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/fa/ - Fashion

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11471366 No.11471366 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever get complients /fa/? I usually get complimented on my waist (girls usually tell me they wish they had my waist) and on my smile.

>> No.11471369

Do you have like child bearing hips or someshit? I'm not even sure what a "nice waist" compliment eveb means from girl to a guy.

>> No.11471371

>u got nice hair
thats about it

>> No.11471376

Idk, but I'm sort of a twink and apparently my body looks very girly

>> No.11471390

girls tell me im cute nd compliment my whole body alot.

>'nice legs
>nice abs
>nice arms

>> No.11471399

i have like 7 friends, 4 of them are girls, one of them is my ex and they always make fun of me or tell me i'm ugly and useless, except for une and she's the one i like the most. probably the only person that compliments me ever and she does it honestly.
>tfw someone finally notices your effay efforts

>> No.11471407

lets just say if he ever gets impregnated he will shit that child out like its nothing.

>> No.11471417

Get complimented on my hair and eyes often, get complimented on how I dress like once a month or two

>> No.11471425

someone i haven't seen in a year told me he didn't recognise me at first since my acne's gone so bad

so yeah

>> No.11471440

i get complimented on my outfits every week. got called
all within the last week. feels p good, it's definitely a recent thing - ever since i started dressing how i actually want to and stopped playing it safe.

>> No.11471488

I get compliments on my thick eyebrows but only because my gf does them and before that my mom. Also my hair.

>> No.11471643


>> No.11471805

I got told I could be a model this morning in my hostel in Florence.

Kinda cool but they were probs just saying crap to be nice.

>> No.11471817

I always get complimented on my cock

>> No.11471823
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I get
>beautiful eyes
>beautiful hair
Both offset by
>anon, if you were taller you could be a model.
>if i was into 'shorter' guys I would totally date you

>> No.11471863

Did your mummy do your hair aswell you fag

>> No.11471897

my eyebrows

>> No.11471931

Me too. Got that oak tree girth.

>> No.11472157

>tfw lengthy but average girth

>> No.11472174

idk what it is but older woman i dont even know always go out of their way to compliment me heavily.

>> No.11472176
File: 51 KB, 648x595, 5128128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got nigga lips
>I know you wanna get with me but you're ugly, we can still be friends though

>> No.11472191

actually i don't care about grills compliments, they're dime a dozen and you always see when cuties are mirin, they don't have to say anything

however the weirdest shit happened a weak ago on a music festival, two fuccbois came up to me and complimented my fit and said that my fits are the best in the city, i was like wtf, not a big city though, around 150k pop
they asked to take a pic with me like i'm a celeb or something, shit was weird

>> No.11472192

tfw thicc af hips
tfw thicc af ass
tfw thicc af thighs
tfw can't be a twink because ugly face
at least my shoulders are broad as well i guess

>> No.11472194

kek you're pathetic

>> No.11472197
File: 160 KB, 400x267, 1461935219446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'4 so girls often tell me how tall i am etc and that they should date someone tall like me.

Obviously not me but someone tall like me

>> No.11472198

they were mocking you, capt. autism

>> No.11472204

nope, they were dead serious, asked for my ig and shit

>> No.11472209
File: 35 KB, 620x620, SBjanoskimax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair of cherry blossom janoskis that /fa/ tears me apart for but normies compliment me on daily/consistently. It is honestly annoying how often people comment on these shoes.

>> No.11472220

i get mad compliments 24/7 everywhere i go all the time
i feed off of it

>> No.11472223 [DELETED] 

I'm 6'2 and I think tall girls are super hot for some reason, I think just the rarity in them being taller than me, and taller girls generally just look better imo

>> No.11472225
File: 497 KB, 500x376, cease.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 reporting, I know that feel my duderino, sometimes I wish I was shorter, the cutoff point truly is 6'2, no hoe wants you past that, and no hoe tall enough for that.

>> No.11472226
File: 136 KB, 302x300, 1465745746577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People generally compliment my hair due to how thick it is, same with outfits, people seem to like my style which is cool

>> No.11472248

even if people tell me i look fashionable all the time i feel really fucking insecure and think every compliment is a hidden troll with double meanings and i switch my style when people say they liked something

>> No.11472259

Well they are certainly loud...

What do you wear them with?

>> No.11472273

girls look up and tell me i'm tall, mostly in lines when i'm out clubbing

thats it

>> No.11472284

Lol same old women have so much confidence when hitting on younger men.
I'm Lowkey considering hitting up a cougar one of these day and getting me a sugar momma

Experienced in bed
Mature and responsible
interests art/music/opera
Has money to take you places and travel

On GOD fuck these trifling younger hoes

>> No.11472293

You can pull off the alpha look which is another way to get chicks, it's arguably harder though.

>> No.11472484

just my broad shoulders and generally being taller and skinnier than most people in my country, and I have an ok face, although since its the fattest country in he world they make a big ass fuss if you're skinny

>> No.11472520

Anon that's code for you, you autist

>> No.11472521
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 0009 - JkVN6dq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love your hair
>you look like a cult leader/crackhead prostitute

>> No.11472527
File: 68 KB, 331x598, 331px-Longcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you're so cute anon!!! if ONLY you were a LITTLE taller...."
this is the worst fucking shit ever I swear
I'm okay with being a manlet but comments like these piss me off

>> No.11472539

Hair and body from girls, hair, body and fashion from boys.
>how do you get/stay that thin?
>what sneakers are those?
>wtc those joggers?
I could probably get laid more but I don't enjoy sex all that much. I just like getting compliments from people I think are attractive.
If I get enough cues from a man or a woman that they would fuck me, I don't need anything else. Actual sex would be a formality at that point and something of an anticlimax tbqh

>> No.11472540

I get a lot of compliments for my eyes
I don't get why

>> No.11472552

Oh, and also on shit I own
Have a titanium Brompton black bike. Nbd but most ppl get a kick out of that shit like I'm a fucking time traveller or something.
Same with my islington Brooke's backpack. Not wildly expensive but well designed and obscure enough that people ask me about it all the time

>> No.11472578

>That bait image
You're making me shudder anon, someone actually believes that.

>> No.11472658
File: 223 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people always compliment my teeth

and my fits occasionally

>> No.11472676


your face is so punchable. but cool fits bruh

>> No.11472757

haha that's not me you goon

>> No.11472769

i get complimented for my hair, arms, legs, fashion taste and overall aesthetic (tybg for melanin). all the other compliments are like personality shit

>> No.11472774

I never get compliments on my appearance.

I already know I'm ugly.

>> No.11472776


>getting all tats on one limb

dam i wish i thought of that. i'm going with just legs now but i shouldve stuck to only one for a while :///

>> No.11472778

w2c shirt

>> No.11472779


nevermind looks like u have one on your back left calf

aesthetic slightly ruined but still sick

>> No.11472817

>>you look like a cult leader

i wish someone would tell me that

>> No.11472866


Only compliment I get from strangers is that I smell nice and they ask what cologne I'm wearing. Too bad I have no physical attributes that draw compliments.

>> No.11472871


I was told that I look the most likely to shoot up a school.

>> No.11472887

>you look like a heroin addict

A-am I making it guys?

>> No.11472905
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1403336652608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never received a compliment ever

>> No.11472920

Girls usually comment on my ass, and how it's better than most girls

I want a smaller butt...

>> No.11472921

u handsome
played with my hair
tfw girl told me ,,i love you''
nice cannon (meant for my butts)
if you dressed better girls would be over you (in high school)
and im still fucking virgin. believe me?

>> No.11472986

I get told a lot of people love my sense of style. I also get a lot of compliments on my hair and eyes.

>> No.11472993
File: 200 KB, 563x600, 1464658997646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have dark thin hair and dark almost black eyes
>tfw you'll never get complimented on them

>> No.11473001

I know that's not you but w2c tee

>> No.11473037

all of this from girls btw

>> No.11473681

One time I had a new really nice shirt, but no one complimented me on it except for this one girl I asked to do so.