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/fa/ - Fashion

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10604023 No.10604023 [Reply] [Original]

What was the moment you realized you were handsome?

>> No.10604032

when girls started approaching me despite mild acne and dressing like a slob

>> No.10604035

When girls told me I was handsome. Recently a girl kissed me when she was drunk. We spoke on the phone for 2 months and had a date before breaking up. She used to tell me I wasnt good looking and that I was only average though.

>> No.10604050

when my mom told me

>> No.10604057

When I was about 3. Reaffirmed throughout my life by men and women. Only ugly, stupid or jealous people have ever given me shit for my looks.

this. In some cultures the relatives openly tell each other how they think about their looks.

>> No.10604059

yes, in larping culture you are encourage to express yourself freely.

>> No.10604060


>> No.10604072

A girl with her friend said "'ay up gorgeous" when she walked past me. Don't know if this means I'm good looking or ugly but it was nice being called gorgeous anyway.

>> No.10604079


>> No.10604248

the first time i was model scouted :^)

>> No.10604257

When I realized I look like Roger Waters


>> No.10604267

when audrey hepburn's niece came to talk to me at a party

>> No.10604304

how much does facialabuse pay

>> No.10604309

wow what did she order

>> No.10604318

When I cut my hair and got better glasses I started getting compliments.

>> No.10604328

any asian culture has relatives constantly shitting on extended family's looks, typically within ear shot of the person they're roasting

>> No.10604397

Idk... My mom would always tell me and I would be told it from friends/girls but it wasn't until a relative I see like 2 times a year told me at Christmas "when'd you get so handsome" that I truly believed it

>> No.10604414

I dunno man, people call me beautiful/good looking/handsome all the time but I feel like they're just being nice

On the one hand I have nice masculine features along with some feminine ones like long eyelashes and nice lips, on the other I feel like I look like a fuckin Neanderthal sometimes

>> No.10604435

I still don't think I'm handsome (/fa/'s retardedly high standarts made sure of that) but apparently a lot of people do. Some even called me model material (but they don't know what the fuck they're talking about)

>> No.10604441

lol jelly

>> No.10604446
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am I handsome?

>> No.10604447

when i completely lost touch with reality

>> No.10604451

I'm good looking according to /fa/ but I get no compliments irl. I'm socially retarded though

>> No.10604453

Yeah my aunt was talking shit about my bowl cut

>> No.10604465


>> No.10604468

me t.bh

>> No.10604483

when i lost 100lbs and found out i had a jawline and chin

>> No.10604484


when I got a bid to the most exclusive fraternity we have that I had never gone to before rush week because they thought I was gorgeous

>> No.10604492

lmaooooooooooo underrated ROAST T.B.H PHAM

>> No.10604496


>> No.10604504


>> No.10604506

Throughout grade school I always knew girls found me cute but I totally realized it when I was voted most attractive my senior year of high school.

Shit felt good

>> No.10604510

I was also up in the running for best personality and best dressed even with my shit fits. Now I'm just an autist shitposting on 4chan

>> No.10604511

they had a most attractive category in your high school? that's kind of fucked up

>> No.10604524

It is pretty fucked up but hey, I ain't complaining. Plus I'm from the South so that explains why they don't give a fuck

>> No.10604539

still haven't tee bh

>> No.10604603

Ya you're lying.

>> No.10604614
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nobody told me I'm qt

>> No.10604624

About the time women started hitting on me at my job as a butcher even though my uniform is garbage and the environment isn't exactly the best smelling.

>> No.10604628

When every girl in my high school messaged me after graduation saying that they always thought I was hot but they didn't want to approach me because I was "intimidating". Curse of the resting bitch face!

And when I won best dressed superlative.

>> No.10604641

And nothing worth saying happened afterwards get kek'd u are not my family

>> No.10604659

yes of course I fucked up. we saw each other a few times but I was kinda intimidated cuz I'm a poor fuck and I had a girlfriend at the time.

>> No.10604673

man u crazy i love the smell

>> No.10604689

when i got a gf

>> No.10604713


>> No.10604724
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>> No.10604726


>> No.10604729
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>> No.10604746
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I recently moved with my parents from Italy to SF. when I was in IT I had lots of guys telling me I'm beautiful etc. but since moved here I've been said that my nose looks too wide, my head is about to do a mitosis, and other unpleasant things. I don't what's wrong in my face for americans.

>> No.10604751


>> No.10604753

When I was 15 in high school and the 3 good looking girls in my class had a crush on me. Back then I didnt care though because I was a) in a relationship b) all my friends were in love with them and I couldnt have gotten myself to start a relationship with them because of this. Or maybe they just had a crush on me because I kept winning our class all the sports events. Who knows. I probably some ugly beak.

>> No.10604755


>> No.10604766


>> No.10604785

When I realized my red hair was an asset and not a hindrance

>> No.10604794

I feel you on that intimidating part, i do get that a lot, also being tall doesn't really help with that

>> No.10604796

When I was voted top school crush during our graduation and subsequently being told lots of girls were into me.

Also I think people want to hang out with me even though I'm not a very good person and socially incompetent

>> No.10604805

Bruh I'm Chinese and literally half of them tell me how handsome I am within the first few minutes of meeting. Too fucking bad the trend for most attractive young Chinese women these days is to look for rich fucks instead of studs and manly guys.

>> No.10604808


>> No.10604809

desu i don't even know if i'm attractive. i only know that i look good in the mirror but awful in selfies

>> No.10604821

that means your face is asymmetric

in the mirror it's mirrored, in the selfies it's like people see you and not mirrored and since your face isn't symmetric it looks weird and spooky to you

>> No.10604824

Italians have a lot lower standards

>> No.10604853

s-so is there any hope for me?

>> No.10604856

>my head is about to do a mitosis


I actually think you are cute as fuck. Americans just don't understand mediterranean beauty.

>> No.10604869

this happened yesterday
>Driving from my city to another to present at academic conference.
>Looking good (duh)
>stop at truck stop to pee in mega-flyover country
>soon as I walk in all the girls at the counter stop talking and openly stare at me.
>good feeling tempered by feeling sorry for these poor country people

>> No.10604873

how about you post a pic and then we might be able to answer that

>> No.10604908

I personally prefer less centralized facial features and wider faces desu. Everything matches well, they're talking shit.

>> No.10604941

When people say I'm handsome(usually relatives) it's like a common gesture I think. Like a smile when made eye contact.

>> No.10604953

took me ages to get this roast because i was wondering why no one replied with "fish filet"

>> No.10604958

Also being called handsome just because you're wearing something other than a t-shirt.
>oh anon is dressed up "how handsome"

>> No.10604970

I got a new job a few years back, and everyone was talking about the new guy... in Spanish.

I speak Spanish, but I don't really look like I should.

>Is that the ridiculously handsome guy that just started?
>Latina girls come up and start talking to me

>> No.10605023


>> No.10605042

rip anon

>> No.10605067

i look like a white, short haired richard ramirez

>> No.10605073
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>> No.10605078


>> No.10605079

jw is it common for guys to be cat called in public?

>> No.10605084

depends on where you live/what you look like

every time it's happened to me I assume it's ironic

>> No.10605092

if anything the selfies make you look fucked up
mirror doesn't distort
camera lens distorts a lot

>> No.10605093

Com'on now, why the wide face?

>> No.10605423

every moment ive fucked a hot bitch

>> No.10605461

I don't get it.

>> No.10605484

Could someone pls explain joke kthxbye

>> No.10605516

he was a waiter at the party and not a guest

>> No.10605517

i was voted most funny

>> No.10605524
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Kinda same.

So far jobs were either promotional work/doing nothing at events and private shoots/fittings though, so idk.

Girls hit on me at the club so that's a positive sign I guess.

>> No.10605525

few girls have called me 'beautiful' because of my dark thick eyebrows, curly hair and long eyelashes

gave me a bit of confidence but imo i'm not hugely attaractive

>> No.10605531

That is kind of fucked up. But I know what you mean.

At my school, if I can remember correctly, we had best dressed, best hair, most spirited, best smile and best all-around/nicest or whatever.

I think I won best smile and was second in line for nicest/best all-around.

I don't know why because I was just as much of an awkward autistic shut-in as I am now, a few years out. I haven't talked to anyone from my graduating class in years. good times though.

>> No.10605543


>> No.10605568

When I first started working as a server, wearing formal attire everyday. Groups of women would always compliment me and ask how old I was.

Never really thought much of it.

Then I started working at Panera as a cashier and have had a huge increase in self esteem about my appearance. I get countless compliments to me personally and from co-workers telling me so and so thought I was cute.

Being attractive helps, but you really have to have the charisma and character to be attractive.

>> No.10605590

That's fucking shit. I've heard better roastings in a fucking scripture union.

>> No.10605598
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>tfw the only people who've called me handsome have been old ladies

>> No.10605666


>> No.10605677

nothing wrong with hunting cougars

>> No.10605715

When my mum took me with her one day to see a doctor and she said "wow, what a handsome boy!"
When we received the school photos in high school and a bunch of girls told me their mums commented on how good looking I was.
When uggos don't try and talk to me because "I can get any girl I want" (someone sent me a screenshot of this ugly chick saying this about me)
When absolutely beautiful girls text me every day "How was your day?" and at night "goodnight x"
When pretty much every girl looks/stares at me in public

Oh and at UNI a bunch of straight guys literally said that if they were gay they'd want to fuck me. LOL.

>> No.10605725

Well in m8.

>> No.10605863

>tfw no idea whether you are ugly or not

I've always heard girls arguing about me. I think I have a mixture of good and ugly features, especially my nose.

>> No.10605888

Same with me

i have a good jawline and eyes, full lips but my nose is upturned and it's generally just a weird small shape

>> No.10605889

>tfw roman nose
Some girls really like it others think its big

>> No.10605893

lmfao nice

>> No.10605905
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I have a black person's nose, worse of all strange shapes.

>> No.10605911

Your nose looks fine man, you remind me of Frankie Edgar, looks good

>> No.10605977

>my head is about to do a mitosis

you're very attractive, but this made me laugh too hard lol

>> No.10606003
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only been catcalled by black girls and gay dudes when i was running shirtless

>> No.10606066


>tfw catcalled by cars full of teenaged girls

southern california can be nice

>> No.10606090

Where in SoCal? The air is shit to run in desu, usually go up to the mountains instead

>> No.10606095


near laguna beach

sometimes after a run i can't breathe

>> No.10606101

the feels when nominated but didnt win
fuck you high school

>> No.10606108

>head about to do mitosis
just went through cell division in med school so I can confirm it doesn't. However my sides are still in orbit.

>> No.10606186

Near Santa Monica beach myself

>> No.10606572

you sound so goddamn narcissistic.

>> No.10606590

did you photoshop your triceps?
if so you're a faggot

>> No.10606595

no friend you have a dirty jew nose black noses are wider.

>> No.10606632

when i became a model

>> No.10606640

i've thought i was average for a long time
recently everyone always calls me handsome and compare me to one of those kids from the show Empire
this is boosting my confidence and convincing me that i might be a good looking dude. nice

>> No.10606657


when i was on ecstacy and being honest with my friends and they all gave me ratings of 7-8, and i've had some nice compliments on face threads.
some days i feel handsome, some days i feel ugly, depends on the skin tbvh.

>> No.10606674

when i realized how i could manipulate men? bahahaha

>> No.10606684

jussie smollet or w/e is the guy who people say i look like

>> No.10608233

You look like Heath ledger, right before he OD

>> No.10608399

come back please.

I luv u

>> No.10608484

good eyes
good hair
good jawline
good height (6'3)

fucked up underbite
weird proportions (long+wide torso)
big ears

idk its all personal preference when i ask girls. had a 9/10 girlfriend for two years but then couldn't turn around and date a 6/10 because I was 'ugly'

>> No.10608880

Your underbite gives you your good jaw. No one ever notices it or cares aside from retarded friends.

>> No.10609001



>> No.10609066

I dled tinder a week ago and got 63 matches

We out here senpai

>> No.10609121

This me too

>> No.10609168

my attractiveness left with the mid 2000s
I never got approached again after I dropped the emo cut

>> No.10609179

lol trying to low key flex the fact that you are in med school

>> No.10609200
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I looked in the mirror

>> No.10609217
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>tfw not aesthetically beautiful

>> No.10609226

Had it my whole life, people calling me good looking, handsome etc.

I thought they were saying it to be nice, I was young after all and you dont expect your mothers friend to say "fuck me he's an ugly cunt"

So I thought nothing of it.

Now I sort of see it. I can see I look good but even though I've been going to the gym for years, I still feel and look small, could be a mental issue I have, fuck knows. I get compliments all the time, girls look at me and giggle, come up and say i'm good looking and wants my number

This could mean I'm ugly. I thought it was for a while but it happens far too much

Every time I'm out, girls drag their friends to dance near me, one of them ends up talking to me and dragging me home with them

Shit social skills though, can't actually talk to a girl and get to know one, I'm a recluse, only go out the odd weekend to clubs with my brothers

Yeah I'm bragging, being good looking is my only advantage I have so damn right I'll abuse it

>> No.10609273

the thought first occurred to me one night when I was out walking around my neighborhood last year. I got cat-called out the window by two seperate cars of girls I didn't know. It wasn't like I was wearing anything really out-there to attract the attention. Just jeans and a flannel.

>> No.10609277

i get called 'cute' all the time by women who are easily twice my age whenever i'm in public and anxiously fumbling through whatever the fuck it is that i'm doing (at the supermarket, at an airport, whatever)

it always makes me blush and then i nervously eek out a 'thank you' but idk what to do

what the fuck do you do in those situations
im 21

im 21

>> No.10609301

someone took a picture of me with my ex girlfriend at a party and it blew up with comments asking who i was/if i was dating her/etc.

i didnt have a facebook so i was untagged and i felt like a celebrity it was wild

>> No.10609311

lol same here, owner of the store I work at is a woman and she made an offhand comment of how cute I looked, I was just like 'r-right t-thank you'

>> No.10609728


>> No.10609754
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>> No.10609841
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Just about to read this after I finish city of thieves
Sea Of Fertility was epic

>> No.10609854

welcome to /fa/

>> No.10610012
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Literally never.
Girls do like my cute features tho and I got pretty decent game so it aint stopping me.

We're all gonna make it bruvs.

>> No.10611650
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>> No.10611730

What a mad man

>> No.10611734

you do look pretty unique, not in a bad way

>> No.10611744

yooo u violated

>> No.10611773

People say I look like James Franco or that guy from Mumford and Sons. I don't really think I look like either of them though.

>> No.10611780

When I was hired as a model. When I've been mistaken for celebrities, told I look like I could be a lead singer in a rock band, and had pictures of me taken in public by random strangers while in LA.

>> No.10611783
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>> No.10612020



>> No.10612046


>> No.10612052
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Give it to me straight /fa/

>> No.10612078

you have an attractive face but the beard looks awful

>> No.10612089

Never. I'm ugly af. I just browse /fa/ because I like the banter.

>> No.10612106

average white male #2947234

>> No.10612117
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When I started scoring 10s/random babes would make out with me at parties. I still verbally announce I'm ugly when asked, but maybe it's like a psychological thing that plays on my shtick.

I do very much enjoy looking in the mirror though.

>> No.10612612

You look like a faggotty Hercules.
Thats a compliment

>> No.10612626

I'm still waiting.

>> No.10613478

this desu.

>> No.10613603

>mfw I've been told a handful of times that I'm "attractive", "gorgeous", "striking", etc
>mfw every person who said this to me was a guy, excluding my ex

What does it mean

>> No.10613608

You're a skinny twink that faggots and gender-queer girls like?

>> No.10613609

when drunk girls started just approaching me and wanting to touch my face, also was at another school's formal (prom) and some girl kept going on about how handsome I was compared to her bf

>> No.10613613

My ex is a lesbian now... fuck

/fa/ has always said that thin legs and a skinny frame is what's attractive, but this simply isn't true for vast majority of women. What is the answer?

>> No.10613667
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Don't worry, I'm also a skinny twink that can only attract gay men and women with severe daddy/mental issues. Working on gaining more weight now by eating better, drinking gainers and working out.

The vast majority of women want a man that looks just like that - a man.

>> No.10613696
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>tfw all girls in High School kept saying how handsome my brother was
He's also like 2 cm taller. At least I can take satisfaction in the fact that people say we look alike

>> No.10613712

w2c everything?

>> No.10613785

Nobody in my life ever told me I look attractive.
h-hold me f4m.

>> No.10613788
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>> No.10613884
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>> No.10613919

does it mean you're handsome when ugly girls slap your butt?

>> No.10613938
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when i started posting here
Thanks /fa/m!

>> No.10614011

Who's that woman? She is almost divine. No image search cos I'm on a phone thanks familia

>> No.10614103

I get called cute by guys all the time but, rarely get approached by women.

>> No.10614119

When gay men told me they wanted to suck my dick

>> No.10614128

Does it mean i'm good looking if people tell me I look like someone famous

>> No.10614153
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Is it Steve Buscemi

>> No.10614162

I thought I was ugly my whole life, than I finally understood I wasn't, I just look demonic...Curse my deep under eye hollows :(

>> No.10614168

You look like a twink, lmaoooooo. Gay ass

>> No.10614175


>> No.10614494
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Lay it straight on me. I'm really insecure and i'm shaking just typing this...

>> No.10614503

You have nice smile.

I wouldn't say you're attractive as in sexy, womenslayer but you're not ugly and have a welcoming face. You'll be fine m8.

>> No.10614529

>lay it straight on me
Alright senpai, you look okay at best, not ugly but not attractive either, you've got about as neutral as a face as you can get, nothing to extreme but just unattractive features all around from the hair to the nose to the eyes and face shape, only thing you got going is an alright smile that maybe some girl will enjoy someday

Sorry about your self esteem issues

>> No.10614735

nice bicep photoshopping faggot

>> No.10614743

yeah your face is kinda widespread desu, but you have the cutest lips so it makes up for it!

>> No.10614754

maybe if you stopped sucking in your cheeks it'd be fine. You have a super generic face which is also so neutral i cant even say anything about it, maybe lose the facial hair, you'll look better without

>> No.10614760

yeah you have a super neutral face hahaha, but a good face, like a friendly face, more on the attractive side though

>> No.10614797
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>> No.10616233

You should shave. No need for the beard.

>> No.10617039

You're good looking but not movie star tier.

>> No.10617061
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I guess around the time I made this transformation and girls started approaching me

>> No.10617109

you looked better in the first pic

>> No.10617114
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For me it was the opposite. I went through all my teenage years thinking I was an 8/10 and couldn't understand why no girl wanted anything to do with me. Then I came to /fa/ and realized I was actually a 4/10.


>> No.10617123

>spoke on the phone for 2 months
you what

>> No.10617127

I don't get it

>> No.10617151

She was implying that you look like a homosexual.

>> No.10617155

>when i lost 100lbs
How is you skin holding up? Is it loose and disgusting around the obliques and ass or can it actually rebound nicely despite the weight loss?