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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 231x262, screen-shot-2015-08-19-at-1-18-24-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11568146 No.11568146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

its pretty much guaranteed that in the next few years were gonna see a huge resurgence of right wing politics

what sort of fashion will come from this

>> No.11568147

oversized suits

>> No.11568149

cancer core

>> No.11568152

These statistics make no sense within the confines of this discussion but I'm gonna present them anyways-core

>> No.11568153

fashion won't be affected by this

>> No.11568155


>> No.11568156

ugly liberals

>> No.11568159

bomber jackets?
harrington jackets?
pea coats?
shaven heads?
track jackets?
i guess

>> No.11568162

nah skinhead revival is cringe worthy

>> No.11568170

it can be pulled off sometimes

>> No.11568172

no it cant. leave it in the past please

>> No.11568178

your a idiot no we wont. its just at its highest point now it wont rise more wtf do you want literal adolf hitler shit? fucking fetishist right wing people like you are disgusting you don't care if you win or loose in politics you just want to get off on nazi power play shit.

>> No.11568181

I can't really see how this statement makes me liberal as it does not include any opinion of stricte political or ideological kind and it does not imply that I support any movement.
That being said, I didn't expect any people with intelectual capabilities in this kin of thread anyway

>> No.11568186
File: 67 KB, 540x534, 1469589685871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt see that trump is just the beginning

kek poor little jew boy.

>> No.11568188

shut yous obtuse angled pale chalk board complexion yellow teethed 4chan loser mouth up

>> No.11568190

you realize this is the first right movement to grain traction since 1945......

80 years of white guilt gonna ejaculate on your face all at once you stupid dog

you deserve it to you ugly pig skinned hitler bolselvik propoganda subhuman model headed looking jewish piece of shit

>> No.11568191

i would love to knock u out

>> No.11568194

i hate hitler as much as i hate you. black scum

>> No.11568197


>> No.11568201

dj khaled will save the white race

>> No.11568216

Too bad you have no means to achieve that my little angry fellow.

>> No.11568220

whats your adress ill make you loyal

>> No.11568226

Yeah you know what we are also going to see a "surge" in?

raising average temperatures.

probably light colored bullshit.

traditional stuff like shirts and pants

>> No.11568227

it will when trump sends all creatives and artists to the reeducation camps

>> No.11568235

ill make you loyal you pavement monkey

>> No.11568243


dude cool word... you're pretty hip

lmao loser. your art sucks

>> No.11568247

fuck off aut-rightist

>> No.11568252
File: 27 KB, 615x409, Gordon-Ramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this thread was ramsay's kitchen you would be getting shouted down right now

i hope you know that little cuck

>> No.11568259

Why is it that the alt-right posters in this thread post like genuine retards?

>> No.11568263

left wing intellectual detected

you smart

>> No.11568265

>Create thread about right wing politics/nationalism/conservatism.
>Autism and arguing ensues every time

I'm not a detective but the evidence suggests that you guys might be retarded.

>> No.11568272

because they are actual retards. if you're born white in a first world suburb you have all the advantages in the world. if you end up as a poor white adult you are a complete failure of a human being. obviously then it must be the fault of niggers/kikes/women/mexicans/whatever

>> No.11568273

although id knock u out 1 on 1

>> No.11568276

Yep, alt rightists by and large don't give a fuck about looking effay.

>> No.11568280

i could knock you out

>> No.11568288

why are you so fucking autistic man. no i really doubt you could. usually people like you who are racist to minoritys are weak pussys in real life. i bet you wouldn't stand a chance against a black guy

>> No.11568291

Even if he could knock us out, who gives a fuck? How autistic do you have to be to keep shouting about punching people on a Chinese little girl cartoon themed website where you post text messages to anonymous people?

>> No.11568293

lmao you even type like you got a nasally voice

>> No.11568296

dam your little sphincters are shrivelling right now hey lads top kek

>> No.11568297

You seem super masculine bro, I'm impressed.

>> No.11568302
File: 219 KB, 560x577, 2f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to dress more right-wing, for years I fell for the liberal meme and basically look like a nu-male.

I'm thinking of wearing more dress shirts than casual flannels, instead of jeans I'll wear some different kind of pants, wearing smarter footwear too.
I might buy a few blazer too and try and dress more conservatively, the only problem is my long hair.
I've always liked long hair, even before becoming a liberal, I used to be more right-wing when I was younger and it's only recently I've started to feel that way, however, nothing says nu-male liberal cuck more than long hair.
However, I'm not going for the Hitler youth, that's been stolen by the liberals, I am thinking, I will steal the long hair from the liberals now.

>> No.11568304


lot of foreskins getting chopped up tonight lads lel

>> No.11568309


>> No.11568310

So nu-right wing = /mfa with nerd hair.

Got it.

>> No.11568313

say it to my face you'll get folded

>> No.11568315

Unless you have any better suggestions?

This is the point of this thread.

>> No.11568316

*says it to your face*

>> No.11568319

suuure darling, of course you will;
Also, don't forget to take your pills tonight, else you will wet your bed again

>> No.11568328
File: 37 KB, 300x300, wpfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek check the two jewish perverts

you lads need to learn how to clean your dick hey. i can smell the smegma emitting off your deformed jewish cocks from here lol

>> No.11568332

lot of jewish poofters in this thread hey boiz

trump will send you bolshelvik propoganda looking subhumans back

>> No.11568335

You won't even get to vote for Trump

>> No.11568338

fuck up cunt

>> No.11568345


>> No.11568346

i bet you look like martin shkreli you perverted jewish faggot

>> No.11568347
File: 51 KB, 513x384, RB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the lowest-quality thread I've seen on /fa/ in years. Congratulations.

>> No.11568353

hurts, huh

>> No.11568354

how much you get paid to say that faggot lmao

bet your some beedy eyed ittle jewish poofter anyway kek

>> No.11568365

you ham boned nose looking bible artifact fossil skinned jewish poofter eye balls looking like a black marble

you deformed dick genetic disfunction jewish parasatic hairline crooked like a rock road looking 3 eye ball deformed jewish piece of shit

>> No.11568368

You won't get to vote for Donald Trump.

>> No.11568376

slavery is a myth...

blacks volunteered for that shit. dont believe check your facts #woke

>> No.11568382

Joke's on you goyim, at the end of the day we are the ones controlling media, banks, and all of those puppets sitting on high stools.

>> No.11568385

to bad you got a deformed little dick and your race has never even had a close to normal population size because you are a race of inciles with more sexual issues then the rape wing at a maximum security prison

top kek jewish poofs btfo

>> No.11568386

damn you #woke him up

>> No.11568387

wow Ross "The Skull" May on effay

>> No.11568390

Let's see if I care my fellow. Money and power is all I really need to be happy on this world. btw it was your money, but not any more

>> No.11568394

fuck up jewish poof

>> No.11568397

>discussing and blaming jews

Tell tale [sand]nigger post. The whole world is dealing with mud scumbaggery. Look it's teh jews!!

>> No.11568399

fuck up jewish pooff

>> No.11568401
File: 151 KB, 349x492, laughing muslima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad? muh ham mad

you sand niggers contribute nothing but grief. so when you redirect at JOOS you are too obvious.

Jews are force of good. You are force of evil.

>> No.11568402

I can't understand how anybody on /pol/ can even ironically joke about trump winning
the math just doesn't add up; he'd have to get the minority and women votes and win a bunch of swing states

Utah, Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi, yeah he'll take them, but they don't really matter that much in the long run
just like every other election, the vote comes down to Ohio, the Carolinas, and Florida....and there's no way Trump will win all of them
he won't even win his home state

>> No.11568405

If you could describe the pain in your posterior on a scale from 1 to 10, that would be great. I need this data for my research on baboons, nazis, and other monkeys.

>> No.11568406

nice redirect attempt jewish poofter

why you making fun of the ahkmeds anyway. they will be your bunk buddies once the trump camps come

>> No.11568410

maybe if it was bernie he was up against that would be a relevant point

>> No.11568416

>/int/ crossposting
global 3&6 lads

>> No.11568442

top banter in this thread

im a cuck myself but even i can see that the cucks have been btfo

>> No.11568725

Give me your address. I will show up just to see what a wimpy faggot you are irl.

>> No.11568732

What kind of reaction is that? You are just as much of a violent low life like a nigger.

>> No.11568735
File: 83 KB, 900x530, 1986661023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at that one right wing poster in this thread
must suck if even your fellow whites think you are retarded and reject you.

>> No.11568749

why is he naked. this is sinister

>> No.11568755

Nice contribution shitlord

>> No.11568760

Lmao someone hasn't been keeping up to date on the election and the polls on who people are voting for. Go back to your minimum wage job and crying for the bern to save you and your useless degree

>> No.11568761

also kept bumping the thread to try to stir shit up when no one gave a fuck, and then samefagged to praise himself

>> No.11568762

Nah senpai there's more than one #woke Whiteman in the this thread.

>> No.11568769

But there's only one retarded Australian who kept saying he would knock people out and then posted as a 'cuck' to praise his own posts when no one was taking the bait anymore

>> No.11568775

Talk shit post paystub
I make 32/hr base and the presidential race just started today so no polling is accurate

>> No.11568776

A new dawn has broken lads. It's time to take our country back.

>> No.11568782 [DELETED] 

Deport all Mexicans, with a few exceptions

Wilguen included

>> No.11568784

Deport all Mexicans

Make an exception for Wilguen

>> No.11568800


>> No.11568830

This is more of a comment on his shirt but white Americans have no grounds to propogate white nationalism. American whites are a mixture or anglos, celtics, Eastern europeans, slavs, mediteranians, Eastern europeans, and western europeans. How can you promote a race that isno actually a race but collection of races? If you tell aby. Aryan that he's the same as a polak he'll kick your fucking teeth in. American White nationalism is a joke.

>> No.11568847

nah you can cause at the end of the day europeans created the world, period. No European gets left behind when the clock hits 14:88

>> No.11568867

friendly reminder that being an alt rightist will never be /fa/ no matter how hard you push it

>> No.11568870

I'm looking at this thread wondering how these tards dress
At least the original fascists had some style

>> No.11568877

Neither will being a jewish poof lel

>> No.11568881

I can tell you aren't European by that statement. Tell me, how do you feel about Ashkenazi Jews?

>> No.11568882

He's Australian

>> No.11568883

Nice divide and conquer tactic rabbi

>> No.11568885
File: 67 KB, 800x459, duggar-photogallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been some pen to paper on the idea that it'll be religious conservatives and South American immigrants who end up dominating American society in the next couple decades or so, mostly because they tend to have the highest birthrates in American society.

Speaking exclusively for the former group, I imagine we're gonna see a lot of weirdo white people dressing like the Duggar family. I grew up around a lot of families like this, and the fashion is more or less what you'd expect - cheapy shit from Wal-Mart or J.C. Penny, all ill-fitting, all more or less hiding skinnyfat sadness, all "modest" in that it just covers a lot.

>> No.11568890

White man rising

>> No.11568896

Norm core rising

>> No.11568904

racism is just wrong man

like we're all one race anyway

the cuckold race.... Am I right?

>> No.11568920

Considering that the conservative candidates were blown out, i have a hard time believing they'll be significant in twenty years
Traditionally conservative viewpoints are getting pushed to the side
Whereas two years ago (and for the thirty years preceding) gay marriage was a hot button issue, now it's a no brainer
Even the gop won't question the bathroom bill or marriage equality anymore
And in a few years the government will roll back the gun laws

>> No.11568924

Lol so many triggered racism warriors in this thread. people who think racism is worse than normal banter annoy the fuck out of me. Not a /pol/tard btw

>> No.11568931

And now niggers and spics are a hot button issue. #progress

>> No.11569035
File: 283 KB, 670x510, 1468358997377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an autistic reject

>> No.11569085

Sure buddy. Like you can knock out a 5 year old.

>> No.11569111

Nazis were left bent, not right. Racism can come from wherever

>> No.11569159
File: 373 KB, 1368x912, 20150914_154547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11569163
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>> No.11569167

>right wing fashion thread
>full of stormweenies and castrated libshits bickering

Great thread op

>> No.11569169
File: 29 KB, 600x450, 1466713145637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11569174
File: 176 KB, 500x667, 1468550624869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11569178
File: 51 KB, 760x748, 1469149190501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11569191
File: 72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nz1ps2GSyf1s4yg05o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I collect pictures of dogs?
Anyone else do this?

>> No.11569242
File: 59 KB, 426x568, 102938175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HY isn't liberal, just remember that it has Hitler in the name. You can also go bowlcut. Anything that makes you look manly isn't liberal-core. Edgy /fa/ core is also a good alternative.

>> No.11569249


FUCK /pol/.

>> No.11569252


ur a fag ya feel

>> No.11569256


Everyone has hitler youth. Even conservatives. So go rock hitler youth, u ugly skinnhead cuck.

>> No.11569259


Trump's daughter is Jewish, ya fucking alt right faggot.

>> No.11569297
File: 541 KB, 768x576, tumblr_mf8mzqOovm1qaihw2o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler was right wing
let this meme die already

>> No.11569306

Yay fucking gay ass /pol/ neets visited

>> No.11569357

Well, he was in some ways.

>> No.11569404
File: 62 KB, 960x960, 1458463339881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course nig

>> No.11569414

Khaled is Palestinian

>> No.11569851
File: 265 KB, 778x783, 00mosley11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some variation on Mosleycore probably

>> No.11569877

The man in op's pic is ross "the skull" may. The sydney police literally have to follow this guy around because any type of protest or rally ends up with him beating up some commie pos 60 years his younger.

>> No.11569912

Actual nationalist here (euro)
What the fuck are you faggots talking about and why is OP so autistic to think fashion will be altered due to politics?
Stop crying /fa/ggots. Don't care if nigger or whitey, if chink or durka durka, you're all autistic.

>> No.11569913

That's my kind of man

>> No.11569926
File: 1.08 MB, 1228x1128, 1463981950169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftism will NEVER be /fa/. its born from insecurity, self hatred, and low self esteem.

>> No.11569927

If they weren't *nglos they'd look fine

>> No.11569929
File: 802 KB, 264x264, okbud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i keep saying it, maybe it'll happen

>> No.11569935

>posting like genuine retards
gee, i wonder

>> No.11569964

fashion is owned by the jews made by the gays m8

>> No.11570054

Pan-European Military Surplus

especially those boots that go over your pants.
And flight jackets with space patches.

>> No.11570065

w2c everything?

>> No.11570087

>actual nationalist here (cuck)

>> No.11570097
File: 76 KB, 600x453, lolkikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like /pol/ will be the new effay

>> No.11570105

why does /fa/ love niggers so much? all this cuckery for what?

>> No.11570107
File: 27 KB, 442x491, Brit Skin 3 VN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we into stormcore?

>> No.11570111

such brave art.
You really risk it all by coming out against the KKK.

>> No.11570114
File: 92 KB, 768x1280, photo_2016-07-30_02-32-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im seriously considering to shave my head

im already trying to look as racist as possible with what i have

>> No.11570116

a lot of lefties are mad that the left is so ridiculed now.

The right wing has always been fashionable. Just Look at fascists.

>> No.11570123
File: 421 KB, 1280x960, pol meetup 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not the most insecure people on the planet
>not tremendous closeted cucks
>not the personification of inferiority complex

>> No.11570130

alt-right more like alt-wrong hehe xD

>> No.11570141

you know it's really hard to tell, but I'd say clothes with a focus on sitting in a way that enhances the shoulders (more masculine obviously). problem is, skinny jeans and bomber jackets are just going out of trend now that the far right wing is finally getting big. military stuff is also starting to get dated. you know it's really hard to tell honestly, all the classical right wing styles just went out of fashion a year or two ago

>> No.11570148

Funny how similar I've started dressing recently just because I liked the look, I didn't even take the inspo from Mosley himself and I'm what you'd call an edgy right winger. There's just something appealing with the turtleneck and the high waisted pants.

>> No.11570158

probably ill fitting fedora lounge type of shit
one thing is for sure designers will never back this shit, the worthy ones at least

>> No.11570161

you really think mainstream stormweenies would buy designer stuff?

you could cop everything at Zara and create a new stormfag look of the future 2020s, most people don't buy designer and stormfags definitely don't

that said I do think it will take off, maybe not among high fashion

>> No.11570164



>> No.11570167


Dressing preppy is not being conservative. SF bay area libcuck here, and I dress like anyone you'd see on wall-street, sans jacket.

>> No.11570172

anything to make myself look more of a cis white male as much as possible and rustle sjw's and liberal's jimmies by my appearance then the better.

>> No.11570203

fuck didn't realize this thread was still going hey bunch of shit cunts in here. bet all you soft cocks got your foreskins chopped of aye. thats why you're so liberal kek. fucking gay cunts would get dropped in real life lol

male liberals gonna get trashed when trump comes lol. we been waiting for this day to come. we wont hide for long shit cunt liberals. be ready your day has come

>> No.11570212
File: 101 KB, 1300x1022, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11570219

>a lot of lefties are mad that the left is so ridiculed now
triggered cuckservatives have always responded to resistance with shitflinging
besides, the only people mocking the left are the most mockable faggots on the face of the earth (donald, alex jones, /pol/)
>The right wing has always been fashionable
yeah, kenny chesney concerts are tantamount to milan during fashion week
>Just Look at fascists.
fascists dressed well exclusively during and immediately before WW2 and that's literally it
nowadays you cringe cucks dress like the CWC-tier autists that you are

>> No.11570239

The right has always believed in objective beauty.

The left is relativist and therefore ugly. But have fun working out your daddy issues and voting for fat lesbians.

>> No.11570243

id wash u 1 on 1

>> No.11570250
File: 960 KB, 1200x967, the big 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.11570303

>The right has always believed in objective beauty
>The left is relativist and therefore ugly
this translates to "if you don't like what i like you have bad taste"
>But have fun working out your daddy issues
really, i'm the one with daddy issues? while the entirety of the right wing metaphorically felates some grapefruit looking cunt?
>voting for fat lesbians
a politician's appearance/sexuality have absolutely nothing to do with their ability to govern


>> No.11570352
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Disapproving Cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this translates to "if you don't like what i like you have bad taste"
relativist. Good luck with your HAES group
Objective beauty exists. Therefore it can be pursued. Disagree if you want, but relativism breeds ugliness and glorifies banality.

>the entirety of the right wing metaphorically felates some grapefruit looking cunt?
>a politician's appearance/sexuality have absolutely nothing to do with their ability to govern
10/10. I like you now.

>> No.11570375

>relativist. Good luck with your HAES group
>stop liking what i don't like

>Objective beauty exists
>Disagree if you want, but relativism breeds ugliness and glorifies banality
these are both incorrect
>if you don't like what i like you have bad taste

the difference is that donny's an objectively evil cunt on top of looking like a pumpkin

if someone has politics that are objectively beneficial to all then they should hold office, regardless of their sexuality or appearence

>> No.11570382
File: 90 KB, 598x339, 2A2A6BCD4743933B04B2A7C57A3BEB50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the difference is that donny's an objectively evil cunt

>> No.11570427

>the only people that would be negatively affected by a donald presidency are mexicans
do stormcucks actually believe this

>> No.11570432

>the difference is that donny's an objectively evil cunt on top of looking like a pumpkin
cant stop contradicting yourself.

you worship ugliness. It's the only way you can feel good about yourself.

It would also hurt rich globalists. That's why all the dunces are in confederacy against him.

>> No.11570449

>ur jus ugly
>ur jus dum
great arguments there cuck

>> No.11570454
File: 171 KB, 450x290, goysknow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice sweden and also check out the wiki

"Sweden census 2005[edit]
The 2005 Swedish census showed an increase of 475,322 compared to the 1990 census, an average increase of 31,680 annually. During the 1990s, birth rate increased by more than 100,000 children per year while death rates fell and immigration surged. In the early 2000s, birth rate declined as immigration increased further, with the context of unrest in the Middle East, upholding steady population growth.[8]"

Top kek, we /pol/ now

>> No.11570505
File: 130 KB, 600x426, 0e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw self loathing liberal cucks call neo cons cucks, pass d3m k3ks br3h.

>> No.11570537

this is a linux release party lmfao the company was started by a huge leftist cuck

boy that kinda backfired didnt it

>> No.11570578

I've already made my arguments. You dont believe beauty exists. You are ugly so you try to pass ugliness off as beauty.

Im glad I could bring out your inner shitlord though. Maybe you'll become right wing instead of being a fucking loser your whole life.

>> No.11570584

Skinhead fashion is pretty /fa/ as fuck so it's only natural actual skinheads come here.

In fact silly enough there are probably more actual skinheads on /fa/ than on /pol/

That said gimme some good shirts to cop you nazis and make it snappy.

>> No.11570764
File: 45 KB, 600x800, badtry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like what i like you are ugly and also must not believe in beauty because you are ugly and disagree with me
>you're a loser because you don't agree with my objectively evil beliefs

>I've already made my arguments
your arguments are shit
you claim that because i don't like what you like, i not only am ugly but i also don't believe that beauty, as a concept, exists
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
this is a phrase that has been being used for literal millenia and if you want to challenge that then that's your doing, but my believing in this very simple, and true, adage is not basis to accuse me of being ugly, especially when this is extremely commonly held knowledge
let me say it again
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
beauty is among the most subjective of things, and thus, there is no such thing as objective beauty
the ancient grecians knew this
lyly knew this
shakespeare knew this
benjamin franklin knew this
david hume knew this
hungerford knew this
great minds, all
you contest this
what does that say about you?

>> No.11570906

Liberalism is ugly.

objective beauty exists and it can be pursued. All great artists know this. All great works of art are proof of this.

inequality is natural. Some people's opinions are superior to others.

This is an incredibly broad and deep subject and I dont expect us to get to the bottom of it. What I can tell you is that natural inequality, a belief in objectivism, and the ability to tell someone their feelings are wrong are all right wing beliefs and all can be ascribed to great artists and their work.

Leftists hold feelings over fact and argue that everything is relative and thus have produced no great works of art. Leftism destroyed painting and sculpture as artforms in the 20th century. Nationalism spawned the Romantic movement, producing incredible works of art whose aesthetic value and depth modern art can't hold a candle to. Leftists can take literally anything and ooh and ahh at it in a museum, but it doesnt make it art. The emperor has no clothes.

Leftism is ugly.

>> No.11570926

im not even right wing but god liberals are retarded

>> No.11570940

>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.11570953

>Nationalism spawned the Romantic movement

holy shit you're stupid

>> No.11570956


>objective beauty exists and it can be pursued. All great artists know this. All great works of art are proof of this.

Until I show you a piece of art that you claim is disgusting, and yet is perceived as great by many artists of great repute.

>a belief in objectivism can be ascribed to great artists and their work
>Nationalism spawned the Romantic movement

Did you study philosophy at community college or do you just like talking out of your ass?

>> No.11570966

romantic nationalism
google it. Read about Wagner and Mahler.

>Until I show you a piece of art that you claim is disgusting, and yet is perceived as great by many artists of great repute.
yeah, and my opinion wouldnt be worth shit. Inequality as I said. Anything else you want to accidentally agree with me on?

>> No.11570980

it did though

>> No.11570981

Nothing is going to change, /pol/ is just spreading like a malignant tumor across this terrible, terrible forum.

>> No.11570984
File: 111 KB, 376x500, 1272307074772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11570995

its not just this forum m8

>> No.11571004

Let these words inspire you.

Discipline; Excellence; Purity.

>> No.11571009

/pol/ related ideologies are spreading throughout America and most parts of the world.

>> No.11571081

less of a widespread fascist movement and more like a bunch of asshurt cucks chimping out simultaneously

>> No.11571097

I mean yeah, not really a fascist movement but some /pol/ ideologies are spreading like anti immigration, hatred of muslims, etc. Trump making it as far as he has is evidence of that.

>> No.11571140
File: 21 KB, 460x259, 160713140630-8th-grader-royce-mann-white-privilege-poem-intv-00035828-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>55▶>>11568156 >>11570097
and then i wrote some slam poetry about my white privilege

>> No.11571263

Political correctness was being taken to too extreme lengths by the tumblr crowd, so it's only natural that there'd be a reaction like the alt-right and /pol/ crowd.
But those retards have swung too far the other way. They like to talk about their movement catching on and influencing society, but if they were less autistic they'd realise that they're just going to alienate and disgust the masses.

Sage for not fashion related.

>> No.11571467

idono man nationalism is one of those things that's hard to get rid of when it starts and obviously will get out of hand. but i dont think the shit /pol/acks rave about is really very different from the everyday man

every white man has noticed the way they talk about us in the media. talk about us like we are a sports team with shared opinions enough and thats how we will start to act

white people are becoming introspective about their ethnicity

>> No.11571485

>trying to look as racist as possible
>not wearing White Power patch
>or any racist patch for that matter

As for now you look like a fat cuck trying to play skinhead. kys

>> No.11571517

fuck the masses
right wing politics has never been for the masses

>> No.11571538


>> No.11571541

yes it has you absolute idiot. every single white person before the year 1945 would be consider far right extremist in the year 2016