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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 216 KB, 615x960, vitamin-c-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11421705 No.11421705 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/jakoyizayi
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN
Dietary studies: http://hastebin.com/raw/zuqabalomu
Miscellaneous information (masturbation, sleep): http://hastebin.com/raw/ezuzusoziq

Daily reminder that Vitamin C will save your skin and you soul

>> No.11421711

I tried using OST Vitamin C20 but that doesn't work too well in fading my PIH. Any other good vitamin c serum brands?

>> No.11421731

that's the old faq.

new version:

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, ingredients

>> No.11421844


>> No.11422871
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Essential oils before or after serums?

>> No.11423100
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where the fuck do you guys get these doggo pics?

depends what kind of oil though but usually it goes after

>> No.11423174
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I recently bought Clean and Clear 3in1 cleanser, and Cerave moisturizer. soft skin, but also minor bumps that come with a sharp pain.

>> No.11423187

is vitamin serum really good? how do i use it and with what?

>> No.11423332

Vitamin C helps your skin produce more collagen, it's very slow, so you'd have to wait 3-6 months before you see any difference, I don't know if it's working for me, but I've noticed a big improvement in my skin, but I've also been using other products when I started with the serum, so I don't know the full extent on how it changed my skin.

You just put some on your hands and spread it on your face. I generally do it at the end of the day, because if I do it in the morning after I shave, it stings horribly.

Anyone have experience/opinions on melanotan 2? Thinking about getting started on it.

>> No.11423701

Tips for getting rid of poison ivy?

>> No.11425084

How's my routine?

Cerave hydrating cleanser
Vitamin C serum
Cerave SPF50 sunscreen

Wash with water
Whatever face moisurizer I have leftover

>> No.11426820


>> No.11427183


bullshit or? also how many a day would actually show any difference?

>> No.11427211


I eat veg 3 times a day, use zero skincare shit aside from lotion and sunscreen, look better than all of my friends

It works. Amused someone finally pointed this out, I usually read these threads and laugh

>> No.11427240

I have been using the same basic routine for 2 years now
Morning: Cleanser for sensitive skin containing salicylic acid. Then a oil-free moisterizer.

Night: Cleanser(same one), then benzyl peroxide 5 %, then moisterizer(same one)
This worked wonders for me 2 years ago(18 years old) and within weeks my mild acne had basically dissappeared. 2 years later(20 now) I feel like it isnt as effective before.
The biggest concern is these big pimples that form under the skin. I only get them on my upper cheeks(mainly on the right cheek). They heal very slowly and are quite big. I didnt have slow healing acne like this before, what can i do about it? Can take a picture later on if would help. Thanks in advance anyway

>> No.11427244

i'd put the vitamin c on in the evening, and incorporate a chemical exfoliant 2-3x a week

>> No.11427266

Is there any problem with using two different face cleansers at the same time? Also, when my srub does not become foam, rather it is just bubbly and slicks the surface, what am i doing wrong?

>> No.11427267

>also, when I shave, my scrub does not become foam*

>> No.11427271

Firstly, there is no reason you should be using two cleansers, no matter how shit your skin is. Secondly, senpai, are you rubbing the lather together in your hands thoroughly?

>> No.11427276

I think I am, how much of the cream should i be using?

>> No.11427280

Anyone know how to get rid of those marks on your nose from glasses?

>> No.11427281

My wife's son's boyfriend's cum works well

>> No.11427322
File: 702 KB, 2344x1324, IMG_20160616_030201 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on accutane as soon as possible to reduce the collateral, all the side effects are memes besides the dry lips.
(soz for the disgusting pic)

this is my fun time with this aids, 19 to 20 to 21, middle pic was absolutely the most miserable time I felt in my life, later one is current, 9 days into 2nd month of accutane, feel like my scarring gonna be fucked but rather that than the fucked up pizza face

>> No.11427351

thanks for sharing those pics. your skin is most likely gonna improve even more.

if I were you I would start using some good sunscreen to help the skin heal and minimize scarring.

>> No.11427493

It's in the FAQ under "Skin tone and Diet".

>> No.11427613 [DELETED] 

pale white is qt tho

>> No.11427662

i need a pic anon. they seem like nodular acne. what i typically do for those is to apply some spot treatment like benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil then a hydrocolloid bandage overnight. exfoliation also never hurts

i use an oil cleanser then foaming cleanser. double cleansing is common in asian skincare esp. with women wearing makeup. not sure about using them at the same time though

most anti wrinkle products work well

where do you feel the pain?

its great in the long run. im on my second bottle and have noticed pih fading. i would also recommend getting those mixed with vitamin e and ferulic acid. regular serums are known to discolor and work less over time but ferulic helps stabilize this

use serum am and pm and add a light moisturizer. cleanse am and pm as well

unless you have a diet of an amerifat (deep fried shit 24/7) it should have minimal effects. pale white is also cute

>> No.11427669

also forgot to tell you to add a ph balancing toner after cleansing. serums are ph intensive

>> No.11427926

isnt this the shit south asians buy tot ry and look like gooks?

>> No.11428613

Urgent problem

So I exfoliated a bit too much that it made my facial skin raw and some skin started peeling on my face. It left behind coarse wrinkled skin. Does this heal back to normal skin? Do I just leave it alone or should I scrub out it more?

>> No.11428627

I have tried all kinds of /remedies/ against acne, but none have worked.
Antibiotics had no effect either.

I clean my face twice each day, use a skin cleanser and moisturising cream, yet it have close to no effect. (My skin looks exactly the same, whether I complete this routine or not)

Any advice?

>> No.11428680

what exfoliant did you use? it sounds like you used a physical rather than a chemical one. leave your skin and add more moisturizer than usual

cleanser only removes buildupof dirt and oil gained throughout the day

moisturizer is self explanatory

neither of this directly removes acne

add sunscreen, exfoliant (im thinking aha for you), and spot treatment slowly as per recommendation of the sticky. you should see results in a few weeks time

>> No.11428698
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>mfw keratosis pilaris on arms and legs
>mfw I can't wear shorts or shirts without sleeves without showing my godawful skin
is there a worse feeling?

>> No.11428727

That's and excellent point you're bringing up (regarding none of them directly removing acne).
However, I have used products which contains Benzoyl peroxide too, yet they had no effect either.

I will definitely check exfoliant out.


>> No.11428800

Problem I have is I can keep my skin clear, but dry skin is killing me. Especially around my eyes and bridge of my nose. Currently using oilatum as recommended by a friend, does the job, but leaves my face red makes me look like a melt

Any ideas what kind of product I can move to for a less shiny and less skin irritation

Also anyone have problems with dry skin just around the eye brows/eyelids area?

>> No.11428868

saylic acid, use those products with it, dry skin is okay to have that's what lotion is for

>> No.11429195
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>> No.11429228

Years of smoking pot daily has caught up to me along with constant stress tension. I now look like emporer palpatine at 26, what do?

>> No.11429505

stop smoking obv

>> No.11429569

I've been taling accutane for 6 days now and i'm feeling the side effects already. Dry skin/flaking, extremely dry lips, and constant nosebleeds (doesn't help that it's 113° over here). How do I minimize these effects besides moisturizing and using chapstick?

>> No.11429664

starting uni in the fall & want to avoid alcohol / smoking to preserve skin & general health]

is it worth it?
have drank + smoked b4 but not in any way attached to either one

>> No.11429945

yeah it was a korean exfoliating cloth probably rougher grain than what I needed. how long does it take before the skin goes back to normal? I feel like two face right now.

>> No.11430036

about a week. dont exfoliate at all during that time and switch to chemical exfoliants

>> No.11430156

Same here man, it fucking sucks

>> No.11430211
File: 38 KB, 500x176, glycolic-acid-peel-before-after[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you used chemical peels?

I'm going to start doing 40% glycolic acid peels soon. I've been using 10% glycolic acid lotion twice a day for the past 6 months, and I've been very pleased with the results. My skin isn't as oily as it used to be.

I've also been using overnight peels, but I think these overnight peels are just like the glycolic acid lotion that i've been using.

I just don't know if it's worth doing chemical peels at a young age, especially since my skin is free of scaring, acne, and oil.

>> No.11430212

stop smoking, start exercising, eat more vegetables, get a light tan, then use sunscreen and moisturizers. pretty much that. should lighten your appearance up.

waiting for the side effects to subside, and then going on a lower dose.

>> No.11430509

Can anyone recommend a good eye balm?

>> No.11430768

I've been sober 2 weeks without much result, going to keep it up and purchae moistriezer

>> No.11430803
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Going on accutane in a few day. Any pro tips? My acne is moderate at worst, but my derm is putting me on it since I've tried everything else.

Was it one of those green things? Aren't those for your body and not face?

>> No.11431522
File: 64 KB, 600x600, AZT-17116-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a meme? Any experience?

>> No.11431611

If you've been smoking for a long time, it's going to take time. Damage from oxidative stressors ,like sun exposure, smoking, etc. usually take a decade for the damage to be apparent.

You may want to look into chemical exfoliants to help your skin undo some of the damage.

>> No.11431730

tried it and it sticks too much to my skin and requires further cleansing to remove. fucking hate it. just try innisfree clay mask

try eye patches anon. eye creams are glorified moisturizers

>> No.11431816

going to buy some calmurid cream soon which has urea and lactic acid, hopefully that helps

as far as i know i only have it on my arms

>> No.11432008
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i use it once a week / maybe twice a week with apple cider vinegar as the base and its amazing broz

>> No.11432039

Why buy vitamin C serum? Make your own.

>> No.11432162

Doesn't seem to work for me, I think I may be applying it too thick or something.

I apply mine, wait then wash it off. Are you supposed to do something else, or am I doing it wrong?

>> No.11432182

why not just eat a damn orange

>> No.11432425


>> No.11432444
File: 79 KB, 468x815, Fatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to drink water, anons.
No matter what you put on your skin, it won't get better unless you're drinking at least 64 oz of water a day.

>> No.11432461
File: 8 KB, 225x225, FB_IMG_1457879187448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a derm.
I was using 2 years of carefully selected nivea and Paula's choice dry skin recovery and acne treatments.

"don't use all that shit. Just face wash and duac twice daily, and use this antibiotic for 3 months. Stop eating so much sugar. Benzyl peroxide does nothing without clindamycin."

>tfw it works

>> No.11432692

When does photosensitivity from AHA's wear off?
I want to start tanning soon.

>> No.11432987

How does the photosensitivity from AHASs show? Im not getting a tan or sunburn, but I have noticed quite a bit of hyperpigmentation where I have had acne.

my acne is much better than it used to be but all these dark and red spots on my face are really messsing with me.

do I just use sunscreen and vitamin c + msm cream? any good brand recommendations?

>> No.11433000

>tfw a pimple grew under my beard without me noticing
>left a huge scar on my chin now

this is the worse.now I have a huge scar on my face for life, all because of a fucking pimple.

>> No.11433005

Best way to reduce forehead wrinkles?

>> No.11433077

creams for wrinkles duh

sunscreen always last. vitamin c serums also increase photosensitivity as do ahas. just use ahas at night anon

2-3 days of not exfoliating is a good measure

>at least 64 oz
nice arbitrary requirement m8

just drink enough that you're pissing every 2 hours when awake

>> No.11433105
File: 522 KB, 805x900, dermastamping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's hope

>> No.11433120

the following are legit:

Tretinoin Gel 0.1%. Apply a pea-sized amount topically, once per day.

Hyaluronic Acid (used in conjunction with 0.025% Retin-A) - applied underneath eyes and around abrasion sites

Neova Sport Sunscreen (w/ restorative ingredients)

IPL Surface Laser Treatment

Red Light Collagen Bed (10-20 min.)

I'm actually not sure about the last one.

>> No.11433431

Yo /skin/ I was wondering if I can use facial acne wash on my chest?

>> No.11433469

That amount is 64 oz for most people.
It is also what doctors recommend senpai.

>> No.11433534

Looks better before. It wasn't THAT severe and gave a bit of character.

Newer picture looks terrifying. Like he's had a skin graft or he's made of plastic

>> No.11433542

yep. it's just a kind of soap.

>> No.11433574

awesome thanks

>> No.11433661

tretinoin is known to break people out initially but work well after

collagen growth can be promoted through the use of vitamin c serums

sunscreen is fine

laser treatment depends on your problem. this is the only known remedy for pie

idk about acids on eyelids

>> No.11433681

>tretinoin is known to break people out initially but work well after

afaik it doesn't break people out in an acne/pimple sense, but it can cause redness and dryness when starting to use it.

>> No.11433686 [DELETED] 

my bad i think i was thinking of some other -oid compound. too much terms to learn for good skin

>> No.11433693

my bad i think i was thinking of some other compound. too much terms to learn for good skin

>> No.11433861

I get these white stuff on my nose. It literally looks like grass poking out from the ground instead, they're poking from nose. I use a baking soda paste to get rid of em but that's only temporary as they always come back. How the fuck do I get rid of these little fuckers?

>> No.11433923

haha yeah. I think it could be accutane/isotretinoin that you were thinking of. some people get worse acne in the beginning of treatment.

>> No.11433944
File: 11 KB, 309x343, image%3A291886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my routine?

Baby shampoo (for washing face)
Cetaphil gentle cleanser
Stridex pad
Wait 30 mins
Cerave moisturizer cream

Baby shampoo
Cetaphil gentle cleanser
Stridex pad
Wait 30
OPTIONAL: OST 20 vit c serum, wait 10 minutes
Cerave moisturizing cream

Anything I should change or add? Also what's a good moisturizer that's inexpensive. My cerave is literally finished not much left.

>> No.11434047

how often should I shave? my facial hair doesn't grow too fast

>> No.11434086

keep stridex on pm. thats too much exfoliation

use a cleanser

serums are ph intensive so use them after cleansing and applying a ph balancing toner but before applying exfoliation

sunscreen never hurts

when you dont like how your facial hair looks m8. be sure to apply some form of toner after

>> No.11434090

any wallgreens recommendations?

>> No.11434096

no. invest on something decent m8

i use mizon aha bha toner but thats asian skincare and idk if it will work on you. paula's choice always has decent options to try

>> No.11434126

I have gentle cleanser, or is there another recomendation? Also, yeah I'll keep stridex to nights then.

Any recommended ph balancing toners that are inexspensive? So I'd use it before stridex and then the serum after the stridex?

I have biore watery essence though british weather is shit, i rarely go out or need it if i do.

>> No.11434138

for cleanser cerave is pretty decent

use toner then serum then stridex. wait 15 minutes after the serum. see >>11434096 for the toner i use but im not sure if it will work on you

sun can also still go through windows y'know. just add a light layer if you're staying indoors

>> No.11434169


>> No.11434243

I'm gonna order some moisturizers, ill try cerave foaming i guess. is this a good balancer? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Balancing-Facial-Toner-Vitamin-Glycolic/dp/B0118D45ZS/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

>> No.11434258

You're probably talking about sebaceous filaments. You can't get rid of them, but can reduce their overall appearance. I got so aggressive with these before in high school and managed to scar myself.

>> No.11434264

In the pastebin, it says that Ceraphil should be applied with the fingertips. Why is this, and how necessary is it?

>> No.11434266


>melanotan 2

I used it, my face got very tanned but for some reason my body didn't. Got a moles on my back and arms and 1 on my face which faded in a week.

Use low amounts over a long period imo, it can damage your liver & heart.

Kills appetite and give you a boner that doesnt go unless you beat it.

>> No.11434272


I know someone who had similar skin to yours, had fucking disgusting ass scars but with proper skin care over 2 years, his skin is near-perfect now.

>> No.11434279

Hmmm.... Any tips on reducing pore sizes then?

>> No.11434291

no clue desu

>> No.11434308

current skincare routine:
tea tree oil cleanser
boscia exfoliator every other day
seaweed toner
salicylic acid pad
benzoyl 2.5%


also massive pores, wat do

>> No.11434335

couldn't tell you which products I use since I made the switch to asian skincare products two years ago and have no idea what does what anymore.

>> No.11434433

reminder, women, there is no point to this regimen if you're just going to fuck up your pores by putting on makeup.

>> No.11434640
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Essentials for naturally oily skin and being stuck in a naturally greasy environment like managing fast food?

>> No.11434707
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Vitmain C serums are good at fading red spots left over from pimples right?

Approximately how long does it take for a mark to become nonexistent?

>> No.11434763

>I used it, my face got very tanned but for some reason my body didn't.

I've been reading more about it, I believe it has to do with sun exposure, so if only your face was exposed to mt2, then your face would tan much faster than the rest of your body. It's winter here right now, so not much sun.

Will use in low amounts though.

>> No.11434834

>10% glycolic acid lotion twice a day
jesus fuck. do you have any skin left?

>> No.11435816

How's my routine?

Wash with water and moisturize

Wash with water and moisturize

>> No.11435857

it's worth cleansing once a day and exfoliating at least once a week too

>> No.11436754

red spots are pie and not pih. pih is more of a brown discoloration. im afraid that fot pie time or laser treatment is the only known remedy

have a really light moisturizer probably and cleanse twice on am and pm

>> No.11437087
File: 33 KB, 300x400, o410012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a thread a few minutes ago, forgot there is one dedicated to skin care. Will copy and paste everything:

I had a small breakout a few days ago and now it is over. Unfortunately I picket at four pimples on my face, and have four different scabs (scabs? wounds? English is not my first language). Two of them have have a small crust forming (which mean they are healing) and two of them are pink.

My skin is pale as fuck and this is driving me mad. The aspirin mask worked for the breakout, but I don't know if I should keep doing this for these scabs.

Should I moisturize them? Should I keep drying them? What has worked for you?

Yes, I am going to the dermatologist tomorrow and check what she could do to me, but I am naturally anxious as hell.

Pic related is not me, but these somehow look like mine. And no, I won't take pictures, I just calmed down with xanax and don't want to freak out again.

>> No.11437232

No one?

>> No.11437266

cleansing products just dry out your skin

>> No.11437998
File: 155 KB, 1080x785, 1396654972424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to ensure that you don't develop PIE when you have a pimple?

>> No.11438002

that's why you moisturise

>> No.11438015

There is nothing you can do once it has a scab. Just leave it alone, like you should have in the first place.

>> No.11438072

Stop picking at them, if you can. Don't wash the area excessively, or apply alcohol or other things that could dry the area out. Putting some moisturizer on 1-2 times a day is enough.Try to avoid sun exposure.

Check out /r/CompulsiveSkinPicking/ for good info and support.

I would consider taking N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), 600-1600 mg/day, after reading up properly about the potential allergic reactions, interactions, and side-effects - and starting small (<200 mg). It has shown great efficacy for the treatment of skin-picking and OCD-related issues, as well as acne.

>> No.11438088

i've been using just water to wash my face for a month now and it has never looked or felt better

>> No.11438202

Will ask my dermatologist about this.

I putted some vaseline on the scabs, as I read that it helps. Stopped with the aspirin.

Christ, I hope most of it fades until tuesday.

>> No.11438209
File: 32 KB, 447x456, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I should. I was so nervous during the days they popped up that I started to punch myself. In the end, it was either picking at them and taking medication or keep with the breakdown.

>> No.11438217

can i take this n-acetyl-cysteine shit if I'm on accutane rn? last month, if that matters. and should I at all?

not that original poster

>> No.11438222
File: 893 KB, 1040x553, What to do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Benzoyl Peroxide on a pimple about two months ago and it's left this reddish mark. Then another one came in to the side of it and left a blacker colored mark.

What's a good way to fade/remove these?

>> No.11438240
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 20160623_200858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what two of them look like. Time for half a' pill again.

>> No.11438245

And no, the greenish thing is not pus.

>> No.11438251

Exfoliating weekly is the best option besides time unless you want to shell out money for laser surgery or microdermabrasion

>> No.11438284

shouldn't be a problem. it's "just" an antioxidant. but ask your derm first.

>> No.11438291

you need a psychologist rather than a dermatologist

>> No.11438300
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I know

>> No.11438360
File: 35 KB, 562x516, 822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug, the scab of one of the four pimples fell off on its on. Three more to go.

Yes, I am excited.

>> No.11438596
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 1426290290469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin C newbie here. What is the preferred way of applying serums? Should your skin be wet or dry -- and do you press it in or what?

>> No.11438619

It's really good, especially for oily skin... but great for all types. I recommend it, cleans your skin in ways an exfoliator can't. Messy as fuck though.

>> No.11438648

first dont pick that shit you impatient fuck

leave them be and slap on a hydrocolloid bandage. also see >>11438072 for advice on not adding alcohol and stuff

dont touch it and if you cleanse your face do it gently

what percentage are you using? it seems too harsh on you. maybe get a different spot treatment

cleanse then apply a ph balancing toner then dry your face and use the serum. add actives such as moisturizers after. be sure to use both in the morning and evening. just gently rub it around the pih areas

>> No.11438651


I am >>11437087. When I had my breakout and became desperate, I stayed with this for hours. It does exfoliate. Too much. My skin became red as hell.

It is good, though, especially if you have oily skin. I just don't recommend using it over infected, red pimples. Just don't leave it for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.11438671 [DELETED] 

Any exfoliator recommendations for sensitive skin? Something for tonal balance. My face has a very even tone everywhere but around my mouth and nose, which is also the only place I ever get acne.

Currently I just use cetaphil, eu

>> No.11438679

moisturizers aren't an "active" and your skin can only absorb a small amount of vit c within 24 hours so you only have to apply it once a day, applying it more than once isn't beneficial unless the serum has other ingredients.

>> No.11438683

Any exfoliator recommendations for sensitive skin? Something for tonal balance. My face has a very even tone everywhere but around my mouth and nose, which is also the only place I ever get acne.

Currently I just use cetaphil, eucerin spf 30 moisturizer and witch hazel. I treat the occasional white heads I get with benzoyl peroxide and I usually use hydrocortisone or eucerin aquaphor to treat any redness.

>> No.11438712

Started a new routine lads tell me what you think
> shave
>biore cleanser
> 10% benzoyl wash
>2% salicylic acid wash
>I use a sheet mask every couple days
>ponds moisturizing cream
>cerave spf30 lotion if I'm going out during the day

Anything that will help fade my acne scarring though?

>> No.11438727

salicylic acid wash is useless... salicylic acid doesn't work in cleansers, it's just in there as a buzzword to get people to buy it. salicylic acid has to sit and sink into your skin for atleast 15-30 minutes for it to work, when it's in a cleaner you're just washing it off as soon as you put it on

>> No.11438731

>Seb Derm
>basically raccoon eyes

>> No.11438765

You can also leave it on longer and it has a cooling sensation. Should I do that instead?

>> No.11438773

idk if you can find it at walgreens but the thayers witch hazel is one of the best toners. i dont think there's any alcohol in it

>> No.11438866

I have mild, but noticeable ice pick scars on my cheeks. What can i do to reduce them? plsss help

>> No.11438886

my bad i was supposed so say add actives as well as moisturizers

also do you have a source on the vitamin c one? from what ive read it is best to apply am and pm

>> No.11438921

walgreens has it, thanks, have you been using it for evidence?

>> No.11438989

Every day at 8am I put on 10% Benzoyle peroxide and the entire day my face itches, though there has been visible improvement. how do I make it stop itching? I don't have money for buying stuff atm so if anyone tells me to buy something, I wont be able to afford anything. In other words, how do I exfoliate for free

>> No.11439004

Put it at night. You are exposing yourself to the sun with acid on your face. Don't.

If your skin feels dry put some honey or 100% (not 99, not 95%) aloe vera gel or juice.

>> No.11439042

are you implying that I go outside for even a minute? luckily it doesn't feel dry, just itchy. Switching it to night seems like a better idea anyways.

>> No.11439143
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> T zone fag

I use clineque acne wash. I don't eat enough vegetables. I'm a machinist and so I do get mildly oily and dirty.

When I'm not working and i use my face wash I don't get ANY zits. Just some black heads. Could this all be from the small amount of oil dirt and dust that gets on my face?

My worst spot is between my eyebrows for big zits and forehead for little ones.

How disgusting is my skin

>> No.11439171


>> No.11439524

salicylic acid. it helps to counter irritation and inflammation, and helps restore skin pH balance. just use alcohol-free kinds to not dry your skin out.

>> No.11439646

How about moisturizers, was thinking of getting CeraVe's SA Moisturizer.

>> No.11439684
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How to prevent nasolabial folds? I don't have them and I am young, however in some strong and precise light I see the marks. Got worried with how my face will look in 20 years

My skin is naturally oily, but what sort of moisturizer, serum or essential oils should I use?

Also, would rather if I got no recommendations of especific products, as I am not american, nor british.

>> No.11439691

It is a very irritating substance. When I started using it for the first times, a few years ago, my skin (oily as fuck) became dry and itchy. Now it is used to it.

But I use it at night, after washing my face with a sulfur soap.

>> No.11439988

Try a fungicide like nystatin. Antibiotics are ineffective against yeast.

>> No.11439989

Wanna get a small blemish lasered off my face, how much should I expect to pay and shouI go to a derm or a plastic surgeon?

>> No.11440234

we can't possibly give you an approximation of the cost based off this little information.

try reading up about what you have, and what you want to do, on realself

your nearest dermatologist will probably also have a price list

>> No.11440448

So I am a little scared about moisturising my face as I have never really done it.

I cleanse daily and am afraid that moisturiser will cause my face to get more breakouts or just acne, maybe some kind of rash? what should I do to make sure I avoid this?

>> No.11440774

It will actually reduce them. Your skin will start to make less oil.

>> No.11440935

I don't have deep set wrinkles but I have numerous fine lines pretty much all over and large pores. What should I be doing. It's making my skin look dull and ragged

>> No.11440958
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How much toner should I be applying to my cotton ball? Should my face be feeling damp afterwards?

>> No.11441066

So /fa/, how do you apply your products?

Q-tips, cotton balls, fingers?

>> No.11441139

make sure you get a moisturizer speficially for your face, not just any lotion and you'll be fine. sometimes after you use a new lotion on your face you can get some irritation but your face will get used to it

>> No.11441149

patch test your moisturizer on a small portion of your face

hands. stuff other than that can absorb product and i dont like wasting shit

between dry and damp

>> No.11441171
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I got pic related for my acne. Anyone got any experience with it?

>> No.11441319

what are some reccomended face moistuizers? tuxbell doesnt provide any?

>> No.11441333

Enjoying using this.

>> No.11441498
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This redness shit is driving me insane. I went to a dermatologist and she gave me a moisturizing cream that I apply daily and some aloe vera gel that only made it worse. Is this reversible at all or at least can it get better?

>> No.11441542

the redness is extremely light. nothing I would worry about if I were you. but if you want to do something about it: find a good discreet foundation or try getting a tan.

>> No.11441548

several are listed in the FAQ.
tuxbell sucks, sorry.

>> No.11441564

>find a good discreet foundation or try getting a tan.
Alright thanks. It may seem light but I find it crippling. Isn't there something to make it go away? Do diet and exercise even make a difference?

>> No.11441592

wear bb cream anon. its what us asians use to have white as fuck skin with minimal redness

>> No.11441627

not really. you could look up pictures of rosacea and see what face redness can be like. yours is nearly invisible. ask some friends if they notice the redness on you. I wouldn't have thought of it if you didn't mention it, see.

you could always do laser treatments, but that seems a bit overkill.

>> No.11441673

Thanks. Yeah I'm always paranoid about this shit, I can't help but imagine I have a giant bright red spot that everyone notices.

>> No.11441686

only a little bit, if your skin dries out after you use toner try using less and moisturizing more

>> No.11441894
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Is proper skincare (toners/exfoliators/moisturizers/etc) comparable to brushing your teeth?

There's no downside to it in the long run right?

>> No.11441903


>> No.11441920

Is paula's choice vit c serum worth the money or will cheaper stuff like ost work just as well?

>> No.11442000

same here
someone help

>> No.11442595
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More recent pic. I'm the most disgusting creature that ever lived

>> No.11442687

depends on your skin anon. try it out. get a sample or two.

>> No.11442694

I would lick your face anon
It's probably irritation from shaving and touching your face. It's not that bad, gives you character. Stressing will make it worse, don't worry

>> No.11442895
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Why not this? >>11432039

Buy a bag of l-ascorbic acid powder from eBay. It's the best form of vitamin c and that's what all of these serums are made of. You boil some water wait for it to cool down a bit till it's lukewarm. Add some amount of the powder, depending on how strong you want it to be. There are instructions. Store it in the fridge and use daily.

It's absolutely a waste of money to buy these serums. Like buying bottled water.

>> No.11442953

Trying castor oil on my face right now.

>> No.11443005
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Worth a cop?

>> No.11443007

So, i fucked up...
I've been using Benzoyl Peroxide for a month now and everything has been going great. But two days ago I forgot to put on sunscreen. Now I have photodermatitis, how long will it takefor my skin to go back to normal?

>> No.11443158

There's benefits.

>> No.11443753
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Probably an extremely bad picture, but I'll try to describe it.

I very rarely get acne on my face and usually only get it on my lower back from exercise, but I had this large, hard pimple on my cheek that wouldn't come to a head.

I was a dumbass and began picking and now it is this flat, hard, purplish scab. It doens't hurt or itch, it just looks bad.

What do you guys rec to put on a acne scab that has been previously picked? I have neosporin, BP, Aloe Vera 99%, tea tree oil, vaseline, and vitamin E oil at my disposal.

thanks for any tips /fa/

>> No.11443829
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This is the order I've been going in. Any suggestions?

>> No.11443925

keep spot treatment on pm and add sunscreen

>> No.11443977
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Alright thanks, I'll find some nice sunscreen for the AM. I'll be working outside a lot this summer so that makes sense.

If I use tea tree oil spot treatment what time/spot in the routine should I apply it to forming acne? I've been using pic related.

>> No.11444001

I usually don't get a lot of acne on my forehead but it's been breaking out and with some black heads, almost seems like the skin is clogged up or something. What to do?

>> No.11444073

I think I had something like that for a while. I waited for it to come to a head again then forcefully popped it. It was massive, probably because I had already failed at popping it. I was worried it was gonna leave a mark but it cleared up in like a week.

>> No.11444115

Anyone try this before?

>> No.11444283

you got closed comedones probably. add some aha to your routine

>> No.11444289
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I had dermatitis on these areas, derm prescribed to use soap free cleanser and cleansing lotion for a month. It got better, but sometimes my skin gets red, itchy and peels for a couple of days and then goes back to pictured state.
My routine is still cleanser and lotion 1 time in the evening.
I wonder if I should add something like moisturizer and serums to make it better.

>> No.11444452

Idk if this belongs here or not, but what lip balms do you guys use? I have this habit of licking my lips every 2 seconds since I was a child and I'm trying to stop. I've tried so many lip balms but none cure my chapped cracked lips and usually only last like half an hour. I drink a ton of water throughout the day so dehydration isn't the problem.

>> No.11444704
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Any critiques/suggestions/recommendations on my routine?

I'm still pretty new to this stuff.

>> No.11444707


Only spf 30? That's shit unless you live in like sweden

>> No.11444712

How much should I be shooting for?

>> No.11444717

also get the hada labo foam hyaluronic acid foaming cleanser and use it with a konjac sponge for exfoliation, not some pain in the ass scrub that probably wont work. get a BHA too if you have shit in your pores.

dilute your tea tree oil

put that ost in the fridge or youre a stupid motherfucker

>> No.11444722

>dilute your tea tree oil
That's what I use the Sweet Almond oil for.

>put that ost in the fridge or youre a stupid motherfucker
She's been in the box in the lowest rung of my fridge since the day it arrived.

>> No.11444723

i only wear 50+ or pa++++ (at least on my face)

start checking the uv forecast for your area btw, depending on where you are you could use 30 i guess but id go higher to really protect your face and prevent tanning if thats what youre going for

>> No.11444729

good, good.

make sure to patch test too, you will likely regret it if you dont

i assume you already use it but do research on r/asianbeauty if you want to get an intense sc routine

>> No.11444732

and jeez just realized you dont have a moisturizer

you can try something AB like mizon snail gel but I just use cerave lotion, sometimes the cream, and the rosette ceramide gel (that one only at night)

>> No.11444736

Are there any key components I should be looking for in a good moisturizer? I've been told practically everything from Korea is safe.

>> No.11444748

look for ceramides mostly, and niacinamide ive heard. some people like stuff like snail mucus and shit, it seems to just break me out though, ymmv for everything

just try a few highly recommended ones and find one that is a balance between being moisturizing enough but without being too heavy and not absorbing.

i wish someone had told me but you also need to make sure that which ever cleanser you use it doesnt make your face dry and or tight feeling right after using it. thats just gonna make your skin real dehydrated.

if you live in a humid place hada labos hyaluronic acid lotion can be great for moisture after your cleanser and any actives

im spouting a lot of shit, but hopefully itll help you not waste time on shit that doesn't help

>> No.11444757

Every little bit helps man, I really appreciate it. Thankfully I never had bad acne (guess I got lucky and inherited my dad's skin genetics) so I'm just trying to make sure I can keep it looking as good as possible.

>> No.11444763

lucky duck, i got fucked by it haha. but year, at a very basic level make sure to moisturize and wear sunscreen everywhere daily and you'll look amazing (assuming you arent an alcoholic and dont smoke)

>> No.11444941

I thought of being an autist and sharing my routine here. I had huge hormonal acne breakouts from shitty skin genetics before but using this made me control them. The only problem I have now are minor pimples and PIH.

Oily Skin (now closer to Normal skin)

CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Mizon AHA/BHA pH Balancing Toner
Wait 1 minute
Timeless 20% Vitamic C Serum
Wait 15-20 minutes
Mizon Snail AIO Repair Cream
Biore UV Aqua Rich SPF 50

CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Mizon AHA/BHA pH Balancing Toner
Wait 1 minute
Timeless 20% Vitamin C Serum
Wait 15-20 minutes
Wait 10-15 minutes
MBD Apple Polyphenol Mask (bi-weekly)
Acne.org 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide (use on active pimples as spot treatment)
Mizon Snail AIO Repair Cream

I may eventually add an essence here but this is my base routine for now.

For whiteheads, I use a sterilized needle to remove it as well as hydrocolloid bandages. I don't rub alcohol over the pimple.

A light moisturizer as well as the apple polyphenol masks helped the most for oil control. MBD masks are my favorite shit right now and I've been collecting that shit like Pokemons. The previous mask I used was the Aztec Clay Mask which was too harsh for my skin.

Niacinamides don't do shit as well as BHAs for my skin. OST's formulation was crap at fading my PIH as well as too sticky but Timeless's serum seems to be doing a better job. I tried the Murad one recommended at the sticky which didn't work as well.

As for breakouts, cleansing day and night, changing pillow cases, and not sleeping to my side helped a lot.

Suggestions are welcome and hopefully my experiences can help you in your skincare journey.

>> No.11444964
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How long should you wait between applying a spot treatment and a moisturizer?

>> No.11445324

Some aha? What's that?

>> No.11445349

any advice?

>> No.11445384

moisturize your face and force yourself to sleep on your back. also dont smoke

>> No.11445390

Has anyone here tried Effaclar? It seems very similar to ProActiv & that shit doesn't work

>> No.11445393

alpha hydroxy acid. its an acid that removes the top layers of dead skin on your face.

for closed comedones (those bump things) im pretty sure a BHA is actually what you want, although using both is fine. that is a beta hydroxy acid and can penetrate the oil in your pores and help clear them out, whereas an AHA cant go through oil. you can try something like the paulas choice 2% BHA liquid. there are lots of options though

>> No.11445404

go to a dermatologist, if you cant use something like pocketderm. just try to get real medicine, not some overpriced version of benzoyl peroxide which you can get at 5% at the drug store for like nothing anyway.

>> No.11445458

Hmm, yeah I suppose. All it is, is cleanser- toner - 5%benzoyl peroxide slap $30 on it

>> No.11445468

Just got BHA and AHA. How often should I use them and when should I use them (morning/night)?

>> No.11445470

buy what you will but if you have legit acne and not just a few pimples now and again its best to get to a derm asap. the longer you let it go the more scaring and hyper pigmentation will be left over.

and make sure you always fucking wear sunscreen, without it your skin is going to get worse and more irritated, and give you ugly wrinkles.

>> No.11445484

start off slow. i do mine both at night so i dont wait during the morning. what is the % of both of them? most likely you will only want to use your AHA once or twice a week, and your BHA daily.

use AHA first after your vit c (or after cleansing and ph toning if you dont have one) and let it sit for 20 mins, go back put on your BHA, let it sit 20 minutes, and continue with the rest of your routine.

>> No.11445509

I've always thought that you put on your BHA after your AHA (after the 20min wait time of course). because BHA will work to clean your pores at the most optimal pH and prep for the AHA to do it's thing

>> No.11445525

yes my bad, thats correct. BHA -> AHA

>> No.11445544

I live in the north east, but seeing how its summer now its not a bad idea to smother that shit on. But, I feel its not necessary because im inside most of the day & because im mexican/Caucasian. Plus people in this thread are taking vitamin D for their lack of Sun, true?

>> No.11445567

no matter where you live and unless you are the absolute darkest shade of black you should wear it. find a japanese one that isnt all glossy and shit. even if only go out for a few minutes that will add up and still cause premature aging and skin irritation. everyone one in this forum should be taking a vit D supplement, half of the people here with depression wouldn't have it anymore if they started taking one.

if youre using acids and or vit C you really need a good face sunscreen because those make your face more sensitive to sunlight. You really should apply it to every visibly inch of skin tho

>> No.11445586

Japanese? Isnt there something I can pick up from CVS or some shit?

>> No.11445953

Anyone know a way to fix red skin? I used to get spots but now that they're gone I've got a little area of red skin above my nose, in the area between the eyebrows.

>> No.11446000

i've been doing the same and i really can see a difference its way better to wash with just water and if possible leave out the moisturizer

>> No.11446496

>tfw you went through two accutane treatments and you still get zits.

>> No.11446642

Google Post Inflammatory Erythema (PIE) and Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

>> No.11446646

Third time's the charm for me. Could have had something to do with cutting dairy from my diet too.

>> No.11446680

When did your acne return on the first two times? Did a month or two pass before they kept slowly returning? Did you remove everything related to diary? I do drink a lot of milk. Anything else? I've finished my second time now and acne returned in a span of a week, it's really frustrating for a guy in his 20's.

>> No.11446699

About 3-5 months in and it was back to normal on both times. I was 24 when I finished my third course and also cut dairy then. Could have also stopped naturally with age, so I'm not exactly sure what the reason was for not having acne anymore.

But I'd definitely give a non-dairy diet a try. If that was the reason my acne disappeared it happened in a month or two. Milk was the easiest one to remove, I just replaced it with water and orange juice. Removing cheese stung a bit, but it's all good now. There are a lot of non-dairy substitutes.

>> No.11446705

You shouldn't normally have to use lip balm, it's mostly hydration. Lip balm can cause acne around your mouth too. That being said your main issue is your bad habits there, that's what you need to stop.

>> No.11446712

Damn dude seems like you're gore a good routine, I doubt many of us have suggestions. Thanks for the input, I have oily skin too, and I've been using MBD black pearl masks recently, they're pretty nice

>> No.11446836

I'm going to cry without cheese. Thank you for the advice anon.

>> No.11446850

Did sweets impact on your acne? Unhealthy foods? I mean sure, they can't be good for you but did sugar impact you a lot and greasy stuff.

>> No.11446923

>Did sweets impact your acne?
I wouldn't say so. I still eat sweet stuff as much as I did before. I wouldn't say it's a lot, but I do drink soda, like one bottle a week.

>Unhealthy foods
When I cut dairy I looked into vegan diet for the first time. That could also play a part. I do eat pizza or burgers like once a month after a night out.

It's hard to say what got rid of the acne really. I finished my third accutane course, removed dairy and changed my diet to a more vegan one at the same time. Also, my face used to be really really oily but it has been "normal' ever since I finished the course.

>> No.11446963

Please help, I get red cheeks so easily. The rest of my face stays pale and it looks terrible when my cheeks go red and radiate heat. It happens when I get nervous, or I drink alcohol or in the heat. I am average weight with a decent diet.

>> No.11447080

I tried pearl masks too and they're really good. I alternate between that and apple polyphenol.

>> No.11447081

have you got checked for rosacea?

>> No.11447175 [DELETED] 

have you checked for rosacea?

you should

>> No.11447326

Anyone able to recommend a good oil cleanser for a double cleanse?

Goodal's Super Seed Oil is like a holy grail now.

>> No.11447349

i love their birds nest one, so much moisture and they do seem to calm and slightly brighten my face

and how do yall put on your sheet masks? i slather a bunch of the essence on, put the mask on, and slather one whats left in the package after the mask is done.

>> No.11447368

My mask process is similar with essence then serums then mask. I don't like touching the fluids left in the pack as they're hella sticky.

Also, which bird's nest? What essence do you use btw? The one I'm using now does jack shit.

>> No.11447373

its late so i doubt youll see this but yeah you can get one at CVS. ive never found an american sunscreen that isnt glossy as fuck for me though. just make sure the spf isnt shit

>> No.11447475

oh i love using every drop of the essence left over in the package lol. its sticky and messy but its nice to use on your face, neck, arms.

the MBD imperial birds nest mask is what im talking about. and i dont currently use one other than the sheetmasking. i tried the benton snail bee essence but didnt notice much and i think it might have caused me to break up.

im still trying to find a new essence to try but im poor so wanna make sure i find one worth trying

>> No.11447488
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Is Oil cleansing safe? Anyone here personally have any experiences with it?

>> No.11447501

oil cleanser really is ymmv. depends on which oils you use and how they react to your skin. some people swear by it, some people hate it. personally i double cleanse which is generally safer. that is using an oil (i just use baby oil) to remove sunscreen and other crap on my face, rinse it, and then use a regular cleanser.

if you want to oil cleanse you could always start with mineral oil (what baby oil is) which is basically guaranteed to not break you out as long as you do it right and dont leave a bunch of it on your face after you cleanse.

>> No.11447652

anyone taking accutane get the side effect of losing cheek fat? ive recently lost a lot of cheek fat (definitely not a bad thing since it makes me look slimmer) but ive actually gained weight even since i started accutane. ive heard weight loss is a possible side effect, but this seems too specific to fall under that. or maybe it's a result of the anti inflammatory part of accutane?

>> No.11447655

Hi. I was wondering when you'd use a mask in your routine, and how frequently? Do I put the mask after I cleanse my face and before I apply my moisturizer? Do I use a mask once a week?

I'm thinking of getting the MBD pearl one.

>> No.11447675

how often depends greatly, like on how strong the mask is and how fast your face sheds skin
most people do it only once or twice a week, but people who are really into their skincare sometimes even do it daily, and in the case of the skin goddess fan bingbing, at least twice a day

>> No.11447678

Are there any downsides of going in to see a dermatologist and getting every mole removed and every dark freckle lasered off/removed? Does anyone here have any experience with laser removal?

>> No.11447697
File: 29 KB, 396x720, 13178604_452342734972984_1601947991914157850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fb meme pages

>> No.11447699

>Are there any downsides of going in to see a dermatologist and getting every mole removed and every dark freckle lasered off/removed?
afaik the only downsides besides the cost are temporary, such as increased skin sensitivity to both touch and the sun and redness, but this would only last until the skin grows back i believe

>> No.11447704

use it after your cleanser and after any actives (vit c, bha, aha)

>> No.11447706

Yeah bee stuff doesn't go well with my skin as well as soy. Aloe is also another one I like and my skin seems to be really brightening up from it. I may try some Aloe-based moisturizer next.

I heard good feedback on the Missha FTE but its really expensive ($30). I'm using COSRX Whitening Power Essence but I get zero effect from it but ymmv.

I used to use Klairs Deep Cleasing Oil which worked well but is kinda expensive. A lot of people seem to like those primrose ones but I have no experience with it.

I forgot to add that I use KOSE Softy Mo Deep Oil Cleanser before CeraVe as well as COSRX Whitening Power Essence (will replace this one).

Get the MBD sampler anon, not just black pearl. There's a lot on eBay.

For MBD sheet masks at least you can use it about everyday but it depends on your wallet usually. Mask typically goes after serums, ampoules, and essences which are after cleanser and toners but before moisturizers. I do mine on days when I'm not exfoliating just because.

>> No.11447722


thanks, anons.

>> No.11447912

what's the best anti wrinkle cream out there? Doesn't matter the price. I've got 3 wrinkle line on my forehead because my eyes are sensitive as fuck and i'm always squinting and wrinkling my forehead

>> No.11447977

Had hernia surgery about 2 months ago and my scars are still red and a little raised. How the fuck to I get the redness and the scar in general to fade?

>> No.11448086

Accutane gave me recurring ingrown toenails shit fucking sucks

>> No.11448529
File: 303 KB, 573x576, 1459315329670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible for Vitamin C serums like OST to break you out?

>> No.11449007

yes, for some people it can fuck them up

>> No.11449015

i used to have those lines, this sounds fake but im not even kidding, i taught myself for a month to never raise my eyebrows.

it was hard at first but after that month i just totally stopped doing it, and its been like a year now. the lines went away really fast and have been pretty much invisible since.

if you really cant stop raising them then i doubt a cream is gonna completely solve it, you can get botox if price supposedly isnt an issue, that makes it so you basically cant move your forehead.

cream wise you can get some prescription tretinoin which will help get rid of stuff like that, but worry lines arent going to go away with just tret, you either need get botox regularly or stop raising your eyebrows or else they will stay or come back with time.

>> No.11449022

I just started to apply it by putting some (2-3 drops) in my hand and then using my index finger of my opposite hand to massage it around my face.

Is that the incorrect way of doing it? Because I broke out pretty badly around my T-zone and on my cheeks.

>> No.11449027

Are other ways of keeping your face clean? If I can't use soap what can I use? My cleanser isn't really doing much. It's still dirty, greasy, and uncomfortable

>> No.11449041

the way you do it doesnt really matter assuming your hands are clean and not being a fucking neanderthal. sounds like its just not working for your skin, you can try a different vit c. OST seems to be bad for some people so you can prob find better out there, i dont have any good recs though. search on r/asianbeauty or something. GL

>> No.11449045

theres oil cleansing.

but what do you even mean though? does your face feel tight after cleansing, that means your cleansers drying you out. like im not really sure what you mean.

>> No.11449061

Idk man. I use the CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser to clean my face but my face is still oily and dirty throughout the whole day.

>> No.11449105

I switched from OST to Timeless amd get better results from it. Try that shit.

Do you use any moisturizer? Try adding a toner or using a lower pH cleanser.

>> No.11449108

Yes I have a moisturizer. I use it twice a day along with the cleansers. It's the Cetaphil Daily Advance Lotion and I use the CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser. I have the Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant, but I don't use it for some reason. I think it was drying my skin or something that made me stop using it. I forgot

>> No.11449113

Also I have some questions about oil cleansing. How I often should I do it? Should I buy Mineral oil or something. What should I do between days I'm not oil cleansing. I can't just not clean my face when I'm not oil cleansing everyday.

>> No.11449114

That moisturizer is hella thick and didn't help my skin at all. Pick a lighter one.

If you don't like BHAs then try AHAs.

>> No.11449124

So something like the Eucerin Skin Calming Daily Moisturizing Creme and the Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Treatment 10% AHA would do then?

Should I really cleanse twice a day? To be honest it's just tiring, but w/e.

>> No.11449128

I only oil cleanse when I have sunscreen and/or makeup on (following with a foam cleanser) when I'm not oil cleansing I just use a gel cleanser

>> No.11449130

Ofc cleanse twice a day. Double cleansing is even more intense with four times a day and some people swear by it as the reason for their great skin.

I'm not familiar with those two products however.

>> No.11449172

They're from pastebin, but four times a day. That sounds insane.

>> No.11449199

I like the first aid beauty ultra repair cream and the boscia tsubaki beauty oil for hydration,
I would also look for something targeting inflammation
I've heard good things about the paula's choice redness relief line but i haven't tried it
good luck!

>> No.11449211

if youre double cleansing 4 times a day youre fucking stupid, that will dry your skin the fuck out, you should only really need to at night and not need to in the morning.

>> No.11449214

I would try an oil moisturizer, for me it made a huge difference wrt overproduction of oil.
I work in a restaurant (I'm pretty far away from the fryers tho) and I actually tone w/ a super mild rosewater toner on my breaks and after work to just get rid of oil and grime

>> No.11449249

not op but i think they meant cleansing 4 times a day total w/ double cleansing counting as 2 times but i agree there's no need to double cleanse twice a day. Just in the evening is fine and in the morning a gel or foam cleanse is probably the max one should do

>> No.11449269

Can someone please tell me a simple as fuck routine to follow for an 19 yr old. I play a lot of sports and my skin is slightly oily. I don't really have a lot of problems with acne but get the odd pretty bad noticeable spot every once in a couple months or so. I think it's usually when I drink dairy or take a protein shake with Whey?

This is my routine
Morning : Cleanse skin
Moisturise with spf 50 daily moisturiser cetaphil

Night : Cleanse Skin
Moisturise w/ a normal cetaphil moisturising lotion or a small amount of olive oil because apparently that gets rid of acne? Is that retarded?

I'll exfoliate like once-twice a week. Is that a good, simple routine? Anything basic I should add to that?

>> No.11449276

I meant four times a day. I don't do it personally as I also think its retarded but I've read some people doing it.

I drink protein powder everyday and shitloads of milk but I don't break out from them. Try to drink them continuously everyday to get yourself used to it. It sounds crazy enough to work.

>> No.11449277

i'm black, do i really need spf? a lot of the creams really don't blend in with my complexion

>> No.11449317

yes, if you want to prevent aging down the line you should wear. if you do wear sunscreen youll be better off than you already were compared to how fast whites age.

i mean if you're like the darkest shade of black and dont live in a high spf area and stay out of the sun then i guess you dont have to, but otherwise you should

>> No.11449365

I have now build a tolerance for benzoyl peroxide (I've been using it for 1 month and 3 weeks), I don't even need to apply moisturizer on the areas because they get oily without it.
But my acne is still there to somewhat degree, even though it's mostly red dots (some are there for more than 1 year).
What to do?

>> No.11449372

Had my legs waxed, about 2 days after, still have these red/dark spots on my legs. How do I make them go away... just want to have beautiful legs like all the other boys.

>> No.11449799

K senpai, I have had acne since I was like 9. It was going away last semester, but now it is back. I have been sleeping with a blanket fully covering my head since I was a baby. At my house it is typically cleaned every week, but I am at someone else's house and am sleeping with a blanket fully covering my head and also my forehead. Could this be why my acne won't go away no matter what I do?

>> No.11450454

cetaphil bar soap
moisturiser with spf30

cetaphil bar soap
paula's choice bha

is this okay? skin isn't so bad, but could be better obviously. also taking centrophenoxine (for nootropic reasons), but i hear it's great for skin. anyone use any topical dmae solutions?

>> No.11450463

okay ive never had acne problems, but my shoulders always have a bunch of small little bumps on them. its not that big of a nuisance, but they make my upper arm look red in bright light and im not a huge fan.

what should i do to clear them up? my skin is kinda sensitive.

>> No.11450528

My sister has a degree in aesthetics. I could get them for free, but I dont like them.

>> No.11451167
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What are some of your preferred methods of spot treating pimples, /skin/?

>> No.11451189

moisturize lips, shave with an electric razor, and don't have any surgeries. It messes with coagulation and somehow makes your peripheral capillaries more easily reached (meaning you're more likely to bleed when you apply tension on your skin).
Sounds scary but it only ever was a problem once for the year I took it.

>> No.11451229

What do you do if you have a mole on your face? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11451292

Aquafor is a god send while on accutane. Noticeably better than chapstick or other lip balms in my experience

>> No.11452427

benzoyl peroxide before or after moisturizer (@night)? If before, how long should I wait?

>> No.11452503
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What's a good sunscreen for oily skin? Also, why is it when I apply pic related sun screen, I feel a slight "burning sensation," and my skin drying out.

>> No.11452512

they banned this for a reason. avoid.

>> No.11452716

Are there any alternatives to using a vitamin C serum for lightening PIH? I like to use my products sparingly and since vit C serums tend to go bad after a month, and my wallet doesn't agree with that

>> No.11452731

acne patches are a godsend. I pick at my pimples a lot since i only get a spot or two every once in a while and the patches prevent me from doing so. and good ones pretty much heal them overnight for me (or at the very least draws out the head and reduces redness)

>> No.11452749

You could be allergic/sensitive to an ingredient in the sunscreen. For oily skin try Skinceuticals' Physical Matte UV defense. It's important to make sure that your sunscreen is noncomedogenic and that the ingredients won't sit too heavy on your skin

>> No.11452756

Vitamin C serum is honestly GOAT. Your alternative is getting peeling facials which are even more expensive. A small vial of vitamin C serum shouldn't really last you that long and worn with sunscreen or a nice thick night cream you'll see a big difference within a few months

>> No.11452792

Make your own serum dude

>> No.11452815

I've tried glycolic and lactic acid, but now I've started using a mix of salicylic acid+mandelic acid after reading a study that got better results with that. 20% salicylic + 20% mandelic is the peel I'm using.

>> No.11452953

/cgl/s skincare thread has fucked off.

What is better for my skin long-term - 7% Glycolic Acid daily, or 25% Lactic Acid once a week?

Lactic acid is supposedly gentler than Glycolic.

>> No.11452976

Sali and Mandelic acids are BHAs, not AHAs. They're better at drying out oily skin and clearing up deeply blocked pores/cystic acne.

AHAs are more for scarring, surface wrinkles and surface acne (whiteheads or 'sweat pimples.')

I'm not sure if you guys over here really have an handle on the difference (because most of the posts in this thread are implying you're all new to chemical exfoliants.)

>> No.11452986

Oh, right. AHAs are also humectant - The opposite of BHAs, they'll keep your skin super hydrated.

A good toner before AHAs is isopropyl alcohol. You'll see warnings all over the internet not to use it as a toner specifically because it is incredibly drying, but an AHA will counter that. Follow up with pure aloe gel.

>> No.11452987
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My problem is the body. I have a lot of products for my face, but I don't know what to do with my chest and my back.
Pls help me.

>> No.11453028

Mandelic acid is an AHA. The study said that using AHA+BHA is exactly the reason why they got better results with that mix compared to glycolic acid.

>> No.11454732

What vitamins and supplements to keep your skin healthy?

>> No.11455063

How the hell do I apply toner without wasting it?

>> No.11455361

guys I have no idea what the fuck I am doing, I put it on my hand but it's like water, I regret buying it now, as I guess I also need moisturizer.

>> No.11455465
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I've got pretty fair/pale skin around my jaw, so whenever I get pimples they typically leave a little spot behind.

Will exfoliating regularly help make these disappear?

>> No.11455475

Use a cotton ball or pad. Jesus christ.

>> No.11455524

and moisturizer?

>> No.11455943

Can I ask about shaving here? I'd like to shave my ass because I feel some poop gets trapped there sometimes giving me nasty odor.
How do I do this without harming myself?

>> No.11457455
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I've recently started using pic related on my face, but it seems like i've gotten more outbreaks than before.
Is this just a temporary thing that happends when you're just starting out or wut?

>> No.11457725

Stop using it if you break out from it.
You cannot "get your ski used to it" or whatever.

>> No.11458678
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Should I use an oil cleanser/do a double cleansing routine even if I only occasionally get pimples and the only things I wear on my face are sunscreen and moisturizer?

>> No.11459070

try it anon. it shouldn't hurt. if you have pimples then your skin can obviously improve

>> No.11459827

>using skincare products targeted at men

>> No.11459925

Spray on face, wipe away with cotton.

>> No.11459932
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Apply with your fingers firmly and follow how this gif does it

>> No.11460323

I just bought what the lady told me to cmon senpai

>> No.11460327

What do I do then? Don't use any products all together or try a different one?

>> No.11460782
File: 89 KB, 640x640, kpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do korean celebs use that they all have that perfectly smooth glowy skin?

>> No.11460828

shitloads of surgery. i suspect most of them undergo laser treatment at the very least

>> No.11460922

its unnatural

>> No.11461618

what should i do if my skin's just general "red" ? thankfully i think acne's starting to fade; sure i get a few blemishes, but the main thing i'm insecure about is this red-ness. my whole face isn't red, just patches/blotches near my nose. it looks real iffy in photos, etc.