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10586313 No.10586313 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best ways to lose bodyfat fast

>> No.10586317

Stop eating you fat shit

>> No.10586344


you don't even have to fucking exercise.
Just eat 1500 calories or less per day.

Not hard.

>> No.10586354

calories in > calories out = gain weight
calories out > calories in = lose weight
not rocket science

>> No.10586357


lost 20kg in a year without no exercise so yeah, this.

>> No.10586363

But eating less causes starvation mode you need to eat more to speed up the metabolism! :^)

>> No.10586365

this is assuming that you are already taking in the minimum amount of calories for your body
then yes, taking in even less will turn on starvation mode

>> No.10586366

Losing weight fast means you won't be able to keep it off. Diet + exercise is the way, and you know it's true.

>> No.10586668


>> No.10586692

the ":^)" face implies sarcasm

>> No.10586694

There is no quick way. 'Diets' are mostly bullshit. Once you stop the diet, you'll quickly/easily put all that weight back on. Eat everything in moderation.

Eat less + exercise more.

>> No.10586732

Dont eat shitty processed food. Walk more. The devil is in the details. Ingredient list is far more important than nutrition "facts"

>> No.10586737

Intermittent Fasting, low calory and Atkins chicken breast diet.
Lost 50 in 3 months. Drink juice so you don't faint due to the lack of sugar/carbs in you.

>> No.10586746

Specifically body fat, or just weight? If you just want to get slim it's as easy as calorie deficit. Start your day with a black coffee and a scoop of women's protein shake (the ones with appetite suppressants). Then just eat as you like throughout the day. Have another black coffee later on if you want. It will fill you a little and caffeine is a fairly decent appetite suppressant. It's easy to lose weight this way, although you'll look like shit naked.

If you actually did mean body fat, you just need to adjust your diet towards more protein, fewer carbs since most people have way too many, and fill yourself with shitloads of veg. If you're too lazy to work out, even a short session when you can find time of squats, push ups and crunches will help immensely. You're getting the largest muscle groups in your body working, which increases testosterone and burns fat.

This is the furthest I would go. Beyond there you're breaching /fit/ territory.

>> No.10586751


>> No.10587368

Thanks for help sempai

>> No.10587377

I've shed fat pretty dramatically by running 3 miles as quickly as I can, several times a week.

>> No.10587380

This guy gets it. Green tea extract fat burners work awesome too, if you only want to lose fat.

>> No.10587386

don't eat breakfast or lunch. by the time you reach the end of the day, you'll be starving but it's fine since you can eat then. don't binge, but have dinner.

also, if you drink stick to hard liquor (no carbs, mix with diet coke if you can't drink it straight). don't drink beer.

>> No.10587428

I've lost 12kg's in the last 4 months and this is what I've been doing:

- I've calculated my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rating) and I'm keeping my number of daily calories 400 units below this rate
- I've stopped eating basically anything with sugar, like juices, soda, coke an things like that
- I'm running 35 minutes a day, every single day
- I'm eating something every 3 hours

I think this is the basic.
There are no secrets.
You will lose weight if you spend more calories than you ingest.

>> No.10587461

It's fucking b8 m8

>> No.10587470

That's actually how you lose muscle.

>> No.10587490

Stop eating snacks, stop drinking soda, start doing some daily exercise
It's easy as 123

>> No.10587491

How about when you eat just enough to stay at maintenance but exercise? Let's say your maintenance is 2000 calories. You eat 2500 but burn 500 through exercise. Will you lose fat and gain muscle?

>> No.10587500

The best way imo is to eat a high protein 1,500cal diet, walk at least 10,000 steps a day and take a caffeine/ephedrine stack 2-3 times a day.
Nicotine is a good idea too.

>> No.10587520

ahh, the "fat = strong" meme

>> No.10587532

there has been some evidence if u do some resistance training then u could gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, albeit very slowly

>> No.10587533

>not understanding basic laws of gravity
>not even understanding how the body works

>> No.10587555

This. What idiot would think that your body will use its energy stores preferentially to cannibalizing functional tissue?

>> No.10587556

muscle is lost when theres no fat to be broken down

>> No.10587561

When someone is new to strength training, they can both loose weight and put on muscle mass.
You won't gain as much if you were eating at maintenance or a surplus, but you can do both for a couple of months at the beginning.
Same with AAS use and other PEDs.

Just lose the weight before you start lifting, and then eat at a surplus during your beginner stages. Microcuts can be done if you don't want to get fat.

>> No.10587565

Kinda wrong.

>> No.10587566


>theres still not consensus on how to lose weight

moon landing was def a hoax

>> No.10587570

>- I'm running 35 minutes a day, every single day
Good for you, faggot. You'll have a healthy heart and improved stamina, but it won't do much for weight loss.
>- I'm eating something every 3 hours
Nobody fucking cares, this is irrelevant unless you're one of those idiot mouth breathers with "muh speeded up metabolism" delusions.

Do you even know what maintenance means you fucking retard?
>Will you lose fat and gain muscle?
For fucks sake, just go buy P90X, a nutribullet, and take a Zumba class for that spot reduction and toning.

Go fuck yourself fucking autist, you made a similar thread yesterday and still didn't learn to read the fucking sticky in /fit/.

>> No.10587664

slow carbs diet

>> No.10587700

Eat at a 500 calorie deficit. Make sure you are at the least getting 100 grams of protein per day.

With this, a majority of the weight you will lose will be body fat. Lift, do cardio, and drink a lot of water. You need to count calories.

>> No.10587711

when i ate less and close to nothing every other day my body would refuse to shit anything out and i didnt lose weight at all

>> No.10587720


It's called fucking exercise and not eating like a pig (a diet)

>> No.10587772

Mfw Lost 15lbs just by sitting on my chair all day long and instead of stuffing my face all day, I eat normally 3-4 times, all this under a month, but it's plateauing atm so need to start some sort of exercise.

>> No.10587784

eat healthy
do exercise
but remember that:
weight is not equal fat
muscle weights more than fat

>> No.10587812

>run, not fast walking, running
>eat less, and when you do, make it at least semi-healthy
>take up smoking. Every time you want to eat shitty food, smoke a marlboro red 100. Gets rid of your appetite right quick.

>> No.10587839


>run and swim
>take up smoking

O boi am I laffin

>> No.10587860

How many cigarettes kill your appetite? I've been smoking for four years and have never noticed an effect on my appetite.
>marlboro reds
You are the shittiest kind of smoker

>> No.10587890

I dont count calories right now, but im 90% sure i dont eat more than 1500, or a very little more at most, but i stay the exact same size. WHat do i do?

>> No.10587910

Op here.

Thanks for the tips guys.

Also, i'm not really that fat ,6'1 / 159.

>> No.10587917



>> No.10587921

>>- I'm running 35 minutes a day, every single day
>Good for you, faggot. You'll have a healthy heart and improved stamina, but it won't do much for weight loss.

Well considering it burns some calories, it still helps

>> No.10587922

6'0 ,sorry

>> No.10587926

so you just lack muscle mass. most people would be lean at that height and weight.

>> No.10587927


You don't have to smoke a lot. Couple of cigarettes a day wont do shit.

>> No.10587938

i do have some muscles but i would just like to lower my bodyfat few percentages

>> No.10587974

Intermittent fasting or PSMF

>> No.10587979


A couple of cigarettes a day are what a pretty good amount of people smoke, and that's still pretty shit for you. It just seems counteractive. You might as well use willpower to not eat every time you get hungry if you're already going through the trouble of working out every day and eating well.

>> No.10587984

No, not working the muscle is how you lose muscle.

Even if you're eating 3000 calories a day, if you sit on your arse all day you'll lose muscle.

>> No.10587992

Oh, ok, I get it, you're too fucking stupid and lack reading comprehension so I'll point out the obvious "IT WONT DO MUCH". You know what else burns calories? Fucking walking, as does standing up to look for your fucking charger. That doesn't mean any of these methods are ideal for losing weight. Are we fucking done here or is there another pitiful comment your miserable existence feels it needs to voice?

>> No.10588001

No. Muscle is lost constantly unless it is being used at equal to or greater than it's current capacity.

Muscle is calorically expensive, so having excess muscle for your needs is, evolutionarily, a bad thing.

It will constantly break down until it is at the minimum amount it can be for your current needs.

If you are contracting your muscle fibres regularly, or against great force, you may develop more, to overcome the deficit between what you have and what you need (to a point, over training exists).

In regards to muscle being broken down as a source of amino acids for energy in cell metabolism. You need to use all of the energy in your food, and used all the fat from your fat stores that has been moved into your blood stream before you'll start using the free amino acids (building blocks for muscle tissue) in your blood, and then you'll start degrading muscle to feed your brain.

Basically, it won't happen out side of marathons where you didn't eat, drink, train, or prepare sufficiently. Or starvation.

>sources, I was a science teacher and am a med student. Feel free to argue about the minor details you think I got wrong in my anonymous post to a Venezuelan folk dancing appreciation society.

>> No.10588018

>count your calories
dude just for a week just try so you can atleast confirm your assumptions

>> No.10588027

>You are the shittiest kind of smoker
All smokers are the shittest kind.

>> No.10588034

>Give you cancer.
>Give you heart disease
>Give you peripheral vascular disease
>Give you neurophathic disease

Yeah. Won't do much.

>Gotta die of something
Yep, but the last 15 years of your life don't have to be spent in and out of hospital and don't have to come 10 years early.

Cancer isn't a walk in the park, chemo is shit, radiotherapy is shit, pain on breathing, inability to eat, inability to talk, and other symptoms of cigarette related cancers are all shit.

Just don't fucking smoke. It's not cool, and even if it is, it's not fucking worth it.

>> No.10588071

follow science, not the latest diet fad:

>> No.10588076



>> No.10588092

a. it doesn't burn much calories. it's aerobic.
>Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.

b. that's not how your body works either. if you do more work, you will have a bigger appetite, too. if you want to starve yourself you can do that w/o any sport.

>> No.10588108

you just lost water due to cutting carbs. OP wants to lose fat.

>> No.10588111

just a tip for everybody ITT:
NEVER eat/drink something with sweeteners instead of sugar like coca cola zero or coffe with sweeteners instead of sugar.
This will, because of the sweet taste, increase the blood sugar, but because there is no sugar you just get more hungry.

>> No.10588136

nope, fructose is already the worst thing you can eat and can't be directly digested either. only liver can and it will be directly become fat.

enjoy your diabetes.

>> No.10588144



it won't increase your blood sugar.

but in yr brain, the sweet taste without subsequent blood sugar spike will make you crave things that will give you that spike.

so, your tip to avoid drinking artificial sweetened shit when trying to control your cravings/addictions/diet is a good one, but your science is totally bro.

>> No.10588146

just drink water, eat an egg and slap ur gf every 3 hrs

>> No.10588150

A knife.

>> No.10588168

blood sugar does rise due to anticipation even if it's fake.

>> No.10588268

the fuck why are you so angry dude lol

>> No.10588309

What the hell do I do to lose my giant ass thighs? Any way to not starve myself? I'm 6'1" 160lbs with 19" circumference thighs.

>> No.10588427


no it doesn't, I'm diabetic and monitor my blood sugar 24/7. I had a can of Diet Coke a day when I was younger, never did a thing to my blood sugar.

If there is a lot of fat, then just go at a modest deficit (500 cals) to lower your body fat.

If its muscle, do the same but try to lower your protein so you lose muscle. If you do this you will be skinny fat though.

>> No.10588431

Fork put downs x10

>> No.10588434

Is this satire?

>> No.10588436

FASTEST WAY-dont eat and low water intake...

of course there is alot of negative effects..

The body operates at roughtly 2000 cals burned a day. soo reducing your intake to about 1500 will help but very slow ...

Cardio Helps ALOT but... takes time, energy etc.. im not a friend of Ana or Mia

>> No.10588439

Eat a calorie deficit whilst doing HIIT.

>> No.10588444


>> No.10588446

Only do this if you're retarded and want to look like you just came out of a concentration camp.

>> No.10588463

>FASTEST WAY-dont eat and low water intake...

this won't burn that much bodyfat, it will just burn muscle.

>> No.10588480

I dont think MUSCLE is the topic at hand.... also it wont be something significant... Your strength will probably go to shit but again. Youre trying to rid of your reserves aka body fat

>> No.10588618

You aren't eating 1500. Chances are your proportions are bigger than you think and your eating closer to 2200. Do a very good count for a week.

>> No.10588635

1 Word

>> No.10588811

Cool. Smoking takes away your appetite though. This is a weight loss thread, not a healthy living thread. Smoking means you eat less, eating less means you lose weight.

>> No.10588889

>Smoking means you eat less, eating less means you lose weight.

and then you get addicted to smoking and its even harder to quit than just losing weight...

>> No.10588902

dangerous and for lazy cunts

>> No.10588905

Sure. But you look good because your skinny and smoking looks cool. Again this isn't a health thread so who cares.

>> No.10588917

You're better off spending the money you would on cigarettes on healthy food,protein powder and the gym

>> No.10588929

Nah. 4 cigs a day. Like $1. Plus by spending that $1 you save money on food.

>> No.10588942

>this isn't a health thread
it's a self-improvement thread and smoking has too many side effects to even consider

yeah, i'll probably end up getting a gym membership even tho it's $35 dollars a month

>> No.10589320
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don't do this. The body will automatically assume you're starving, and will try to reserve fat for warmth.

>> No.10589334
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pull back calories by ~500, do some low intensity cardio on an empty stomach, drink a gallon of water a day (lots of "fat" is just water weight from a high sodium) avoid dairy to keep from being bloated. Good luck with whatever your reasons anon

>> No.10589525

> it's a self improvement thread
No, it's not. It's a weight loss thread. Look at the title you kek.

>> No.10589561

Start lifting and exercising (cardio)
Eat a high protein, high fat, low carb diet
Drink lots of water
No more processed food or drink
Eat at a caloric deficit

it's literally this easy