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10710933 No.10710933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

your ideal/ perfect girl

>> No.10710954
File: 189 KB, 720x960, 1448826111618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a manic pixie, and her whimsy never fades.
Whenever I have some adventure lined up, her next one perfectly pours into it. Not everything we do is adventure though, sometimes we stay in and sure we have sex but mostly we make comics together. We both draw, we both write. We don't have to worry about money because she taught me how to trade stocks (at least the stuff her dad taught her).

She can be annoying sometimes, and kind of needy; but she also can be very independent and it's usually the latter. She makes a DELICIOUS cobbler, she calls it "Alien Stew". Not really cool, but I'm not that cool either.

We propel each other to greatness.
People know our names but they don't bother us except to ask us to come out and hang occassionally.

She got a background role in a sitcom
I helped her with her silent motions.

She likes making stupid movies about robot invasions but the robots are incompetent.

Yeah. Something like that.

>> No.10710959

That's oddly specific. Someone you know?

>> No.10710971
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no, I just think about it a lot. I could go on and on about our imaginary adventures. It's kind of why my relationships are so bad because I hold real people to an impossible standard.
Probably why I live in little comic doodles that I make.

Either way, what's the aesthetic of the girl in this picture? (same as my original picture). I think I would look good in the "male" version of this.

>> No.10710978

You should spend less time daydreaming and actually try to find a girl anon. It's not healthy to fantasize too much about stuff like that, I'm speaking from experience.

>> No.10710980

Summon a beard, obtain an undercut, acquire flannel shirts and tight jeans and unearth some brown boots

>> No.10710985
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oh you don't have to tell me about that, I already know. I can't help it though, it's a lot of fun for me.

I currently have a girlfriend and she's the bees knees and all that. I just spend a lot of my time in fantasy because reality is a bit suffocating for me. I oftenly feel like I'm wrapped in like cellophane or something, so I use my imagination and it makes me feel better.

she is also a cutie

>> No.10710987

I see, good for you. All the power to you then.
Also, just dress like guys that make similar music to Bon Iver etc if you want the male version of that.

>> No.10710992

sasha foxxx

>> No.10711008
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well, nevermind then, that sounds really bad.
>searched bon iver
nah I'm good but thanks to both of you.

>> No.10711054


Been with chicks like that.

Those bitches always cheat on you

>> No.10711058
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stable, cute and smart. finally met a girl who is, but she is dating a fucking idiot.

>> No.10711077

just someone who's smart,funny,nice,loyal,attractive and sane. I've been hurt so many times, i wouldn't risk it again on someone who's not perfect.

>> No.10711087

what did you think the male equivalent to this girls 2009 aesthetic would be besides the 2009 male aesthetic you fucking autistic moron

>> No.10711094
File: 175 KB, 662x541, 1665874_trianglejumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so damn hard to meet a slightly androgynous qt that's straight and isn't one of those tumblr SJW types.

>> No.10711103

they're out there, but they avoid guys that dress in kekcore, most memeochrome, or kanyecosplay so there goes 99.99999999999999% of effays chances

>> No.10711105

What dress style attracts them?

>> No.10711109

my current gf :~)

>> No.10711118

changing your style just to attract a girl is inauthentic, so why do you care?

>> No.10711130
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>We don't have to worry about money because she taught me how to trade stocks

Wuh oh we got a badass recreational stock trader over here

>> No.10711136
File: 29 KB, 720x807, dealwithit5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After many years of thought and time spent alone, I have determined that I want someone who will take some spending money and leave me alone, but do the cooking. So I think what I actually want is a personal chef.

>> No.10711141

>they avoid guys that dress in kekcore, most memeochrome, or kanyecosplay

>> No.10711145

I'm not that guy, but I know a couple pretty/smart combo chicks, and they are mostly un-/fa/ and take some pride in mocking narcissistic men.

>> No.10711154


the ones I've seen put a lot of effort into their appearance (otherwise they wouldn't be hot) and they're relatively alternative (i.e. they don't fir the sorority girl aesthetic) so it makes sense that they would like the same thing in men.

>> No.10711201
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those aesthetics, on white kids, are extremely unattractive to girls over 16. those kinds of bitches go for the normie tatbro hypermasculine punk/hardcore/streetwear almost universally. Basically be ottermode, covered in tattoos, and have facial hair. However, stubble is best because beards are completely dead

>> No.10711205

Google "Mori Boy"

>> No.10711227
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my ex prob lads ;_;

>> No.10711228

>5 head

>> No.10711229
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She dresses pretty basic most of the time but is known to be the best dressed bitch in a room if she really wants to be. She's a creative type that loves to go on hikes and isn't scared to ride motorcycles, chop wood, and shoot guns with me when I'm feeling like a woodsman. Also she rips on a snowboard and is as big of a fan of the chilly weather as I am. Ethnically ambiguous with big lips and an ass to match. Curly hair and freckles; colored eyes are a must DESU.

>> No.10711232

>i want a genetic anomally with a love for fashion and extreme sports
I honestly hope you get your wish anon, because that would be tight

>> No.10711240

>implying they're bad things

>> No.10711251
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>> No.10711252
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lmao up your standards bro

>> No.10711262

Honestly my girlfriend has pretty much all of it except the freckles. I can live without it. I'm half black half white and she's Puerto Rican. We owe the world to have beautiful caramel ambiguous looking children.

She's just kind of fucking annoying.

>> No.10711269

>tfw no cat loving, kunoichi no jutsu qt gf

>> No.10711273
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>> No.10711283

Please be copypasta...

>> No.10711287

that is a large cat

>> No.10711290

for you

>> No.10711295

but that guy looks like a total fag lol

>> No.10711302

Yeah and that's totally what stupid pretentious hipster bitches are into

>> No.10711327
File: 78 KB, 750x862, 1445715794287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aesthetically, like this.

For her personality, she would be a person that accepts everything as it is, without living in a fanatsy where everything is good and nothing is bad/harmful (i.e. she should see the bad sides everything and everyone has). If she's like this, other personality traits would build over the principle above. I want a girl that's almost like me.

>> No.10711331

you mean a stoic
maybe you could even introduce her to Aurelius

>> No.10711339

>not wanting a qt diogenes gf

>> No.10711341


>> No.10711344

Close to, but not really. I'm a stoic.

>> No.10711359
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>> No.10711368

He's atractive, trendy, and fit. He may dress like an actual meme but he's probably drowning in pussy or dick or whatever he's into

>> No.10711374

these threads are pure virginal autism


>> No.10711377

Looks like a qt bro.

What kind of aesthetic would match with this?

>> No.10711380



>> No.10711400
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>> No.10711402
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>> No.10711489
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A woman who understands "seen but not heard" doctrine

>> No.10711494

Straightfags please go.

>> No.10711524

>your idea/perfect girl
>posts mentally ill man

>> No.10711528

hottest girl in thread

>> No.10711535

Oh god she's fucking sexy, what's her name?

>> No.10711555
File: 54 KB, 640x640, whoknows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effortless grace, basically. A girl with a sort of effortless class and kindness but tempered by extreme intelligence and a sense of hard-nosed pragmatism. Relentlessly self-improving and athletic beyond that whole perfunctory "I go to yoga once a week" thing. The kind of girl whose sexuality is always evident, but in that bubbling-under-the-surface sort of way. The kind of girl who has crushed free spirited girls underneath her heels, but with a soft spot for the many, many things weaker than her. Ideally better than me at socializing, but too good for any party that doesn't require a dress.

I've known exactly what I've wanted for years, but here I am sifting through online dating getting increasingly despondent at the options available to me. The last two "good" options on me fell apart: one got all weird about the fact that I got her into bed so quickly and ran back to her ex, the other ended up being a fundamentally sour person hidden behind a veneer of professionalism that chewed out a waiter for no good reason.

>> No.10711562

>le authenticity meme XDXD

we're all just spectators in the society of the spectacle breh. the ability to live an authentic life has been deprived us by advanced capitalism.

>> No.10711575

ability to take and give sarcasm and dry humor
mixed race

that's literally it

>> No.10711576

i just want a girl that is self aware and somewhat cynical so we can hate everything together

>> No.10711577


>> No.10711578
File: 221 KB, 500x667, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my asian gf ideal?

>> No.10711583

you're a fucking retard

>> No.10711587

She's smarter and more mature than her peers, but never pretentious or condescending. Always modest, always humble (almost to a point of self depreciation, but I help her with that). She is great at socializing, and has a lot of acquaintances, but never associates with any particular group specifically. She's independent and incredibly hard working, and an extremely talented musician. She always comes off to people as sweet, charming, and friendly, but is absolute dynamite in bed. Her style is modest but fashionable, a modern take on a classic look. She's an excellent driver, and can plan out anything. She goes absolutely crazy at the sight of otters or cats, and can beat me in any swimming race we have.

At a time in my life when I was a nobody, she saw something in me, gave me a shot. And that shot was all the motivation and encouragement I needed to become my best self.

>> No.10711598


I'm guessing she has a face like a horse.

>> No.10711608
File: 347 KB, 900x582, 2014-03-21-Soul-Good-Mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will just leave this here

>> No.10711609
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_2015-12-09-00-16-31-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big lips
long and thick hair
pale skin
good eyebrows
pretty eyes (can be any color as long as it compliments her face)
wears makeup but looks good without
wears hoodies and oversized shirts/ cardigans with leggings or jeans
skinny on the verge of curvy with a butt
short like me!
doesnt get information from tumblr
can keep a convo
at least mentally okay, i can deal with depression and anxiety
doesnt completely obsess over bands
has a few close friends

im a lesbean so idk if mine differs from yours

>> No.10711611
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>> No.10711612
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>your/ideal perfect girl

any girl

>> No.10711623
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I'd be happy with any girl who is just kind.
I don't mind if she is a bit chubby or anything aslong as she is a good person and has the best interest in people.