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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 300x169, microsoft_fix_it_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10655342 No.10655342 [Reply] [Original]

post pics and have other people fix you

>> No.10655370

i am fat what is a good workout routine? fat is even all over my body so im just plush but not clearly obese

>> No.10655431

literally any exercise. workout routines are for people who want mucles. if you want to lose fat you just have to move a lot and eat less.

>> No.10655450
File: 166 KB, 720x1200, Snapchat-7534422121118654635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10655497

your hair is wrong. maybe growing out? have trouble telling without face.
i definitely dont want muscles they look bad on girls, i just want to trim down

>> No.10655538

People don't get muscles so easily, don't worry.

But if you want to burn calories, running is best, closely followed by cross trainer.

>> No.10655540
File: 163 KB, 720x1200, Snapchat-3854382614884828812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres another picture but i kind of want help with my clothes and see if im doing anything wrong

>> No.10655545

fits are not so bad, sort of boring. experiment with pops of color? mustard has looked really good lately imo
will do, thank u anon

>> No.10655553
File: 398 KB, 854x645, really15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your pants going up to your nipples

>> No.10655638

thats his sweater

>> No.10655689

it looks like your pants go up to your chest. maybe wear slightly lighter pants or anything to better distinguish the sweater

>> No.10655700

Vry good

>> No.10655952
File: 34 KB, 264x834, aaaaa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I dress this body type?
I am 18 / 5'10".

>> No.10655958

literally anything works for u, ah how i wish for slender body type

>> No.10655961

accentuate ur hips, a-line and skater skirts. high waisted bullshit. play up your smaller breasts with bralettes and cute shift dresses and shit

>> No.10655964


>> No.10655979

i need help finding a better haircut i've had the same shitty 'scene kid' combover since middle school and my fivehead looks very bad with anything else what do

>> No.10656033


>> No.10656236
File: 365 KB, 263x526, 9b225fd49587c28a7ec51c4bc153b45a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link me clothing tell me how to dress im an idiot

>> No.10656253
File: 93 KB, 734x750, sam_9848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I wear with this?

>> No.10656257

ew what the fuck

>> No.10656356

exactly. how do i fix

>> No.10656367

Stop pigeon-toeing, please.

>> No.10656379
File: 964 KB, 415x500, tumblr_lz3lgnEdCW1qcb7k0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go spitter-core

>> No.10656412

This is the second time I've seen this pic and I'm still dyin, senpai. It looks like you got some grandpa pants going on. On closer inspection, your fit is fine tho

>> No.10656418

you're embarassing all of us standing like a mongoloid dinosaur. I'm all about female representation on /fa/ but this is a damn disgrace

second, it's not our job to tell you how to dress. Read the sticky and lurk

>> No.10656425

just don't shovel food in your face. it's not that hard.

>> No.10656444 [DELETED] 

It's really not unless you substitute one addiction for another. Even if it's a healthy addiction like jogging etc.

Food addiction can be as strong as heroin addiciton. Most people can't just cut cold turkey without severely relapsing. Why do you think Muca is so fat in the first place?

Giving up eating junk is not easy, it's one of the hardest things in the world. It's constant denial of dopamine bursts to your brain, self deprivation until you adjust to a healthy diet and no longer crave that stuff. It's insanely hard for the average person.

>> No.10656456

It's really not unless you substitute one addiction for another. Even if it's a healthy addiction like jogging etc.

Food addiction can be as strong as heroin addiction. Most people can't just cut cold turkey without severely relapsing. Why do you think Murica is so fat in the first place?

Giving up eating junk is not easy, it's one of the hardest things in the world. It's constant denial of dopamine bursts to your brain, self deprivation until you adjust to a healthy diet and no longer crave that stuff. It's insanely hard for the average person.

>> No.10656461
File: 3.91 MB, 2952x5248, IMG_20150321_115836006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fix my collarbones senpai?

>> No.10656467

pick up smoking.
go to a plastic surgeon

>> No.10656499
File: 129 KB, 317x310, 1360986117451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son, got dat fucked up skeleton.

>> No.10656506


>> No.10656516

you look like you're about to change into a werewolf any second, or perhaps you're in the middle of changing

I like it, you look primal or some shit

>> No.10656680

>thinking anyone on this forum will actually help you

>> No.10656727
File: 198 KB, 498x1018, depressioncore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to dress correctly and I don't know why I'm even posting, but oh well.
I know I need to get away from the converse clown shoes, and I was looking at the Adidas Hawthorn ST.

>> No.10656767 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1080x720, asdfasdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok can i pull off pigtails. dunno what to do with my hair i can't decide

>> No.10656935

With your head and face shape, you can pull off most hair styles. I think it looks cute at that length.

>> No.10657004

Pretty good
I don't know where your shirt stops and the pants begin
Go Preppy
Gotta live with it man, there's no way to stop it. Nice bod though.
The Converse do need to go. Sweater looks to big for you.

>> No.10657040
File: 706 KB, 1151x1919, Pixlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I get my haircut tomorrow? What would look best? Going to get contacts hopefully in a few weeks

>> No.10657049

how do i get rid of chubby cheeks?
im not fat or anything, just born with chubby cheeks

>> No.10657082

holy kek I'm saving this

>> No.10657095

Underrated post

>> No.10657444
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1000, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to posting on /fa/, I need help on a hair cut. I look like shit in almost everyone cut I get.

>> No.10657466

I've been thinking on screwing hair in general, go bald and grow a facial hair.

>> No.10657468


>> No.10657490

Post a better picture.

>> No.10657515

Giant afro

>> No.10657534


get thicker frames for your eyeglasses (preferably black frames)

>> No.10657536

New glasses.
Grow hair into a med size afro. Otherwise senpai desu you look alright.

If you want to look 40 with those glasses and a bald hair cut go for it just be aware of what the end result will be

>> No.10657581

Thanks senpai.

>> No.10657652
File: 2.27 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do

>> No.10657657
File: 400 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up

>> No.10657674

I opened your image and scrolled down. I only saw the top half, which looked p good, but then I scrolled down and well shit that looks straight up bad

So I guess your best bet is to get pants that actually fit, or if your proportions are truly that terrible, well

>> No.10657675

you look like a douche and a fuccboi

try not to look like that

>> No.10657694

yeah it's kind of a weird angle, proportions aren't really that bad

>> No.10657726


Jesus Christ, you'd have been better off aborted. No woman will ever find you attractive.

>> No.10657737

Get slim fit pants

>> No.10657752
File: 229 KB, 721x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fbd71d70a983b26a7b3ee43f209e83d60%2Ftumblr_ndhpv45KHT1qdpb7ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides ditching the band t-shirt, what do.

>> No.10657771

No more vans
Get rid of that cheap flannel
Your stance is awkward

>> No.10657776


band tee is fine. that flannel looks like you got it at kohls, get a better one.

>white socks

and lose weight

>> No.10657778

i tried wearing baggy vans pants to look /slacker/ but they make my kraut legs look even bigger, i got 511 slim black levis that look a lot better

>> No.10657802

Thank you, senpais.
In my defense the angle on this photo is kind of shitty, I'm less fat than I look.

>> No.10657804

That freedom shirt is rare, just get better fitting pants and shoes and lift

>> No.10657805

Exercise and eat healthy. I don't really like the shirt. Personally, I like vans but I understand why so many people here consider them childish. If you're over 21, you probably shouldn't wear them. The Flannel is allright I guess. I like the pants.

>> No.10657814

Sticking with this basic fit, what shoes should I wear?

>> No.10657848
File: 411 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-3841507803615910884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions on not looking so lanky?

>> No.10657858

No. As a tall boy, you are my new inspo holy shit.

>> No.10657866

Yo, what height/weight are you? Also, what brand/size are those jeans. I think I'm pretty close to your build and struggling to find a decent pair of black jeans.

>> No.10657871

Like 5'11 / 135ish. Being thing just makes me look tall.

No joke... they're $30 h&m jeans.

>> No.10657884

Pic with less clothes, I need to see exactly what we have to work with if you want proper help.

>> No.10657887
File: 3.38 MB, 2204x3920, 2015-11-24+03.30.24+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give my brother advice

>> No.10657889

Old school lows look better in the same color if you wanna rock vans

>> No.10657893

ditch the fag. Also tell him to stop smoking.

>> No.10657902

goteem senpai

>> No.10657904
File: 1.29 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20151125_145839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick, I actually just copped a pair of those.

>> No.10657905

Fucking kek!

Cannot unsee.

>> No.10657909

Pants seem a tad bit long for the look

>> No.10657919

Also, black socks only

>> No.10657921

Jeans that aren't as skinny, and bulking of course. Try to have a fit that isn't top heavy nor bottom heavy. Although, you aren't necessarily tall and looking lanky helps you appear so

>> No.10657940

Nah, dude. I'm 5'10 and you look taller even though I have better posture. Posture. Work on it as bad posture accentuates how shit you look the taller you are. Also, are those your sticks?

>> No.10657958

By climbing ontop of me and riding to an earth shattering, heaven echoing, and hell shaking orgasm

>> No.10657991

Im as tall as my friends who claim they're over 6'0 but I'm pretty sure they're not.

And yes, those are mine but they're ancient. I do still play twice a week though.

>> No.10658086
File: 96 KB, 352x499, 1407034836961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they have, just gotta go for those girls that are looking for that qt feminine boy aesthetic going on

>> No.10658122


>> No.10658126

the rest of your army uniform

>> No.10658128

>long legs
literally made for fashion

>> No.10658133

get out of highschool first

>> No.10658204

Yeah, I have a cousin 1" taller than me and a girl who plays basketball 1" shorter, they claim 6'1" and 6' respectively.

I'm jelly as I haven't played in years. Anyways, what's the problem with looking lanky? Your silhouette looks good.

>> No.10658338

Holy shit ur fat

>> No.10658423


you don't wear it , its ugly as fk

>> No.10658572

Ok, I need a few more pointers.
What face shape would you say my face is?

>> No.10658588
File: 682 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix me babe but be gentle

>> No.10658610
File: 166 KB, 642x865, 2015 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix me!

>> No.10658619
File: 152 KB, 577x507, 6b369aa79762c78756ea1a4016622e1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was keyed last night and spent 70 on these? loved them high but not sure now that im sober. thoughts?

>> No.10658620

>white socks

>> No.10658640

You look uncomfortable in that jacket and in your pose.
Lose weight.

>> No.10658643

great idea OP

>> No.10658649

Haha wish it was that easy. Any advice?

>> No.10658656

Turn that mass to muscle.

>> No.10658662

I feel like I'm dressing way too kek-y Is there anything I can add to my fits to prevent that vibe?
No pic cuz I'm a lazy faggot

>> No.10658664

Then how are we supposed to help you?

>> No.10658666

Just imagine a regular kek fit senpai

>> No.10658667

plaid shirt looks too big and it's pretty ugly imo. get a smaller one with nicer colours (red, green or blue are usually the way to god) and the fit would work a lot better

you alreayd mentioned youd wear some tighter pants, which would do a lot

white socks are OK i guess, if you want the 'slacker' look, but personally i only wear white socks for sports. not wearing white socks is one of those old rules that is actually there for a reason, as white socks brings too much attention to your ankles. jusut buy grey or grey dres socks, some nice wool socks for winter (these definitly work with slacker) or some dumb fancy 'stance' socks

i would do up my laces a little more but thats not really a big detail

hat looks kinda dumb, but i dont really like those hats, so keep if you like

>> No.10658686


>> No.10658691

get rid of the shoes, socks and flannel

>> No.10658698

I like this jacket but You Are Right gotta work on this

>> No.10658714


First of all get new shoes. My god those are aids

>> No.10658716

>painfully conscious of trying to pull off a style
You're not wearing that jacket, that jacket is wearing you.

The boots (too long-slim) don't go with the rest of your fit. I'd also suggest a different haircut.

Fuck off, satan.

>> No.10658737

I dig em

>> No.10658760

Ja i get it im looking awkward

>> No.10658766

How do i lose fat from my face? I'm skinny, but i don't work out. Would it help? Also, what changes should i make on my diet, if there're any?

>> No.10658767


Shoes.. get rid off yours

>> No.10658774

you cant lose fat in a specific part of your body. just lose fat over all.

Just drink water, eat varied enough and about 400 calories under your normal daily intake. also don't take snacks inbetween meals. just eat fruit or something.

>> No.10658776


any advice on what shoes I should get?

>> No.10658782

I say it's a circle.

>> No.10658786 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 330x456, le jewish liberal face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide and hope that you're reincarnated as something other than a nigger.

lift weights and do yoga you pear shaped knock kneed fag

lift weights and do yoga you pear shaped knock kneed fag

lift weights and do yoga you pear shaped knock kneed fag

kill yourself, iirc you're real stupid

mystery meat shitskin beta, cant be helped

>> No.10658794

Wow so edgy :^)

>> No.10658808
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10658811

ur face is fine and u look tall but like u just look like a nerd that's trying way too hard

>> No.10658812
File: 158 KB, 1000x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I was dressed up for a birthday. I'm a pretty big nerd tho. Thinking of just following this and being chill

>> No.10658813 [DELETED] 

yor dad has mad gyno

>> No.10658819

Grandpa. He's 83

>> No.10658827 [DELETED] 

yo should just keep being yourself and never listen to anyone on /fa/

yo look like a normal person.

>> No.10658853

This is not a problem, honestly i think it look good. so fix your mindset not your collarbone ;)

>> No.10658859

would fit you imo
go for it

>> No.10658862

Don't wear hats that fit like that, get a better fitting sweater, oversized is okay but the sleeves NEED to fit, unless you really know what you're doing otherwise you look insecure, And get a crewneck next time :)

>> No.10658868

Be less edgy, depending on age it's decent tho

>> No.10658880

don't just "follow" a chart! use it as guidelines only. biggest mistakes I've ever made are following infographs to the letter. lurk the threads and make an inspo folder where you dump things you like. but its a good starting point

>> No.10658912

Shave mustache

>> No.10659229
File: 174 KB, 900x1600, IMG-20151121-WA0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix me

>> No.10659946


>> No.10659955

not the real marty

>> No.10660504

if your personality is good, you don't need any fixing. fixing fashion is not worth it if you are completely shit socially. i should know 2bh

>> No.10660879


Style your hair differently, with that length you could just try slicking it back.

Beyond that, your coat looks like the sleeves are a bit too long and they are bunching up.

>> No.10661166

why do people keep posting this picture

>> No.10661891

Diet and exercise family, literally no secret tricks.
high protein low carb will do the trick. Count your caloric intake.
If i can do it you can to.

>> No.10662226
File: 255 KB, 961x961, IMG_0760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey 4O, you're the reason I bleached my hair, was admiring hard, no homo.

>> No.10662236

since this is a fix me thread

>> No.10662241
File: 517 KB, 1224x790, IMG_0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10662256

i'm dying anon

>> No.10662260
File: 331 KB, 876x1584, IMG_0583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

style is primarily heroin chic, nearing australian summer now so that's not a good idea atm so would like ideas

>> No.10662268

God damn I wouldn't fix anything
On another note how do you do your hair?
Trying to get a haircut like that but barber doesn't understand my explanations.

>> No.10662277

I have extremely thick, stubborn hair so I have to apply all product to slightly wet/towel dried hair.
I use hanz de fuko claymation, I find that it looks best the day after I apply it, but having bleached hair I'm constantly having to wash/tone my hair because it darkens really quickly.

I have the entire top part of my head tapered with my fringe no longer than mid-eye level.
I have one side disconnected (the side that my hair is pushed towards) and the other side is half an inch longer connecting to the top of my head.

Really nothing special about how it was cut, just asked for a "messy/untidy short sides & long top" then I worked with the hairdresser as she went along.

>> No.10662278

Hope you're enjoying it!

I can't even imagine myself with my natural haircolor anymore...

>> No.10662292
File: 47 KB, 426x341, 1347324747779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird if I ask for a collage of pictures with different angles of your hair and such?
I'm going to attempt to cut my own hair like it. Here's to hoping I dont end up having to get a buzzcut the next day.

>> No.10662298

I no longer have my hair like that but I'll see what pictures I can find

>> No.10662339

Thanks man really appreciate it

>> No.10662346
File: 699 KB, 3276x906, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright alot of these are the same but hopefully it can help you out a bit, the length on top was essentially the same all over, a tiny bit shorter from the back but gradually increasing in length as it reached the fringe, back and sides are all short but as you can see from pics I let them grow out a bit since I was aiming for a messy look.

>> No.10662359

Thank you you are so great

>> No.10662373

you're welcome man, best of luck.

>> No.10664065

you look like you have your jaw open and you're pouting

you should smile more or draw your lips back

>> No.10664118

Not really much of a circle. More of a square.

>> No.10664133
File: 21 KB, 366x206, 1514620_10152734559845938_7456989194452932320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10664279

haircut should be least of your worries, your face is pixelated bro. get that checked out first

>> No.10664309

naught to fix tbqh lad

>> No.10665306
File: 597 KB, 1536x2048, 20151130_000949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I become effay?

>> No.10665323

are you a boy?
or are you a girl?

>> No.10665329


>> No.10665330

pls dont bully them

>> No.10665333

Lose more weight, trim eyebrows and go with a dark andro look.

>> No.10665354
File: 113 KB, 1252x1252, oak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10665362

>lose more weight

but I'm already a skeleton, I think that pic makes me look like I have a belly or something but it's just cause my camisole was wrinkly and the lighting was weird

>> No.10665381

Post body.

>> No.10665388


>> No.10665401
File: 194 KB, 600x1066, IMG_4201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did I do wrong /fa/

>> No.10665407
File: 152 KB, 1536x1536, 11882409_875030832552820_7306695379413698288_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face is super ugly and thats k but I need help with what to do with hair. I tried growing it out and I just looked weird so I shaved it all off. I just looked weird with a shaved head so I grew it out again and when it was like about this length it looked pretty decent and now im growing it out again and it looks weird now. How do I style this hair so I dont look either overly preppy. I have been doing no poo for like a year now but now I'm starting to see dandruff for some reason so someone please help.

Ill reply to this with what my current hair looks like.

>> No.10665409

You don't.
Be nude.

>> No.10665414

That looks cool desu

>> No.10665417


Don't be such a fucking creep

>> No.10665446


Those shoes. Just cause it matches doesn't mean it looks cool

>> No.10665458

you really aren't ugly, but okay
you just need to grow it out more and put product in it until it trains to be how you want it
I don't see why you have an aversion to 'preppy' hair when that's really dependent on how you dress.

>> No.10665503
File: 728 KB, 3000x2250, A7ZFj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is current hair please help I'll love you forever if you save me. My hair is pretty thick naturally but seems to grow in looking like its not even on my head and just like above it (I guess?) It's hard to explain

The problem is I don't know what way I should style it. I mean preppy as in like dressy. I want to keep my hair casual.

>> No.10665519

then just don't do a damn thing with it, you really can't with that length tbqh.
just wait a little while longer and legit just play with it until you find a style you like, that's all I can recommend

>> No.10665548

I don't wanna show /fa/ my boobs

>> No.10665555


>> No.10665591
File: 3.91 MB, 5184x3456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10665630

who cares?

>> No.10665647

it'll be our little secret bby
show me them hoohas

>> No.10665649
File: 23 KB, 472x515, 1897707_10206654411457425_9017294543899137957_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't have said that if you didn't want to show us your boobs. Now shut your whore mouth and post pic.

>> No.10665664


>> No.10666047

This is what people in the 80's imagined 2015 to look like

>> No.10666098


>> No.10666416

your hair is literally short as shit, why do you need it cut? it'll come out lookin stupid

>> No.10666424

bumping for interest

>> No.10666431

get pants that actually fit you. some other anon suggested slim fit ones and I agree. thats the only real problem here

>> No.10666432
File: 96 KB, 718x784, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /fa/. There was a glasses thread the other day and it disappeared, so I'm coming here.

I need glasses. I'm going to use Warby Parker's 5-frame sample service to narrow my choice down, and was hoping to get some suggestions for frames to try out. Here's what I have to choose from:

Any other general fashion tips are welcome, but I've only posted my shitty mug so I don't think it's much to go on. Thanks for the help.

>> No.10666445

imo the Jennings look quite nice and might be able to compliment your face?
im not too great with facial aesthetics and such so someone else can probably give you better advice.
Have you every thought about doing something with your hair?

>> No.10666465

become a trap

>> No.10666468

I recently had it cut. I asked to have the sides shortened, because I thought accentuating the length of my head might help me look a little better. It beats the previous unkempt helmet-head, but it's certainly not the nicest-looking cut, is it?

Is there any cut you're recommend? I use wax when I go out, but it doesn't change the overall shape of the cut. Still lopsided and awkward.

>> No.10666477


you have an ugly face shape

>> No.10666482

Yeah, but there's not much I can do about it.

Some angles look better than others, but any still image shows that I look like shit. Can't let that kill the confidence I've taken so long to build up, though.

>> No.10666489


good for you, fucking shit i wanna watch a lil girl bleed on my cock

i want to see her scream and cry fuck yeah baby fuck yeah

>> No.10666505
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You okay?

>> No.10666580

what makes you think I'm not a girl?

>> No.10666626
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x2903, 2015-11-30 23.01.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the lengths/fit of everything?

>> No.10666750

not really anything I can recommend on a mass basis. only advice I can give is try steer clear of any cut that's going to make you look like every other 20 year old.
if youre looking at changing up your hair style to something that might compliment your hair style try peep some hair generals and such.
you have a decent face shape so I think anything longer could work for you

>> No.10666754

It looks like on it's own, each piece fits on you well but it looks a little like the bulkiness of the hoodie you have on underneath is making the bomber a little tighter on you

>> No.10666777

Because we have eyes and aren't retarded. You're not fooling anyone, dude.

>> No.10666789

please bully me

>> No.10666833

Interesting, I can see what you're referring to, I think I just have big lips and a long face lol

>> No.10667010

I fucking can't even anon

>> No.10667035
File: 49 KB, 590x409, 1425327856451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok bud. 1st off don't wear hats that match your top unless it's black or grey. 2nd Lurk more (different forums too) & learn how to layer properly, you can't have wrinkled & loose undershirts. 3rd get rid of that sweater 4th those adidas are an OK choice. One of my favorite pairs I have are Nike Internationalists, I highly recommend getting a pair & going a half size up. 5. Get a pair of running shoes & go jogging every morning, you'll feel better in the clothes you wear all day.
If you need some links for clothes to get started lmk.

>> No.10667038
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>> No.10667041

I forgot to flip it. Fuck sakes.

>> No.10667043

What are you

>> No.10667048

Shorter on the sides

>> No.10667065
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20151002_184941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left guy.

>> No.10667097

I wish I had summon skull's v-taper.

>> No.10667101

woah I had no idea emos were still a thing

>> No.10667109


Eat less. /fit/ stickies have a liamrosen link. REALLY sums up weight loss.

>> No.10667285

murdur yoself

>> No.10667288
File: 5 KB, 238x250, me picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling never stops
Neither does the clock
Wishing for tomorrow

>> No.10667292


>> No.10667300 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 136x192, 0b8b32410ace7beea86e0cbaa1681fb2546a2f74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to waggle your willy like a willy wanking bishop;;'))

ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to waggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wanking star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywanking game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to wank our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))


GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wanking your willy!!!

step #2

move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))


you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be white wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by waggling THEIR willies;)))

and now you are a master ant waggling your willing with your mates;))))) just remember to ask me if you ever need to waggle your willy again;;;;)))now pip ipip cheerio im off to waggle my willy!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.10667859

tfw i am actually pigeon toed
tfw shitty tumblr dbags took it up and now people make fun of me
tfw i cant even walk straight

>> No.10668057

icex3 is that really you

>> No.10668080


>> No.10668082

I think the white socks are honestly pretty cool if you give the pants like two rolls

>> No.10668217

You look really uncomfortable. Burn the jacket at least.

>> No.10668252
File: 498 KB, 960x1280, 15-11-27-20-07-10-563_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namely, what haircut would /fa/ recommend?

>> No.10668273
File: 56 KB, 640x852, cattura_1427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I get nose surgery?

>> No.10668543
File: 33 KB, 366x321, 1371649232548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it as it is. Medium (like the left side) seems to work better than short (right) on your face, so if anything I'd recommend you grow it out a little.

No need. You look good.

>> No.10668595

make the sides short around N3 on the hair razor. Grow top but dont leave it messy, use some product to style it. Overall I can see it looking quite classy

>> No.10668617

I would cut the sides. Will look better.
But it looks alright as is

>> No.10668627

no, dont.
You look good. "Actor" quality of sorts. I understand what you want to do with the nose but it will make you look generic.. just don't

>> No.10668711

Per nulla.

>> No.10668872

You're great
Ignore the mitosis comments

>> No.10669191

weren't you the girl posting a few months ago about how much you love your nose because it's "unique"? lmao

yes, it's gross. get it done

>> No.10669232
File: 430 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-8950229727148790521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been lurking here for awhile now, ignore what im wearing its pretty garbage because today was the last day of my english class and i dont care about the people there.

Also looking to change my hair unless it's ok, ive had the same style for awhile but recently started keeping the sides shorter.

>> No.10669263

>pigeon toeing

>> No.10669481

may i refer you to >>10667859

>> No.10669637

palewave for prob

>> No.10669657

I'm a 5'8", 120 pound male. I have trouble finding clothes that look good on me. What should I look for?

>> No.10669661


No. Your face is perfect...Don't ruin it.

>> No.10669667

cut it off you look like an albino black
twee for men

>> No.10669679

>twee for men

No. That doesn't suit me. I'm just trying to figure out what brands/sizes/fits would look good for my body type.

>> No.10669813


>> No.10670390

Why do those jeans get wider past the knees?
Or am I just seeing things.

>> No.10670423

you arent he's sinning

>> No.10670428

Where the fuck do you even buy jeans like that.

>> No.10670435

Boot cut denim is pretty popular amongst certain crowds. He's just cranked himself into a pair that makes them look like bell bottoms.

>> No.10670440

No but what you should get is a sense of fashion, Jesus christ

>> No.10670462
File: 321 KB, 412x312, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k fa
emotionally blunt as fuck
you tell me
what hair (ill haircut next week but idk how to style what i have right now)
planning on going for a manbun but idk

>> No.10670464
File: 316 KB, 417x308, Sin título2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10670476

More upper chest exercises, it will help fill the gap between your collar bone and chest muscle.

>> No.10670490
File: 2.50 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20151122_165446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ratchet?

>> No.10670513


I went outside once that day, as you can see im not good at dressing myself.

>> No.10670526

It was just weird m8.

>> No.10670825

srsly how the fuck does one arrange his hair?

>> No.10670867
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140704_075042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not wholly convinced that this sweatshirt fits.

>> No.10670877

I like that type of coat, but it looks small to me. Not a fan of those types of shades either.

>> No.10670885

I don't like necklaces or makeup on girls, let alone guys. That shirt looks very comfortable though.

>> No.10670909
File: 158 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20151202_203234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I do anything about baby hairs?

(accidentally lit hair on fire sparking a ciggie on the stove)

>> No.10670919

Cut them or leave them to grow. Or wear a wig.

>> No.10670956


thanks senpai, might try get a decent wig from ebay

>> No.10670957
File: 43 KB, 640x480, babbd57214d00a44d3db3165a6225cfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. There should be some cheap ones if you look around your local craft markets.

>> No.10671037
File: 274 KB, 520x467, white_flashing_afro_wig_partymart_090-50962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ended up copping this

>> No.10671040

Lots of space to store your loose cigarettes too, so you can be extra /fa/. Nice choice.

>> No.10671472

nah you've got a pretty but interesting face, don't go for a pretty generic face

>> No.10671635

Damn, I've been trying to get better fitting clothes too :(

>> No.10671828
File: 60 KB, 400x585, gfwjh07n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will look good also in simple clothes, your body-type makes that possible, just read this tbread - everybody in here including me wants to fuck you.
Go for leggins they are /fa/ at the moment, black ones look good on you - other colors will do as well, but to light colors can easily make you look slutty. Your legs and propoably also your ass are your best parts as far as i can see in this pic. Show them!
Just fit your top to the color of your leggins. Black leggins -> earth colored top (i mean brown, dark green, beige, you know what i mean. I think comfy tops would be nice, as you dont want to present your breasts. The leggins do the sexyness so i think theyre enough. To give better advice tell us what style you like.
In Short: wear dark leggins and comfy tops
And rwad this: http://fashion.allwomenstalk.com/comfy-and-stylish-ways-to-wear-leggings

>> No.10671959
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fix me

>> No.10672030

cut your hair. makes you look feminine

>> No.10672048

It's probably a personal bias, I live in a colder climate and jackets that don't go a few inches down past your waste and sleeves that don't go partway down your hands get pretty frigid in the wind.

>> No.10672068

army boots
austrian army field pants
austrian m51 helmet
any Steyr-Mannlicher really

>> No.10672079
File: 286 KB, 716x320, uncanny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always do some sick cosplays 24/7.

>> No.10672080

>long baggy sweater + leggings + Nike
>white shirt and blue skin jeans + brown platform booties
>black skirt + lumberjack shirt + boots
Post more photos tho, you're kinda awkward on this one.

>> No.10672084

Ah. I'm a FL boy so not expecting anything too bad, but copped a good pair of gloves for those situations.

>> No.10672097 [DELETED] 


get black derbies

>> No.10672098

I love it

>> No.10672103

Get a meaner look and maybe a buzzcut and you'll look like a slav

t. Slav

bretty good if you're aiming for that

>> No.10672114
File: 11 KB, 220x297, 220px-Benito_Mussolini_(primo_piano).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to ditch that glorious italic nose
Mussolini is turning in his tomb right now. Be proud of you genetics!
For serious it kinda looks qt tho, dont ditch it.

>> No.10672123

Go full frogface Mr robot

>> No.10672197



>> No.10672211

How do I fix knocked knees?

>> No.10672345

Just work on your posture, unlikely to be actual rickets.

>> No.10672364

>tfw you have the same shit going on with your collar bone.

>> No.10672367
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>> No.10672371
File: 2.07 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have marfan syndrome

>> No.10672410

somehow mask knock knees (not gonna be easy)
let yourself get crowdkilled at a show
fucking burn this flannel if this is all youre gonna do with it

>> No.10672991
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i like looking FEMININE ???

>> No.10673122

i have a similar shape and i'd say go for things that show off ur small waist and/or ur long legs. high waisted works well. but really you can pull off anything you want :) you've got the height and the legs for it definitely!

>> No.10673130


>> No.10673743

Any suggestions welcome.
155 lbs

>> No.10673747
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x1836, 20151202_223505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.10673757

I'm 6'1''
145lbs and i look less skinny than you.

>> No.10673768

Yeah, I'm a twig. I've been like that all my life. Been trying to work out on a semi-consistent basis. I've made some gains but nothing to write home about. It really fucking sucks.

>> No.10674012

>>10668273 hell no
you perfect

>> No.10674042

dont cut your hair

>> No.10674169

calories in < calories out

literally all weight loss is

>> No.10674236

Bumping this, besides the weird pants that bellbottom what should I do?

>> No.10674254

Start with your posture.

>> No.10674263
File: 82 KB, 600x315, me pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't.

>> No.10674301
File: 510 KB, 1080x1920, King of the plonkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna put this here.
This is what I'd usually wear on a daily basis. Suggestions greatly appreciated.
Also, it's obvious my hair is pretty long in all areas, so I've got a lot of weird possible options.

>> No.10674334

ey im also a short dude (5'6") and heres a really good tip. find a tailor. they'll save your life, also get a sweater that fits better! roll that beanie once or twice, push it back a bit. other than that, you look pretty good already, maybe opt for slim fit jeans though.

>> No.10674334,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think so.

I have a fetish for girl's noses and yours would be on top of the list.