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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 1080x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11544008 No.11544008 [Reply] [Original]

"Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead." - rick owens

Fashinable clothes are designed to fit an aesthetic physique.
You literally cannot be "too big" for fashionable clothes unless you
A. Take steroids. Pic related is accused of being too big to be natural, and he still looks small in clothes, without perfect lighting, and a pump
B. Get above 15% bodyfat... Which i doubt is a concern with you anorexics.

If you get your maximum level of steroid free musculature, at a lean bodyfat%... All of your favorite clothes will fit better.
Your shirts will hug your body better, showing off your slim waistline and V-taper. Your pants will show off your ass (did i mention lifting gives you a great ass? It totally does), as well as your defined leg (i.e. Not a toothpick)

These clothes are LITERALLY designed around a model's physique (i.e. As big as you get without roids, essentially - just check the ffmi or any physique prior to the invention of steroids)

Radu antonio has one of the best channels for the layman to get a good physique.
3dmj is best if you are more scientifically-oriented.

>> No.11544013

kill yourself

>> No.11544019
File: 27 KB, 228x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is mad that precisely zero humans find him attractive when he takes his designer top off

Did you know this guy (eric helms) is literally as big as you get without roids and looks ""small"" in normal clothes?

He would look better in your favorite clothes than you would

>> No.11544035

>Fashinable clothes are designed to fit an aesthetic physique.
Have you seen a runway show?

>> No.11544050

Yes i have.

Have you seen how small eric helms is without a pump, lighting, and in normie clothes?

Looks as small as your average male model.

You really cannot get that big without roids, i am sorry to say.

Low bodyfat is key above all else.
High musculature is second.

>> No.11544067

Still too big for the runway. I'm not sure what your issue with roids is. As I understand it, you can still get really fucking big without them, it just takes much longer. Your bodyfat doesn't matter unless you're modeling swim- or underwear, you just need to be skinny (and tall) enough to fit into the sample size and act as a coat hanger for whatever your employer is trying to sell.

>> No.11544085

Rick Owens is a talentless hack

>> No.11544093

You do not understand it.
Eric helms is LITERALLY the natty limit.
If you get bigger without roids, it is at a high bodyfat %

And most every runway model has an ffmi well over 20

>> No.11544101

He still knows more about what is aesthetic than some know-nothing fagtard on 4chan.

Post your glorious aesthetics, bro. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11544109
File: 144 KB, 634x952, article-0-1711EF5B000005DC-542_634x952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11544113
File: 54 KB, 600x900, ric helms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks just as

>> No.11544116

Even if he is that really isn't the point. My point is that designers make their clothes for thin people and that's why their models are thin and why thin people look the best in them and fat or muscular people need to search harder for clothes that fit their proportions.

>> No.11544117


Look at this guy foam rolling (~1:30)

Tell me he doesnt look as scrawny as your average nonlifter in normie clothes. I dare you.

>> No.11544120

good luck getting that asshole into those jeans

>> No.11544125

so why bother working out and going through all that effort if we all look the same when we wear clothes? it's not as if most of the guys on this board can actually talk to girls irl anyway

>> No.11544126

Take away the pump, take away the spray tan, take away the lighting, add some clothes... And yes.

Literally exactly as small

Bodybuilding is all about deceptive lighting, posing, and angles.

>> No.11544130

He doesn't look scrawny at all. What the hell do you look like that you think he's scrawny?

>> No.11544131

he looks like absolute shit. why do you keep jacking off to this guy again?

>> No.11544134


If your knees will fit, your legs will fit, unless you are fat or do roids.

Kinobody (op pic) has worn skinny jeans, and looked great, and he is literally on steroids.

>> No.11544135

no. he does not have the same proportions as an slp model. why are you so delusional?

>> No.11544138

i can't motivate myself to work out
i am 5'9/115 lbs so it's not like i have to work out

>> No.11544141

If you think he looks small, you're projecting your own body dysmorphia on to him. And there's no way in hell he's natty, look at his fucking delts.

>> No.11544142

Post self
I am not claiming to be big, but you are delusional if that man isnt as scrawny as your average non fatty

>> No.11544144

>Your shirts will hug your body better, showing off your slim waistline and V-taper. Your pants will show off your ass (did i mention lifting gives you a great ass? It totally does), as well as your defined leg (i.e. Not a toothpick)
So lifting changes the way your body looks but apparently it also doesn't because you still look scrawny and the same as a non-lifter?

>> No.11544146

you're delusional, the bodybuilder's legs are double the size of the runway model. big legs are disgusting.

>> No.11544152

Who kino?
I said kino is not natty.

You think eric helms has boulder shoulders???
I promise you that you can get that much delt development when you ohp your bodyweight.

And i only said he looks small in clothes.

>> No.11544160

why do bodybuilders all have such small dicks?

>> No.11544162

Yep. Lifting is a strong improvement. But without roids a negligible one.

You do realize
-they are pumped so the sarcoplasm is filled to the brim with blood and water
-he is flexing the everliving fuck out of them so hard it hurts


Take away the pump and the pose, and his knee joints are bigger

>> No.11544165

Ever heard of overcompensation?

>> No.11544167

>tfw you do a set of really heavy deadlifts and your weenypeepee shrinks

>> No.11544173


>> No.11544183

Honestly no idea. But the broscientist in me wants to mumble something about bloodflow...

It isnt permanent shrinkage, to be clear. But it does definitely react.

>> No.11544194
File: 135 KB, 610x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he is effay
>he doesnt even lift
Was zyzz /fa/shionable?

>> No.11544203

Dying young is always /fa/ but he looks awful.

>> No.11544212

I am mirin his sexy top, desu

You never see /fa/ with such aesthetics.

>> No.11544218

>he looks awful
Care to post yourself with timestamp?

>> No.11544225
File: 129 KB, 964x767, article-2502477-195A9F1500000578-832_964x767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11544238

Are you being serious about him being on steroids?

>> No.11544241
File: 49 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino has way bigger legs than those fatties, and looks great in skinny jeans

>> No.11544246
File: 42 KB, 261x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just ask the entirety of /fit/

He is on a half natty dose of 100-250mg test.


>> No.11544251

too bad muscles cant fix ur ugly face
go back to shitposting on misc and lookism.com

>> No.11544255

>that projection
Too bad expensive clothes wont fix your ugly face, lmao

>> No.11544262

What OP says is totally true. Actually right now, I'm terrified as fuck since I lost a shitload of weight, like 40 pounds, being noticeably muscular before and ABSOLUTELY ALL MY CLOTHES LOOK LIKE SHIT ON ME NOW. I don't know what to do. Why didn't I figure this out before? Because I was depressed and literally spent months/years just using 1 or 2 jeans and shitty baggy t-shirts. Afterwards when I decided to snap out of it and tried dressing like before, it just doesn't work anymore and I'm stuck with a shitload of clothes that don't fit me anymore.

>> No.11544269

The good news is re-growing muscle is much easier than gorwing it initially

The bad news is you let yourself get above 15% bodyfat.

No excuses.
Bulk to 15%, cut to 8-10%

If you get too old to stay lean (age 35 or higher) get on some TRT. If you are younger than that (excluding abnormal hormone function) just count calories.
It is that easy.

>> No.11544279

Fuck. this makes me think there is no hope for me to have a physique like him or close. What about Radu Antoniu?

>> No.11544291
File: 104 KB, 640x1136, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

I'm in about 6 months deep from being completely out of shape. How far off am I from something like OP pic?
Is it diminishing returns at this point where a lot of work gets you only marginally better results?

>> No.11544299


they don't it's a different perception due to their proportions

>> No.11544300
File: 80 KB, 500x655, Interview-with-Scott-Herman-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is natty

>> No.11544301

Just b urself family

>> No.11544305

Just because that guy is juicing doesn't mean that you can't get a similar or better body without juicing. He's very lean but not big at all. You definitely can get this, and better naturally. That motherfucker doesn't even look like he eats correctly to gain real size.

>> No.11544308

Radu is fullnatty.

Pretty much everything about kino is attainable matty except his delts.

But if you want some hope in exchange for potential naivete, he claims your delts will be that big if you can ohp 1.25x your bodyweight.

Looking at sigmund klein (pre steroid bodybuilder who ohp'd 221lb at 145lb bw), i remain unconvinced. But i suppose there could be an argument about sigmund not doing side lat raises but... eh.. I wouldnt recommend getting your hopes up.

If you want nice delts, you basically need exogenous androgens

3 years proper lifting will take you to the point where you wont improve drastically anymore...
5-6 years fuckarounditis improper lifting.

You will not get a physique like kinos without trading in your natty card.

6 months is usually when the noob gains start to dry up, and the gains take real work.

I recommend you learn yourself up on VIF and routine programming. Trade volume for frequency whenever possible

Radu antonio has a good interview of eric helms and greg o gallagher that covers most every topic.

>> No.11544316

That disgusting delt:arm ratio
That overdeveloped sternal pectoralis.
2/10 would not bang.

I had heard scott herman is not natty, but i am not involved enough to care. He certainly doesnt have red flags in his androgen receptor areas, so maybe it was just a blahaposter

>> No.11544322

Post body, mr. Fitness advice.

Or just post anyone who existed prior to steroids, that had deltoids as big as kinobody's.

I will wait.

I WANT to be wrong. I would desperately like to believe that you could get full, round deltoids and a shredded physique without roids.

Please prove me wrong..

>> No.11544324

thx for the pointers anon. I like drapey shit and I find that it works better if you have broad, well defined shoulders

>> No.11544333

Standing barbell press and side lateral raise are your two best friends.

make sure for your shoulder health that you have equal parts pulling and pressing exercises.

A vertical pull for every vertical press, and a horizontal pull for every horizontal press is a FANTASTIC rule of thumb

>> No.11544335

That guy DOES NOT LOOK BIG AT ALL. I don't have to post a fucking picture of me to prove anything. It is a fact. He's very lean and he has some muscle development, but he looks too small to be juicing, and if indeed he is juicing then he probably could have gotten it without doing it, since he really is not packing much mass.

>> No.11544336

Can you just make a YouTube channel so I just listen to your advice anons

>> No.11544344

....which is why nobody had delts that big prior to the invention of steroids.. Gotcha.

Keep pretending you know more about lifting than people who have lifted for decades.
Even scooby thinks you are an idiot if you think kino is natty, and scooby is literally the stupidest youtube fitness personality in existence.

>> No.11544351

Yeah. I made that mistake last time I got fit back when I was a teen. Fucked my shoulder up good and had to stop.
Got that "bulletproof your shoulder" book and it pulled me back from the brink of another regime-ending injury about 2 months ago

>> No.11544352

I was going to, but jeff nippard and radu antonio covered everything i would have (i.e. Interviewing smarter and better people like layne norton, menno henselmans, eric helms, martin berkhan, jim stoppani, bret contreras et al)
3dmj is phenomenal as well.
The peeling back a layer series, and the two pyramid series (nutrition and muscle or whatever) are basically mandatory.

>> No.11544355

Are we watching the same picture? I see a fucking skinny guy with some muscle. Are you really that impressed with his delts? Wtf man? Do you really think that's unattainable natty? I'm not trying to get rep on an anonymous chinese cartoon board, I literally don't give a fuck. What puzzles me is why you have so little faith in yourself and your own genetic potential. Maybe it's a bad picture of the guy? I don't know...

>> No.11544360

I had not heard of that book but dr. John kirsch (i hope i am spelling that right) has a good book called "shoulder injury: cause, solution, and prevention" or something similar.

I found it extremely useful. Brachial hangs are magic.

Also make sure you avoid internal rotation when doing side lat raises (athlean-x has a video on proper form for them)

>> No.11544363

Prior to steroids
With boulder shoulders.

You cannot get bigger delts than sigmund klein as a natty.
You cannot get bigger delts than eugen sandow as a natty.

It will not happen, even with insane genetics

>> No.11544365


If >>11544246 is only obtainable via steroids, there is no point to natty
This looks like a very healthy physique that is completely within the bounds of normal workout and nutrition

>> No.11544368

To someone who is uneducated, it sure does look like that.

Which is literally the look he is going for.

>> No.11544370

Also make sure you avoid internal rotation when doing side lat raises (athlean-x has a video on proper form for them)
I'm almost certainly fucking that one up. I'll have to check that video out

>> No.11544375

>trying this hard

>> No.11544376

But this fag >>> >>11544246
Is inferior to those two you mentioned anyway, and you keep saying it's impossible to have a physique like that guy without juicing.

>> No.11544378

Yea, internal rotation = impingement.

That may have been a contributing factor to shoulder injury... I think you will find the video useful

Best of luck, bro.

>> No.11544383

I guess man. Not gonna make a federal case out of it.
I've known ppl with bodies like that. I suppose I'm a bit surprised they were all juicing.
Buddy of mine whose an instructor at MCMAP looks like that. Don't the marines do drug tests?

>> No.11544387
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are blind. Post a pic of their delts that even come close.

>> No.11544392

Dude, why don't you buy a shitload of food, some protein, some creatine and some glutaime, you know, nothing fancy, AND START FUCKING WORKING OUT. You literally sound like you haven't touched a fucking weight in all your life and are already defeated in your mind. You have enormous untapped genetic potential. Most likely, much more than enough to get a physique better than this FAGGOT >>11544246 naturally.
If you prefer to keep believing that it's impossible, then congratulations, you have already failed. Try to improve your fucking attitude because it sucks and it will hardly work to your advantage if you maintain it.

>> No.11544395

If you think eugen's delts are the same size, you are just bad at spotting proportions.

But steroids are incredibly prolific, especially in the military, which is funny because nobody in the military looks like they lift. (So.. Same as /fraud/ lmao)

>> No.11544400

His delts do look bigger in this picture. Still doesn't invalidate anything that I have said. Just go ahead and try man. You literally sound like you haven't touched a weight in your life, just read about it or something.

>> No.11544402
File: 50 KB, 400x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man had stronger delts than kino's
And they are much smaller

His training routine was similar (arguably better) and his nutrition was inarguably better.

The only difference?
No intramuscular injections of testosterone enanthate

>> No.11544404

but I don't want to lose my natty card

>> No.11544407

feels good
is healthy
gives you more energy and improves mood

>> No.11544409

I have been lifting for 18 months, and have a very realistic idea of what is attainable natty, and what is not.

Eric helms is 1000% the natty limit.

Go to nattyornot.com to get a better idea of what is possible

>> No.11544410


>> No.11544411

This pic really settles it for me, that shit is not natural. Look how out-of-proportion his delts are.

>> No.11544412
File: 55 KB, 388x471, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post body.
With timestamp.

Pic is me (yes i am fat, i know. Recovering obese permacut fag. Dont judge me)

>> No.11544417
File: 31 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these pics is off cycle.

Can you guess which one? (The pic on the left is older, btw)

>> No.11544426

Oh shit it's getting real in hurr

>> No.11544429

steroids is just what lazy ppl say

Hardwurk & dedikayshun

Eat clen
Tren hard
DBOLish your goals
TEST your limits
Winny it all
Anavar give up


>> No.11544433

Do steroid gainz stick if you stop juicing but keep working out or are you stuck with that shit once you start?

>> No.11544440

I don't have a pic and I can't take one because this is me >>11544262

I have lost a shitload of weight and taking a picture now would not be of any use. At my best I reached 17.1 inch arms and a proportionate body that made me look like a lifted while wearing clothes, which apparently is not that easy to do.
I've seen your pic and you have some musculature, but I assure you, you can get bigger. You have a lot of untapped genetic potential, but you need to eat correctly, train correctly and sleep correctly in order to attain it. I'm not an expert or anything, but what worked for me was: Lifting no more than 3 times a week while having a 4 day routine (meaning that I could never do the whole routine in 1 week), to give the body time to rest a recover. Food around 200 grams of protein each day, creatine, glutamine, and 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. 2500 to 3000 calories total.

>> No.11544453

Forgot to quote you.
This is me.

>> No.11544458

Depends on how much gains you got on roids.

If you roid yourself to a natty physique, you can keep most of the gains if you pct correctly and shit.

If you are bigger than your body would have naturally gotten, then you will slowly shrink back to your natty limit, regardless of how hard you lift.

Takes a bit to lose gains. Even roidmonsters like rich piana will go off cycle for 3 months and lose very little mass.

Ok so you got 6 months of noobgains one time...

You cant extrapolate those noobgains to intermediate/advanced level lifters,

>> No.11544465

>being this retarded
models are slim because they are walkin mannequins, so their bodies didn't alter the perception of the clothes that designers had in mind.

>> No.11544468

17.1 inch arms is noob gains?

>> No.11544476

17 inch fatceps on a pump?

>> No.11544490
File: 347 KB, 684x1135, Guided Evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11544501


/fit/ told me i was going to leave humanity.. They just never said it was to enter the animal kingdom

>> No.11544509

Not fatceps. And it was 17.1 cold. On a pump I reached 18.1. Big enough so that people noticed/complimented all the time.

>> No.11544512

Greg o gallagher doesnt even have 17 inch arms..

..what did your delts look like, given that you were """"bigger"""" than him (he only weighs 168lb currently)

>> No.11544523

His delts look like mine on some pictures, but I was not as big as they look here definitely >>11544387
Still, If he did that on juice, I would probably be bigger than him if I had juiced. And in the picture of him where they look huge, it probably was because he was doing shoulders and was pumped.

>> No.11544527
File: 117 KB, 563x936, End body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these good proportions body wise??I have similar proportions but not so extreme,maybe I will at my natural limit.Am talking about the massive back and traps and small waist look.

>> No.11544529

>my arms were bigger than FRANK FUCKING ZANE's natty.
>and i only had to lose 40lb because of how not fat i was.
>and i gained AN ENTIRE INCH on a pump
You clearly do not lift, if you think thid is believable at all

Post pic, i want to see how skelly you look after losing 40lb of pure muscle

lee haney had 18 inch arms.

You did not, at least not at a low bodyfat.

>> No.11544538

He takes half natty doses, you tard.
Post your actual physique, so we arent dealing through your filter of self-perception.

>> No.11544543
File: 100 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is 18 inch arms...

>> No.11544548

>his delts look like mine
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA coming from the fag that said his delts were smaller than eugen sandow's and sigmind klein?

I smell pure, unadulterated delusion.

Post and old pic of you from back when you lifted, faggot.

>> No.11544552

That's what happened. I have a shitty cellphone here and no large mirror, is there I way I can take a pic?
I lost a shitload of weight. I went to a new gym and one of the guys that knew me from before and is now a personal trainer in very VERY good shape, was shocked to see me and literally asked "dude what happened?" I lost a shitload of weight. I was in very good shape before.
And the one inch thing on a pump. Well I used a converter since metric here. But it really was exactly one inch. 43.5 cm cold to 46 pumped. I saw Frank Zane pictures and his arms look bigger than 17.1 inches. Definitely look bigger than mine that's for sure, but mine were definitely not fatceps. But there may be other factors involved. He has god tier genetics that one is sure.

>> No.11544555

Aren't pro bodybuilders packing at least 20 to 21 inches?

>> No.11544560

Frank zane had 16.5 inch arms.

You had 17 inch fatceps.

Post an old pic of you, faggot
>no mirror
Literally use a bathroom, tard.
You dont need a six-foot mirror

>> No.11544565

Olympians, sure. Bot not even every mr.o. Certainly not every IFBB pro
Artemus dolgin is under 20 inches.

>> No.11544572

>shitty cellphone here and no large mirror
confirmed for fatceps, get real dude.

>> No.11544574
File: 309 KB, 1280x720, transformationthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I decided to lose fat


>> No.11544582

I took the picture. This is me 40 lbs less.
Will post in a minute.

>> No.11544590

OP here, me too. Down from 260lb to 170lb. My fitness pal calculates 5 weeks of cutting at 1,300kcal, and i would reach my goal weigh (presumed 10% @158lb). The nightmare is almost over.

>> No.11544599

What routine can I do if I only have dumbbells with me?
I want some gainz /fa/milia

>> No.11544621
File: 14 KB, 379x409, 342343242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.11544628

Not much, to be honest, and dumbbell progression is shit because the jumps are so big.

Find a place to do chin ups, do 3x5 full ROM pause chin ups. Adding 2.5lb every training session if possible, deloading if you stall.

Do standing dumbbell press. Adding reps every training session until you can add weight.
Sticking to a 3-10 rep range (meaning if you can't do it 3 times, it is too heavy, and if you can do it 11 times, it is too light. This is a good rule of thumb for pretty much every lift.)

Floor press and chest flyes are meh, but better than nothing for chest.

Could probably implement push ups and push up variations (like putting your feet on a step or a bench) for a while. Progress to a more difficult variation when you can get 15+ reps.

You can also find a backpack or whatever to add weight.

Weighted pistol squats (easier to do than unweighted, because balancing) and plyometrics (ass-to-grass squat jumps, box jumps, etc) for legs (like you will train those, lmao)

Bent over dumbbell rows would be good too.

Read greyskull

And listen/watch 3dmj's muscle and strength pyramid videos on volume,intensity,frequency and progression.

Progressive overload is THE main driver for growth.

As long as each training session has more total training volume (setsxrepsxweight) than last, you are progressively overloading them.

Each training session, your goal is to add weight, or reps, or sets, so that you have a higher volume than last session.

Fullbody with higher frequency (how many times you hit an individual muscle group per week. So a brosplit is 1x weekly frequency.. Even with 6 days of training, and fullbody has 3x weekly frequency with 3 ays of training) gets more growth than a lower frequency routine, even with identical amounts of volume

Muscles only grow for a 24-72 hour period after training, so it makes sense to train it more frequently

>> No.11544633

You still ARE fat lmao.

You for sure used to be fat as fuck, probably lost 2lb muscle

>> No.11544653

I was heavier and leaner when I was in shape, with visible abs. I lost a lot of muscle and gained fat.

>> No.11544666

Older Pic of you with bigger arms than zane and """visible abs""" pls?

>inb4 a pic of blahino

>> No.11544685
File: 832 KB, 1286x682, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this monster of a man.
This juggernaut..
This beast
>literally claimed visible abs like the fatty in this thread
>literally claimed 18 inch arms like the fatty in this thread
>literally is as delusional as the fatty in this thread
>oh yeah, and also does steroids lmao

>> No.11544695
File: 3.68 MB, 4896x3672, ottermode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ottermode enabled

>> No.11544706

Honestly he doesn't seem to have very developed muscles. His pecs are very flat for example.

>> No.11544714

Dude looks like he got the T Virus or something

What's up with his veins on his chest

>> No.11544725

why is this on /fa/

>> No.11544730

>he doesnt know the meme that is blaha
Wew lad.

Enjoy the delusion. He is literally as bad as you. Dont tell him he looks small, he is actually too big for his strength, and with massive pecs like his, he should be benching 600 easy.

If you dont believe jason "i am much bigger in person" blaha, just ask him, and he will confirm that he is in fact too big for the camera to properly catch (rich piana doesnt know the real struggle of being a mass monster like blahino)

Also he was totally a super secret agent and assassin. Totally.

>> No.11544734

Lookin close to 14-15ish %

Maybe go for a 5 week cut.

>> No.11544736

>why is a rick owens quote on /fa/?
>why are we talking about which physiques are best for fashion on /fa/?

>> No.11544742

im 12% at most

>> No.11544755

>why are we talking about which physiques are best for fashion on /fa/?

"""we""" aren't
"""you""" are browbeating a bunch people who disagree with your assertion that
>If you get your maximum level of steroid free musculature, at a lean bodyfat%... All of your favorite clothes will fit better.

Go back to /fit/ you crossboarding shit.

>> No.11544763

>i know more about fashion than rick owens
Post self, pls.

>> No.11544769

You realize lower ab definition is pretty much 15% right?

I understand the lighting and angle is suboptimal, but the lower ab definition is looking a little lacking (no offense)

>> No.11544780

I agree
I just started working out a month ago and even with just a little progress, my overall body shape has changed for the better
Notice this especially in my shirts

>> No.11544795

with better lighting youd agree with me

>> No.11544801


>> No.11544851

To be fair, look how goddamn effay the guy in OP's pic is

>> No.11544853

>scooby is literally the stupidest youtube fitness personality in existence.
Why would you say so? I am actually curious.

>> No.11544863

>brosplits are better than fullbody (despite literally every qualified expert, and every piece of scientific literature saying the opposite)
>i am natty, even though i am on TRT at age 58
>squats are dangerous because of my simplistic views on spinal compression, and lack of understanding of the role of erectors spinae
>deadlifts are dangerous.. Because reasons(?)
>if it tastes good, spit it out!
>sodium is bad for young athletic males who regularly engage in strenuous activity
I could go on.
The man operates almost entirely on momscience from the 70s

>> No.11544877

drugs that make them have more gains and less testosterone.

>> No.11544882

Those drugs only affect testicle size, bruh.

Your dick doesnt produce test, your testes do.

Also i am pretty sure they have other drugs that counter the shrinkage effects.

>> No.11544898

I see, btw i don't think using more drugs to counter those effects is good, people should stop being lazy faggots and get fit naturally.

>> No.11544906
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1350170578190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I don't watch him as much so I really didn't know what were you on about. I only take his advice on nutrition partially (his meal plan calc) and haven't seen not even one of his workout videos, nor I plan to (since I both deadlift and squat multiple times a week).

It's just that he seems like a cool guy. I like his outlook on life and how he keeps saying to keep my expectations humble.

And honestly, I still believe he's natty, he's been living more or less the ultimate lifestyle for past 30 years.

>> No.11544975
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo(64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wide hips + narrow shoulders make lifting a sisyphean task

oh well. i enjoy the strength sport aspect of it as well i guess.

>> No.11545041

His nutrition is silly too.
Sat fats are only a concern for sedentary fucks.

If you have a decent level of daily NEPA, and exercise regularly, sat fats are great for test

Also he shits on """""iifym"""""" which is retarded, because that is literally eating food that fits your nutritional demands.

As long as you limit your free sugar intake, get sufficient fiber and micros (drink psyllium husk and swallow a multi), and avoid trans fats and hydrogenated fats, there is literally NOTHING wrong with iifym

>> No.11545053

Do stomach vacuums 3xf every day

Do side lat raise moar
Do ohp and push press moar

Stop being a bitch and blaming "muh jennetix" 3xf daily.

P.s. When stomach vacuums seem too easy, try doing them while hanging from a bar, or doing a dumbbell pullover, or in different positions (seated, on all fours, etc).

>> No.11545502

I feel people on here get so sensitive about borderline /fit/ propaganda because matters involving build and working out are generally traditional masculine virtues. Most of the guys on here are just metrosexuals which is closer to feminine virtue than that of masculine, or manchildren, in which case they're just sick parodies of men.

>> No.11545520

>P.s. When stomach vacuums seem too easy, try doing them while hanging from a bar, or doing a dumbbell pullover, or in different positions

Not that anon, but cool advice

Ill have to try that

>> No.11547163


Stomach vacuums are legit - it's really about gaining awareness and control about those deep ab muscles that get activated in shit like yoga and martial arts.

My waist got trimmer and I got new cuts in my abs. Posture improved as well. Not memeing.

>> No.11547225
File: 116 KB, 266x178, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your knees will fit, your legs will fit, unless you are fat or do roids.
>Kinobody (op pic) has worn skinny jeans, and looked great, and he is literally on steroids.

>> No.11547297

>matters involving build and working out are generally traditional masculine virtues
>fitness mania started in the 1960s
>was frowned upon before

>> No.11547358

>otter mode
>no arm muscle visible

Maybe if you did a pushup or two or maybe benched once in your life you wouldnt look like you have an alien chest.

>0 muscle tone
You've worked out maybe twice, tops.

Why doesn't he try and look like he doesn't hate existing? Why bother being ripped if you're gonna spend your life grimacing like that.

>> No.11547381
File: 215 KB, 689x799, ronnie-coleman-in-a-suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to /fit/ will make you look like a complete retard, it's this poisonous mindset where their only goal in life is to pick up a heavier thing at the gym no matter how fucking stupid they end up looking

>don't skip le leg day you wouldn't want to wear anything other than gymshorts amirhgt
>acne on your back and face isn't all that bad if you can do one more squat every day

gym is for plebs anyways, do real sport instead and you will be much healthier and better looking

don't get tricked my dick ovens again

>> No.11547397

Strength in general is traditionally masculine. The only difference is now men get strong from lifting weights instead of getting theit "workout" from jobs of hard labor like mining coal or working the plow.

>> No.11547413

he would look much better if he was skinny

>> No.11547448

Men have always been physically active and built since The Dawn of Man. I don't see why you have to be so sensitive, stop being a pussy, Jesus, or hey, maybe you have a pussy?

>> No.11547460

lol m8 hes nowhere near that. If he cut for 5 weeks he'd be a skeleton...

>> No.11547750

Athletes carry higher body fat than body builders b/c they have high energy needs. None of those guys are fat tho.

>> No.11549315

He looks like a greek god

>> No.11550045
File: 69 KB, 800x567, 1458467122521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much work desu