing called life huh". Character turns to directly face the camera and winks with a flurry of a lopsided smile. Camera pans out and moves back from the character, reveals the city all around him, the sun is setting. All the while that first track is playing.

Suddenly, record scratch and a switch to black - credits begin to roll.

>> No.11609844

the lang jacket is the astronaut one right? or am i wrong?

>> No.11609996

>/fa/ the movie

>> No.11610065

>born good looking and tall
>minimalist wardrobe with mostly rick pieces
>life going perfect in every way

Why are you fags even trying?

>> No.11610100

You're bald m8, that's the problem.

>> No.11610222

Perfect, not too far from the truth. The song carried me away. That's a movie we should strive to make - just like /lit/ created their own community book.

Let's make a fucking /fa/ movie - as memey as possible.

>> No.11610315

I'm endgame.

>Started browsing /fa/ in college
>Now graduated
>Full-time well paying job
>Unreal cool loft apartment in historic building
>Live with fashionable gf
>Go on vacations in siqq fits
>Have like 30 pairs of shoes, don't feel need to buy any more
>Been months since I've even thought about buying anything
>Have all of the types of Jackets/shoes I can wish for
>Looked at myself in a mirror one say at the airport
>"I feel and look great"

>> No.11610334

>get in the plane


>> No.11610565


Nah dude i can totally tell, thr designers you're wearing, the pieces from those designers, the way you're wearing them. It's just hard for you to imagine that it could be seen as mediocre or average because you are unaware of thr many levels above you. Keep at it though

>> No.11610715

i laughed

>> No.11610857

Yes, its a Helmut Lang Astro Biker Jacket from the seminal Séance de Travail F/W 1999/2000 collection.
Alright mate. Like I said, I dont disagree that there is always room for improvement.

>> No.11610878
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, Mad.Men.S06E05.BluRay.1080p.x265.HEVC-LION[UTR].mkv_snapshot_36.42_[2016.05.15_19.34.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just started browsing /fa/ this summer, I think I'll be nearing end game in maybe 3 years?

>> No.11610884


>> No.11610898
File: 32 KB, 400x600, 432634523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't be saying this if everyone cared this much about how they dressed. The only reason you think it's cringe is because it's relatively abnormal. "in-person" is completely based on your surroundings. Like if you were at a runway and you see pic related you are like "ok, i guess" and you don't cringe, where as if you saw this bitch walking down the street you'd probably be like "what in the fuck"

>> No.11611016

Those designers you wear proudly on this pic are laughed at by people who are on a higher level

Not trying to put you down though, Rick and such designers do a great work and I love wearing their pieces. But it would be delusional to believe that the game is even close to end there. Those are still mass / pleb tier pieces. And you wear them in a great, but unexceptional way

Actually, I don't believe there's such thing as /endgame/. Maybe you stop tryharding and decide to stick to fits you're satisfied with, but it doesn't mean you couldn't have gone further

>> No.11611057

because they sound like goobers and i wanna see the goobfits

>> No.11611066
File: 57 KB, 736x896, 1469220772429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible outfit. matchy matchy leggings and jacket are laughably bad. the shorts are catching on the leggings and making them ride up and look even worse than they normally would. im guessing the leggings are womens? this whole "shorts + leggings" trend is like ~5 years old at this point? it was about halfway through rick became a meme and people started copying asap rocky fits, never really looked good to begin with.

wearing rick with a helmut astro and thinking youre at the endgame of fashion is actually giving me a little bit of a belly giggle rn. a lot of people on this board get caught up in their little echo chamber and think since theyre better than the asos wearing 14 year olds here, that theyre the best dressed anywhere. youll either cringe looking back at this fit/post in a couple years like i did, or youll be stuck throwing together mismatched memey designer pieces forever.

what you should really take away from this is that your fit is fucking horrible and the only reason people arent shitting on it more is because of the lighting and photography. it really takes a critical eye to recognize whether a fit is good or not. dont get too caught up in the smell of your own shit.

>> No.11611074

Well fa was created in 2008, and if you just got accepted into your dream uni then you are likely 18-19 yo (unless you are a complete failure) so that means you were browsing fa when you were 10 years old
>I've been with /fa/ since it started

>> No.11611076

you're a sad little man

>> No.11611088
File: 165 KB, 593x283, 280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are both actually kinda good
I wish i was a rich white boy who had time to argue with strangers on the internet about shallow topics like clothing. I'm too poor and black to think about that shit

>> No.11611097
File: 119 KB, 364x457, 1470461341158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish i was a rich white boy who had time to argue with strangers on the internet about shallow topics like clothing. I'm too poor and black to think about that shit

he says on /fa/

>> No.11611103

there's never an end, and if there is, you're already behind

>> No.11611119

So I believe the issue here is we are all interpreting this supposed "endgame" entirely differently. I am "endgame" in the perspective of /fa/ meaning a board that dresses in mostly h&m and total entry level garbage. In the wider scope of fashion as a whole I do not claim to be some fucking fashion god or "endgame" because to be truly next level and truly "endgame" is to be above the trends and above the fads. So once you have evolved and transcended above the need to exist in this realm you become truly endgame. Lets be honest here, if you are actually endgame you would never step foot on this shit tier board.
The bottoms you are referencing are cropped trousers, they are also dropcrotch so the proportions look different because of this. Those are socks not leggings. You are showing your level of ignorance if you truly believe that rick is a "meme" because one of the many celebrities in existence decided to wear his pieces.
>youll either cringe looking back at this post in a couple years like I did
what is your point of reference? where are you now in your wardrobe/ pursuit of fashion? Give us some perspective if you are going to be criticizing.
>what you should take away is that your fit is fucking horrible... dont get too caught up in the smell of your own shit
We all have our own opinions on stylistic choices and the way we wear our clothes. If you dont like this fit thats fine, I thoroughly enjoy where I am with my wardrobe and my lifestyle so that is all I concerned with. I hope you are as content with your life as well, because if not then you should always try to progress and learn more about clothing and designers. We are all in this journey of self exploration and refining our tastes. I wont claim to be the most knowledgeable or the most well dressed but I have made many improvements and I am very pleased with where I am now. Thats the entire reason behind my initial post and the posts thereafter.

>> No.11611126


love seeing attention whore tripfags get BTFO. Pretty sure all the negative posts on this are said tripfag samefagging

>> No.11611136

he baited >>11607500 into posting an extremely cringey pic which perfectly proved his point

this thread has been quite pathetic and you're no exception

>> No.11611182
File: 119 KB, 960x960, 1469222058913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i mean, youre so used to /fa/ that you talk down to people not knowing that youre on the second lowest rung of fashion

i have 75000$ worth of grailed sales and a wardrobe worth about twice that. lots of classics like vintage comme and yohji, julius, rick, ann, number (n)ine, etc. as well as cloak, bless, kiminori morishita, kapital, vintage stuff, a good collection of nu/ke, bless, a little helmut and margiela, etc.

i dont mix and match them together because im not a fucking retard like you

>We all have our own opinions on stylistic choices and the way we wear our clothes.

yeah and some of our opinions are fucking garbage. see how fast you revert to the "well fashion is subjective!!!" bullshit when you start to actually recognize how shitty your outfits and wardrobe are?

>I thoroughly enjoy where I am with my wardrobe and my lifestyle so that is all I concerned with.

which is why youre begging for validation on the shittiest fashion board on the internet

which is why youre in parking garages at 3am asking your friends to take pictures of your shitty elf cosplay


>I hope you are as content with your life as well

being content with where you are at means youre not going to progress any farther, there is always a higher level. if i were you i would at least make it beyond "1st year on /fa/ cosplay meme shit" before doing that.

>We are all in this journey of self exploration and refining our tastes.

its just consumerism, some people have better taste than others but dont give me this faggy self exploration bullshit

>I wont claim to be the most knowledgeable or the most well dressed but I have made many improvements and I am very pleased with where I am now.

you shouldnt be

>Thats the entire reason behind my initial post and the posts thereafter.

you want validation and this is really the only place youre going to get it, the lowest dregs of the internet

good luck, you still dress like shit

>> No.11611193

Truth desu

>> No.11611214
File: 270 KB, 245x183, 1470468868915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm new here

this isn't what /fa/ is mostly like, right? kids feeling like they've transcended because they bought a bunch of expensive streetwear and threw it on themselves

>> No.11611219

this is actually one of the better threads on neo-/fa/

dont bother with this board its been shit since 2013 or earlier

>> No.11611223


> I am "endgame" in the perspective of /fa/ meaning a board that dresses in mostly h&m and total entry level garbage

Dude but you're not realizing that you're PART of the shitty "entry level" collective on the board, only a few small steps above the h&m etc crowd.

Also your fit is just bad, but it just takes time to realize it. I guarantee you in a year you will look back at it and be like wtf was I doing

>> No.11611225


please tell me this is a joke, you look like shit dude, i thought you were a dyke for a second and what the fuck is that cardigan? looks like some mallninja shit that people used to hype 3 years ago, lmbo

>> No.11611239

lol what a bitter little bitch
ull never look as good as he does, fag

>> No.11611258

Its too late to not take your bait but lets go further then...

First of all, how am I talking down to people as you claim?

>I dont mix and match them together
Okay so what, you only wear one designer at any given time? That seems very narrow and uninspired.
>some of our opinons are fucking garbage
Alright? What is "garbage" to one is not to another. Like I said, its fine if you dont like one fit I posted? Thats hardly even a "definitive" pic, my style has a really wide range and that one fit doesn't define someone's entire wardrobe. So quick to draw conclusions.
>begging for validation on the shittiest fashion board on the internet
What part of my posts is trying to be validated? I shared why I am happy with my wardrobe/life then a tripfag threw out some 1/10 bait and I replied with a fit pic? I dont need anyone's validation mate. Like I said, I enjoy where I am at.
>being content with where you are means youre not going to progress any farther
I never said I dont have intentions to progress, in fact I said the entire opposite. I am always refining my tastes and buying/selling pieces.
>its just consumerism
Sure, I mean I cant say you are wrong. We all were told to identify our personalities with materialistic means by good ol Edward Bernays.
>you want validation
m8. I really, actually do not care for the approval of any one. I do as I please and dress as I please. So at the end of the day I am pleased with my progression and will continue to progress. Best of wishes to you as well. I know that we are all in a different place regarding fashion and if you think you are "levels" above me thats fine. I dont limit myself to categorizing designers into something as arbitrary as some kind of tier list.

>> No.11611293
File: 49 KB, 581x447, 1470165750825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are pathetic and insecure

i hope that in time you'll realize how stupid you've been

>> No.11611299

I'm pretty sure he's saying that the at the age of probably 18 he is too young to be at the /endgame/

>> No.11611304


just stop idiot

ok its not garbage to you but it is to anyone who knows their shit about fashion so just know that youre not impressing anyone but the occasional normie here and there

also wtf else are we supposed to judge based on then you posted that 1 fit because presumably youre the most proud of it and just seeing how youve styled it is enough to show your level

its time 2 stop posting

>> No.11611326
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 1470217470155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11611333

>ur dumb
Alright friends. Baseless claims, I mean I cant argue with the fact you guys are just upset. I refuted all of your points and you are just continually reiterating yourself instead of addressing my counter points so there is nothing to argue here. I mean, unless you want to elaborate why you are so upset about a person who has made improvements to them self then why bother posting this trash in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.11611339
File: 115 KB, 228x218, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no endgame. You should keep growing as a person instead of being so self-absorbed that you think you've hit your peak.

>> No.11611341

this is what happens sometimes when you're rich and sheltered

you live in a little bubble where nobody ever tells you "no". they just shower you with praise until you start feeling like a god for absolutely no reason

it's really sad how narcissistic you are

>> No.11611362
File: 9 KB, 550x400, citationneededheather_fullpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your (You)

>> No.11611372
File: 1.45 MB, 200x237, co.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your turn m8.

please post more pics. i am begging you

>> No.11611673
File: 61 KB, 603x542, 1461124134058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ writing out paragraphs defending your shitty fit and at the same time saying how secure and happy you are with yourself

you dress like shit and no amount of whining and "intelligent counterarguments" are going to change that

you can either accept the fact and move on or keep dressing like shit and whoring yourself out for compliments from acne ridden 14 year olds

your shit is literally bad enough that even sufu and sz wouldnt like it and thats saying something. when literally the only place this would fly are shitholes like /fa/ and hugboxes like caretags or reddit, you should know that your outfit is trash

>> No.11611721

we get it, you dont like the fit.

>> No.11611728

This is what im working towards but im trying to get /fit/ so can't buy anything for a while

>> No.11611762

Is that a tail?

>> No.11612543

Well I was

>> No.11612662
File: 12 KB, 403x234, B9DUh3hIMAEMSZF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thoroughly enjoy where I am with my wardrobe and my lifestyle so that is all I concerned with. I hope you are as content with your life as well, because if not then you should always try to progress and learn more about clothing and designers. We are all in this journey of self exploration and refining our tastes

>> No.11612706

me2 lad
>used to be NEET
>wore hand-me-downs and thrifted crap
>had an unflattering haircut
>wore unflattering colours
>was kinda chubby

I got into my dream college last year, met some sound people, not chubby anymore and working towards fitness, got flattering clothes in flattering colours, learnt how to coordinate, developed a skincare routine, fixed all my teeth

now if only I could stop being awkward and insecure

>> No.11612841

What is the ideology that is being purveyed here? Is pursuing the best version of ourselves and trying to become more educated an ideological notion?

>> No.11613012

Has there ever been a more catty, bitchy and cringe-inducing post than this? I refuse to accept this was written by a man.

>> No.11613032
File: 246 KB, 1080x1080, 1470665027369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start lifting, my awkwardness went out of the window as soon as I developed a good physique. People respect you more as well.

I'm OP by the way, a lot of people seem to have misinterpreted what I meant by /endgame/. When I say /endgame/, I'm referencing the feeling of having outgrown or exhausted the usefulness of the board.

I used to follow /fa/ advice to the letter almost, and at some points I did look like a faggot, and would often post on the board just as >>11611066 is posting. Since then I've matured and realized that fashion isn't important in the scheme of things whatsoever. I dress in what I want to wear, and what is comfortable to me, and I get more satisfaction out of that than anything else. Designer clothes have lost their appeal, and now I just see most pieces as wastes of money. I've almost come full circle, and I suppose /fa/ was a learning experience more than anything. I began thinking all the Rick stuff was shitty goth stuff, then I grew into thinking it looked good, then I realized that it's effectively emperor's new clothes and ditched it all in favor of just wearing whatever I like - instead of wearing whatever is 'in trend' or 'le effay'.

At the end of the day, coming out of /fa/ and pursuing more rewarding interests has left me better off both physically and mentally. The obsession with anorexia, smoking and looking like you take cock up the arse that this board has is unhealthy and I recommend that you should only use it to get a basic grasp of fashion before leaving and doing your own thing.

>> No.11613045

>outgrown the usefulness of the board
>but not outgrown the need to come here to seek confirmation

>> No.11613048

Epic response bro, you sure showed me!!

>> No.11613053

also the term /endgame/ is cringy as fuck while we're at it.

>> No.11613059

There is a very good reason for the age old term that always rings true on 4chan. Regardless of the context, OP is always a faggot. People seem to have forgotten this. Its not simply a "stale meme" or some cringey shit circa 2007 /b/. Its just the truth.

>> No.11613064

There's nothing wrong with seeking validation. You seek validation yourself by posting this dumb comment.

>> No.11613072

No I just have absolutely zero tasks at work at the moment

Such is corporate life

>> No.11613075

Clothing seems to be an extension of ones pursuit for validation.
We as human beings all wish to be accepted in certain social circles we deem as relevant. This sort of desire for approval from our peers is fundamental to the human experience. So it is only natural that one would make these kind of claims as to merit them self and revel in the merit of others in their perceived accomplishment of "making it" or in this example, being /endgame/.

>> No.11613081

>This whole thread

>> No.11613085
File: 181 KB, 1155x1328, WW2_Marine_after_Eniwetok_assault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11613088
File: 275 KB, 1920x1080, FA 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Me
>On /fa/ for like two years
>Havent changed that much
>Happy with my clothes
>seven inch penis
>above average face
>average income earner

Feels good man.
Just do what you like as long as its not stupid.

>> No.11613093

why did you just list those things? what is your point?

>> No.11613094

okay. I get what you are saying, I mean thats basically exactly a personal ideology. Maybe I misinterpreted what your point is. "The material force of ideology makes me not see what I am effectively eating." So I am ignorant to the fact that my behaviors and my perception of the world is rooted in ideology. Okay, thats fine. Where do we go from this realization? What is the call to action, how do I stop being this way or how is my current way wrong?

>> No.11613097

i repeat: are you fucking retarded?

i'm not the person you were arguing with, i just got here

it's a fucking meme you troglodyte. google 'zizek pure ideology'

>> No.11613104
File: 16 KB, 252x400, 978084932732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, I think I'm finally understanding why yall are so delusional.

>> No.11613108

>its a meme u dip!
Alright. Sorry I didnt get that, /pol/.

>> No.11613111

Nice desu

>> No.11613144
File: 727 KB, 800x800, 1470672845257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright. Sorry I didnt get that, /pol/.

it's not from /pol/. he's an extremely well known philosopher who has been a meme for ages. and it's also the penn jillette trash meme. i don't know how you could use 4chan and not see the trash meme

and it's obviously a meme pic anyway. the fact that you started to try and argue against text in a meme pic is fucking incredible. and you were trying to sound so smart

one day you're going to be forced to realize that you are a moron who habitually humiliates himself

>> No.11613153

>one day you're going to be forced to realize that you are a moron who habitually humiliates himself

Gee how could I have gone this long without realizing that, thanks anon!

>> No.11613157

Are you >>11607500 ?

Just curious.

>> No.11613162

you speak as if you're an expert until someone argues with you

then you revert into 12-year-old girl sarcasm. it's fascinating. guys must not have to do a lot to intimidate you

>> No.11613176

this is a good post and correct

this is hideous

>> No.11613180

some do it with clothing, others just go on image boards and express themself like they are writing an essay.

>> No.11613187

lmfao, entire thread btfo actually

>> No.11613219

>good post

what did you mean by this?

>> No.11613250


>> No.11613265

>easy mode when it comes to girls

Sorry to break it to you, but it is never easy to find that special person that you truly connect with and can build a lasting relationship with.. Also /fa/ doesn't know shit about what actually looks good so good on you for not following our shit advice anymore

>> No.11613287

Soon to be /endgame/ only need a better body and a few pieces

>easy mode when it comes to girls
nah senpai, unless you have HEIGHT FACE FRAME

>> No.11613340


i reached endgame so hard that i stopped making posts here and gave up on having to publicise every single one of my banal actions

>> No.11613351

hi manlet

the endgame is suicide

>> No.11613398

>mummy and daddy's money

>> No.11613448

well it's good that you have it easy. i wish i could though.

>> No.11613460

bad stockings great everything else

>> No.11613466

i though the endgame was sitting at pokestops with a judgemental look for everyone who walks up to you

>> No.11613474

How have you been here since 2008 and are only just now getting into uni? Were you on 4chan at an insanely young age or are you starting uni real late?

>> No.11613558
File: 34 KB, 500x500, good-job-good-effort-kid-e1339021157881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to follow /fa/ advice to the letter almost
there's your problem.
you're effectively telling people you developed a mind of your own
good job anon!

I think you're missing the point of this thread, anon

>you should only use it to get a basic grasp of fashion before leaving and doing your own thing.
I'd actually recommend /r/mfa for this lmao

>> No.11613560

Started browsing 4chan, including /fa/, at 10

>> No.11613563

that is the end for some anons

the manlet's fate is far worse

>> No.11613580

>I think you're missing the point of this thread, anon

No, he clearly understands it well.

It's to brag about how great you are under the guise of self improvement. It would be more forgivable if you guys were star athletes or if you had some kind of remotely meaningful talent. Instead you seem terribly proud that you were able to buy expensive clothes and arrange them on yourself in a recognizable way.

>> No.11613621

I do tho

>> No.11613650

if you're going to continue to attention whore by bumping this thread then you should be posting more pics

you must have a folder of that shit

>> No.11613671
File: 43 KB, 195x179, 1417369409461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top notch post

>> No.11613674

>184 Replies
>2 fits

>> No.11613675
File: 1.08 MB, 841x458, 1424233574628.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread.

>> No.11613682
File: 58 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance to apologise anon

>> No.11613768

>that voice

>> No.11614285

>then I realized that it's effectively emperor's new clothes and ditched it all in favor of just wearing whatever I like - instead of wearing whatever is 'in trend' or 'le effay'.

what if rick is "whatever i like"? what if i recognize and identify with the histories that rick utilizes in his work?

>> No.11614686

That's fair enough, but I was wearing Rick without liking it because I'd been convinced it was 'cool'

>> No.11614723

thighs look pretty thiq in this bruh
the colors are nice and it's obviously high quality clothing but it just doesn't look good from the waist down
jacket is nice tho

>> No.11614734

underrated comment
you can't let this place dictate your sense of style or even make you doubt yourself too much but I'll be fucked if I'm going to settle into any one groove or style and coast on it
evolving is fun. novelty is fun.

>> No.11614959

>accusing people of being dorky on a bulgarian deepweb cybercrime reposity

>> No.11616525

What the fuck

>> No.11616710
File: 125 KB, 610x914, fa casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why i still come on this thread when all it does is piss me off anymore
i learned a lot over the past 4 or so years and dont really need /fa/ anymore but im addicted to looking at the asthetic of style i guess
but every trend on here now is either super pretentious, super expensive AND pretentious, or just for immature high school kids and college freshman. nothing really acceptable for a regular adult male anymore, but there used to be. most stuff on here can not be worn by someone over 21 without making them look like an ass, some tends cannot even be maintained unless over half of someones overall income goes to a small amount of overpriced pieces at a time.
so i usually browse for like 5-10 minutes every other night, get pissed off at everyone and leave.
the only thing making me come back is the insane expectation there will be a decent, mature thread but who am i kidding. not on 2016 /fa/. probably never again.

>> No.11616757

>Implying that matching colors is hard

Typical entry level learning the importance of color scheme.

>> No.11616765
File: 23 KB, 480x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
I refuse to believe any of you are real. Am I being punked?

>> No.11617153

A cousin told me about it and I got hooked, it's not been solid browsing either, I've taken two years breaks at some points.

>> No.11617474


I don't give a fuck about anything anyone has said in this thread, can someone just tell me who this girl is and if she is actually this flawless

>> No.11617585

can you explain to me which /fa/ trends are unsuitable for 21+ men?
what do you dress in that is more appropriate for your age?

>> No.11617604

this thing in the middle of your crotch looks fucking hideous
rest of the fit is pretty good

>> No.11617629

>relying on /fa/ to spoonfeed you trends
this exactly how you don't /endgame/ friends

>> No.11617694

I've sorta reached endgame I guess?
I'm happy with my hair, body, and I've got a defined unique style.

I just need more money. How do you people actually profit off of grailed?

>> No.11617904
File: 13 KB, 480x360, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since when did people actually start thinking fashion 'goes' in a direction? that's just a consumer plot, you've been marketed to.

Some of us just refine and redefine and refine, others climb some false latter that happens to cost more and more the farther you go up, acting like you're evolving? nope, just escalating compulsive

and then spending 500 words trying to prove it to strangers (yourself). guys it's fashion not fucking self-help.