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/fa/ - Fashion

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11245374 No.11245374 [Reply] [Original]

Who on /fa/ skinny here? Is it /fa/ to have skinny legs like this or what would work better?

>> No.11245788

What, really?

>> No.11245823
File: 99 KB, 694x642, 8epyl3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11245824

Skinny chicken legs are an important feature in my opinion. I think they are good to have for any fashionista.

>> No.11246023

w2c pants?

>> No.11246029

i have big ass legs but average everything else kms

>> No.11246254

This is not the place for you, newfriend :^)

>> No.11246321

W2c his legs?

>> No.11246326

chicken legs wtf

>> No.11246339

Boy I told you yesterday in waywt that this fit is nothing special so just stop

>> No.11247337

Just Junkies

Problem whiteboi?
fuck off mate u dont own /fa/

>> No.11247352

mate u got gyno or something whats going on with the boob

>> No.11247360

You're skinny and black and you got more girls than all of fat white /fit/.

1 is better than 0.

>> No.11247418

well I hope not mate, I think its just the picture

>> No.11247421 [DELETED] 

you need to shutup

>> No.11247472

he's right tho

>> No.11247494

Of course I am. Only skinnies can enjoy skinny jeans for example, fashion restrictions become lesser and lesser, they are the masters of silhouette.
Fatty's opinions are irrelevant...

>> No.11247497

i agree with you
but you write like you are autistic as fuck or underage trying to be "formal"

>> No.11247512


>> No.11247525

>wear smaller tops
this one is oversized and fucks up ur proportions
>if ure really confident with ur legs wear the skinniest fuckin pants u can find
im super skinny, literally shopping in womens section
>dont pinroll ever unless its black super skinny fit
u dont want ur pinroll to be visible cuz its disgusting
>burn those jeans
>burn that thing on ur wrist
>lose weight
>lose weight
>lose weight
>lose weight
>lose weight

>> No.11247578

thanks for the advise

but lose weight? really? my BMI is 18,8 soo I dont think so

>> No.11247692

Mine is 16 u fatty

>> No.11247723

BMI 16 reporting in.
Grow your hair long, enjoy all the closet lesbian pussy you can imagine.

>> No.11247729
File: 98 KB, 480x768, IMG_20160501_190251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like dadcore af?
really? ew I want to avoid that.

Do it if you want to. You will be able to pull off more clothing the lower you are. If you already fit into the clothes you like stay there.

and with that I mean all kinds of clothes regardless of gender.

Cool. Mine is 17 around there.

I relate to that A LOT lol!
True af

>> No.11247821

You're not skinny- you're skinny fat. you look like shit, this kind of skinny is not aesthetic.

>> No.11247995

Let me see a picture of you :^)

>> No.11248006

He's right though. The fit is fine, but nothing special. The distressing also looks shit on the pants

>> No.11248087


You are skinnyfat, like you have no muscle mass whatsoever but you're not even near 10% bodyfat. That's why you have small manboobs. You would look pudgy af without a shirt on.