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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 591 KB, 612x608, god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11210973 No.11210973 [Reply] [Original]

Manlet fashion advice
>tfw 5'4" xs is still too big

>> No.11210981

5'3" and small fits me fine.

Hell sometimes I even get medium sweaters because the small feels tight.

>> No.11210990

The small always feels too tight and the medium is always too long. SIGHHHHH

>> No.11211006

I can deal with a slight loose fit as I vibe with that comfy feel.

Generally though if the material looks like it can shrink, then get the medium and shrink wash it. If the material looks like it will stretch out over time then get the small and wear it for while or even sleep in it.

>> No.11211042

>5'5 /fit/
>S is tooo small
>M is too big
I don't know anymore.

>> No.11211046

Thought I was alone.

>> No.11211070

Dis. And I live in the middle of nowhere so I can't just go out and look for clothes, have to purchase online. A lot of the time they end up too big/small, and then I'll have to go through the hassle of returning it + shipping costs again.

>> No.11211399


I fashionably advise that you wear overalls and a cute bobble hat

>> No.11211771

Air maxs boost like 2 inches... try them

>> No.11211786

Any tips on buying women's pants? I'm also 5'4 but I have a large-ish butt and thighs

>> No.11211789

>M too small
>L too big

I know those feels.

>> No.11211793
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lol manlets

at least fat fucks can hypothetically lose weight.

>> No.11211801

you will never make it

>> No.11211805

still, a girl would prefer a fat fuck over a a fit manlet.
source: 5'3" and gf left me for a CustomGrow420 looking motherfucker

>> No.11211807

lol how are you guys that tiny?
i'm 5'6 and i wear medium tees because i hate how short small tees are, and the chest on mediums aren't large enough of a difference to look weird

125 lbs btw

just get mens pants and get them tailored
are you looking at women's for the skinniness? just get stretch denim with ~5% elastane instead of jeggings that are 40% polyester

>> No.11211811

sad truth all manlets must accept.

>> No.11211817

ever think it's because you're a piece of shit and not because of you're height?
granted you're tiny as fuck

>> No.11211829

5'7 140 here
small is too tight and short.
medium hangs over my ass and sticks out idk how to describe it but it looks ridiculous. the chest is fine though.

what do I do? i'm not getting tailored t shirts

>> No.11211830

> you are height
> lol

>> No.11211850

1. gain more muscle mass you auschwitz fuck
2. short and tight is better than baggy

>> No.11211856

I'm not a piece of shit. People often get attached to me because of my personality, girls especially. But every time I get dumped it's for some 6'3" mofo

>> No.11211866

5'6" 105
Small fits me well, just get mediums tailored if they're too large
Letting your height get you down is a meme. Hust dress appropriately and keep your body up to snuff and nobody cares.

>> No.11211868

i feel you bruh

>> No.11211872

holy shit
are you a girl? if not gain some weight

>> No.11211879

Fucking figure out what fits your outfit for the particular day, skinny won't always look good and same with baggy. I'm 5'7" 125 and I buy small, medium and large.

>> No.11211881

I can size up to an M comfortably but the real problem is shirt and dress shirt. When you size up obviously it's more relaxed but the neck size increase significantly. Neck fit is probably the most important for a shirt just after shoulders.

>> No.11211883

damn man
date hispanic girls then
just make sure you use a form of birth control because hispanics are fertile as fuck and you don't want to ruin some kid by making him 4'10

>> No.11211885

Exact same height and weight as me bruv.
When you get your pants tapered, how far up do you get them cut?

>> No.11211887

>tfw 5'6'' and gf is 5'10, she reaches things for me when i cant

live is pain

>> No.11211888
File: 3.20 MB, 5312x2988, 20160424_223431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some clothes that a manlet can wear to make himself look taller or not as short? I heard that horizontal stripes should be avoided and so should baggy clothes.

Btw, r8 my fit and tell me what I can improve on please. 5ft 6in

>> No.11211890

for anything longsleeve i go small, sometimes yeah the sleeves are a bit long but that's dependent of the manufacturer
my issue with shirts have always been that i'm too skinny, whether it's my torso or my arms

>> No.11211893

Holy shit, did not realize pic is horizontal. Will fix that

>> No.11211901

Who /shoelifts/ here?

>> No.11211905

I'm hispanic, but for some reason it's a lot easier for me to pull white girls than hispanic. Hispanic girls are rather bitchy and crazy, so I tend to stay away, but I might give it a shot.

>> No.11211909

how tall are you familia? also, nice trips

>> No.11211910

lol i'm hispanic too
i find it hard to be attracted to hispanic girls because i hate the culture
asian girls is another route

>> No.11211927

Yeah dude, same. Even though I grew up with mexican ass house, culture wise I'm white as fuck. Hispanic girls want to dance, watch novelas, and eat posole everyday. Not for me. The asians in my town tend to only date their own race, which sucks.

>> No.11211932

*in a mexican ass house

>> No.11211934

And sorry but I can't fix the horizontal image because either my phone or I'm being retarded

>> No.11211936
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here ya go. bless

>> No.11211954

Come to mexico, yeah there are some dancing, novela watcher, pozole eater girls but there are many /fa/ girls in big cities. I don't know why most mexicans turn shit when they go to live in the us.

>> No.11211958

I want to but when I looked into it, all the products seemed so trashy

>> No.11211964

Mi español no es tan bueno y si regreso a mexico van a pensar que soy autista

>> No.11211967

Thanks, anon!

>> No.11211970

yeah i ordered some cheap ones off amazon and they're really flimsy and hurt like a mf

they do make me look taller by 2 inches tho but its not really worth it when it feels like you're stepping on needles

>> No.11211974

You bought the wrong lifts. Mine feel fine but it feels a little awkward walking with them.

>> No.11211981

has anyone ever increased their height by improving their posture

>> No.11212513

you won't gain height but you'll look taller

>> No.11212524

I gained like a half inch by purchasing a foam roller and using it to help with my posture

>> No.11212583

baggy pants
oversized tops
high top sneaks
low rise pants

>> No.11212588

Caring about appearance is a feminine quality, it doesn't matter how fat, ugly, or short a guy is because our attractiveness comes from our character/confidence.

It also depends on the woman, i've had tall and regular sized women like me. Some women will say fatness is worse. But the ultimate unattractive quality is a man with bad character/confidence because of his fatness/uglyness/shortness.

“The desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.”

>> No.11212621

Maybe it doesn't matter right now but finding a woman who gets your culture will help the relationship go smoother. Especially when you decide to settle.

I dated a beautiful irish woman but we were both accidentally offending each other culturally, and she wasn't latina wife material.


>> No.11212632

>“The desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.”

>> No.11212645

i wasn't raised in a traditional household, we were very assimilated into american culture
what i know about the motherland makes me abhor it completely

>> No.11212672

The man desires the woman, the woman desires to be the desired woman.

>i wasn't raised in a traditional household, we were very assimilated into american culture
But american culture can also be traditional, i guess then try the neglected culture at least (assuming it had any impact on you) then becareful you don't get a american feminist.

I was just like you, i despited my culture, but it's has it's vital pieces for a family, latino/hispanics has the biggest birth rate right, our only strength are our families. American hates family, divorce is natural to them.

>> No.11212688

I'm only a little underweight and am proud of my body. I know I'm skinny, but I'm pretty cute so it all evens out.
I have no idea, but I have a 31" inseam and a 27"
Dated a 6'1" girl a while back. Qt amazon wife is goal.
You're fine, just don't dress like a slob and don't wear sharply contrasting colors. Don't let the whole height insecurity thing get to you and trick you into buying vertical line sweaters and stupid beanies.

>> No.11212741

>latino/hispanics has the biggest birth rate right, our only strength are our families.
i am not a family person at all
family does not mean anything to me
and by american culture, i mean i raised myself behind screens
i don't feel as though i have any culture to be frank

>> No.11212786

Give your culture a chance, and if you don't like it than oh well.

>> No.11212797

Why isn't anyone posting manlet fits come on I need some inspo

>> No.11212937

>tfw 5'6" cant get close to any women taller then me
>probably the reason I'm alone

>> No.11212948

Probable 5'5 (1.70m) here
Bought some pull and bear stuff, they fit fine maybe they need some light tailoring but def passable without. I dont know what's up in terms of quality tho, I heard it's only a little better than h&m but i've never worn that

>> No.11212956

welcome to 4chan buddy

>> No.11214783


>> No.11214794
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ian is the only manlet in the game

>> No.11216045

>5'5" 135 lbs
>have wide feet
>most shoes are too narrow and if i got them in a comfortable size they would literally look like clown shoes
>most that i actually wear look disproportionately large anyway

I wish my feet were smaller, I happy being a twink though.

>> No.11216086
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OP is this you?

>> No.11216093
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>not going full dwarf

>> No.11216391

Allen Edmonds have size from triple narrow to x5 wide and I think from size 5 to whatever is the highest. You shouldn't have a problem. Most major work boots brands also have wide range of sizes. Remember that if you go up in width, you should size down on length to compensate.

>> No.11216454

I knew this tough latino old guy who was shorter than me and was actually pretty /fa/ with his dwarf beard.

>> No.11216692


>> No.11216698


>tfw living in Asia so manlets are the norm.

Being 5'4 in the West must be like being 4'10 here though, I imagine.

>> No.11216702
File: 1.59 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4" here.

Since it's like practically impossible to find well fitting clothes I pretty much just exclusively wear boring basic stuff like this. Oh well.

>> No.11216738

Y'all fellow manlets need to get on the /fit/ and taylored lifestyle if you want to look good both with and wothout clothes.
5'7 here went from 135 skinny to 165 lean and more muscle and everything fits just right©

>> No.11216906
File: 80 KB, 653x490, FGStewroids2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol is pic related you?
being short and /fit/ looks awful
granted being short and skinny makes you look like a child, it at least doesn't look like you're overcompensating

>> No.11216947

There is a differebce between being in shape and being a meathead. I would've looked liked that if I were 190-200, not 165, but I wouldn't expect /fa/ggots to know anyway.

>> No.11216964

pics? Fellow manlet here trying to get /fit/

>> No.11216970

lol do you really believe being /fit/ is any better than /fa/?

i'm the same height, 125, and wouldn't want to be more than 135-140

don't tell me you did ss+gomad

>> No.11216972
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become d.o.

>> No.11217082

Just find a few brands, which make clothes that perfectly fit you.
I could not find a decent brand for a long time, which would make a good fitting clothes, but then I discovered that APC and UNIQLO S perfectly fits me, so I only buy stuff there.
5'7", 145 lbs

>> No.11217219

You have good aesthetic overall though. I'm about 5'4-5'5 too but uglier.

>> No.11217225

Do it, it'll be worth it. And don't let people tell you muscles look bad on manlet. Gaining muscle is harder than you think.

>> No.11217232

IAN !!!

>> No.11217235

Nice trips. Wear tighter fitting jeans. Also these ones look kinda cheap.

>> No.11217241
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Ian's entire existence is manlet inspo.

>> No.11217245
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>> No.11217251

5'6 here. Don't let your height stop you from dressing well, learn how to tailor stuff. It will save you so much pain, just get some super cheap pants at a thrift to practice hemming and tapering. Same goes for shirts.

Gap and old Navy are my go to stores cause of how their clothes fit me. It's oddly a perfect fit from them. Quality isn't the best but I take care of my clothes so everything stays in good shape.

>> No.11217253
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Also high-waters can cause an illusion like pic related. (I'm like 5'11 so borderline manlet)

>> No.11217393

Pls fuck off.

>> No.11217437
File: 963 KB, 2049x1822, 61 - cOQT2L7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more photos of ian got a bunch?

>> No.11217705

that fit is terrible

>> No.11217718
File: 1.23 MB, 580x1500, Alt 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'6 105lbs

I picked out this shirt specifically for how short it is, can you still tell im short? If I tapered my pants to make it so it rolls up higher, would that change anything?

>> No.11217733

>wearing anything with lines as a manlet

Im not saying it looks bad on a manlet dont get me wrong i think you guys blow height out of proportion but lines make you look shorter.
You want the eyes to be able to flow through your outfit any lines o points of reference Inmediatly give away ur size or worse it makes u look even shorter

>> No.11217741

Oooooh, so thats what anon ment on another thread when I posted this fit. Thanks for clearing this up.

>> No.11217764

Most people on waywt fw it. Pale isn't for everyone I guess

>> No.11217767

Yeah post more Ian

>> No.11217781

Being fit with normiecore clothes is better than being a twink with average /fa/ clothes desu. But whats wrong eith being both?
I do mostly strength training, but not SS. A lean 165 is not an unusual weight and you won't look strange in most clothes.
If you're 125 at 5'7, chances are you have very little lean body mass and quite literally look like a skeleton.

>> No.11217787

I'm ottermode, nothing remarkable. I just think it might be beneficial to most people on here to not look like a skelly.

>> No.11217790

that isnt a good thing

source: the waywt

>> No.11217844

What's so bad about it

>> No.11217845

Fit guys are more attractive than skinny guys no matter what

>> No.11217849

Everyone should try to be fit imo. A little muscle definition looks great on anybody

>> No.11217851

Those shoes are dope man. I'd cuff your jeans a little too show em off

>> No.11217853
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>> No.11217856
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>> No.11217858
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>> No.11217861
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>> No.11217865
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>> No.11217869
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>> No.11217871

His shirt says "Tommy Hilnigger" HAHAHA

>> No.11217874

ID on jeans ??

>> No.11217875

Ian has good proportions that's what's important imo

>> No.11217878
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>> No.11217886
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>> No.11217894
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>> No.11217965
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>> No.11218702


>> No.11218715

cmmn swdn inside out jeans, good luck finding them tho

>> No.11218727
File: 221 KB, 1728x1328, HseDFYG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets just kill yourself. It's not worth the embarrassment, you're already losing in life. If you're a fat manlet, I don't understand why you're still living.

Women want real men, not little boys. Head to /r/teenmfa/ for manlet discussion since you all look like kids anyway. Have fun, getting cucked for the rest of your life because of your inferior manlet jeans while REAL men like me get women throwing themselves at us because of our superior height.

>pic related

>> No.11218729

How tall is ian connor?

>> No.11218756
File: 3.83 MB, 4288x2848, Kanagawa_highschool_class_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he means the wawyt is full of redditor newfags. there's never a single good fit

it doesn't work with your skin color. high taper with jeans goes better with socks. & stop calling it highwater, every single time, ffs that's a suitcore meme. you have to realize the color scheme on this kind of fit isn't just pink, blue and white. It's pink blue peach & white, while you're trying to rock pink blue dogshit & white. Shitskins can still rock palewave but you have to know how to pair the contrast

your jeans have a weird fit anyway, odd taper and they seem so thin. makes your thighs and knees look like demorphed. otherwise, the fit's basic as fuck. and your hat's cheap

tl;dr stop posting your shit fit. and don't look to newfags for style tips and definitely not for ego boosts. they're a second opinion, you should know for yourself when you look like a fuckwad, like right now

>> No.11218757

imagine ur a girl ok? u dont want some short little elf dude climbing on top of your backside trying to mount you with your little peener. they want to feel overpowered by a huge strong man with a massive cock to make them feel well used and satisfied. you can NEVER give a woman that. its time to accept it and become a beta cuck who ur wife will have to cheat on to get her rocks off or go gay and be a bottom boi faggot

>> No.11218759
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If i recall he's around 5ft 4 ish

>> No.11218860
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>> No.11218866

This has been an actually good thread full of good discussion. Good job fa on giving me some tips.

>> No.11218971

Jeans are my biggest problem tbqh waist always too big, legs always too long. Pain to get everything tailored

>> No.11219021
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1500, 06 - j2puSvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn i know how you feel, not one pair of pants i own haven't been tailored. Worth it tho because i know i look better than everyone else

>> No.11219111

if you have a sewing machine this tutorial is fairly easy to follow. it worked well on my jeans and chinos

>> No.11219124
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>120 lbs
>tfw gf has thicker legs than me

I hate wearing clothes that fit me because it's a reminder to the world that I never stopped being a child

>> No.11219939

But a key point of masculinity is not caring about how you look like an metrosexual faggot.

>> No.11220109

I'm from Toronto and a lot of the mall tier clothes don't fit me.
My friend buys from Japan bc he's like 5'4 and I'm 5'7.
Any recommendations for my situation?

>> No.11220143
File: 855 KB, 1524x3264, IMG_20160426_212913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6 r8

>> No.11220197

Stand up, man.

>> No.11220216

Manlets. Oh when will they learn

>> No.11220226

This is a good example of dressing bad as a manlet. The only good thing is the jacket.

>> No.11220233

Stand up like anon said. Looks good though. Proportions look good. Not a fan of the shoes though. Also show face? You look qt senpai

>> No.11220255
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>> No.11220264
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Fuck off manlet scum, they don't even make pants long enough for me in most store.

>> No.11220341

5'4.5 not /fit/ exactly but I do do some running. I wear M and let it droop a little and wear skinny jeans+ low tops. Its acceptable for now, but OI'm worried about my mid 20s

>> No.11220360

Not the guy. But my family has a house in Oaxaca and if all else fails Imma move there and get my peeped sucked bc I'm attractive there apparently

>> No.11220372

just say 5'4 dude
adding decimals/fractions makes you sound so insecure
i'm a bit under 5'7 and i just say 5'6, it's not a big deal

>> No.11220401


actually yes, and even the few troll posts didn't get replied to.

it really shouldn't be such a big deal, there's always going to be girls shorter than you. if anything the hardest part is how you look in a crowd of taller people.


terrible shoes, terrible cuffs. the t-shirt looks okay. can't really tell how the pants fit but it doesn't look good. 8.36/50.

>> No.11220471

i always wonder what kind of fgts post these types of threads
>lmao at thinkin facial stethics dont play the biggest massive role.
>rather be 5'8 manlet of pz than 6'0 ugly cunt.

>> No.11220497

They turn to shit because when Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America.

>> No.11220498

>S is sometimes too tight
>M fits 80% or is that right type of loose the other 20%

I dunno, i'm on my way to making it and being /fit/ but techwear is what i'm into right now so everything fits quite well in the waist and proportions and silhouette are easy to play with in techwear.

>> No.11220568

Post a fit senpai

>> No.11220675

>tfw 5'10

ahh feels good to be taller than somebody for a change

>> No.11221004
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And the ugly tall guy will still win every time. Kek stay dreaming little boy

>> No.11221052

God, yes. Being 5'10 feels like being in a gray area