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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11389237 No.11389237 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you use toupee?

>> No.11389242

I'm not balding yet, yay

>> No.11389243


>> No.11389403

the lighting makes him look a lot older than he is on the right.

this is for sure an ad.

>> No.11389422


TIL if you get a toupee, you also magically get a tan and are always surrounded by more flattering lighting conditions

>> No.11389428
File: 544 KB, 549x567, 1379962946225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from walking corpse to actual respectable human.

Why the FUCK haven't we cured this shit yet. Even the projections fro the next 10 years are shitty and a letdown

>> No.11389455

All these balding threads are legit making me depressed. I'm so afraid of losing hair because my whole look depends on it

>> No.11389456

Because at the end of the day I'd still be bald. The problem doesn't go away by just covering it up.

>> No.11389836

Because my face is good enough to pull off a zero cut. My hair is so shit that I actually look better with a buzz. So it's actually the best I can do.

>> No.11389849

Same, my hair seems to be receeding now, not sure if it actually is or if I'm just convincing myself of it...

>> No.11389860


I don't fucking understand why it's so hard to cure this shit.

We're making breakthroughs with whatever the fuck, cancer, AIDS, but we can't cure something as simple as balding

>> No.11390515

I'm 23 and balding(no bald spots yet, just receided a lot) so I just buzz it every few days. My face and head shape is good enough for me not to have any hair to cover it

>> No.11390562


balding essentially is cured as long as you start a routine as soon as you notice it

> finasteride
> topical anti-antidrogen
> pgd2 inhibitor
> increase pge2

>> No.11390622

except you have to keep taking that stuff forever

>> No.11390988

>yfw they have almost finished the zica vaccine and it only took them a year

>> No.11390994

you forgot to mention it only works 12-24 months then in 85% of cases it falls out even if you keep on taking all that shit.
just deal with your shit tier genetics fag. niggers do

>> No.11392306

is it effay to shave your head?

>> No.11392313

Dude, get on the meds quick... They are amazing for regrowth at the crown, but SUCK for turning back a receding hairline(just able to stop/slow it down)

I used to have 2 developing bald patches at my crown, and a hairline that receded about 3" from my temple. After 2.5 years the bald spots are nearly gone, but my hairline has only moved maybe 0.5" forward(So its still about 1" away from where it wouldnt look like i was balding) I doubt it'll get any better, as I have been doing the 1mg finax + 2 treatments of minox for 30 months with negligible improvement over the past 10 months....

*really* wish there was a cure that would just lock my hair in where it is now(good enough, imo) so i could quit the pills and topical shit. It just feels like a money sink, since i really dont see improvement, and at this point its mostly just keeping the status quo..

>> No.11392315

look at this magnificent bastard nowadays


>> No.11393308

Is it effay to wear fake hair?

>> No.11393319

I've got thin hair at my front but no balding spots or receding hairline. It's been like this for a few years at least, only really noticed when I grew my hair out longer so idk how long. my hair is fine but fairly dense the rest of my head.

can I take/use anything to fill it out? It looks fine parted to the side but I want to wear as a fringe.

>> No.11393325
File: 100 KB, 612x612, 1437587825079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck any of that.

Buzz it, accept it, and move on.

>> No.11393331

which is better looking, left or right?

>> No.11393338

>is it effay to look your best?


>> No.11393342

Hair transplant is your friend