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File: 27 KB, 400x534, 272a2b2eb3fd3a8473322b8888fcddf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10708567 No.10708567 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo like this one on my left arm. Is there any meaning to it I'm not aware of?

>> No.10708573

it's used to cover cutting scars or injection holes.

>> No.10708576


>> No.10708586

I've seen some cringey ass nerdy skinny hipster the other day with this shit on his arm. It looks so fucking stupid on most people I'm pretty sure you have to have a certain look to,make it look decent. Still a dumbass popular tattoo people get to try to look cool. Guarantee most people you don't talk to will think you're a try hard faggot when they see you in public.

>> No.10708602

Mine will be higher in the arm, it won't be visible under a tshirt (I tested with some electrical tape how it would look like)

you are one of the 10 people in the world who would think of that

I'm okay with that

>> No.10708603

This is the only "meaning" i've heard of it but it's your body, do what you want
Just don't get it done by some cheapo artist who will leave you with wonky, poorly filled lines

>> No.10708604
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How about something more elaborate in the same style? Google up Ben Volt

>> No.10708605

Are poorly filled lines a thing? I've never seen that

>> No.10708610
File: 84 KB, 600x750, 606754_bd9aa1067b0d41099eb18d0e76dfe792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some nice stuff

>> No.10708622

Reminds of 21 pilots.

>> No.10708630

Came here to post this.

>> No.10708659

No, jesus christ. It is for covering up neefle marks.

>> No.10708662

God that's hideous.

>> No.10710295

this is cool
this is retarded

>> No.10710305

as others have said, thick lines have traditionally been used not only to cover track marks but also to cover nazi tats and shit so people might think you're a fascist

>> No.10710329

>were a fascist

>> No.10710351

>le tom delonge

>> No.10711639

>are a fascist who came to the conclusion that money/friends are nice things to have.

>> No.10712626

Gov't mandated tattoos > prison/criminal tattoos > cult mandated tattoos > tattoos you get because you're a loser who thinks tattoos are cool

>> No.10712804

some crust punks I know have this tattoo

>> No.10712821

hard angular tattoos are permanent dermal fedoras.

>> No.10712847
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That kinda reminds me those black ribbons jews wear when they pray.

>> No.10713222
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It took me until just now to realize it's a happy face

>> No.10713330

Phylactery, because they're secretly liches

>> No.10713336

whys he wearing a go pro

>> No.10713337
File: 99 KB, 540x792, 1448899427969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about getting something like this.

>> No.10713387


>> No.10713390

pretty cool desu

>> No.10713412

This is the modern day tribal tatoo

>> No.10713414


It's also used as cover for shitty arm band tribal/barbwire tattoos.

>> No.10714040


>> No.10714528

Is this the tattoo general then?

>> No.10714821


Will look cool for the first two months, then shit.

Have fun getting it touched up every few months after

>> No.10714837

are you muscular at all? No, being a skinny guy with abs doesn't count.

>> No.10714852

If you need to ask an online board what's the meaning of your next tattoo then you should reconsider.

>> No.10714862

suicide bomber maybe

>> No.10714864
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>> No.10714870

guys don't get trendy tattoos
this looks like pure shit
BUT if you want it don't go to a random tattooist
You guys think "HURR DURR LINES IT BE COOL" but the width of the lines how they are aligned, how straight and clean is so important.
You can tell OPs tattooist had NO idea what he was doing and put the bands onto of the muscle making a bump and now it looks curved also it looks like pure shit.
OP don't go to a random artist and pay him like 200-300 dollars, save up go to a pro and get it nicely done at least if you are getting a trendy tattoo get it done right.

>> No.10714899

Found the lardham

>> No.10714935

Just tell people you really like teen wolf. :^)

>> No.10715270


Old japanese criminal tattoos, u a old ass japanese murderer bub ?

>> No.10715291

I secretly always wished I were Jewish because of all of their ritualistic clothing, especially the Tzitzit

>> No.10715685


>> No.10715914
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I think the thinner dark grey-blue ones look better.

>> No.10715915
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>> No.10716178

it means you wouldn't mind sucking some dick.

>> No.10717288
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>> No.10717470


Holy fucking shit, what

>> No.10717486
File: 486 KB, 853x480, vlcsnap-2014-09-23-21h33m33s126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving for this

>> No.10717490

Injection holes for sure

>> No.10717495

dude new age festivals right

>> No.10717509

you might be able to pull it off if you've got reasonably muscular arms

but it's not /fa/, no tattoo ever will be

>> No.10717520

I wish the whole black thing worked, but it doesn't really. Unless you're yakuza, but then the black is just background.
Normies will think it's cool though.

>> No.10717582
File: 40 KB, 500x334, 4b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoo's like this can be cool

>> No.10717607

Do people actually feel unique having tattoos? Every person ive met sober wouldn't admit it but once i get them fucked up on molly then they tell me how much the regret it, how much the tattoo artist "fucked up", how they want it to get retouched.

I think it's a cry for attention, especially if it's somewhere you can't reasonably hide with clothing for the majority of time.

>> No.10717608

>the 2015 version of barbed wire tattoo
Good call lad

>> No.10717614

i would totally get that checkerboard on stefan;s left shoulder

>> No.10718583

topkek were you phoenix gang or black arm when u did the quest

>> No.10718624

and you are so cool

>> No.10718918
File: 738 KB, 497x750, 1436688480140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me who this semen demon is

>> No.10718945

Tumblr tier tattoos lol