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11379849 No.11379849 [Reply] [Original]

Are wearing sunglasses at night such a crime?
I just like wearing my shades.

>> No.11379900


except for me it's wearing them indoors during the day

>> No.11379904

only acceptable if you are doing it to watch someone weave then breathe their story lines

>> No.11380058

What are you, black?

>> No.11380074
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If you wanna look like a Casey neistat, Than by all means go ahead

>> No.11380085

In my opinion it will look as if you are trying too hard to look cool.
Perhaps very light shade sunnies would be okay, so you can actually see.
Just think about it practically man, if you cant see at night because you have fucking sunglasses on and you walk into something or trip youre just going to look like a fool

>> No.11380096

only acceptable at the club

>> No.11380097

As a guy who has worked as a security guard at several different places (yes I am a loser) I always think someone wearing sunglasses is sketchy as fuck and is
>trying to hide their identitfying features
>trying to hide their eyes because they just 420 blazed it or got drunk
>a turbo-douche

>> No.11380232
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>> No.11380338

i wear my polarized indoors without thinking about it all the time. people call me a gay retard but i've usually been wearing them so long i forget they're even there.

>> No.11380346

Totally unacceptable
That and wearing a hat when the sun isn't out

>> No.11381237

Do it man. The more people who do it, the more the stigma will diminish. Then more people will do it and we'll live in a world wear everyone is from the Matrix.

>> No.11381265


>> No.11381276

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8

>> No.11382437

what if it's cold

>> No.11382444

As much as I enjoy watching Casey's vlogs, I wish he wouldn't wear the sunglasses all the damn time, I wanna see your full face dude come on

>> No.11382451

If I'm fucked up, shades on

>> No.11382462

he wears them because he's ugly

>> No.11382495

He'd probably say move to a warmer place.
It's fine if it's cold, but preferably actually wear some warm hat, a cap or an autistic trilby won't save you from the cold. I personally just wear a hood when it gets cold though.

>> No.11382693
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eh who gives a fuck man, i wear a hat and shades anywhere, any weather when im feeling extra anxious

>> No.11382733

No brim, fuccboi

>> No.11382734

Do you drive?

>> No.11382916

>Are wearing sunglasses at night such a crime?
Yes, it's just fucking stupid.

>> No.11382924

>tfw I do this just because I need a prescription and carrying around my normal glasses and my sunglasses is bulky as fuck sometimes

>> No.11382948


i usually just take them off tho and deal with my awful eyesight unless i actually need to read or look at something.

moving around blurry objects is actually fairly easy, and I haven't broken anything or accidentally myself yet!

>> No.11383249

Lol sun glasses at night, kill yourself