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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 403x375, 1376856600450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11062264 No.11062264 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some of you people wanna be so extremely thin with 0 muslce? Why not just ottermode? Clothes fit a lot better on people with this bodytype.

>> No.11062277

Because they are too lazy to go to the gym.

Yes ottermode is the best bodytype

>> No.11062280


those traps are comical but I agree with what you're saying OP.

>> No.11062291

I agree, but people here usually are too feminine, smoke too many cigs, do drugs, or are too depressed/artsy to care or try

>> No.11062298


how2 ottermode?

>> No.11062300

>implying that isn't the epitome of effay
get out

>> No.11062324

because it takes effort. ottermode still takes a year even with noob gains

>> No.11062349

Cuz being bone thin is the best on /fa/ for a reason i have yet to determine

>> No.11062351

I smoke, drink and do drugs and still maintain an ottermode body, which makes every shirt fit great
With Depression you should do sports if you can motivate yourself into it. The endorphins released in the gym will make you a lot happier and well balanced

>> No.11062381

Follow the steps of Zyzz-kun but replace roids with cardio, basically.

>> No.11062425


>> No.11062809
File: 836 KB, 245x180, brad+pitt+thelma+and+louise-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardio and crunches

>> No.11062825

Post pic

>> No.11062840

>he thinks crunches work your abs

Good luck with your massive hip flexors and resulting anterior pelvic tilt. I'll stick to stomach vacuums and the ab wheel.

>> No.11062847
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>> No.11062851

They definitely work your abs m8

>> No.11062858
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No Abs BC bulk :(

>> No.11062859
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2000 crunches a day....

>> No.11062891

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.11062908


>> No.11062912

I think you mean sit ups

>> No.11062920
File: 19 KB, 236x385, bf1d20e8262afe0d7eda80e741b908ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know it, but most of you with overt musculature end up looking like this. i'll just stick to running, staying thin, and having actual, real-world fitness. thanks for the input though.

>> No.11062926

Dem biceps and hip veins

>> No.11062931

How do i lose muscle/fat from my thighs ? Tried running but it didnt play out very well..

>> No.11062932

Looking like the guy in that pic takes years of hard work in the gym and probably some steroid use. You make it sound like people that lift a couple times a week and eat healthy will just wake up one day and look like a freaky meathead.

>> No.11062933

>"I don't want to get TOO big" the thread

>> No.11062935

dont work your legs or just go on a diet. Counting calories can get you really far

>> No.11062938

post pic of thighs

>> No.11062941

thats not a bad thing

>> No.11062944

You cant spot treat fat. You need to lose overall body fat %. Eat at a caloric defecit and exercise, meaning weight lift and do High intensity interval training.

>> No.11062945

the point is that most people who work on their bodies can't keep it to themselves. they need clothing that overtly or sometimes (thankfully) more cautiously brags about their lifty lifty man-grunt time and they end up looking like a gradient of pic related.

>> No.11062948
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>> No.11062954

Post pic of ass

>> No.11062959

Thanks, will be following these advices

>> No.11062963

No homo

>> No.11062978

Do starting strength with accessories for 8 months. Get to 15%< body fat
That's it really

>> No.11062980

8 months SS is not enough for an nice ottermode body

>> No.11062990

>With Depression you should do sports if you can motivate yourself into it

If you can workout you were never depressed to begin with

>> No.11062991

Lifting + cardio 3 times a week wont turn you into a douchebag. It will simply make you feel and look better.

>> No.11062996

Your legs look nice, don't worry.

>> No.11063056

not true, a depressed person can push through and if theyre strong enough. I was severely depressed and got myself to start working out and it helped a lot

>> No.11063062

>using personal experience as universal truth
nigga fuck off

>> No.11063076

>using a lack of personal experience as a universal truth
Not him but fuck off pussy

>> No.11063104

yeah all it takes is cardio and crunches to have Brad Pitt's body /s

>> No.11063110

Working out is the first thing any therapist will instruct a depressed person to do, leading a more active lifestyle and improving yourself is a pretty basic way to fight depression.

>> No.11063122

robin williams still performed great in movies even though he was deep in depression, he had the strength to keep doing things despite dying on the inside

>> No.11063126

but he also fucking killed himself. doing movies and robin williams things was in his wheelhouse as much as beating off and talking shit to nerds on the internet is for you. that is to say, it was something he could have done in his sleep without ever getting anywhere out of his comfort zone.

>> No.11063314

the point is that most people who are into fashion can't keep it to themselves. they need clothing that overtly or sometimes (thankfully) more cautiously brags about their faggy lonely online shopping beta cuck time and they end up looking like a socially awkward, autistic faggot

>> No.11063323

Depression is a lack of hope. Without hope, no workout.

>> No.11063341

good for you and your psychology degree from the internet. dumb retards.

>> No.11063348

Poly why are ur shoulders melting
Nice forearms bro

>> No.11063369

You have no muscle in your legs you twink.

>> No.11064700

>real world fitness

Not only can this guy run faster than you, but he can lift more and likely hit harder. But sure, run. Only run. That's a perfect plan.

>> No.11064727

Pretty much same as this guy said >>11062351 ,
all you really have to do to maintain good physique is to do some sports 3 times a week and your solid.
It also gives power to party.

>> No.11065671

>It also gives power to party

This is so true. Started with sport and now I can outparty all my friends who don't

>> No.11065688


What he's trying to point out is the fact how hard it is to get big

Just do cardio every once in a while (dont do more than like once a week), squat deadlifts and benchpress eat food with protein dont over eat and you will achieve ottermode. At least in theory I think that would work, Im already really skinny so Im gonna try this

>> No.11065699

HAHHAHAHAHA is this a cringe thread? Fucking dyel excuses
>I don't want to spend time in the gym or I'll become too big!
>like, I spend time doing like, real world fitness!

the dude in your pic is probably faster and stronger than you, fucking end your life, fagboy

>> No.11065709

lose weight boi
that's how you lose fat in thighs

also start lifting and your upper body will balance out with the lower

>> No.11065786

Just ss? Or can I do ss and cardio?

>> No.11065944
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You can do both. But i would suggest to do it on separate days (ss atleast 3 times a week). You should also rather do HIIT instead of normal cardio. Instead of ss you could also do strong lift 5x5. Don't overtrain, don't train longer than 70 minutes per day. Get enough Rest and atleast 8 hours of sleeps for good muscle build. Also eat right! Get enough Protein.

>> No.11065971

Calisthenics is best
maybe boxing (punching bag) if you have the space

>> No.11065987

you wont even look like the pic in op with calisthenics lmao,

>> No.11066020
File: 186 KB, 785x345, tinytrip calisthenics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> calisthenics

>> No.11066032
File: 103 KB, 600x800, tinytrip weightlifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> weightlifting

>> No.11066138

good job, senpai. on my way there too! bulking till march next year

>> No.11066161

some brands wouldnt look good here like SLP or anything that has a major focus on experimental type shirting as it fucks up the silhouette especially with a wider back or big traps. techwear, active brands, and devoa are some that look best on this type. bigger guys tend to look great on loose japanese clothing like yohji

>> No.11066169

I hate to break character, but it's a joke lad. It's an extreme caricature that defines /fa/'s persona.
In the same way everyone on the internet in a wider sense is a fat virgin neckbeard or a teenaged boy.
You joyless faggot.

>> No.11066461
File: 92 KB, 600x876, 5434534234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will my legs become tree trunks so I have to wear 501s?

>> No.11066478

In that pic, yeah it is. He weighs like 140lbs there.

>> No.11066486

501s arent even baggy, you can wear them as a skinny fag and still look proportional and normal.

>> No.11066539

Because I hate my body and want there to be as little of it as possible. I wasn't happy when I was lifting or swimming, and I'm not happy being a skinnyfag, but at least this is less effort.

>> No.11066611

Been lifting a year now. I squat like 150kg upper body looks nice imo but the legs are kinda big. Im about 75 kg

>> No.11066613
File: 11 KB, 272x230, 10245538_10152341276314869_1763033303621437553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks :3

>> No.11066620

Brad was on roids before fight club, i'm not even joking.

>> No.11067155

how do I into low bodyfat? I'm skinnyfat

What do I eat

>> No.11067171

eat sub 1k cal and run a lot, that way you'll get low bodyfat and look skinny. to look ottermode (OP's pic) you need to lift a bit.

>> No.11067217

But I already am skinny, I just don't have a low bodyfat.

>> No.11067285

source on that? I wouldn't be shocked though

>> No.11067300
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, brad-pitt-snatch-2-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat less and exercise more

This isn't rocket surgery

>> No.11067334
File: 141 KB, 570x515, powerful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't have to live my life by your standards OP. Your opinion a shit.

>> No.11067340

I think I look pretty identical to that but I have body hair and I am pale.

>> No.11067342

i'd like to be a bit bigger but bv i gym 3 times a week and have a really healthy diet but i also take a lot of drugs and have a girlfriend which definetly lowers my motivation

>> No.11067691
File: 134 KB, 413x350, [waning hope].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work on your reading comprehension. I'm not trying to lose weight, just trying to have a lower bf

>> No.11067695

what are good low fat foods to eat, etc.

>> No.11068110

put on muscles
youll get heavier
then cut
you'll end up with a better muscle/weight distrubtion
boom, less bodyfat

>> No.11068114

cardio 6 days a week and a diet under 2000 cal and you will fix this

>> No.11068118

Muscles are disgusting
Bones are lovely

>> No.11068197

simple as that tbqh /fa/m

>> No.11068950

>Muscles are disgusting
>Bones are lovely


>> No.11068989

Crazy how /fit/ changes your perception of things. This body doesn't even look all that good anymore.

>> No.11069043

what was the point of quoting the entire post

>> No.11069319
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>> No.11069340

the effort that goes into being skinny vs actually gaining muscle, not worth it.

>> No.11069369

I literally did this and achived a good body. Always getting compliments and stuff I love it.

>> No.11069429

W2c muscle building calisthenics routine?

>> No.11069496

>some steroid use
his body reek steroids from here.

>> No.11071191

you should probably stay off of /fit/

>> No.11071226


Don't worry, you're right - it's not good dog.

>> No.11071235

my therapist literally never suggested this to me

in fact that's not really how CBT works

>> No.11071259

I've been lifting for less than a year off and on, so I probably have around 4 or 5 months of progress by someone who kept their diet and exercise in check. Looking in the mirror, I feel like I pretty much have that body under a layer or two of fat, which I could lose by losing 10-15 more pounds.

>> No.11071264

post pic

>> No.11071266

You look like the type who would lose muscle mass extremely quickly if you slowed down.

Good luck mr skeltal, hold onto that warm flesh.

>> No.11071293

How 2 ottermode? No jargon please, I know literally nothing about lifting.
5'10" 125 for reference.

>> No.11071355

There's a lot of things that go into consideration. From the looks of it, there's a good chance that you're an ectomorph (generally tall and skinny, minus tall in your case). Building your way to a specific body type is and always will be relative to whoever's actually doing it. Take things like your metabolism and eating habits into account. If you want to achieve ottermode by starting out skinny, the easiest way is to find your caloric maintenance online and up your daily calorie intake by about 500-800 based on your maintenance. It's pretty important to remember that ottermode isn't really attainable without a consistent diet if you AREN'T already an ectomorph or a person with a fast metabolism/ hard gainer and that the means by which it's attained will change for each person.

Dieting whenever you're starting out skinny isn't too worrisome, just make sure that you're eating more than you were when you weren't lifting. After that it's just a matter of getting a subscription to the local gym and going 5 out of 7 days every week and implementing a schedule for each body group on those days respectively. 3-5 months time and you'll have probably gained 20lbs and put on a solid amount of muscle mass and a slight amount of fat. If you're working abs into your routine you'll have worked your way to what is arguably the beginning of ottermode.

>> No.11071385

Thanks senpai. I already got my first gym membership today. Also, what lifts should I start with/emphasize with my given situation?

>> No.11071390


>> No.11071414

I'm not sure, OP.

People here see models on runways and in tumblr pics looking skinny as hell and try to replicate it, I guess. Its the exact same kind of thing 14 year old girls do when they read magazines.

What /fa/ doesn't understand is that models look good skinny because they are the top 0.1% of humanity in terms of attractiveness/facial interesting-ness. Everyone else looks like shit when they're skinny.

>> No.11071416

I remember when I first saw that movie I was thinking that was an amazing body. Now I look at it and can hardly believe its the same shot.

>> No.11071451

Worms will still eat your brains, give up while you still can

>> No.11071474

/fit/ is legitimately a good board for figuring this out; just make sure to get multiple opinions and try to figure out a consensus

>> No.11072380

Finding what exercises best supplement your weekly routine is one of the more fun parts of lifting. Generally speaking, there will always be the the compound lifts that everybody's familiar with: bench press, squats, deadlifts, and the shoulder press. You should definitely employ each of these into their body groups' respective days, but you're also shooting for a very particular aesthetic.

Employ isolation exercises like variations of the bicep curl for your biceps, tricep variations for your triceps (all accessible by a quick Google search of "tricep exercises" for tricep and bicep for bicep etc) Just make sure you're hitting your muscles with MULTIPLE methods and please note that this applies to most every muscle on your body when you're training for physique. It is generally advised to do compound lifts for the first few weeks of lifting until you've familiarized yourself with the gym environment and understood how to approach your individual muscle groups.

That said, go crazy. Search online for different types of exercises for each muscle and try them out. After that it's a matter of understanding your muscles' anatomy like how there's the three different heads of your shoulders, or the difference between your upper, middle, and lower chest, things like that.

Monday - Chest, Tuesday - Back & Biceps, Wednesday - Chest & Triceps, Thursday - Shoulders, Friday - Legs (add abs/cardio on shoulder or leg days) and fill those days with some solid exercises.

>> No.11073142

not the anon you replied to but I always appreciate when anons spend a long time writing something helpful like this. its helped a lot, thanks

>> No.11073171

real life fitness? my man the guy in your pic can probably bench over 5 times your body weight

>> No.11073172

You're more than welcome. It's always good to see people wanting to make changes in their lives.

>> No.11073198

Also worth noting that the ottermode physique is by no means hard to attain and that it shouldn't take very long for you to arrive there. This is generally the physique you see on new lifters after 5-8 months of lifting provided they start at a relatively low weight, otherwise it tends to be matter of cardio and cutting down on fat for higher weight people. It's unarguably the best physique for anybody that's even remotely /fa/ too because it doesn't have any real strict style dependencies whereas somebody who's massive obviously won't be able to wear the same kind of fits they would have before they were 200+ lbs.

If you aren't already going to the gym, start going today. It's not hard. You'll love yourself for it.

>> No.11073214

Because I have a genetic disease and it has forced me over time to learn to rock that shit. Tall as fuck and skinny as hell

>> No.11073250

Marfan the spider pls

Trever you alien stick man

>> No.11073389

What your routine be?

>> No.11073412

I'll make you proud anon. Thanks

>> No.11074326

high protein, low carb. Calorie deficit until you reach desired body fat %. That would get you lean, but from your weight I'm guessing you're already skinny as fuck.

Basically you just need to build muscle without gaining fat, or at least too much. You'll just need to do basic lifting and be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle; again, high protein and low carb. I recommend focusing quite heavily on your upper body and arms for that V shape. Head over to /fit/ for exact exercises/workouts.

All you need is good genes, low bf% and decent muscle mass. Sounds like bf% isn't a problem and you can't help genes.

>> No.11075148

White there's some good points in this post, suggesting a 5xlifting program is just stupid unless you want to reach hulk-mode. If you work 5xweek, at least two of them should be cardio / calisthenics just for your health (swimming for example is excellent). You might reach muscled body faster, but with the cost of stiff joints. At least drop some yoga there few times a week.

>> No.11075676
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>> No.11075766

the saying goes this isn't rocket science

>> No.11076932


>> No.11076972

jesus christ

losing fat will get you to a lower bf%

>> No.11077014

the joke doesnt