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/fa/ - Fashion

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11213925 No.11213925 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare thread.

Post, browse, and be vain.

>> No.11215356

I seem to be finally getting some results from benzoyl peroxide (unless the results are actually from reducing my dairy intake), but I still have issues with stress, which always seems to cause acne.

Also when I get stressed I then get caught in a stress spiral since I know the stress could cause more acne which stresses me out further. Has anyone figured out any good methods for quickly de-stressing?

>> No.11215453

Any hobby you love to do mang

>> No.11215805

Massage, sex, laughing with friends, cold showers.

>> No.11215847

My dark circles must be genetic.

I've been putting vitamin c serum, and I literally see no progress

>> No.11215889

Just got some Tretinoin 0.05% called "Vitacid" off EBay for $12. It's coming from Indonesia so it will probably take a month but I'm hoping it gets here sooner.

>> No.11216000

I'm somewhat brown, do I need pH protection if I'm mostly indoors?

I'm also trying to get rid of my hideous High School acne marks (I've had since 2012). Any chance for me to get rid of them fully? I wish hair could grow there for a full beard.

>> No.11216009

been using lush's ocean salt for the first time and holy shit i've never used something that exfoliates this much i fucking hate it desu
usually just used this tea tree oil wash from trader joes and cetaphil to maintain my acne but i'm gonna stick this lush shit out for a few months and see what happens
shit has me breaking out like crazy though, good thing i'm a neet until september

>> No.11216311

What kind of moisturizers do you use /fa/?

>> No.11216466
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is there a method to get rid of dark circles without the usage of makeup?
>inb4 ugly
You have yet to see my final form.

>> No.11216467

I would love to cum in your eyes

>> No.11216471

Why not post the goddamn faq sticky?

>> No.11216498


please fly me out to your location

>> No.11216548

I don't think that this'll help my case...

>> No.11216571

you look so fucking familiar..

does your name start with a "j?"

>> No.11216625


>> No.11216635

>not ugly

can i use accuse of you seeking affirmation? and your digits?

>> No.11216640

How do I get white skin soI can be /fa/?

>> No.11216641

Minimum 6 hours sleep
Staying active
Eating as clean as possible
Drinking water regularly
Deep exfoliate once a week
remove makeup everyday
Wear light makeup
Moisturize face as needed thorough out the day
Only get as much sun as needed and avoid excess
Use makeup remover with witch hazel extract

>> No.11216650

you sure? i'd help too

>> No.11217811
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Been struggling with acne for a bit and I use cetaphil and clinque face scrub exfoliant but still have a few red spots

>> No.11217822

My skin tends to look better when I don't moisturise - does this happen to anyone else? I have dry skin, but if I use moisturiser for a while it seems to make it worse, it'll be fine for a bit, but it'll come back much drier; it's like my skin becomes 'lazy'.

Is it the type of moisturiser I'm using, perhaps?

>> No.11217847

I fucking feel you man, I get stressed so easily and it makes me itchy as well as giving me spots.

Trying to figure out how to de-stress myself these days.

>> No.11217850


pls be in london

>> No.11217896
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Please shave ASAP
Don't keep your thin teen facial pubes

>pic related

Wait a couple of years before growing things out

it's a bit of a thread-killer since people don't ask their retarded questions in-thread and bump it

so I think it's good to not put it in OP

/fa/ skincare FAQ:
Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips:

How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads:

Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face:

How to improve your skin tone through diet:

Studies on how diary and sugars create acne:

How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, masturbation, toxic ingredients, parabens:

FAQ, complete mirror:

>> No.11217906

its weekend chill lol, i do shave

>> No.11217914

Only makeup can help

>> No.11217918
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top man

as for the acne, you don't really have anything that actively does something against spots. try out something with salicylic acid in it. Plenty of exfoliants like that are listed in the product recommendations list. if that doesn't alleviate things within a couple of weeks, try out some benzoyl peroxide. all evidence-based stuff that should help your mild acne.
do also check out the diet link.

>> No.11217931

i use cetaphil daily skin cleanser and i have just got the "clinique face scrub exfoliant visage" which iv used 3 times in the last week and that seemed to help alot, i also used khiels Blue Herbal Gel Cleanser but didnt seem to work. i drink alot of water and diet is quite balanced, i thought the red spots could be coming from a lack of something so i get vitamin c tablets daily, but these spots are still here :/

>> No.11217958

take a cold shower after you shower and exfoliate, that'll close up your pores and stop you from breaking out

>> No.11217997

hello its slp anon i recently got into a pretty good routine and thought i'd share

so basically i take something called a Scottish shower, which is where i have a hot shower, and i tie my hair up (i have quite long hair) and then after i get bored and wanna get out i turn it freezing cold, and then let my hair down and wash my hair. I also drink an awful lot of water, i dont really do much in the way of products, but my skin is so clean and fresh and i feel pretty great about taking ice cold showers they're reallly nice, if you're willing to change your life up a bit

>> No.11218018
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Not sure about if this is skin care, but I guess it is.

I have really sensitive skin even though I'm a guy and I've been dealing with irritation under my armpits.

I've found a deodorant that suits me well but it contains talc and has a faint smell of baby powder. It is really good, my armpits NEVER smell even while doing sports but I've been wondering if that smell bothers other people, especially girls. It is a fresh scent, very clean but has the baby powder aroma.

What would you think of a guy that smells like that?

>> No.11218030

I use a cleanser every morning and a mint or charcoal face mask like every few days, I also try to drink water with vitamin C.

Not sure how much it does but my skin is not bad.

>> No.11218034

try mask it with aftershave, if you're doing sport i'm sure everyone would rather smell baby powder than sweat, as for when you aren't, just wear some nice aftershave

>> No.11218042

Any suggestions on something nice smelling?

I'd like to find a nice daily cologne or aftershave that doesn't smell like HURR MAN or random chemicals, but I don't know if floral and natural scents suit men.

>> No.11218049

i use bleu de chanel in the day, and l'homme by yves saint laurent at night

some of my favourite aftershaves have actually been like £25 ones that you find in chemists in gift sets

>> No.11218050

Dude I love borotalco

>> No.11218054

Glad to hear about someone else using it too, it is the best thing.

Have you tried their shower gel?
Unfortunately I cannot afford that kind of perfume. Eastern Europe here.

>> No.11218068

I have VERY sensitive, combination skin, prone to allergic reactions and irritation. I deal with a combo of acne and eczema.
I can't use chemical peels bc of eczema, and I can't use oils and shit because I'm allergic to tree nuts.

The GOAT moisturizer that helps soothe my skin and doesn't contain sweet almond oil (looking at you, cetaphil) is Toleriane by LaRoche-Posay, I highly recommend it to anybody struggling with problematic skin.

Any others who deal with shit troubled skin? What do you recommend?

>> No.11218072

those were just what i use, i can't afford them usually i get aftershave as a gift. Try using shower gel or something

>> No.11218239
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So far you only have a cleanser, as well as a cleanser that has some exfoliation in it. You need something that acts against the acne bacteria, the inflammation and redness (inflammation) in your skin, and something that helps you unclog pores more effectively. If I were you and only had to use one product, it would be some SA-containing toner (or BP).

The Kiehl's Cleanser has a good amount of salicylic acid in it, but it's not that good because it's much better to leave the SA on the skin.

>> No.11218683

use non oily moisturizer, i made the change and it worked wonders, if you already are using non oily. look at the pH or the temperature of your skin, keeping cool can do wonders for dry skin

>> No.11218689
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Who rawhoney here?

Wrinkle removan
Dark circle destroyan

>> No.11218695

I'm allergic to honey

>> No.11218813
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What's the best way to preserve aloe vera?

Should I keep the leaf like pic related or just fillet it and extract the gel? Does it make any difference?

>> No.11218947

lmgtfy.com has great info on that

>> No.11219173
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is pine tar soap good for the skin?

>> No.11219272
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Is honey, then aloe vera, then a Vitamin C moisturizer too excessive?

>> No.11219326

>can't use oils and shit because I'm allergic to tree nuts

Also allergic to the nuts of satan.
What nuts are you allergic to?
You should be able to use jojoba. Just try a bit on your skin.

>> No.11219343

Vitamin C serum takes around 3 months to show results.

>> No.11219349

Been using some Aveeno brand, just ordered CeraVe Mositurising Lotion on Amazon, also the PM one as well. Hope it works well with my skin, mostly concerned about the Moisturising Lotion being too greasy.

>> No.11219371

I love aveeno as a moisturiser when I have to go out because it isn't shiny

there are probably more effective moisturisers you could use if you're just at home though

>> No.11219801

It's the "Stress Relieving" Moisturizer. Just found it around the house probably my mothers

That one is pretty heavy in my opinion, I've heard good thing about the "Daily Moisturizer" one though.

>buy glass dropper bottle on amazon
>didn't check shipping
>already shipped
oh well

I've seen some dark bottles with a spray head, would that be better for distributing vitamin c serum on your face?

>> No.11219833

daily moisturiser is the one i was talking about

>> No.11219892

so my best bet is to get a BP product? i think the cetaphil was more effective than the khiels so ill use that as well as the clinque exfoliate, i dont mind using a few products as long as my skins good, what product with BP would you recommend

>> No.11220927

Is aftershave worth using? My skin gets red and lumpy an hour so after shaving. Different creams change nothing.

>> No.11221210

Anything that is leave-on with a low concentration

They're not that complicated

Ask at your nearest pharmacy

>> No.11221213

Ty a lot friend, will keep u updated on how it goes

>> No.11221742

i know tanning is bad for your skin in the long run, but is it worthwhile to help hide the acne for the short term?

>> No.11221898

Could you recommend some non-oily moistr?

>> No.11222158

don't you think that's something you need to decide for yourself?

>> No.11222628

I have Rosacea, should I give up on life now or is there anything I can do to stop this?

Currently I wear moisturiser/sunscreen every day, consume 2-3L of water and exercise daily

>> No.11222635

I don't understand how people can use only salicylic acid/benzoyl based products and have good skin.
To keep my face clean I have to use:
10% benzoyl wash
Witch hazel toner
10% AHA
Redness reducer spot treatment
All of those 2x a day
Aztec clay 1x/week.
Never had any issues with redness or peeling
Am I really just that acne prone?

>> No.11222636

No, it just cleans you without exposing you to excessively harsh chemicals, but it does nothing beneficial to your skin in itself

>> No.11222670

it can cause you to break out more.

it varies for each person. I know people who use no skincare products and have amazing skin. What do you use for redness reduction?

>> No.11222742
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Anybody here experimented with Garlic for getting rid of individual pimples?

How well did it work?

>> No.11223037

What friends, friend?

>> No.11223124

>new serum clearing my scars well but also making me breakout

there's no winning

>> No.11223137
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>> No.11223174

Fellas, struggled with acne for a year and a half and pretty damn clear now. Just putting my routine down incase it helps anyone.

With acne:
AM and PM
Cetaphil daily cleanser
Benzoyl peroxide 2.5%
Occasionally E45 moisturising cream if I was dry on my nose area

Post acne (currently doing, to fade few remaining red marks and plan to continue):
Cetaphil Daily Cleanser
OST C20 Vitamin C serum (also generally does a good job of keeping skin moist so no moisturiser needed)

Cetaphil Daily Cleanser
Paula's choice 2% BHA

This current, post acne routine is doing great stuff for my skin, skin looks clearly and brighter. Would recommend.

Also if anyone in the UK needs help sourcing these like I did I can help with links.

>> No.11223424

Alpha hydrox skin light

>> No.11223525

Guys my bacne is getting worse, i have it since years and wasnt able to get rid of it.
I eat oats and milk for breakfast, thats pretty much all the dairy i consume and i shower once a day (+ once after the gym every 2nd day).
Anyone got tips on dealing with it?

>> No.11223541

also its only on my back and shoulders, my face is crystal clear

>> No.11223614
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Looking for advice/critique on my regiment:

>Ice w/ thin cloth on pimples that may have emerged
>Radha Vitamin C cleanser
>Thayers Toner
>Andre Lorent SPF 30 sunscreen

>Vitamin C cleanser
>Raw honey mask for 30 minutes
>Aloe vera
>Foxbrim Vitamin C moisturizer

Every Monday and Friday I'll exfoliate with Molton Brown's Deep Clean. Pic unrelated.

>> No.11223660

Vit C cleansers and moisturizers are useless if you're trying to reap the benefits of vitamin c. This is because for vit c to be effective it
- has to be in a decently high concentration
- has to have a pH of less than 3.5 (you want maybe 2.5-3.0 ideally) to actually penetrate into your skin

You won't get that from cleansers or creams, which is why people use serums for vitamin c. Typically, you would want a serum with 15-20%, and you should wait 15-20min after application before using any other facial products after cleansing.

In general, for cleansers, they will not be on your face for long enough for any ~vitamins~ to do anything for your skin. So, a bare-bones cleanser with a pH of around 4.5-6 is all you need.

>> No.11223672

Do you moisturize after showering? It could be due to stripping your skin of it's moisture barrier and acid mantle (these inhibit bacterial growth).
I have heard good things about CeraVe SA lotion and cream. It's sold in drug stores, and contains 2% salicylic acid (or 1.5%...idr), which will treat the pimples.

>> No.11223770

Gotcha. I was prompted to switch from Neutrogena's Deep Clean cream and have been eyeing Aquanil since it doesn't have any Parabens in it. I'll probably give that a run.

Thanks for the info! I'll be sure to remember that in the future.

>> No.11223815

Was going to say this >>11223672
Your soap might be too harsh, bar soaps are very awful as they have a very high pH. I've been using soapy detergents, it keeps me clean but the next day I might have a new pimple or so. I've recently started using Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser on my back since it's pH is balanced to suit your skin.

>> No.11223867

It's obviously your choice, and it really won't negatively impact you anyway, but just as an FYI the scientific/dermatological/pharmacological consensus right now is that "parabens are bad" is just a meme.
Cuz, you know, chemicals are scaaarrryyy.

Parabens are common anti-fungal preservatives found in almost all skincare, and the quantities in which they're present in formulations is tiny and inconsequential to skin health.
Now, SULFATES (which is what you may be confusing parabens with) actually do cause skin problems for people. They're very effective surfactants (what makes soaps foamy), and are excellent at stripping oils away from your skin...which for some people causes excessive dryness and irritation. But, even that isn't a problem for everyone (my face couldn't care less).

Anyway, there's absolutely nothing wrong with avoiding either thing, I just wanted to post info.

>> No.11224163

Since you clearly know more than I do, I figured I might as well ask this as well:

I used BP a few months back and it left some dark spots. Is there any way to get those to fade?

>> No.11224621

does african black soap work?

>> No.11224640
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>eat nothing but shit
>drink pop all the time
>not fat
>skin clear as fuck

>> No.11224651

That shit works so well. I don't know about the kind you are getting from Indonesia but I use a 0.05% tretanoin and I think I used to have a 0.08% but I used it all. Anyway, I would only use it every other day and then use Aloe Vera or something for sunburns because you will peel like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.11224668

Vitamin C would help with that! Haha

Also, things that are generally meant to brighten or "whiten" skin will fade dark spots. A good, common ingredient to look for is niacinamide - an easy go-to would be the CeraVe facial moisturizing Daytime or PM lotions have it.

I don't know how deep into it you want to go, because anything beyond that will by necessity add steps to your skincare (toners and/or AHA/BHA exfoliants).
desu, in terms of actual product recommendations I'm mostly experienced with Korean shit; as for western products, Paula's Choice is always a safe bet, and people have good experiences with the products. All this involves ordering online.

You CAN get things that claim to have AHA or BHA in them at drug stores (Stridex in the red box is the most effective "common" BHA), but because these are active ingredients (which vit c is considered as well), they need specific concentrations and pH levels to be effective, which a lot of the products you find at the drug store just don't state, so I feel like it's throwing money to the wind.

>> No.11224849

I seriously can't thank you enough for all the info. You're wonderful!

>> No.11224853

stop posting bait with pictures of your bully, faggot

>> No.11224855

projecting my friend?

>> No.11224859

ok so i went to pharmacy today, and they suggested me "benzac ac" and they have 5% in store atm or they could order me a 2.5% if i want, what do i do senpai

>> No.11224890

>purposefully making your hairline recede farther back
why the fuck did this retard or his hairstylist think this was a fucking good idea?

>> No.11225193

thanks ill keep that in mind, do you guys know an alternative to Cetaphil its kinda hard to get in germany

>> No.11225266

how the fuck do you apply that vitamin c serum shit? i'm a guy and don't know how to use most make up products

>> No.11225296
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>> No.11225509
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>tfw keratosis pilaris

>> No.11225534
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>> No.11225641

I really don't know what you guys have, but if you google "low pH body wash" you'll get some suggestions.

From looking previously, apparently "feminine" washes are formulated with low pH. So if you don't mind buying vagina soap, there's always that.

>> No.11225678
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You can apply it either once or twice per day. Wash and dry your face, then apply the serum. I find that a dime-sized amount is usually enough to cover my face and neck. Just put some into your palm and then spread it around - you don't need to vigorously rub it in or anything.

To get the most out of the serum, wait 15-20 min before putting anything else on your face.

As for storage, keep it in a cool, dark place. The serums should be a really really light yellow. I found a pic of what it should look like, vs what it looks like after it oxidizes.

It absolutely has to be in a dark bottle, otherwise it's gonna get rekt.

>> No.11225996 [DELETED] 

Any recommended brands/manufacturers?

>> No.11226020

Aside from C20, could you recommend any other brands? I was told a serum is what I need for my Hyperpigmentation.

>> No.11226038

SkinCeuticals (20%, 2.5ph)
C20 OST (20%, 2.5ph)
Paula's Choice resist C15 (15%, 3.0ph)
Cosmetic Skin Solutions C+E (15%, < 3.0ph)

Amazon's a good place to look as well, but if you see something that you think is a good deal, make sure to google the pH of the product. If you can't find anything, then don't buy it.

>> No.11226051

mah nigga

>> No.11226057
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Man, bless you.

>> No.11226078

Yeah guy, happy to help.

When you get your serum, tho, don't just go all out with it. Start with 1x per day for maybe 2 weeks to make sure your face is ok with it.

A lot of people recommend starting with the lower percentages of vit c, but if your skin isn't sensitive it should be fine going for the 20%.

I started off with the 20% serums right off the bat with no problems because my skin can take anything short of exfoliating it with bricks.

Obviously, if your skin gets irritated, stop right away. Once it calms down, reintroduce the serum slowly (2x per week, then increase every 2 weeks).

>> No.11226133

just have sexx xD

fucking women are useless.

im a guy and im aspergers, im just here from r9k

i cant just have sex

>> No.11226138

Getting a girlfriend isn't that hard. YOU are your own biggest obstacle.

>> No.11226143

this is what girls think because they do 0 work to get a bf

its overall bad advice and wishywashy and what it says about you is that perhaps you lack empathy/ reasoning skills as in the ability to put yourself in others shoes outside of what you think the world is like

grow up.

>> No.11226159

Opposite, idiot. People with empathy and reasoning skills are the ones who have no problems getting gfs.

If you think you're one of those people and can't get a gf, it's because your worldview is warped around the gravitational force of your fat ass, so of course no one fucking wants you.

>> No.11226221

>People with empathy and reasoning skills are the ones who have no problems getting gfs.

you cant read and youre taking different points because you have nothing against what i said

what i said in relation to empathy wasnt about getting a gf, it was about you and your lack of ability to transcend youre own life view into that of anothers, thats why you say dumb shit like "YOU are your own biggest obstacle" because youre a dumb slut who has had a waterfall of dick handed to her her whole life and cant imagine a world where that isnt true for soemone else.

I can impose my thoughts into your lifestyle and world on how its just easy to get a gf. You cant do the same for me on how its hard.

this is why normies are so universally despised except by other normies who feed into their own bs. no you dont get a gf by having empathy or reasoning skills, you get it by being born attractive and or some neurotypical brain adjustment. people like you are handed a relationship for having a vagina. for guys theres a whole list of things you have to do to have a gf. being naturally introverted and shy like me is not one and because women never make a move and just sit back and expect the man to do all the work then youre screwed as an introvert in a lot of cases espeically if you have other natural things like aspergers, and anxiety. and yeah you can say thats my fault, but dont tell me its easy you bitch

>> No.11226239
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Well shit anyway, I bought Proactive a while back and I have been using it as said on the packaging and such but I still get pretty rough break outs and all the Proactive did was make my non acne skin softer, any home remedies or should I try X-out?

>> No.11226251

Me too bro
From the lack of replies I'm guessing there really is no way to fix it
brb killing self

>> No.11226358

I've been using coconut oil for the KP on my upper arms along with shaving and it seems to be working well enough. Give it a shot for a couple weeks.

>> No.11226460

Still an idiot tho. I wasn't even the same poster.

Asspies lack empathy and emotional awareness. Emotional awareness is part of having reasoning skills. I never said it was easy, someone else did.

I said it's on you. If you keep living your life like the world is against you, of course it fucking will be. Who the shit cares about having a gf anyway? Oh right, you. Abloobloobloo normies do well because they're normal. No shit dumbass.

So buck up or back out and stop bitching about it.

Buy a fleshlight.

>> No.11226462

how much water should i drink everyday for good skin? I cut all shit like soda pop, and other stupid like lots of pizza and junk food out of my diet for the last couple of months. my skin isn't bad at all but i still want healthy skin.

>> No.11226465

i drink a glass an hour, i have a glass before i go outside to do anything, a glass before going to bed, a glass in bed

i don't cut other drinks i just make sure to drink two

>> No.11226474

proactive is such a rip off, it might as well be an MLM.

If you have for realsies acne, go to a derm.

>> No.11226491

Thanks Anon I'll schedule one asap

>> No.11226492

As far as I know, people with rosacea are permanently stuck with it. I think there's like 3 different types of it as well, so they won't all respond to the same thing.

If you go to a doctor or dermatologist, they can prescribe a steroid cream, which will calm your face. But you really need to determine what's causing it to be able to address how to reduce the inflammation.

Avoid things with fragrance, harsh soaps, alcohol. Use products that are meant to calm skin and reduce redness. Aloe gel (often used for sunburns as well) and witch hazel might help.

>> No.11226538
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H-Hila Klein?

I know the feel btw.

>> No.11226546

What's a good deodorant for eczematic and sensitive pits? I can't stand even the sensitive antiperspirant deodorants, and even the most basic deoderants piss off my skin.

Spray on?
Pls help.

>> No.11226577

Any recs for a night cream?
Or would a basic moisturizer work just as well.

>> No.11226592

>doesn't have slammin' bright blue eyes
You are retarded

>> No.11226612

I'm color blind.
But I guess that's practically retardation, right?

>> No.11226662


Honestly the AM vs PM moisturizer isn't really going to be that different unless you an SPF in the AM.

>> No.11227068

I see a lot of people saying that serums with a higher pH content have helped to fade their marks. Are they just blowing smoke or is it dependent upon the skin type?

>> No.11227183

At high pH vitamin c won't be able to penetrate the skin, which it needs to do to be effective.

In the case of high pH serums having effects, it is one of these things
1. marks do fade with time on their own, just slowly. They might be noticing a lightening effect just because now they're looking for one
2. vit c serums usually come with other ingredients (HA, vit E, whatever else the manufacturer feels like), which even on their own will provide some sort of benefit to skin
3. other products in their skincare routine. They could be assigning their effects to the vit c serum.

Basically, even a high pH serum MAY do something, but it's a waste of time/money, IMO, because it's not the actual vit c that's doing anything. You might as well just go for actual vit e or hyaluronic acid serums instead. Vitamin C is a beast, though, so that's what you want to go for.

>> No.11228089
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What have been some of your successful home remedies for getting rid of pimples without popping them?

>> No.11229038
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>home remedies

as in untested, non-scientific shit that doesn't work? or what?

all of the things that actually do work has been made into products

>pic related

I get a proper routine using proven ingredients, and I also pop things safely. there's a how-to about that in the faq

>> No.11229371

You can try using hydrocolloid patches overnight. The Nexcare acne patches are very good. Amazon has them if your drugstores don't carry this.

These only really work if the pimple is coming to a head, though.

I stick one on overnight, and by the morning the patch has sucked out all the crud inside, and the area is flat.

>> No.11229565

>as in untested, non-scientific shit that doesn't work? or what?

Stuff like Honey, Aloe Vera, etc. Which, depending upon your views, may be exactly as you described.

>> No.11229709

There's nothing really instant for making pimples go away. The hydrocolloids I mentioned above are really effective, but if you want some ~natural~ thing that makes you feel earthy for rubbing on your face...
Pimples are due to bacteria bigging it up inside your pores, so you want products with anti-bacterial properties. Pimples are also irritated, so you want anti-inflammatory products to take away redness.

- tea tree oil; never put essential tea tree oil directly on your face. It has to be mixed with a carrier oil (olive, sweet almond, safflower). Any tea tree products made to put on the face are already formulated to be safe

-oregano oil: same story. undiluted essential oils will burn your skin

-witch hazel: anti-inflammatory. I like to make a compress by soaking a cotton pad and somehow MacGyvering it to stick to my face for 20min at least

-snail mucin: anti-inflammatory and wound healing. needs a high % (70+) to do anything, only really found in Korean products

-raw honey: manuka honey is best, but it's expensive at the required UMF/NPA rating of 10+. Regular raw honey is cool, I guess, but you're better off using tea tree

-willow bark extract: this is the hippy form for salicylic acid - 10% willow bark = 1% SA

>> No.11230044

Have you personally ever had success with aloe? Rather, is it harmful to use both aloe and honey -- one right after another?

>> No.11230060

Sorry, forgive my retardation, this is all very new to me.

>> No.11230097

Anyome else have nose pores that are blocked with like old dead skin or something? It goes a slightly dark color and gets quite oily. I cant just acrub it off either because this makes my nose feel like its bledding and it goes super red.

I have super white skin if that makes a difference, could it be i need to sweat more?

>> No.11230995

sebaceous filaments
some people have luck with BHA/AHAs, also clay masks as well once a week.

>> No.11231853
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