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11032312 No.11032312 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to lose like 10-15lbs and I was thinking about using MyFitnessPal to track calories but I can;t really guess how much I am eating because I eat from my uni cafe all the time. How do I know the ounces of food just by looking?

>> No.11032318

Calorie tracking is hard to in general, doubly so in your case. I wouldn't bother trying.

Do it the easier way: you (ostensibly) know how much you eat now, so eat a fraction (50-75%) of that much in the same foods. Portion control is a much more reliable method of calorie restriction than trying to be clever with (surprisingly inaccurate) apps.

Also, long runs. I'm on a cut and have been doing them for a while, they work quick wonders.

>> No.11032953


>> No.11033004

Just look up a picture of it
For example if you want to eat 6 oz chicken look up on google images how much does 6 oz of chicken looks like. I have lost 15 lbs and have yet to buy a food scale

>> No.11033318

by long runs do you mean like running distance? how far do you usually go?

>> No.11033323

you don't need to guess. don't they make the nutritional info available for the food they serve? is there a dining services website? ask a manager at the cafe.

>> No.11033325

idk if I would call MFP inaccurate - I lost my 10 thanksgiving - nye pounds with it

>> No.11033337

no they don't unfortunately. I wish there was an app where you could take a pic of your meal and it would calculate the cals for you or something

>> No.11033350

it's more about guaging the size of your food than the calories. if you're really serious about it, buy a little digital scale and weigh the food. once you know the weight, you can just google the nutrition info. once you've got a good idea of estimating the size, you can stop weighing it

>> No.11033376

do you think that's too time consuming? Do you think it would be easier to just try to eat less?

>> No.11033780

just overestimate the calories. when i eat out i just say its 1000-1500 calories depending on how health/the size of it is. worst case is you get it right, best case is you eat less calories for the day than you need. ez pz

>> No.11034786


Your post was idiotic enough to spread to /fit/


Please learn to shut up about topics you don't know anything about

>> No.11034947

just estimate and have some willpower
I ate a burger and some fries from my uni cafe so the rest of the day i ate a piece of fruit and a protein shake
another day i had a tbone steak followed by 1/4 grilled chicken and a piece of fruit
doing this i stayed below my 500 cal deficit and lost 8kg in 2 1/2 months
just by doing this

>> No.11035042
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>Calorie tracking is hard to in general, doubly so in your case. I wouldn't bother trying.

>> No.11035071

the problem is, it depends on what you're eating. a lot of people will try to say that all that matters is "calories out > calories in", and while that's technically true, it's much harder than that. the body treats foods differently. if i could give you some suggestions that would make it easier:
don't drink your calories. that means all water, black coffee, natural tea (or diet bottled tea if you must)
cut back on bread and pasta. i think you'd be surprised how much bread you really eat, especially if you eat out a lot
eat find foods that aren't calorie dense. 2 of my favorites are spinach and green beans. a cup of spinach and a cup of green beans have about 30 calories combined. combine that with a 6 oz piece of chicken, and you'd have a whole dinner for about 200 calories
but drinking nothing but water and skipping the bread is almost a guarantee to make you lose weight, providing you're not binging on oreos or something everyday

>> No.11035461

You get better at eyeballing calories with time. I've been using MFP religiously for 3 years, I'm fucking good at eyeballing shit within 80% accuracy

>> No.11035478

do it the right way, it's easier and you'll get faster results.
bring your lunches from home. a thermos with soup is a workwear classic. go with a base of legumes and a lot of vegetables, and whatever meats you enjoy.
it's easier to count your macros than to eyeball everything, you'll get more consistent results. and switching from cafeteria food to homecooked will be good for you.

>> No.11035485

only problem is i have a meal plan and I have to eat 12 meals a week from there

>> No.11035497

then ask their nutritionist, and get the values for each meal.
next time, don't get the plan.

>> No.11035518

intermittent fasting and/or 500 calories less than your TDEE.

I went from 145 to 136 just by eating ~2500kcal per day, one meal around noon, and the other one sometime at night. I also started biking to class.

track calories with a scale then get good enough that you can eyeball them. there's also bunch of charts on how to guess portions with your hand.

>I wish there was an app where you could take a pic of your meal and it would calculate the cals for you or something

there is one in development by google.

>> No.11035528

buy a food scale
bring it with you to the dining hall
give zero fucks because you're on the way to looking like a god

>> No.11035540

At this point we must accept google as our overlords

>> No.11035546

top kek

>> No.11035597

Have you tried to look up your unis cafe menu online?

>> No.11035609

yeah there's no calories on it

>> No.11035711

I'm actually serious when I'm telling you to buy a scale

>> No.11035899

Cane here from /fit/, you faggots might have secrets for losing weight. How?

>> No.11037026

/fit/ here

You're a fucking retard