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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 736x736, 1de1340df1c61d704d00526211d129ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11285860 No.11285860 [Reply] [Original]

/Fa/t Thread

Just because we're fat doesnt mean we have to dress like shit.

>> No.11285869

your performance is shit in bed.

go lift some weights

>> No.11285872

awww such a charismatic young man, enjoy my man :) !!!!

>> No.11285873

>dresses like shit

Life is hard for a lot of people brothers

>> No.11285894
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>the dad look
that's so fucking cute

>> No.11285895

>tfw not OP pic

try again, guys

>> No.11285908
File: 614 KB, 1840x3264, IMG_20151213_092620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white linen is best

Man I have THE WORST time buying pants

>> No.11285924
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I mostly wear black though

>> No.11285929
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>> No.11285933
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Target has decent skinny jeans, if you live in the states.

>> No.11285951
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>> No.11285973
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honestly surprised that so many of you fat folk lurk here. how do you not want to kill yourself everyday with the constant /thinspo/ and /slp/ threads?

>> No.11285988

Nice triptych bro!

>> No.11285999

how about you actually lose weight?
trying to compensate for your fatassity by wearing what you think to be nice clothes is like a red flag... like OK, this person is deluded, insecure, and has no personality.

>> No.11286004
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people do their own thing, doesn't bother me. getting offended over people living their own lives and it not effecting you in the least is stupid, man.

>> No.11286012

I dont even know how you came to that ending to be entirely honest. That feels like some serious projection. Are you self conscious about your body and use /fa/ as an outlet to feel better about your insecurities?

>> No.11286020

honest answer: thinspo grosses me out. thinspo has never made me want to work out. i find overly thin people incredibly unattractive and considering i'm not so fat that i'm no longer functional as a human being, and i'm lucky enough to be proportionate despite being overweight, i'm more than happy to be considered fat.

if you want to learn to dress tp compensate for your micropenis, we'll gladly oblige. no judgements here, dude.

>> No.11286030

>Just because we're fat doesnt mean we have to dress like shit.

its an inevitability moneyboy

>> No.11286037

Weight doesn't dictate clothing. It boils down to taste and, to a degree, income.

>> No.11286040

those jeans are workin hard lmao

and those are just loose fit jeans that are skinny relative to you

>> No.11286048

but it does dictate how terrible you'll look in almost every article of clothing ever

plus fat people only have a taste for food t b h

>> No.11286063
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I dont think you realize how jean cuts work, let alone sizing.

>> No.11286076

>in the year two thousand and sixteen in the common era
>projecting your insecurities this hard
Shouldn't you be hating how you look somewhere else?

That comes down to fat distribution.

>> No.11286091

This is a joke right?

>> No.11286106
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yes, one huge joke. you're welcome. we'll go back to thin fashion now

>> No.11286117

funny you'd say that, because I think that outfit would look great on a chubby girl. just swap those shit tier grandma nylons for some thigh highs.

>> No.11286125

I know a place that does plus size thigh highs too

>> No.11286128


I'd rather be a fat stylish black man like you and get all the fly honies than be a skinny beta faggot.

>> No.11286134

lmao this thread just goes to show that fats should stay lurking. coming in here with your fucking "CURRENT YEAR" bullshit, and any real advice is met with "UHH STOP PROJECTING DUDE". jesus christ you guys are just as awful to listen to as you are to look at

>> No.11286146
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sorry did we trigger your insecurities

>> No.11286149

Oh shit, I love Sockdreams. I need to order from them more.

>"all fatties have a taste for is food"
>posts pic of beached whale
>"there's no way for fatties to look good in clothes"

>> No.11286159

A little. I'm terrified of looking like the Michelin Man and not being able to climb stairs without sweating.

>> No.11286188

That dude needs to take that jacket to a tailor and have it let out as much as its humanly possible.

>> No.11286208


>target pants
>stature of a midget

You fat fucks disgust me

>> No.11286213

I'm not saying fat people can't be fashionable but >>11285933 are you kidding my why did this person even post this

>> No.11286216

they're actually secondhand coaches that i picked up at goodwill a month or so ago

>pic of you not found

>> No.11287465
File: 130 KB, 283x323, Screen Shot 2016-05-15 at 3.53.09 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bernie supporter-core.


>Dresses in shitty rockabilly inspired clothing.

>> No.11287478

I'd rather fucking die.

>> No.11287487

I'd rather fucking die than being fat

>> No.11287739

i don't even...

>> No.11287748

You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sistine chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along.

>> No.11287753
File: 5 KB, 528x136, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck

>> No.11287758

>mfw thinking about you hurting

>> No.11287759

Because "lose weight" IS the advice

>> No.11287773

>burn the tie
>pants are straining
>jacket is too small, and what's going on with the shoulders?
and you'd look better with an higher waist.
IF the button point on the jacket is right (I don't think so, but might), then pants should reach the button, or almost reach it if you want to be more modern.

>> No.11287776

you can't deny that the guy in the OP would look a million times better if he was thinner, especially in the face.
and if he dropped the dadcore bullshit, jacketless tie just doesn't look good, even less with that shirt.

>> No.11287777

yo wtf

>> No.11287816

what the fuck is this thread lmao

>> No.11287835

the only tips in this thread are those of your fedora

>> No.11287841


>middle pic

That button looks so strained that it's velocity could actually injure someone if you breathed in too much.
It's a nice outfit senpai, but for the sake of your fellow human beings leave your jacket unbuttoned you overweight lunatic.

>> No.11287845

Are we being raided?

>> No.11287913

yo nice quads brother

>> No.11287917

did you guys rip these off some reddit thread lmao?

>> No.11287919


>> No.11288601
File: 31 KB, 564x564, 12745812_700229423451238_6833455671660826375_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatties get out REEEEEEEEE

>> No.11288614



>> No.11288619

You cant be fat and fa
you can be fat and fun, but not fa

>> No.11288628

Why would a fat fuck even want tight clothes and shit...I just lay around in shorts and a food stained t shirt

>> No.11288637

>>thin fashion

you mean fashion.

>> No.11288638

Underrated post

>> No.11288851

everyones a hideous whale except for op
just being honest

>> No.11289713
File: 44 KB, 492x419, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stop.

>> No.11289801

Hair and facial hair tips for fat white dudes? (My skin's a bit darker naturally though, buy I'm 100% white)

>> No.11289812

A goatee will add more length to the face and it'll balance out the roundness.
I opt for a bit of scruff everywhere else besides the neck since I want a bit of coverage on that skin.
Make sure nothing looks small or thin, or it'll make your face look even bigger.
Beard under your chin is fine, but the line should end when you reach the neck. Just make sure you look super groomed all the time, any bit of unkempt facial hair will automatically make you look like a fedora

>> No.11289819
File: 2.86 MB, 1067x550, plus size model.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't be fat

>> No.11289849

You can dress with the best style, but you will still look bad mate, im sorry.

>> No.11289853


>> No.11289855

I think the reason I'm not as disgusted as I want to be by this is because I cannot believe this is real, that this isn't some kind of suit or something. It's just grotesque.

>> No.11289875
File: 93 KB, 720x540, cZ23J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can only be fa through shoes/hats/accessories because good brands don't go past XL

>> No.11289883
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>> No.11289884

this is some pasta i fuckign hope

>> No.11289889
File: 35 KB, 582x329, 1312324719320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does fat feel like ? I've never touched a fat person before. Do their bodies feel like tits ?

>> No.11289895

some of em are rubbery
others feel kinda squishy/fluffy

either way its gross and they always have gnarly BO

>> No.11289902

this. some are kind of like "hard fat" others are just blubbery

>> No.11289914

you touching a lot of fat people eh?

>> No.11289924
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>> No.11289925

No but I've been into contact with some. Never fucked because >fat

>> No.11289929

i played high school football

>> No.11289971

holy shit those buckled knees.

How does she stand back up after she sits down? Would she die if the cameraman left her there?

>> No.11290002

He looks so full of confidence. I got to give him that at least.

>> No.11290124

>spot the hip liberal

>> No.11290206

t b h i think youre gorgeous. chubby girls are my thing. are you into skinny dudes?

>> No.11290272

oh god its been so long.
someone post this pasta please

>> No.11290277

>bernie supporter-core
then i've done my job correctly

>> No.11290280

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>> No.11290764

im skinnyfat and fucking hate myself but this really made me feel alot better. im going to the gym, guys. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.11290778

no matter how hard you try, you'll always look worse than a thin person who doesn't even try

do yourself the only favor and lose weight

>> No.11290838

You know, I live in a fairly liberal area and go to college, so I just might try to build a bernie-core outfit or two, or something that screams liberal, just to blend in. I'm tired of people always coming up to me on campus and saying "Hey, we're with the college democrats, and since you're a fit white male, we think you should read this phamplet..."

I need to gain some weight, stop caring about my appearance, and get a hoodie with "2016" (the current year, don't you know?) printed on it. Then I'll look like a real cuck, like a model cuck. I could drive cuck fashion.

>> No.11290860

Its see-through dear fucking god please be bait

>> No.11290864

please just stop

>> No.11290873

fatman had that GOAT /fa/t techware fit

>> No.11291283


>> No.11291301

It's not even just about health or looking good but self-respect. This person disgusts me not because they are fat but because they are proud of it.

>> No.11291304

>the mom-to-be look
that's so fucking cute

>> No.11291305
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why does this garbage have so many replies zzz
if you're fat and you want to dress nice i suggest trying to lose weight so you can look better and feel better about yourself
in the mean time all you can do is dress semiformal every day because that's literally the only style of clothing i see bigger people pull off, otherwise pullover and khaki jeans lmao
I'm sorry to break it to you but higher tier designer stuff just isn't meant for fat people
alexander mcqueen isn't meant for bigger women
slp isn't meant for bigger guys
why can't you just admit your body is shit and lose weight? and if you're actually proud of your body i highly doubt youd be projecting this hard about how proud you are of your body
i don't give a shit if you're proud of your body just fuck off please

>> No.11291327

God this thread is a fucking mess. OP's jacket looks like it's about to burst open and my god the replies. Fat does NOT = fashion, it NEVER WILL. Fashion is about looking good, and fat people do not look good. Simple as.

>> No.11291367
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>> No.11291389

>this just in, still fat
what do you expect

>> No.11291390

>america thread

>> No.11291400

>Just because we're fat doesnt mean we have to dress like shit.

It kinda does, just because your disgusting bodies makes everything you put on it look like shit. Eat less, excercise more.

>> No.11291402

does she have a beard

>> No.11292118

t h i c c

>> No.11292238

Pls be bait

>> No.11292384

Ayy bro, good luck. I was skinny fat in December and now I'm halfway to being fit. I'm at 10%bf and 158@6ft1". We're all gonna make it!

>> No.11292569

fat people are objectively unattractive and unfashionable

>> No.11292579

The hardest I ever came was during anal with my fat gf and she was saying she wanted me to stop. At first she said it like she thought I would honor her request, then she tried clarifying that it was really hurting, then she actually started trying to get away,and then she just kind of went limp and gave in quietly crying a little.

I like to play hot and cold. Anything nice she does I criticize. She is never good enough. At the same time I"ll randomly compliment her for something, no particular reason. It keeps her guessing and erodes any self esteem she mistakenly holds. I also like spanking her, and she's usually kind of into it, but I like to push the limits and get her to start crying. It took a lot at first but she's learned to be vulnerable in front of me. I know she's not faking it, because she wouldn't be able to walk for a month if I suspected her faking the tears. I love going to the point where she just gives in and accepts her punishment. I mean yeah she's fat and basically subhuman, but technically she's a girl so that's kind of cool. I"d rather have total domination with a fatty than a 'healthy' equitable relationshit with a real girl. Maybe one day I'll level up enough to be able to abuse normal girls, but until then I"m really enjoying this.

Cuddles seem to mean so much more when you just hurt her too. She says she still dislikes anal but she doesn't voice any objections anymore which kind of takes the fun out of it. I've noticed her aversion to the idea of sucking my dick after it was in her nasty roastie though. It's become my new favorite sex act. Instead of blowjob first then pussy, we start with pussy then finish in mouth. I think I like violating boundaries more than the actual sex. I"ve been thinking about clitoris piercing and chastity systems lately. Shes very orgasmic somehow, and I'd love to take that from her with a double horizontal clit bar piercing which holds a clitoral shield in place to even further inhibit clitoral stimulation.

>> No.11292718
File: 142 KB, 600x400, action bronson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Action Bronson is the epitome of /fa/t


>> No.11292825
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>> No.11292836
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How can you accept and idiolize unhealthy slobs? It's not that hard to lose weight, just calorie count and excercise. How could you be so lazy?

>> No.11292867
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1453921857874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11292870

Not a single post by lards in this thread has shown proper fat distribution.

>> No.11292880

I hope this is fictional. that's sad af

>> No.11292888
File: 10 KB, 200x200, Darksouls2wikifextralifecom+dark+souls+2+wiki+how+do+you+up+this+bad+_c675cd8ce5d780016ebe3a3ce5946889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11292890

this has to be fake... doesn't it?

are ppl on /fa/ really like this?

>> No.11292913
File: 34 KB, 1953x478, it's fine it's ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so aussie that I found a kangaroo

>> No.11293731


>> No.11293739

because slp is a shitty boheme rockstar meme and im not even fat

>> No.11293904

I have been starving myself all day, and threads like these encourage me to continue to starve myself. I don't care if this kills me, I want to be REALLY skinny.

>> No.11293937

Nice digits

>> No.11293958

Remember which website you're on

>> No.11295471


>> No.11295585

I believe this is all a fantasy in his head. No way anyone is actually this fucked up.

>> No.11296374

I've lost 30 lbs since I started lurking here and /fit/ a few months ago

>> No.11296376

Where to cop the shirt he wears under

>> No.11296392

/mu/ pasta

>> No.11296397
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That "Wu tang" hand sign

>> No.11296892
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Rate my fit

>> No.11297226

That's good, except that the shoes are a bit too flamboyant. Get some lower sneakers.

>> No.11297265

The fact that people think this is weird is the real problem.

>> No.11297349

brehs... could an 8x6 even satisfy her

>> No.11297397
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>> No.11297571
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You're a faggot. Beauty is regarded as such because it's uncommon. Don't water down the definition of beauty to maybe, hopefully, get laid.

>> No.11297700

What is up with the bitter contrarian edginess of this board? I don't get it. Seriously, 4chan is a place full of people who would lose their shit if someone tried to shake their hand.

>> No.11297714

this thread almost made me gain 20 pounds.

>> No.11297732


Not even that fat

>> No.11297774
File: 110 KB, 421x594, me7znbM8PB1rxuv40o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is almost perfect. The thigh gap could be a little bigger, though.