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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 479x698, black-4354s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10796521 No.10796521 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!

Previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/fa/thread/10764448/thinspo-thinspo-general#top

FAQ/glossary/links: http://hastebin.com/raw/qanedewaki

Did you survive the holidays, or eat too much and gain? Ready for the New Year where everyone else is watching what they eat too?

Both male and female thinspo welcome.

>> No.10796523
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>> No.10796558
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>> No.10796568
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>Did you survive the holidays, or eat too much and gain?
As a masochist I love the hate I get when I refuse food offered to me whilst the skinniest in the room. So na, I'm still good.
>Ready for the New Year where everyone else is watching what they eat too?
I've been at it for a while now. It's funny to see how quickly so many new faces at the gym come and go.

>> No.10796582

ayy lmao

>> No.10796591
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>> No.10796696

>It's funny to see how quickly so many new faces at the gym come and go.
Yeah, the gyms get so busy this time of year. In a few months it gets better.

>> No.10796845
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It actually gets super awkward when the noobs assume you're judging them. Btw, how many calories in water? :^)

>> No.10797094
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>> No.10797097
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>> No.10797106
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>> No.10797110
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>> No.10797111
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>> No.10797117
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>> No.10797121
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>> No.10797164
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Man i've been trying to cut down and lose weight for the past 3 months. Eating around 1000-1500 calories a day. I'm only down like 12 pounds and it fucking sucks. My face still has a fuckton of face fat, so does my stomach and tits. It seems like the only place i've lost weight are my thighs, which noone even gives a fuck about. Maybe it would be better to just lose all my weight and muscle mass quickly instead of going through this long grueling weight loss process.

I look at myself in the mirror and i hate my disgustingly chubby face.This August i went to the beach with my cousin and her friend i've never met before. We joked around a lot and i though she might have interest in me. I asked my cousin what she thought of me ,she said that her response was "ew, hes unattractive". I would have never dreamed of a girl responding to me like this. Girls used to find me attractive. How dare she, who is she to respond to someone like me like that. Since then i've lost around 15 pounds but i still look like fucking shit.

>implying anyone cares
yeah, but im drunk and im pissed. it makes me legit angry as fuck when a girl responds to me like this. the only time its ever happened was on September 13th 2008, when I was in the 8th grade and the first girl i've ever had the courage to expressed interest to said "ew" to me. how dare she.

after puberty when a grew tall and broad shoulder and the girls started liking me i remember when she started flirting with me sophmore year. she turned out to be even prettier, but i remember the satisfaction when i said "ew" in front of our group of friends when she was all over me at a party. her girl friends started bitching at me and she started to crieing. that was the most satisfying day of my life, arguably the best. probably the best memory ive had in this life. no matter what happens im going to do that again to my cousins friend after i lose this weight. that fucking bitch. that fucking bitch. i cant weight.

6'0 175 right now btw.

>> No.10797182

>i can't weight.
But bruh you got this, just keep at it, make sure you're doing your cardio every day and you can get there with perserverance. I'm lucky to have been skinny my whole life after puberty (was fat as a kid, thinned out when I got tall)
Just make sure you're dieting and exercising, not just one, and you'll be good.

>> No.10797194
File: 44 KB, 540x960, 11760284_1611975355748932_1116890283540647522_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpai i know feel when girls that used to hate you when you were ugly and after you become attractive they all want to suck your dick feelsbad desu does real love even exist :') ?

>> No.10797214

Know that feel, I wasn't fat but I wore shit clothes, shit hair, etc. Became effay over the summer once and had a few girls wanting my dick and it is a confidence boost, but it's naive to call it fake because no one's going to be attracted to an ugly faggot whether they have a charming personality or not (not that I did, because I didn't)
Doesn't feel bad, feels great desu

>> No.10797228

>Know that feel, I wasn't fat but I wore shit clothes, shit hair, etc. Became effay over the summer once and had a few girls wanting my dick and it is a confidence boost, but it's naive to call it fake because no one's going to be attracted to an ugly faggot whether they have a charming personality or not (not that I did, because I didn't)
>Doesn't feel bad, feels great desu
I don't know i'm a very silent guy so i know they just want me for my body and i'm really scared of aging because of that

>> No.10797260

Does anyone else use the 'Lose It!' app? Maybe we can add each other with the social function of the application.


>> No.10797311

I do! How do you add people?

>> No.10797315

I'll make one right now just for you anon

>> No.10797319

Username is Butternut

>> No.10797434

I eat 3 meals a day and don't track calories and still a 16.2 bmi. I'm so sorry to hear about your inferior metabolisms

>> No.10797468

Just because you eat 3 meals a day doesn't mean you eat 2500 calories

When I diet I eat 3 meals & snacks and it's still only 800-1200 calories/day.

>> No.10797489

Lose It! Is lame, lads. Apparently you need someone's e-mail to add them. Smh

>> No.10797498

Shit. I used my trash email so I don't mind posting it here. I eat "a lot" though. See >>10797468

>> No.10798380

Damn. I wouldn't mind making an account with a throw away...

MyFitnessPal bawks at you if you eat less than 1400 calories. I eat above that but for some of you that wouldn't work either.

>> No.10798401

Consider doing some workouts

>> No.10798474
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>> No.10798980

Yeah I switched from sparkpeople because on loseit you can even adjust your daily intake to below 500 if you like. I also love the teeny pictures next to the food.

>> No.10799003

Yeah, senpai. Lose it has a much better interface than myfitnesspal I think, although it does seem that some settings take a little searching to find.

>> No.10799035

We should make a /fa/ group for Lose It!

>> No.10799373

Ok I was gonna make a thread about this somewhere but maybe one of you guys can help

>grill, 21
>suddenly developing visceral fat (tummy getting bigger)
>weight hasn't changed
>started growing a lot more body hair
>I'm part Italian so I've always had to do my upper lip, but that's it
>now I'm nearly growing a full goatee
>I've never had hair grow above my knees
>now guess what

I think all of this may be hormonal, but I don't want to go back on the pill because it fucked me up last time. I don't even 100% know if it's hormonal or not.

Does this happen to everyone who turns 20? Am I a freak?
Should I just save and get lasered?

>> No.10799580


>> No.10799714

You'll still be changing until your mid 20s in my experience, you're fine just growing likely. Could talk to a doctor if you want, otherwise just remove it.

Since this is a thinspo thread, how much do you weigh and what is your height? Are you too low and getting some of the fuzz that your body makes to warm you?

>> No.10799757
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jan 2015: 185lbs
jan 2016: 122lbs
19/m 5'10" btw
gw is 110-115lbs i'm getting there boys

>> No.10799770
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Hey Cass! Want some pills?

>> No.10799771

I wanted to but a premium account is needed to make a group.

>> No.10799818
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>> No.10799845

you sound like a dick.

>> No.10800089
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>Did you survive the holidays, or eat too much and gain?

I definitely maintained, maybe even lost a bit? I'm starting the ECA stack today. 5'5" ~115lbs? Everyone says I look smaller so we'll see when I weigh in today.

>baking up a storm
>not eating any of it
>good feels

pic related: me

>> No.10800112

wot a qt! legs are looking very effay.

how do you bake and not eat any of it? don't you at least need to taste it to see if it is good or if some part got fucked up?

>> No.10800136

:^) thanks
i made smores cookies last night and only ate about a teaspoon of batter. i follow recipes and i'm really only baking for my family since i'm home from college, so it's not a big deal if shit comes out bad but it's all been allegedly delicious

it gives me some sick satisfaction to calculate the amount of calories in the whole batch of cookies (4400) and then watching as my family just fucking devours them

>> No.10800163

look up how many calories alcohol has

>> No.10800166

who is this beauty

>> No.10800194
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>it gives me some sick satisfaction to calculate the amount of calories in the whole batch of cookies (4400) and then watching as my family just fucking devours them
kek how evil

also, obligatory L O N D O N?

>> No.10800218

my mom pls stop

>> No.10800219

Gained around 5kg since november. Currently living in a friend's shitty flat with no working stove or oven, he also doesn't have a microwave. Also found out that the reason for my dermatitis was some sort of allergy to raw foods like salad (not kidding), carrots, tomatoes and fruits so I mostly ate carbs like potatoes and bread... But at least my skin's perfect now.

I already lost 20kg once by eating clean. I hate excuses but I'm kind of at a loss here. I think I'll walk the 50min to work so at least I get some excercise.

172cm/5'8 at 65kg/143lbs (grill)

>> No.10800222

if u r 5'5 and 115lbs u needto step it uuuuup
5'9 110lbs here

>> No.10800237

it's definitely a hormonal imbalance, get it checked out.
read about it on a /cgl/ skincare thread, you're not the only one with this problem

>> No.10800240

the CC diet is danguerous and shouldnt be done unless u already smoke but it is very effective, i went from 150 to 110 in a month

>> No.10800247

i'm gettin there homie, i'm gettin there
i'm only eating ~500 cals a day, sometimes less

Also I'm on green tea pills, water pills, and ECA.

>> No.10800249

cc as in coffee n cigarrestss

>> No.10800258
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how about you not be a pleb, being fat isn't healthy either :^)

>> No.10800276

id prefer justin beaver to this desu lad

>> No.10800278

hah, I do neither.
I resort to not eating much until I have a stove again.
When I lost a lot of weight I loved cooking low cal veggetable soups and huge batches of cauliflower and broccoli to keep the hunger away.

>> No.10800284

like i said, i am 110
i dont get u?

>> No.10800295

then wtf do you care if cc is unhealthy????
post pic btw

>> No.10800408
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ok how bad if I ate a MASSIVE lunch. probably talking about 900-1100 calories if im being conservative. the thing is though, I hadn't eaten anything all day and I don't plan on eating dinner as a result of it. am I fucked? my bmr is around 1865 so like, mathematically I should be fine but is eating this much food at once and then not eating for hours going to fuck me somehow? interested to hear people's thoughts on this.

>> No.10800417

in other words do I need to go run right now because if I don't i'm fucked? also, do I HAVE to eat after running 2-3 miles or is water enough? like, do I risk losing muscle mass if I don't eat anything?

>> No.10800419

>tfw 6'0 and 126lbs
>still have stomach fat

what do senpai?

>> No.10800435

of course it isnt you tit, you're fine

>> No.10800447

ive lost 190lbs confining myself to one large meal a day. perfectly viable.

if you dont mind me piggybacking on that post: if i eat that amount in a day, however, my body starts giving me shit for it: i feel cold, weak, my blood pressure goes into the toilet and i become susceptible to binging. i wonder if there's any way to supplement my way around that since the only thing it DOESNT do is signal actual hunger.

>> No.10800466

Work out to lower bf%

>> No.10800473

go for a run, have a small dinner

then you won't be as hungry tomorrow

>> No.10800481

What are the most ideal workout to do this kinda thing?

>> No.10800499
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Hows your posture? Bad posture pushes out your gut.

>> No.10800510

I was in JROTC and Civil Air Patrol for about 2 years so I still stand at a straight military posture.

>> No.10800591

190lbs is amazing, nice work familia

>> No.10800895



>> No.10801069
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umm how?

>> No.10801114
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5'8 110lbs trying to get down to 100

I always have a problems finding dresses that actually fit. If the dress hits my waist right it's way too big and if it fits it's way too short and the waist hits a weird spot. The struggle

>Did you survive the holidays, or eat too much and gain?
I did pretty good. Ate a moderate amount but didn't go overboard
> Ready for the New Year where everyone else is watching what they eat too?
New years was easy. I arrived after dinner was over and I didn't eat while everyone else was munching on the snacks

>> No.10801124

I dropped from 220lbs to 150 with a diet of water protein bars, and zero cal energy drinks in my senior year of highschool. Not the most healthy way but it proves cal in vs cals out is all that matters.

>> No.10801330


let me be ur daddy pls

>> No.10801350

dress looks really cute tbchmasf (to be completely honest my anonymous starving family)

good luck going to 100.

>> No.10801359

Thanks. That's like my only dress lol. Also I was 11 at age 18 with no exercise or eating regulations. 100 should be a piece of cake (lol cake)

>> No.10801386

looking good, put on a little muscle and you'd be a stone cold fox.

Digging that hifi btw, what's your setup?

>> No.10801394

What weight and body mass are you that you need to eat 500 kcal a day?

>> No.10801408

nice, you'll get there. just take it slow so you can maintain it once you are there. don't find some boy and get fat after.

>> No.10801423

Yeahh. I'm not too worried. I started jogging and doing fat burning exercises too. this way if I gain weight it'll be muscle mass and I'll still appear slimmer

>> No.10801453

How to fix? Is it really just making it a habit to stand up straight, or is my back misshapen somehow?

>> No.10801469
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Question for you guys.

Let's say you eat 400 calories of cereal+milk in the morning one day, and another day eat 400 calories of eggs. Is the calories what determines how long you stay full? Like if you eat 400 calories of any reasonable food do you stay full for a similar amount of time (I'm excluding complete junk food)?

I've read that different types keep you full longer, but do you guys find that in practice?

>> No.10801479
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My posture is so bad and I've really been trying to work on it for about a year because it causes my upper back to hurt, but I haven't had much progress. My gf says I stand taller now, but, I really don't feel like I've made much progress. I donno.

What I do (And again, it hasn't worked imo) is I pay attention to it as much as possible, and I also keep my chest stretched out and try to strengthen my back. The chest gets tight and can pull your shoulders forward, which is bad. And stronger back muscles can help hold your shoulders back easier.

>> No.10801699
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Yaaas survived the day

My limbs feel like noodles though... 1h of yoga, 1h of walking, 45 minutes of swimming

>> No.10801708
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>> No.10801715

Nah. The type of food affects the way that it is digested, in turn affecting your 'full'ness.

>> No.10801743


It all depends on what goes into making that food, b. If you're looking for a food that'll clock in at decent amount of calories and keep you full longer get some fiber in your life.

>> No.10801748


>> No.10801750
File: 3 KB, 552x450, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1h of yoga, 1h of walking, 45 minutes of swimming

>> No.10801928


In the morning I went to the pool (45min) & walked home (30min)

In the evening I walked to & from the gym (30) to do yoga (1h)

If you break it up it's doable. I'll go back to 1-2hrs per day later though

>> No.10802912

what's the image from? Curious.

>> No.10803063
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Skins (British TV Show from like 2004-8ish)

>> No.10803600

You guys ever have a beer or something? I know alcohol has a bunch of calories but not drinking at all is hard socially

>> No.10803614

I don't socialize tbqh. I can't remember the last time that I was at a social event where alcohol was served.

>> No.10803623

Not wanting to judge here, but you should atleast try to get social

>> No.10803646

i do like to get shitfaced occasionally and find the loss of self-control to be a bigger problem

>> No.10803674

Have you been checked out for pcos? If not that could be something to get checked.

>> No.10803817

Okay guys I've been losing some weight recently but I have a few questions. I don't have a scale in my house so sorry but I can't tell you how much I weigh exactly, I can tell you that I'm 6'3" and not lanky or anything, I have a very athletic build, wide shoulders, thick legs, big arms ect.

Basically since after Christmas day I've felt really shit about the amount of stuff I eat so decided to just cut down a bit, I eat pretty normal food but I cut out snacks and big portions/more than one portion as I've been bordering on being a bit too big. However over the past week or so I've been hardly eating anything, like maybe a slice of toast and a tiny bit of whatever's cooking for dinner. I realise that this can't really be healthy as I'm pretty much starving myself but I never feel particularly hungry and eating makes me feel kind of sick. Shall I just carry on and see how it goes as I've noticed that I'm much slimmer and have actually had people comment on it in the short time I've been eating less.

Sorry for big post but I'm a total newbie to this stuff, any help is appreciated :)

>> No.10803890

Get a scale, they are cheap. Weigh yourself every morning and take the average over the week (it varies so expect to go up and down)

Eat your TDEE minus 1000kcal until you are skinny, then eat -500kcal until you are effay.

>> No.10803908

I'll grab one next time im at the supermarket or whatever. can't I just eat less calories to begin with and get skinny faster? Also when losing weight without exercise will I just end up looking weird or will lack of body fat make the muscles i do have look better? can an athletic build even look good skinny? thanks for answering tho and sorry to bombard you with more

>> No.10803924

Depends how fat you are. Sure at first just not eating French toast makes you lose weight , but as you get lower you need to calculate it to know.

Regarding how you'll look, it just depends. Most guys have some muscle without working out, just depends what look you are going for. Most of us just want to be rail thin, /fit/ is more about muscle

>> No.10803940

im not really fat, just very average. I've basically cut down my eating to hardly anything and Im not hungry really anymore so i guess I'll just carry on and lose weight quicker. i guess I'll look alright without exercising because I have quite defined arms and legs for someone who doesn't go to the gym. thank you based genes. cheers for the answers dude <3

>> No.10804058

Since when have these threads become waifu accumulators?

>> No.10804294
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>having 3DPD waifus
Disgusting tbch

>> No.10804334

>implying i have waifus

>> No.10804393

Piss off normalshit

>> No.10804465

I have boyfus you moron

>> No.10804477

>has a husbando
Oh continue onward. happy new year

>> No.10804542

you too! hope it's a good one

>> No.10804951

H-hey, can I j-join ?

Currently 116lbs
Still have belly fat. Possible to achieve 100lbs without dying?

Im 5'3

I'm on 600cal a day but didnt lose any weight since 2 weeks.

>> No.10804972

>no exercise

>> No.10805053



>> No.10805100

what app is this

>> No.10805204
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5'9" 115lbs, like other anon I want to make it to 100

>> No.10805205

stupid. weight is not your issue

>> No.10805212
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>bottle of vodka on nightstand

>> No.10805239

Perf as is desu senpai.

>> No.10805241

It's just water desu

>> No.10805245

nah dude dont do that

your body wont be as sexy, as if youre doing it because you think/do have a round face then it wont fix that either so just chill out you look really good

>> No.10805254



>> No.10805255

thats richbitch water

seriosuly who would drink water from a bottle like that. fuck. cant imagine anyone in manchester doing that

>> No.10805257
File: 35 KB, 160x160, waha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw earning first badge on the 'Lose It!' intelligent cellular device application

>> No.10805269

It's mineral water. It's maybe a dollar or two per bottle that you can sip for a bit of electrolytes. You're dumb.

>> No.10805271
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if singles i go make a white russian

>> No.10805280

Sorry I'm really, really new. Does this mean the same thing as London?

>> No.10805301

no i'm not

>> No.10805312

no the opposite really its a reference to the movie taxi driver

means youre filth that needs cleaning up but its a meme too so dont take it to heart

>> No.10805356

pls b in new york

>> No.10805393

Wow youre a good guesser

>> No.10805445

It's you again. Hope you find someone!

You look really cute, if you want lose a bit but think you'd be better at like 110 or so minimum. As always your choice.

>> No.10805453

i guess if you want to have no ass or tits then yeah 100 is the way to go

>> No.10805511
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>all the girls in my city are basic bitches that "love food xd obsessed"

>> No.10805569

all ov em?

>> No.10805759


>> No.10805776

stop at 110, you're already model-tier

>> No.10806008
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So tired webmd said I have MS

15min dance stretching
35min walk
1h15min yoga

>> No.10806066

>tfw vegan and cant get away with rejecting desserts that contain milk or eggs
>tfw doing a low carb diet to shut down my appetite is very hard while being a vegan

>> No.10806073

can get away*

>> No.10806791

I'm 6'0 and was 125lbs for a long time then my gf and I broke up and I went to college and in two years I now way 160lbs. Fuck I hate this so much. How do I get rid of this, I have hypoglycemia so I have to have sugar a lot (or I have seizures)

>> No.10807525

count calories. eat 1500-1600kcal until you get to 125, then you should be able to eat minimum 1900kcal daily and maintain.

>> No.10807774
File: 159 KB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5' 10"

How low should I go /fa/?

I'm going slow, around a pound per week, slowed a bit late 2015 but picking up pace again.

>> No.10807816

Leg extensions 3", body weight -30

>> No.10807827


>> No.10807919

There's a term that exists called "empty calories", and it's basically the exact same as the example you stated. Simply because you ate your caloric limit in shit food for the day, doesn't menn that' going to fill you up or provide you with adequate nutrition. I would suggest eating lean protein nnd at a deficit, meaning that you burn more calories than you ingest.
It's the food itself that determines your fullness, not the amount of calories.

>> No.10808000

I hope you succeed in your goals mate

>> No.10808013

How'd you do it?

>> No.10808100

I went to /fit/ and read the sticky about weight loss, which pretty much is just eat less than you take in (simple enough, but kept me from trying some exotic diet). I grabbed MyFitnessPal and figured out how many calories I was eating, then used that app to set daily calorie goals - then just made sure I did my best to track during the day.

Biggest thing I learned is to adjust your goal every 10 pounds. For me, I could start with a much larger deficit (2pounds/week or -1000kcal) but as I got lower in weight that made me too hungry so I went to 1 pound/week or -500kcal daily deficit.

For me gradual adjustments work best, rather than really dramatic ones. Right now eating 1600 calories per day keeps me full but I'm still dropping a pound a week. If I had started right away eating 1600 calories per day I'd be starving.

Meal wise I eat oatmeal or egg white omelette (weekends) in the morning, then lunch varies but generally chicken with salad, for dinner some kind of fish or more chicken.. I try to toss of vegetables in there. Sometimes I'll have pasta but I try to avoid carbs later on.. I don't go nuts about it though - if all I have access to is pasta I'll just make sure I don't eat more than the calories in my daily allowance.

Good luck if you are getting started. After about a month you are used to it and don't think about it much.

>> No.10808153
File: 128 KB, 1000x698, 20121106225239-girlSmoke-e1310435476184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some recommended cigarette brands for the CC diet?

>> No.10808184

im partial to gauloises blondes lately.

>> No.10808306

Aren't you the anon who's girlfriend bought you some of those while she was getting railed in France whilst you were at home alone playing video games?

>> No.10808318

i'm 5'6*

>> No.10808321

would destroy those legs/10

>> No.10808461

you must be thinking of a different anon.

>> No.10809023
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right here family

>> No.10809161

This is already model tier thin enough. If you go any skinnier you'll make it look unnatural.

>> No.10810248
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>> No.10810287


>> No.10810354
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>> No.10810941

fucking gross

>> No.10811595
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>> No.10811642

thank god the 90s are over

>> No.10811644

the 90s were also over in 2003 buddy

>> No.10811646

How many calories?

>> No.10811654

500-800 for five days a week. Then 1000 on weekends. I try to work out 2-3 times a week.

>> No.10811815
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I think that's me in the future, girlfriend is going to France in a few weeks and I asked her to get me a ton of Gauloises

>> No.10811916

You hungry at all?

>> No.10811925
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What is my bodyfat percentage roughly? I've been on a caloric deficit for the past two weeks, but I still have at least a month to go

>> No.10812029


Are you guys aware that no one in France actually smokes Gauloises and doing so will automatically result in being categorized as a 'that guy who's always there in your shabby hometown bar and that you've never seen sober' type?

>> No.10812045

i am now. suggest an alternative?

>> No.10812055

crack cocaine

>> No.10812843

“I was surrounded by drug abuse. It was something that was always there. The editor, the photographer, everybody was smoking or shooting drugs, so it was natural for me. I just thought that was the way things worked. Did I shoot heroin? No, I sniffed it….I looked so skinny, with black circles under my eyes. It makes me sick, so sick, that’s what they wanted…. My habit became a full-time job….It cost money but I had money. If you give a 15-year-old thousands of dollars, she’s going to buy lots of shoes, clothes – whatever she is into at the time. Magazines will talk shit about you but they’ll still book you.”

- Jaime King

>> No.10812849
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>> No.10812852
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>> No.10812854
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Jaime > Kate

>> No.10813303

effay asf

>> No.10813364

who is this semen demon

>> No.10813531

You get used to it

>> No.10813536

She IS heroin chic. Literally.

>> No.10813681

>lost 60lbs in 2015
>nonstop during holidays all i hear is "did you stop eating" "here you need to eat some of this" "you're way too skinny now you need to eat more"

>> No.10813889

fucking lol why hasn't the third one fallen over

>> No.10813896

stretches. google stretches for whatever you have in the pic

>> No.10813919


Guess I have anterior pelvic tilt.

>> No.10813978

My posture is shit but pretty sure I lean over further up my body . Where he is straight at the top, I hunch over. Been working on fixing it but it is harder than I thought.

>> No.10814127
File: 3 KB, 148x99, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is you guys' experience with speed? Apparently one dose can curb your appetite for 3 whole days and it's cheap as fuck. I got it from a friend once, but I think he was scammed. Snorted a whole gram in one evening, but didn't feel anything :(...

>> No.10814171

>whole gram in one evening

You were snorting baking soda.

Speed, while much cheaper than cocaine, is so much fucking worse. Gives more jittery effects than cocaine in my experience. You should go for cocaine if you can, and know the difference between good cocaine and cocaine cut with speed (popular action taken to bulk product). Yeah, it curbs appetite, but for me only as much as coffee or cigarettes.

>> No.10814235

Yeah, I did a key tip of cocaine once, but unfortunately I cant afford to get addicted. I gotta say it snorted like silk and did feel good indeed. Unlike Ritalin or the baking soda I did that burnt my nose. I was wondering though. I pretty much get unlimited Ritalin that my insurance company covers for me and I used to take that daily when I was like seven to ten years old. I don't know if Ritalin and speed are much alike (they're both amphetamines), but could it be that the Ritalin made me tolerant? Because the speed I took was crumbly (unlike baking soda) and my friend did feel it (although he could be having placebo).

>> No.10814488

Get Adderall XR (extended release) .. or just a bunch of IR and take it a bit more often. Suppresses appetite a bunch and easy to get to last all day.

I'd avoid drugs for weight loss though, they all fuck with your sleep and mess with your personality.

I used to take Adderall and with my insurance a month supply only cost me 5 bucks.

Cocaine is good for going out drinking but it goes away too fast and is expensive.

>> No.10814503

>Unlike Ritalin or the baking soda I did that burnt my nose
Snorting amps is a waste, just take them orally.

>I don't know if Ritalin and speed are much alike (they're both amphetamines), but could it be that the Ritalin made me tolerant?
It could have just been shitty speed. Hard to say. But sure you'll get some cross tolerance. You should still feel it though.

Again, I preferred Adderall when I was doing that stuff. I'd take like 30 IR in the AM, 20IR at lunch, and 10 mid afternoon... I'd ween off end of the day so I could sleep. I took way too much, had my doctor convinced I needed it. I'd start with like 5IR am, 5IR lunch, 2.5IR pm and try to keep yourself from getting a high tolerance.

>> No.10814504

*mg obviously, not number of pills.

>> No.10814692
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>> No.10814814
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what is the lowest a 5' 11'' male should go? I want to be as thin as possible without dying

>> No.10814941
File: 114 KB, 500x750, Photo on 1-8-16 at 9.16 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5" 115 anon from other day, i saved like 350 of my 750 cals for today for WINE and so i'm drunk and baking brownies for my high test sister and lil brother. looking ok???

>> No.10814955


>those thigh scars

:( ur beautiful dont hurt urself ok?

>> No.10814962

they're such an eyesore, i hate how fucking emo i was a few years ago
now i just don't eat :^) it makes me /fa/ instead of psycho

i had part of a cookie i made yesterday and halfway thru i spit it out because i regretted it

>> No.10814974

Thats pretty pathetic. You're just as psycho as you used to be but now you've just funneled it into a different form of uneducated addiction.

Heres a tip, eat healthy and exercise more and you can eat whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.10814978


>> No.10814980

3/10 would not fuck in front of your high test brother

>> No.10814982

lol brother is not high test, sorry for inadequate grammar
he is 11
i am home from college and having to maintain my deficit in my jewish family RIP me

>> No.10814983

you're really pretty :) , also dont be afraid to seek therapy for self harm or obsessive eating habits, there is help to get

>> No.10815008

>may of 2015: 218 lbs; 6'1
>january of 2016: 176 lbs; 6'2

im male, 18, just did IF and ran a bit during the summer (2-3 miles, nothing crazy at all). ate around 1200 cals a day. now im in uni so i either eat 1500 cals a day (one meal per), then nothing but coffee+cigs+ fasting the next day. want to get down to 150 by may/june, going to start running a lot more and getting back on my IF diet again, love these threads btw

>> No.10815035

9-12% not quite sure

>> No.10815039

would eat that pussy like there is not tomorrow

>> No.10815156

Whaat tell a tranny how to develop this condition.
i've always wanted a goatee

>> No.10815237

abs are just barely visible, you're like 16-19%

>> No.10815803

pls be my mentally unstable qt3.14gf. will snuggle when you want to cut.

>> No.10815843
File: 22 KB, 374x480, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel my body is just off but I feel as though I just cant get thinner than this* and shoulders and ribcage are too wide to be legit fashun muddle in my eyes but anyone think I can realistically go thinner without looking absolutely spooky?

Also I have a lot of muscle on my thighs and calves, how can I reduce them because running only makes them firmer and wider.

*yes I have gyno, yes I have weird nipples, yes I am completely aware of the fact it looks weird to most people but the agent loved my androgyny so idk guess I'm gonna keep them as is.

>> No.10815863

pls b my gf

>> No.10815872


Not now dude, I just want to lose 40 pounds from picture which now is 60 because I'm 180 atm.

>> No.10815899


I dont support /thinspo/ but as someone 6 foot 145lbs (previously 125lbs) with a sub 10% bf, a slight cm or so of fat over your lower stomach is pretty hard to avoid, everyone stores fat differently.

Look in the mirror and lean back, and feel your stomach and you'll see how flat/hard your stomach actually is when the fat isn't all lapping over your stomach.

Don't try to cut even further, at that weight theres no chance you'll get rid of the fat without being practically anorexic. Just workout w/out losing weight, potentially try to gain weight slowly while working abs and you'll see difference.

Right now at 145lbs my stomach is flatter/harder than at my skinniest, and I wasn't even purposefully skinny, just didn't eat much/was inactive with dangerously low bf% yet I still had slight layer of fat only on my stomach.

btw you likely have body dysmorphia as well which will skew your perception.

>> No.10815905

I like.
But not really skinny.

>> No.10815909

Do you mean that man models must have thin shoulders?

>> No.10815917

i'm getting there, anon, be patient

>> No.10815948

Serious alternative : just buy a pack of marlboro man. I usually smoke Drums rollies in France, and a pack of Chesterfield when I can't be arsed.

>> No.10815959

Well I'm at the standard height of new runway models who are female 5'11 1/2" but I can't wear most women's wear but also because I'm opting for the men's board since I was given the option I am quite small compare to the 6'2-3" men dominating now so I feel as though I'm in a bind

>> No.10816235

marlboros are so basic, though. theyre what i started smoking with 10 years ago. guess ill look into chesterfield once i burned through these camels i picked up today

>> No.10816437

friendly reminder that cigs are bad for your health senpai

>> No.10816495

You in therapy, my jewess?

>> No.10816508

Did speed yesterday, can recommend

>> No.10816593

i told myself if i ever pass out, that's the end of me trying to get skelly, and my body hasn't let me down yet

>> No.10816692


>> No.10816783

You a Borderline? What's your diagnosis?

>> No.10816789

>if i ever pass out
>that's the end of me trying to get skelly
Why one of the two extremes? Find a happy medium and ride that course until you reach your goal. The stability from that will help your mental issues (not trolling).

>> No.10816986

tfw 122 5'11" male but still have a big stomach ;_;

>> No.10817081

lol yep, i'm a much more pleasant person to be around now. i just like clothes a lot and clothes happen to look good on skellys
when i say "the end" i mean i'll just go back up to ~19.5 BMI which is my resting BMI, so not bad

>> No.10817381

You have a fucked up childhood? borderlines usually have at least fucked up parents

>> No.10817518

that's the worst part; i was so lucky to have grown up how/where i did
which just makes me feel worse

it's honestly shite genetics. there's so much mental illness on both sides.

>> No.10817601

You'll be alright, just be careful not to take everything to extremes and think too black and white <3. Settle down with a nice robot, heard a few of them are single

>> No.10817617

does masturbating increase appetite? i feel like it does but idk if it's unrelated

>> No.10817938
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moron here

I have been eating at about a 1260 calorie diet for the past two weeks; is it possible that my body can become used to this diet, that I stop losing weight altogether? For reference I am exercising very often and my net caloric intake has been in the triple digits on a few days recently

>> No.10818024

I don't want to be 2spoopy4u, I just want a thin waistline. I've got a heavy frame, but I can achieve such a waistline at 140. Can I still be /fa/?

>> No.10818051

hey wait till youre skinny before you act like you have an ed

>> No.10818084

might be pose but you've got very broad shoulders. regardless you're pretty and should hmu on kik or skype ;)

>> No.10818091

are broad yellow diamond shoulders /fa/

>> No.10818302

It won't become 'used' to some diet, but the body does seem to have "stuck points" that take some time to burst through when lowering weight. For a male you might go really fast down to 156, but then get stuck there for a few weeks, and then after that you'll start dropping fast again. For me I didn't drop completely linearly, despite my caloric deficit being maintained very constant.

Double check your calories and make sure you are being accurate, but I'd say nothing to worry about, your weight loss will start picking up again.

>> No.10818687

upd8 my bmi's 18.6; i've lost 3 lbs in a week

getting there

>> No.10818694

I'm >>10818084. I have a 16.2 bmi. Please be my gf. I'll starve you and buy you expensive clothes.

>> No.10818732

I know. What I meant was why such drastic ends of the spectrum like either failing and reverting or taking extremes like starvation/malnutrition until passing out or whatever? Why not a balanced road?

>> No.10818733

my dream!!!!
sadly i have a bf but he is not very /fa/ and i miss my /fa/ bf who was so thin and fucked with my brain

>> No.10819332

That's really good how many calories are you eating a day and are you exercising?

>> No.10819806
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>wanting to get in a relationship with a borderline
you have no idea how crazy, crazy can be.

>> No.10819811



>> No.10819813

rude! why so rude?

>> No.10819834
File: 1.03 MB, 500x282, bpd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u kno u evil

>> No.10819842

eat less soy, daddy

>> No.10819844

I'm not her. borderlines aren't really evil they just oscillate between these extremes - and everything is black and white. makes it hard to be in a relationship with them because they either are crazy, crazy in love with you and everything is perfect or one thing goes wrong and you are a COMPLETE asshole terrible fuck you etc. it's a wild ride.

they get better as they get older generally. a teenage/college age one is a nightmare.

>> No.10819865

I guess.

I was friends with one for 10 years when i was a teenager, and she fucked me up

>> No.10819950

Oh absolutely. I dated one for a while. When things were good they were REALLY good: I was the best person in the world. When she saw me with another girl I had a project with (and wasn't fucking) she told her family I raped her when we first met and cut all my electrical cords in my apartment. Crazy shit. She eventually apologized and went to some kind of therapy called DBT which is supposed to help them balance those extremes and attention seeking behavior. Ran into her a bit back and supposedly she is doing better and more balanced.

>> No.10820030

literally whatever you want they all do the same thing altho if you're a grill go for menthols cause they taste better

>> No.10820125
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>> No.10820143
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>> No.10820476

Hey guys I starved myself from 180 to 125, but for the last year I've been on a binge streak and now weigh ~130-135. Any tips for getting back my self control I once had? I've heard of reactive feeding (I think that's what it's called?) but I'm not sure if that's something people with no self control say or if that's really thing. How do I get back to where I was? I used to be fine eating <600 cals a day without binging at all for quite some time. Why can't I do it anymore? Does anyone have advice?

>> No.10820563

i'm OP, holy shit i can't ever think of a time in which i'd do that.
also i'm in DBT which hasn't helped with a lot of things but it's taught me how to not bitch at my parents as much so they're happy

right now i'm cycling down to around 500, i need to start exercising but i'm also doing an EC stack and i don't wanna die

>> No.10820575

Instead of doing such dramatic starve diets, why not just calculate what your TDEE is and subtract 500kcal until you get to 125 and then eat maintenance? I'm 122 and 5' 10" and eat around 1200kcal per day, give or take. You don't need to starve to be thin.

Takes self control but really having this thread open on your phone to periodically look at and other such things is a good constant reminder. That's the point of thinspo for me, you look at someone super thin right before you want to eat and the cravings go away.

What are you binging on anyways? How many calories? I'll have a day once in a while where I don't care what I eat but can only eat so much before I'm full and feel sick. If I eat more than 2000 calories I'd be sick because my stomach is used to such small amounts

>> No.10820582

Just eat a reasonable amount of calories that's below your TDEE and do cardio. Starving yourself will always eventually lead to bingeing.