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/fa/ - Fashion

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11443237 No.11443237 [Reply] [Original]

How do I need to dress to get a girl like this?

I'm 6'0" 185 lbs nordic with blue eyes and blond hair which gives me good results so far.

Ive only started browsing /fa/ recently So i havent really set my style yet. I have the typical HY and beard combo which is a little common in 2016

>> No.11443301

dress like a normal person desu don't ask /fa/

>> No.11443320

Just dress like you want to m80, if you wear clothes that other people recommend based on their personal tastes and styles it's just going to look awkward.

>> No.11443329

Asian girl ? Well you don't have to dress nice, just be white

>> No.11443345
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>muh nordic genetics

>> No.11443362

fucking this

>> No.11443442

Move to vancouver

>> No.11443449


>yes Alex I'll take "shit /pol/ really believes" for 100

>> No.11443454


>> No.11443455

>he doesn't pick up cheap chink sluts using only his superior genetics

>> No.11443458

Honestly, you don't want the only thing standing between you and a girl you're into to be your clothing.

In other words, if she's only interested in you because you dress well, she's vapid.

With that said, dressing generally nice helps in any direction, at least in my opinion. Effort matters. Streetwear is far too polarizing.

>> No.11443474

polarizing is good (just don't be a full rick gloomy peacock), being into fashion and dressing inoffensively nice is pretty lame

>> No.11443489

its not /pol/ material at all, if you go to any UK university you will know that asians will literally marry any white guy as its their gateway to western succesful lifestyles, its what their parents taught them to do. I see fucking ugly, terribly dressed white lads holding hands with relatively ok tier asian chicks and it works for them. trust me it takes nothing to woo your standard asian girl in britain

>> No.11443500
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>they really believe this

good luck on being seen as a trophy not a person.

tippity top kek

>> No.11443520

Honestly, just get your suit game straight and you're good to go. Most women will think you're top tier if you can just dress classy casually, even if you don't really know what you're doing.

The only problem is that a strong suit game is expensive and you need a great, suave charisma to pull it off well.

>> No.11443540

This, azn girls are soulless
"""""""""""""""best girls"""""""""""""""

>> No.11443552


this is just because asian women raised in western countries are most of the time basically just exactly like white women raised in those countries
the only reason you would have to chase them specifically would be simply based on preference in terms of looks

>its what their parents taught them to do
and this is just moronic nonsense territory
if anything their parents probably would want them to marry another asian person which is why they end up rebelling and going for white people instead
this is obviously not a good thing but hey at least you will probably be dating each other for equally superficial reasons

of course if you were to just visit any actual asian country you would soon realize that the number of same race asian couples in the world outnumbers interracial asian couples like a thousand to one

>> No.11443556

t. Buttblasted kike

>> No.11443587

Went to several asian countries and yes, they chase white guys.
In tourist spots some of them are even specialized in that

>> No.11443718


yeah sure people chase a lot of things but thats not the reality of the situation

a lot of girls chase Justin Beiber too but none of them are actually going to ever marry him let alone know him on even the slightest personal level at all

OP is no different just another person chasing the idea of another person rather than an actual person

this is pretty much the reason divorce was invented because nobody actually wants to be happy they just want to fuck each other like the dumb animals they are

>> No.11443739

Fucking this
>Wanting the idea of an asian girl

>> No.11443741


This is so fucking true.

>> No.11443776

someone post the pic of what she actually looks like irl

>> No.11443893

>they chase white guys
from my experience asian-asian generally chase westernized guys

even my asian-american friends had more luck in asia.

in america it's a different story. the emasculated asian guy stereotype has been so deeply ingrained in our culture that a lot of asian american girls chase more after white guys.

it's changing though, especially in the areas where there's a lot of tech and engineers. it's more about how deep an engineer's pockets are rather than what they look like.

>> No.11444513

fucking pathetic

>> No.11444517

>He dresses for women

>> No.11444519


>> No.11444984

Muscular fit, fitted white tee, levis.

>> No.11445093

tfw when I'm actually doing this and I happen to like asian girls :)

>> No.11445098

Doesn't matter just b urself :)

>> No.11445104

the style that attracts the best women is your style and personality. Your clothes will never get you a girl unless your personality can match.

>> No.11445430


WHO IS THIS GIRL. Someone tell me.

>> No.11445457
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>> No.11445490

yeah nah try living on a coast and not some irrelevant shithole

>> No.11445492


>> No.11445495

dont you fucking race-cucking faggot

don't be the millionth insecure white bitchboy with an azn waifu

>> No.11445785

How does fucking asian pussy make you an insecure cuck?

>> No.11445797

because having easy access to azn girls is another white privileged.

>> No.11445813
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You'll never kiss those cheeks

>> No.11445982

As an asian guy living in Canada, that's true and I have to fight so hard to overcome that stigma. Every time I meet new people, they assume the worst qualities off the fact I'm asian. Hell even some of my best friends who swear their not racist have their prejudices to an extent. I've used fashion as a way for people to see me for who I am and it's getting positive results so far by dressing in slp.

>> No.11445994


>> No.11446020

join my uni course, I'm one of 3 white males in my entire year whilst everyone else is an Asian of some denomination, my yellow fever is constantly at an all time high
Monash Melbourne rock on

>> No.11446112


i know this one qt asian grill who confessed to me she only likes other asians and the only other one i know is a massive slut and has a new boyfriend 24/7.

>> No.11446244

here's a tip: if you want to find many cute asian girls, go to asia

>> No.11446292


>> No.11446296

Lmao I feel so sorry for people who aren't asexual

>> No.11446303

this. asian girls are interested in different culture and mind. the asian girls that date whites told me that the cultural difference is what makes relationship interesting. unlike western women, where abs, penis size, height, is so important. western relationships look so fake and superficial to me.

>> No.11446307

you're missing out a lot

>> No.11446310

desu westernized asian grills are the worst. they have no soul and personality.

>> No.11446341


>> No.11446350

wow this new moot really does change t.b.h to desu and f.a.m to senpai

>> No.11446400
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>> No.11446513

loooool she has had SO MUCH surgery

>> No.11446587

it's not surgery, just excessive makeup/contouring

>> No.11446644

idgi she looks hot in this picture as well

>> No.11446980
File: 16 KB, 350x345, 1398446401357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls who have the criteria: Abs, penis size, height are superficial
>Girls who have the criteria: White are not

>> No.11447091


How do i save the pics on instagrams???
I want to fap for this later

>> No.11447246

>good luck on being seen as a trophy not a person.
Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.11447299
File: 217 KB, 480x273, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't stand this

>> No.11447513

girl here. Personally i like a guy who knows what colors work together and can dress minimally but stylish without trying too hard

>> No.11447547
File: 48 KB, 550x720, 182660_10150093154255938_7248474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good style for attracting girls that listen to minimal wave?

>> No.11447589
File: 2.00 MB, 297x391, 1466185711242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11447602

lmao im east african so I dont have the white priveiledge of being able to easily pick up azns. Still got some on my radar tho who im sure are into me. wish me luck.

>> No.11447834

>good luck on being seen as a trophy not a person.
What are you, a woman? Who the fuck even thinks this is meaningful and coherent reasoning

>> No.11448626

u fukin wat mate?

>> No.11448636

>white privilege
dont use that fucking word please
and im not even white

>> No.11449472

i really dig the kind of preppy guys as long as its done right

>> No.11449495

yeah I wasn't being serious m8. I only use it because it tilts people online.