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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 620x387, Farage-smiling_2511673b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11439052 No.11439052 [Reply] [Original]

Is Farage effay?

>> No.11439059

Best dressed politician in Britain - Dude doesn't try to pretend he's not posh with plain navy suits, with matching plain ties (look at the Conservative/Labour front benches) - instead wears all this crazy ass British stuff 10/10

>> No.11439069
File: 306 KB, 2048x1536, suit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case & point look how boring these suits are

>> No.11439070
File: 30 KB, 648x360, suit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11439073
File: 18 KB, 620x413, suit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11439078

If being an asshole is considered /fa/ than sure

>> No.11439165

Remainer detected

>> No.11440226

Nobody cares about you british twats unless its one of those 'Is union jack fa?' threads so fuck off

>> No.11440239
File: 219 KB, 1000x1500, 2583541.main_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but Jez is.

>> No.11440290

How's your economy?

>> No.11440299

To shreds you say?

>> No.11440307
File: 51 KB, 590x350, farage24apr14-472194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was getting shit for this on the website I found it on but I kinda think he deserves props instead

>> No.11440310

You have to have good teeth to be effay.

Nigel's teeth are so brown and rotten I'm surprised he hasn't deported them from his horseface.

>> No.11440313

It's the british tradition m8

>> No.11440318

Better than Europes this morning

>> No.11440322

Then no one in England in /fa/.

Which is spot on, considering you think a tooth gap is a "SEW SEXE" quality for your "supermodels"

>> No.11440324


If he was wearing slimmer fit pants and was actually in shape and attractive, it'd be a bueno outfit.

>> No.11440329

he seems really nice, what r u talking about?

did he say something mean to you?

>> No.11440334
File: 445 KB, 1500x1000, 2835905.main_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it called to have a collar with a different material like he seems to wear a lot?

is this some britbong tradition?

>> No.11440343

britbongs can't into anything. most worthless country in europe

>> No.11440348

Britain isn't part of Europe anymore dumbass lmao

>> No.11440353

You're still part of continental Europe, whether or not you're in the EU.

>> No.11440375

You're not part of European UNION, you're still part of Europe you uneducated cunt

>> No.11440376

no they are not they literally voted to not be considered part of continental europe

yeah im not even kidding britcucks are the most stupid people on the earth

>> No.11440381

I don't think you know the meaning of 'continental'

>> No.11440388

you'd think that /fit/ is the stupidest board on 4chan, but you three fucks seem to pull /fa/ in that spot

>> No.11440393

This must be your first month if you think /fit/ is the dumbest board.

>> No.11440394

says the guy who voted for dividing great britain into five pieces AND to fuck their currency up ROFL

>> No.11440399

/fa/ is largely underage

>> No.11440404

How are britbongs Cucks you idiot? Lmao the whole point of them breaking off from Europe was immigration. They're sick of being Cucked by liberal leaders who invite Muslims and Syrians into their country.

>> No.11440414

i bet you're from murrica and support trump

>> No.11440417

britain is literally chock full of muzzies

>> No.11440436

is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.11440445

>thinking this will do anything to immigration

l m a o

>> No.11440470

I don't browse fit, it's just a stereotype that all gymrats are dumb, fucko

I'm neither british, nor a member of the EU

>> No.11440484

yup, both boris and gove are pro immigration, but the anti immigration sentiment is rising everywhere and this was a big hit for the despot eu, this is gonna create a huge domino effect, switzerland just withdrew its application to join the eu, austria almost voted for a big anti-immigration president, hillary will go to prison and trump will win, all eastern europe is against this phony refugee invasion, same as poland, hungary, czech republic, slovakia... they all oppose the disgusting eu's quotas system... in the long brexit was huge and it will do loads to immigration, this is just getting started

>> No.11440497
File: 358 KB, 1180x450, 1466740111205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems lthe libtards across the pond pushed the exact same rhetoric against brexit as they do against trump.
>racist! poor! stupid! pig!
probably misogyny too. they just roll out the same propaganda for anything they're told to stand against. they're having a mental breakdown today.
>literally I can't even, like omg, all this bigotry, we like just got trumped.
hell yea you fucking did.

>> No.11441293

Yep - Velvet collars were invented in the 19th century when everyone's hair was much longer and greasier. They therefore acted as something of a sponge for the grease and could be easily replaced without having the replace the whole coat.

They were coloured darker so as to mourn those Noblemen who died in the French Revolution.

>> No.11441992


>> No.11442187

Hard to say, I really can't get over that inbred English face.

>> No.11442310

5 pieces? you really think wales would leave england? you really think scotland can get into the eu? you really think other member states of the eu aren't going to start jumping ship as well? regarding their economics the markets are already rebounding so not really a point against leaving now is it

>> No.11442367
File: 76 KB, 620x430, 4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the way the media frames him. Same thing they do to Trump , they just keep repeating the same thing and hope the masses believe it. Also pic related is my favorite suit in the Farage collection. The personalization is unbeatable.

>> No.11442436

Why wouldn't Scotland be allowed in the EU assuming they gain independence and come forward with it?

>> No.11442459

its more effay than being a sheltered cuck baby

>> No.11442479
File: 954 KB, 285x235, 1371309879039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol he said cuck

>> No.11442772

Check out "covert coat."

>> No.11442777

Yeah, absolutely brimming. A whole 4.5% of the population can you imagine.

>> No.11442786

have you been to London recently?

>> No.11442794


There's a difference between "there's a visible Muslim population" and "it's chock full."

My home town has a really high Bangladeshi and Polish community and is working class af, so it attracts people coming over to do low skill work. But tb h I took some extra part time work in a warehouse over Christmas a few years back and it was a high percentage Muslim immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh working there, but they were working and working hard even if it was just menial shit.
I know a lot of white British born and bred types who voted leave who are on the dole and put no effort into finding jobs because they enjoy doing nothing and get by on benefits so I can't say I have a huge problem with them.

>> No.11442872
